Führer Order, 15 Apr 1945
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15 Apr 1945ww2dbase
Order of the Day | 15 April 1945 |
Soldiers of the German Eastern front!
For the last time our deadly enemies the Jewish Bolsheviks have launched their massive forces to the attack. Their aim is to reduce Germany to ruins and to exterminate our people. Many of you soldiers in the East already know the fate which threatens, above all, German women, girls, and children. While the old men and children will be murdered, the women and girls will be reduced to barrack-room whores. The remainder will be marched off to Siberia.
We have foreseen this thrust, and since last January have done everything possible to construct a strong front. The enemy will be greeted by massive artillery fire. Gaps in our infantry have been made good by countless new units. Our front is being strengthened by emergency units, newly raised units, and by the Volkssturm. This time the Bolshevik will meet the ancient fate of Asia-he must and shall bleed to death before the capital of the German Reich. Whoever fails in his duty at this moment behaves as a traitor to our people. The regiment or division which abandons its position acts so disgracefully that it must be ashamed before the women and children who are withstanding the terror of bombing in our cities. Above all, be on your guard against the few treacherous officers and soldiers who, in order to preserve their pitiful lives, fight against us in Russian pay, perhaps even wearing German uniform. Anyone ordering you to retreat will, unless you know him well personally, be immediately arrested and, if necessary, killed on the spot, no matter what rank he may hold. If every soldier on the Eastern front does his duty in the days and weeks which lie ahead, the last assault of Asia will crumple, just as the invasion by our enemies in the West will finally fail, in spite of everything.
Berlin remains German, Vienna will be German again, and Europe will never be Russian.
Form yourselves into a sworn brotherhood, to defend, not the empty conception of a Fatherland, but your homes, your wives, your children, and, with them, our future. In these hours, the whole German people looks to you, my fighters in the East, and only hopes that, thanks to your resolution and fanaticism, thanks to your weapons, and under your leadership, the Bolshevik assault will be choked in a bath of blood. At this moment, when Fate has removed from the earth the greatest war criminal of all time [Editor's note: Hitler was referring to the recently deceased Franklin Roosevelt], the turning-point of this war will be decided.
Adolf Hitler ww2dbase
Added By:
C. Peter Chen
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Visitor Submitted Comments
18 Jun 2012 02:49:46 AM
In The Last Days and Months of World War II
History has noted The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler
to have lost all sense of reality, Hitler refused any request for retreats, Hitler also made many irrational decisions etc,etc..
Could Hitlers actions and decisions towards the end of the war be linked to his daily injections of Cocaine given to hitler by his Doctor Theo Morrel? Hitlers Irrational Decisions, His Decision to stay in Berlin and to either Force a Decision or Face his Downfall... His Bold Plans, His display of fearlessnes and often said Hitler would appear Euphoric in his Daily Military Conferences in His Bunker underneath The Reichstag in Berlin.
18 Jun 2012 02:56:35 AM
was Hitler dillusional or...
was Hitlers actions and decisions the results
of Daily Cocaine Injections administerd by
Dr. Theo Morrel...?
In the Final days and months of the war
Hitlers Injections were administerd more
29 Jun 2012 02:01:48 PM
His delusion was caused by coccaine use.
7 Sep 2012 11:50:10 PM
You know, that's a very interesting point you bring up, one which I hadn't really considered previously, largely because I just assumed it was his fanaticism which was to blame for his delusional rhetoric. Propaganda extolling the infallibility of the fuhrer and the invincibility of the German military machine had been issued since day 1, after all, so it wasn't like these last statements were much of a departure from the norm. Also, I question whether or not he himself actually believed this crap, or if it was just all part of the grisly grand opera he was directing.
However, with the cocaine question raised here, I suddenly realized that it indeed could have played a very large part. Someone repeating the same lies over and over again for a length of time could start to believe it himself as a side effect of cocaine abuse. I can tell you from first hand experience that cocaine abuse, particularly chronic heavy abuse continuing for some length of time such as a year or more, DEFINITELY causes intense paranoia and delusions and even hallucinations, auditory and visual. It's a strange thing, in the beginning, these symptoms tend not to appear in people, but after some time, these things tend to start to pop up and become more and more intense and regular, until finally the person remains in this wretched state until they get clean, after a few days or a week of not using the delusions and stark paranoia start to fade.
So basically, as long as Hitler reacted like everyone else does to chronic cocaine use/abuse (and why wouldn't he), he would indeed have ended up much like the average person in that situation, would in all honesty frequently ends up with the subject being so frazzled they literally lock themselves in a small room or closet with a weapon, convinced someone is coming to get them. The paranoia in particular is extremely powerful and promotes wild behavior, it's really amazing and sad to watch, which I have. This could easily account for the insanity present in his orders near the end. Very interesting!
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21 Feb 2012 01:58:38 PM
The Fuhrer was quite dillusional by this point. It's interesting to know how many soldiers believed this. Probably not many.