Soviet BA-10 armored car in a desert in Iran, circa 1941T-26 light tank, Iran, 31 Aug 1941T-26 light tank of Soviet 6th Armored Division in Tabriz, Iran, 27-28 Aug 1941British workers preparing Spitfire Vb fighters destined for the Soviet Union, Abadan Airport, Iran, early 1943
Soviet BA-10 armored car in a desert in Iran, circa 1941T-26 light tank, Iran, 31 Aug 1941T-26 light tank of Soviet 6th Armored Division in Tabriz, Iran, 27-28 Aug 1941British workers preparing Spitfire Vb fighters destined for the Soviet Union, Abadan Airport, Iran, early 1943
Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill on the portico of the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran Conference, Iran, 29 Nov 1943, photo 1 of 2Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill on the portico of the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran Conference, Iran, 29 Nov 1943, photo 2 of 2Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom, Tehran, Iran, 30 Nov 1943British Ambassador to Iran Reader Bullard, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin at Tehran, Iran, 28 Nov-1 Dec 1943
Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill on the portico of the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran Conference, Iran, 29 Nov 1943, photo 1 of 2Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill on the portico of the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran Conference, Iran, 29 Nov 1943, photo 2 of 2Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom, Tehran, Iran, 30 Nov 1943British Ambassador to Iran Reader Bullard, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin at Tehran, Iran, 28 Nov-1 Dec 1943
Joseph Stalin, Mohammad-Reza Shah, and Vyacheslav Molotov, Tehran, Iran, late Nov or early Dec 1943Marshall, Keer, Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, and others, Tehran, Iran, Dec 1943
Joseph Stalin, Mohammad-Reza Shah, and Vyacheslav Molotov, Tehran, Iran, late Nov or early Dec 1943Marshall, Keer, Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, and others, Tehran, Iran, Dec 1943

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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