27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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SU-100 tank destroyer of Soviet 1st Ukrainian Front, Apr 1945 | SU-100 tank destroyer, circa 1945 | T26E1 heavy tank 'Super Pershing' with upgraded L73 90mm T15 gun, Europe, 1945 | TBM-3 Avenger flying over Mt Suribachi on Iwo Jima after US forces had fully occupied the island, Mar-Apr 1945. Note storage tanks, tents, and other improvements set up by US forces. |
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Uralmash-1 prototype tank destroyer and SU-100 tank destroyer, Uralmash plant, Sverdlovsk, Russia, Apr 1945 | US Army bomb disposal personnel at a German border crossing, Apr-May 1945 | US Army bomb disposal personnel, Germany, Apr 1945. Despite the notation on the photograph, this is an American M4 Sherman tank. | US Army CCKW 2 1/2-ton cargo trucks crossing the Rhine River near Mainz, Germany, Mar or Apr 1945; the passengers were possibly German POWs |
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US battleships New Mexico, Idaho, and Tennessee off Iwo Jima or Okinawa, Feb-Apr 1945 | US Civil Affairs Staging Area soldiers with M1 Carbines on a firing range, spring 1945 | US Marine playing taps at the American cemetery on Iwo Jima, Japan, 1945 | US Navy African-American cook Pendleton Thompson posed with children recently freed from a Japanese internment camp in the Philippine Islands aboard the SS Jean Lafitte en route for the US, Apr 1945 |
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US Navy Lt Robert S Selby shoots the sun with a sextant inside one of the 40mm gun tubs aboard seaplane tender USS Castle Rock, Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, Apr 1945. Note 40mm ammunition racks and PBM Mariners beyond. | US Navy salvaging a Japanese Type A Ko-hyoteki midget submarine from shallows around Okinawa, Japan, 1945 | USAAF Capt Raymond H Littge of the 352nd Fighter Group in his P-51D Mustang showing 13 of his 23½ kills, RAF Bodney, Norfolk, England, UK, Apr 1945 | View of the invasion beach on Iwo Jima, Japan, 1945 |
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Vought F4U-1D Corsair of Marine Fighting Squadron VMF-451 ‘Blue Devils’ with its wings folded aboard USS Bunker Hill, south of Japan, spring 1945. Note the armorers readying the HVAR rockets and the rocket rack at right | WAVES Pharmacist's Mate 3rd Class Winifred Perosky X-Rayed USMC Private First Class Harold Reyher, who was wounded at Iwo Jima, Naval Hospital, San Diego, California, United States, spring 1945 | WAVES Specialist 3rd Class Nora Scott and Specialist 3rd Class Virginia Chenoweth at work at the control tower of Naval Air Station, Charleston, South Carolina, United States, spring 1945 | William Woolfolk with a highway sign near Aachen, Germany, Apr 1945 |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.