27,687 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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CalShip journeyman welder Jesse Kermit Lucas and his apprentice, Rodney Gail Chesney, while they were working on Liberty-ship Booker T Washington, Los Angeles, California, United States, Sep 1942. | Canadian Ford-built CMP 3/4-ton 2-wheel drive truck set to lead a British Royal Air Force convoy out Libya to Tunisia, circa 1942. | Canadian Ford-built CMP 3/4-ton 4x4 truck with Bedford-built after body serves as a windscreen for British soldiers setting up a tent in the North African desert, 1942. | Captain R. W. Christi presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Irvin S. Hartman of USS S-41, Sep 1942 |
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Captured A6M 'Akutan Zero' fighter with US markings flying over San Diego, California, United States, Sep 1942 | Captured A6M Zero fighter 'Akutan Zero' flying over San Diego, California, United States, Sep 1942 | Captured Japanese Type 92 Battalion Gun on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, mid-1942 | Carl Mannerheim awarding the Mannerheim Cross medal to cadet Yrjö Keinose, Finland, Sep 1942 |
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Civilian in a camel-drawn cart in southern Russia, Aug-Sep 1942 | Commanding officer of Gato-class submarine USS Silversides Lieutenant Commander C.C. Burlingame on the bridge in foul weather gear with a corn-cob pipe, sometime in 1942. | Crew of USS S-44 around the deck gun, Brisbane, Australia, Aug-Sep 1942 | Damaged buildings in Stalingrad, Russia, Sep 1942 |
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Douglas A-20A Havoc “Little Hellion” of the 89th Bomb Squadron flying over eastern New Guinea, Sep-Oct 1942 | Fires burning at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Aug-Oct 1942 | Fletcher-class destroyer USS Saufley in Measure 12-modified paint scheme with colors in shades of green, Sep 1942. Photo 1 of 2. | Fletcher-class destroyer USS Saufley in Measure 12-modified paint scheme with colors in shades of green, Sep 1942. Photo 2 of 2. |
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German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in Russia, Aug-Sep 1942, photo 1 of 3 | German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in Russia, Aug-Sep 1942, photo 2 of 3 | German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in Russia, Aug-Sep 1942, photo 3 of 3 | German horse-drawn supply convoy taking a break in a field, southern Russia, Aug-Sep 1942 |
27,687 items in this album on 1,385 pages.