Painting of Unterweser shipyard of Bremerhaven, Germany showing the awning over two slips and workshops in the background, 1914View of Unterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1922; note coppersmith building at the left edge of photoUnterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1933; note administrative building on the left and shipbuilding hall and the forge in the backgroundLaunching of the fisheries research vessel Makrele, Unterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1936
Painting of Unterweser shipyard of Bremerhaven, Germany showing the awning over two slips and workshops in the background, 1914View of Unterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1922; note coppersmith building at the left edge of photoUnterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1933; note administrative building on the left and shipbuilding hall and the forge in the backgroundLaunching of the fisheries research vessel Makrele, Unterweser shipyard, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1936
Further Reading

Read more about Schiffbau Gesellschaft Unterweser Gmbh

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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