121 items in this album on 7 pages.

Chiang Kaishek, Hu Hanmin, Cai Yuanpei, Wu Zhihui, Li Shiceng, Deng Zeru, Gan Naiguang and others at the founding of the Nationalist Chinese Nanjing government, China, 18 Apr 1927Group portrait from the Fourth Plenary Session of the Second Nationalist Party National Congress, Nanjing, China, 2 Feb 1928; note Chiang Kaishek, Tan Yankai, and Yu Youren (front row, second, third, and fourth from right); and Chen Guofu (second row, third from left)Chiang Kaishek, Tangshan hot springs, Nanjing, China, 1929Aerial photo of the city wall of Nanjing, China, 1930
Chiang Kaishek, Hu Hanmin, Cai Yuanpei, Wu Zhihui, Li Shiceng, Deng Zeru, Gan Naiguang and others at the founding of the Nationalist Chinese Nanjing government, China, 18 Apr 1927Group portrait from the Fourth Plenary Session of the Second Nationalist Party National Congress, Nanjing, China, 2 Feb 1928; note Chiang Kaishek, Tan Yankai, and Yu Youren (front row, second, third, and fourth from right); and Chen Guofu (second row, third from left)Chiang Kaishek, Tangshan hot springs, Nanjing, China, 1929Aerial photo of the city wall of Nanjing, China, 1930
Chairman of the Nationalist Government Lin Sen with head of Executive Yuan Wang Jinwei, Italian ambassador Vincenzo Lojacono, and others, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935Wang Jingwei, Lin Sen, and Italian Ambassador to China Vincenzo Lojacono shortly after Lojacono had delivered his credentials, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935Chinese Central Military Academy cadet Sun Chengxin (Wade-Giles: Sun Chung Hsin) with a Type 24 machine gun, Nanjing, China, Jul 1935Dutch ambassador to China Baron G. de Vos van Steenwijk delivering his credentials, Nanjing, China, 19 Sep 1935
Chairman of the Nationalist Government Lin Sen with head of Executive Yuan Wang Jinwei, Italian ambassador Vincenzo Lojacono, and others, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935Wang Jingwei, Lin Sen, and Italian Ambassador to China Vincenzo Lojacono shortly after Lojacono had delivered his credentials, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935Chinese Central Military Academy cadet Sun Chengxin (Wade-Giles: Sun Chung Hsin) with a Type 24 machine gun, Nanjing, China, Jul 1935Dutch ambassador to China Baron G. de Vos van Steenwijk delivering his credentials, Nanjing, China, 19 Sep 1935
Chen Shaokuan in Nanjing, China, 1936Hans Klein, Chiang Kaishek, Walther von Reichenau, Nanjing, China, 1936Japanese Ambassador Shigeru Kawagoe and Chiang Kaishek, Nanjing, China, 1936Chiang Kaishek crying at the funeral of Zhu Peide, Nanjing, China, 20 Feb 1937
Chen Shaokuan in Nanjing, China, 1936Hans Klein, Chiang Kaishek, Walther von Reichenau, Nanjing, China, 1936Japanese Ambassador Shigeru Kawagoe and Chiang Kaishek, Nanjing, China, 1936Chiang Kaishek crying at the funeral of Zhu Peide, Nanjing, China, 20 Feb 1937
K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937Wang Jingwei arriving at Ming Palace Airport, Nanjing, China, 18 Jan 1937, photo 1 of 2
K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937K800 motorcycles of Chinese Army still-in-training Armored Regiment, Nanjing, China, circa 1937Wang Jingwei arriving at Ming Palace Airport, Nanjing, China, 18 Jan 1937, photo 1 of 2
Wang Jingwei arriving at Ming Palace Airport, Nanjing, China, 18 Jan 1937, photo 2 of 2Students from Beiping presenting Chiang Kaishek a sword forged with funding donated by fellow students, auditorium of the Republic of China Military Academy, Nanjing, China, Feb 1937Song Meiling and Chiang Kaishek at the grand opening of Overseas Chinese Hostel, Nanjing, China, 11 Feb 1937Chiang Kaishek with Japanese ambassador Shigeru Kawagoe, Nanjing, China, 6 Mar 1937
Wang Jingwei arriving at Ming Palace Airport, Nanjing, China, 18 Jan 1937, photo 2 of 2Students from Beiping presenting Chiang Kaishek a sword forged with funding donated by fellow students, auditorium of the Republic of China Military Academy, Nanjing, China, Feb 1937Song Meiling and Chiang Kaishek at the grand opening of Overseas Chinese Hostel, Nanjing, China, 11 Feb 1937Chiang Kaishek with Japanese ambassador Shigeru Kawagoe, Nanjing, China, 6 Mar 1937

121 items in this album on 7 pages.

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