62 items in this album on 4 pages.

A car of similar model to which Heydrich was riding when he was assassinated, Army Museum Ziskov, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005Spitfire Mk. IX fighter marked as a member of the No. 310 Squadron RAF on display at Aviation Museum Kbely, Prague, Czech Republic, 24 Aug 2006
A car of similar model to which Heydrich was riding when he was assassinated, Army Museum Ziskov, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005Spitfire Mk. IX fighter marked as a member of the No. 310 Squadron RAF on display at Aviation Museum Kbely, Prague, Czech Republic, 24 Aug 2006

62 items in this album on 4 pages.

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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