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Russian civilians looking at the ruins of their former home at Serpukhov south of Moscow, Russia, late 1941 or early 1942Russian tanks A-8 (BT-7M), A-20, T-34 Model 1940, and T-34 Model 1941, circa 1940sSaburo Sakai, 1940s; note G3M bomber in backgroundSAI.207 light fighter resting at an airfield, circa 1940s
Russian civilians looking at the ruins of their former home at Serpukhov south of Moscow, Russia, late 1941 or early 1942Russian tanks A-8 (BT-7M), A-20, T-34 Model 1940, and T-34 Model 1941, circa 1940sSaburo Sakai, 1940s; note G3M bomber in backgroundSAI.207 light fighter resting at an airfield, circa 1940s
SAI.207 light fighter resting at an airfield, circa 1940sSailors camouflaging the Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjordSailors of HMS Mauritius cleaning barrels of 6-inch guns, date unknownSaratoga underway at sea, circa 1942, with 5 Grumman F4F fighters, 6 Douglas SBD scout bombers, and 1 Grumman TBF torpedo bomber on the flight deck
SAI.207 light fighter resting at an airfield, circa 1940sSailors camouflaging the Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjordSailors of HMS Mauritius cleaning barrels of 6-inch guns, date unknownSaratoga underway at sea, circa 1942, with 5 Grumman F4F fighters, 6 Douglas SBD scout bombers, and 1 Grumman TBF torpedo bomber on the flight deck
SdKfz 231 (8-Rad) armored vehicle of the German Hermann Göring Division, early 1942SdKfz. 250/3 command vehicle SdKfz. 251 ausf. C halftrack vehicle in Russia, 1942; note MG34 machine gunsSdKfz. 251 halftrack vehicles, possibly of the German 7th Panzer Division, in a town in Southern France, 1942
SdKfz 231 (8-Rad) armored vehicle of the German Hermann Göring Division, early 1942SdKfz. 250/3 command vehicle 'Greif' driving through the desert with Erwin Rommel aboard, North Africa, 1942SdKfz. 251 ausf. C halftrack vehicle in Russia, 1942; note MG34 machine gunsSdKfz. 251 halftrack vehicles, possibly of the German 7th Panzer Division, in a town in Southern France, 1942
SdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 1 of 3; note passenger ship Maréchal Lyautey in backgroundSdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 2 of 3SdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 3 of 3Seeandbee being converted into an aircraft carrier, Buffalo, New York, United States, early 1942
SdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 1 of 3; note passenger ship Maréchal Lyautey in backgroundSdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 2 of 3SdKfz. 251/7 halftrack vehicles at a port in Southern France, 1942, photo 3 of 3Seeandbee being converted into an aircraft carrier, Buffalo, New York, United States, early 1942
Seishiro Itagaki and Wang Jingwei in Nanjing, China, 1942Sergeant Holland speaking with Section Officer Bewkey while Corporal Tomkinson places markers on a wall map and Aircraftwoman Tarrant recorded data on a chalkboard, on set of film Coastal Command, Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, England, United Kingdom, 1942Ships of an Allied convoy crossing the Atlantic Ocean, 1942Sikh prisoners executed by Japanese troops, Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942
Seishiro Itagaki and Wang Jingwei in Nanjing, China, 1942Sergeant Holland speaking with Section Officer Bewkey while Corporal Tomkinson places markers on a wall map and Aircraftwoman Tarrant recorded data on a chalkboard, on set of film Coastal Command, Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, England, United Kingdom, 1942Ships of an Allied convoy crossing the Atlantic Ocean, 1942Sikh prisoners executed by Japanese troops, Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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