43 items in this album on 3 pages.

Goebbels with German troops who had just returned from fighting on the Eastern Front, May 1943; in background: Lt. Col. Otto Benzin, Sgt. Otto Ude, Lt. Col. HaseJoseph Goebbels shaking hands with Hitler Youth member Willi Hübner, who had just received the Iron Cross 2nd Class medal for bravery in combat, East Prussia, Germany, 9 Mar 1945Jewish chaplain (Rabbi) Captain Manuel Poliakoff of the US Army 29th Infantry Division (center) conducting a memorial service in Schloss Rheydt, the former home of Joseph Goebbels, 18 Mar 1945.
Goebbels with German troops who had just returned from fighting on the Eastern Front, May 1943; in background: Lt. Col. Otto Benzin, Sgt. Otto Ude, Lt. Col. HaseJoseph Goebbels shaking hands with Hitler Youth member Willi Hübner, who had just received the Iron Cross 2nd Class medal for bravery in combat, East Prussia, Germany, 9 Mar 1945Jewish chaplain (Rabbi) Captain Manuel Poliakoff of the US Army 29th Infantry Division (center) conducting a memorial service in Schloss Rheydt, the former home of Joseph Goebbels, 18 Mar 1945.

43 items in this album on 3 pages.

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