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Chen Bijun (rear row, first from left) and Wang Jingwei (rear row, next to Chen) in Malaya, 1935 | A column of smoke from burning rubber at a Malayan rubber plantation, Dec 1941 | Stocks of rubber, held by a factory on a rubber plantation in Malaya, were burned during the British retreat toward Singapore, Dec 1941 | UK Royal Engineers preparing to blow up a bridge in Malaya during the retreat to Singapore, Dec 1941 |
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A Japanese Army soldier tending graves of fellow Japanese soldiers who were lost during the invasion, Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942 | Japanese attacking across a railroad track somewhere in Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942 | Japanese troops advancing on bicycles, Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942 | Japanese troops disarming captured British soldier, Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942 |
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Japanese Type 95 and Type 97 tanks in a town in Malaya, circa Dec 1941-Feb 1942 | Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank, British Malaya, 1942 | Colonel Tsunahiko Watanabe of 11th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Brigade, Japanese 5th Division officer near Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, Jan-Feb 1942 | Japanese troops mopping up in Kuala Lumpur during their advance through Malaya, 11 Jan 1942 |
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Japanese type 97 Te-Ke tankette during Battle of Muar, Johor, Unfederated Malay States, mid-Jan 1942 | Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go tanks destroyed by Australian 2-pounder guns, Bakri, Johor, 18 Jan 1942 | Australian troops in an Indian Pattern Carrier Mk II vehicle in Malaya, 9 Mar 1942 | Lieutenant General F. W. Messervy of Malaya Command receiving the sword of General Itagaki of Japanese 7th Area Army at a formal ceremony of surrender, Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, 22 Feb 1946 |