1,612 items in this album on 81 pages.

Swearing in of 1,000 men into US Army 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment at the end of a bond rally, Camp Beale, California, United States, date unknownT5E1 Mortar Carrier, circa 1940sThe XSB2D-1 prototype in flight, 1943.  Only two were built.  This was the prototype that was developed into the BTD Destroyer.United States Army map of the Vitiaz and Dampier Straits between Cape Cretin, New Guinea and Cape Gloucester, New Britain, 1943.
Swearing in of 1,000 men into US Army 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment at the end of a bond rally, Camp Beale, California, United States, date unknownT5E1 Mortar Carrier, circa 1940sThe XSB2D-1 prototype in flight, 1943. Only two were built. This was the prototype that was developed into the BTD Destroyer.United States Army map of the Vitiaz and Dampier Straits between Cape Cretin, New Guinea and Cape Gloucester, New Britain, 1943.
US Army Signals Intelligence Service cryptanalysts at Arlington Hall, Arlington, Virginia, United States, circa 1943US Army technical manual drawing on the Japanese Type 91 grenadeUS M3 Gun Motor Carriage, date unkonwnUS pilot Major Robert T. Smith in the cockpit of his B-25H Mitchell bomber, probably China, circa 1940s
US Army Signals Intelligence Service cryptanalysts at Arlington Hall, Arlington, Virginia, United States, circa 1943US Army technical manual drawing on the Japanese Type 91 grenadeUS M3 Gun Motor Carriage, date unkonwnUS pilot Major Robert T. Smith in the cockpit of his B-25H Mitchell bomber, probably China, circa 1940s
US reconnaissance photo of a sunken Japanese supply ship on the coast of New Guinea, 1942-1943; note shipView of Camp Carson, Colorado, United States, 1940sWASP pilot Catherine Vail Bridge standing in front of a P-38 Lightning, date and location unknown.WASP pilot Florene Watson seated in a P-51D Mustang, date and location unknown.
US reconnaissance photo of a sunken Japanese supply ship on the coast of New Guinea, 1942-1943; note ship's stores moved to the beach and expansive coconut grove beyondView of Camp Carson, Colorado, United States, 1940sWASP pilot Catherine Vail Bridge standing in front of a P-38 Lightning, date and location unknown.WASP pilot Florene Watson seated in a P-51D Mustang, date and location unknown.
WASP pilot Violet Wierzbicki on the wing of a Vultee BT-13 Valiant, 1943. Location unknown.WC-4 trucks towing 37 mm Gun M3 pieces, 1943An American posing with a captured Tiger I tank, near Tunis, North Africa, circa early 1943B-17F Flying Fortress bomber of 97th Bomb Group by US 414th Bomb Squadron in flight, Jan 1943
WASP pilot Violet Wierzbicki on the wing of a Vultee BT-13 Valiant, 1943. Location unknown.WC-4 trucks towing 37 mm Gun M3 pieces, 1943An American posing with a captured Tiger I tank, near Tunis, North Africa, circa early 1943B-17F Flying Fortress bomber of 97th Bomb Group by US 414th Bomb Squadron in flight, Jan 1943
President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill confer with the Combined Chiefs of Staff during the Casablanca Conference at Roosevelt’s Dar es Saada villa in Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943.US Army Ranger Sergeant Franklin Koons posing for photographers immediately following being presented with Great Britain’s Military Medal by Vice Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943US Army Ranger Sergeant Franklin Koons shaking hands with British Vice Admiral Louis Mountbatten immediately following being presented with Great Britain’s Military Medal at Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943US Army honor guard presenting the colors outside the President’s villa ‘Dar es Saada’ in the Anfa neighborhood of Casablanca, French Morocco during the Casablanca Conference, Jan 1943.
President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill confer with the Combined Chiefs of Staff during the Casablanca Conference at Roosevelt’s Dar es Saada villa in Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943.US Army Ranger Sergeant Franklin Koons posing for photographers immediately following being presented with Great Britain’s Military Medal by Vice Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943US Army Ranger Sergeant Franklin Koons shaking hands with British Vice Admiral Louis Mountbatten immediately following being presented with Great Britain’s Military Medal at Casablanca, French Morocco, 18 Jan 1943US Army honor guard presenting the colors outside the President’s villa ‘Dar es Saada’ in the Anfa neighborhood of Casablanca, French Morocco during the Casablanca Conference, Jan 1943.

1,612 items in this album on 81 pages.

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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