Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder, and Wilhelm Keitel
Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.
8 Dec 1939ww2dbaseEdited minutes of meeting held in Berlin with Adolf Hitler, Admiral Erich Raeder, General Wilhelm Keitel and Lieutenant Commander Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer. Admiral Heinz Assmann newly appointed to the Staff at OKW took the minutes.
Protests would be made by the Foreign Office about the Swedish/Finnish minefields being laid, German patrol boats had been sunk.
Losses of aircraft and Naval vessels in the North Sea were given to the Führer and plans were discussed about laying minefield around Britain. The new TMC mines and firing devices were discussed.
Hitler demanded that counter action be brought against Great Britain; they had violated the Paris declaration of 1856 with the attacks on German exports. He announced:
- Any ship contracted or bought by the British from another Country would be regarded as an enemy vessel.
- Danish exports of food to Britain must cease.
- Transport via Sweden and Norway via Trondheim is very active, plans must be made to invade Norway.
- The Luftwaffe must increase attacks on British shipping.
- Plans for operation Gelb (the invasion of the Low Countries) must be speeded up the Navy must plan for coastal defence.
Hitler did not sanction any increase in submarine production, he was still suspicious of Italy as regards her fleet. He was adamant that the delay in naval ammunition has to last no longer than a month. All planned sales of armaments and ships is to be cancelled, also he asked how much the cost of building the Bismarck had risen.
(Signed) Adm Raeder. (Counter Signed) H. Assmann. ww2dbase
Added By:
Hugh Martyr
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Associated Figure(s):» Heinz Assmann
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» Wilhelm Keitel
» Erich Raeder
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