Earliest known shipyard plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1847Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1860Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1862; note five longitudinal slips planned and without the horizontal slipShipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1892
Earliest known shipyard plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1847Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1860Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1862; note five longitudinal slips planned and without the horizontal slipShipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1892
Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1898Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1906Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1937Map of the shipbuilding district at the bend of the Geeste River in Bremerhaven, Germany, circa 1940s; note Rickmers, Tecklenborg, Seebeckwerft, and Schiffsbau Gesellschaft Unterweser
Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1898Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1906Shipyard modernization plan of Rickmers shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, drawn in 1937Map of the shipbuilding district at the bend of the Geeste River in Bremerhaven, Germany, circa 1940s; note Rickmers, Tecklenborg, Seebeckwerft, and Schiffsbau Gesellschaft Unterweser
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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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