27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Enterprise making 20 knots during post-overhaul trials, Puget Sound, 13 Sep 1945 | Japanese General Hatazo Adachi, circa 13 Sep 1945 | Lieutenant General Hatazo Adachi symbolically surrendered his sword to Australian Major General H. C. H. Robertson at Wom Airstrip, New Guinea, 13 Sep 1945 | US Army CCKW 2 1/2-ton 6x6 cargo truck carrying airfield support supplies exiting USS LST-475 beached at Yokohama, Japan, 13 Sep 1945; the ship was the first LST landing in Japan after surrender |
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Forward view of a Ki-48 aircraft, Noshiro Airfield, Akita, Japan, 14 Sep 1945; note the removal of the port side propeller per surrender agreement | German He-162 Volksjäger on public display after the war in Hyde Park, London, England, United Kingdom, 14 Sep 1945 | Japanese liaison party aboard destroyer USS Cummings as part of the occupation process at Higashi Harbor, Haha Jima, Bonin Islands, 14 Sep 1945. | Japanese liaison party boarding destroyer USS Cummings as part of the occupation process at Higashi Harbor, Haha Jima, Bonin Islands, 14 Sep 1945. Note Daihatsu landing craft with white flag. |
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Jonathan Wainwright decorated with Medal of Honor by US President Harry Truman, 14 Sep 1945 | Soldiers of Australian 37/52 Infantry Battalion posing with captured Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi amphibious tanks, near Lakunai airstrip and Rabaul, New Britain, Solomon Islands, 14 Sep 1945 | The afterbody of a Mark XVIII torpedo at the Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island, 14 Sep 1945. The afterbodies held the electric motors with the batteries in the mid-bodies. The gyro section has been censored. | Carriers Saratoga, Enterprise, Hornet, and San Jacinto, Alameda, California, Sep 1945 |
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Emaciated Japanese naval personnel at Marshall Islands after Japan's surrender, probably Wotje or Maloelap, 15 Sep 1945 | Former American prisoners of war aboard USS Block Island en route from Taiwan to Philippine Islands, Sep 1945 | Japanese-American troops of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team at an awards ceremony at 'Yankee Stadium', Livorno, Italy, Sep 1945 | Japanese-American troops of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team marching at a review, Livorno, Italy, Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2 |
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Japanese-American troops of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team marching at a review, Livorno, Italy, Sep 1945, photo 2 of 2 | José Laurel being questioned by US Army non-commissioned officer of Filipino ethnicity Staff Sergeant Van Millori at No. 2 Osaka Airport, Osaka, Japan, 15 Sep 1945 | Two US soldiers looking down a row of 'dragon's teeth' concrete tank obstacles on the Westwall, northwestern Germany, 15 Sep 1944 | USS Makin Island (foreground), a Cleveland-class light cruiser (center), and a Haven-class hospital ship (furthest from camera) in Wakanoura Bay, Wakayama, Japan during the evacuation of Allied prisoners of war, mid-Sep 1945 |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.