7,952 items in this album on 398 pages.
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Crew of USS Spencer cared for rescued U-175 sailors, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943, photo 1 of 2 | Crew of USS Spencer cared for rescued U-175 sailors, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943, photo 2 of 2 | Obersteurmann Helmut Klotzch of U-175 yelled for help after the submarine sank in the North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943 | The decks and conning tower of U-175 after being forced to the surface by depth charges from Coast Guard cutter Spencer just before U-175 sank, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943. |
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U-175 forced to surface after being depth charged by USCG cutter Spencer, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943 | US Coast Guard crew of cutter Spencer watched as a depth charge exploded near U-175, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943 | USCG Cmdr Harold S. Berdine of cutter Spencer talking with US Navy Capt Paul Heineman of the Escort Group A-3 after sinking German submarine U-175, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943 | View from United States Coast Guard cutter Spencer as she approached U-175 after being forced to the surface by depth charges and just before U-175 sank, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943. |
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View from United States Coast Guard cutter Spencer as she approached U-175 after being forced to the surface by depth charges and just before U-175 sank, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943. | View of SS G. Harrison Smith from the stern of United States Coast Guard cutter Spencer, North Atlantic, 500 nautical miles WSW of Ireland, 17 Apr 1943 | Belleau Wood in the Delaware River off the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, United States, 18 Apr 1943, photo 1 of 2 | Belleau Wood in the Delaware River off the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, United States, 18 Apr 1943, photo 2 of 2; note location of SK, SC, and SG radar and YE aircraft homing beacon antennas |
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Funeral services aboard United States Coast Guard cutter Spencer 18 Apr 1943 for sailor killed in action against U-175 the day before in the North Atlantic. | Launching of submarine Dragonet, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 18 Apr 1943 | Launching of submarine Escolar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 18 Apr 1943, photo 1 of 2 | Launching of submarine Escolar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 18 Apr 1943, photo 2 of 2 |
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Canberra sliding down the ways, Bethlehem Steel Company Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Apr 1943 | Launching of Canberra, Bethlehem Steel Company Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Apr 1943 | Sargo off Mare Island Navy Yard, 21 Apr 1943, photo 1 of 2 | Sargo off Mare Island Navy Yard, 21 Apr 1943, photo 1 of 2 |
7,952 items in this album on 398 pages.