16,305 items in this album on 816 pages.
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Newspaper photo of US Army Air Force Chief of Transport Command, Major General Harold George, congratulating Nancy Harkness Love on her appointment to head the Women’s Auxiliary Ferry Squadron (WAFS), Sep 1942 | Ordnancemen loading belted cartridges into SBD-3 at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia, United States, Sep 1942 | PBY-5A Catalina on the ramp probably at NAS Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Aug or Sep 1942. | Preparing 16-inch guns for installation on USS Iowa, New York Navy Yard, New York, United States, fall 1942 |
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Profile of captured A6M 'Akutan Zero' fighter with US markings in San Diego, California, United States, Sep 1942 | RAAF Squadron Leader Keith W “Bluey” Truscott taxiing his P-40E Kittyhawk along the Marston Mats at Milne Bay Fighter Strip #3, Milne Bay, New Guinea, Sep 1942. | Sailors with a loaded Mousetrap rocket array, probably fall of 1942 at Key West, Florida, United States. | SB2U Vindicator dive bombers of Scouting Squadron VS-41 turning toward the carrier USS Ranger in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, United States, Sep 1942. |
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SBD aircraft destroyed in an air attack on Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942 | SdKfz 232 and other vehicles of 39th Tank Hunter Battalion of German 21st Panzer Division, Egypt, mid-1942 | Shipyard worker working on a turret aboard battleship Iowa, New York Navy Yard, New York, United States, fall 1942 | Six B-17E bombers, the entire heavy bombing strength of the US 5th Air Force at the time, took off for a raid on Rabaul, New Britain, Solomon Islands, 1942 |
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Submarine Tribune underway, Sep 1942; photo taken from atop the conning tower | TBF Avenger torpedo bombers flying in formation above Norfolk, Virginia, United States, Sep 1942 | The bow section of the sunken destroyer USS Tucker sticking out of the water off Malo Island, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, circa Sep 1942. | Unloading a 37 mm Gun M3 from a transport aircraft, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States, Sep 1942 |
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US Marine Corps Wildcat fighter taking off from Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, circa Sep 1942 | US Marines resting in the field on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, circa Aug-Dec 1942; note Springfield M1903 rifles and a Browning Automatic Rifle gunner on far right | US Navy Lieutenant Commander Eddie Sanders taxiing the captured Japanese A6M Zero fighter 'Akutan Zero', Naval Air Station San Diego, California, United States, Sep 1942 | US warships firing at Japanese aircraft, Guadalcanal, 1942 |
16,305 items in this album on 816 pages.