27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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Private D. E. Hailey and T. M. Conway of the Australian 2/23 Infantry Battalion in their Bren gun pit on the forward slope of B Company position, Tarakan, Borneo, May 1945 | Quarry, near Flossenbürg Concentration Camp, Germany, 5 May 1945 | Rings left by Buchenwald concentration camp victims, 5 May 1945 | F4U-1D Corsair on the flight deck of USS Bunker Hill off Okinawa, 6 May 1945 |
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Former prisoners of Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp welcoming the troops of 11th Armored Division of US Third Army, Austria, 6 May 1945 | German soldiers surrendering their rifles, near Landeck, Austria, 6 May 1945 | Lidice, Czechoslovakia 6 May 1945. Released British prisoners visiting the site of the mass grave holding the bodies of all 173 of Lidice’s men murdered by the SS on 10 Jun 1942. | Soviet troops escorting German officers to surrender negotiations, Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), 6 May 1945 |
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A jubilant American airman hugging an English woman at Piccadilly Circus, London, England, United Kingdom, celebrating Germany's unconditional surrender, 7 May 1945 | A patrol of 324th Infantry Regiment of US 44th Infantry Division meeting men of US 10th Mountain Division at the Reissa Pass on the Italo-Austrian border, 7 May 1945 | After Germany’s surrender papers were signed at Reims, France 7 May 1945, Soviet General Ivan Susloparov and his aide met with Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery salutes Russian cavalry passing in review during a visit to the headquarters of Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. |
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British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery stands to propose a toast during a dinner at the headquarters of Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, left, and Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky, right, during a visit to Rokossovsky’s headquarters in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, right, and Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky, center, talk through their translators during a visit to Rokossovsky’s headquarters in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | Chief Air Marshall Sir Arthur Tedder and LtGen Carl Spaatz in the office of Marshall Georgy Zhukov before the German surrender was signed at Zhukov’s Headquarters at Karlshorst, Berlin, Germany, 7 May 1945 |
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Chinese Army junior officer celebrating with British soldiers, London, England, United Kingdom, 7 May 1945 | ColGen Alfred Jodl approaching the table with the documents of surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. His aide, Maj Wilhelm Oxenius, is on the left and Kriegsmarine Admiral Hans-Georg Von Friedeburg is on the right | Eisenhower and Tedder addressed the world over radio and motion picture shortly after the signing of the German surrender documents, Rheims, France, 7 May 1945 | German Colonel General Alfred Jodl (center) signing the surrender document at Dwight Eisenhower's headquarters, Reims, France, 7 May 1945; note German Major Wilhelm Oxenius (on Jodl's right), German Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg (on Jodl's left), and British Major General Kenneth Strong (behind Jodl); photo 1 of 5 |
27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.