Hitler file photo [738]

Adolf Hitler

Given NameAdolf
Born20 Apr 1889
Died30 Apr 1945
CountryGermany, Austria


ww2dbaseIt probably would not be much of an exaggeration to say that Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, ranked high among the most evil men in the entire history of humanity. His personal ambition and a deranged vision led directly to the European War and the series of atrocities later known as the Holocaust.

ww2dbaseHitler was born in Braunau am Inn in Austria-Hungary to Alois Hitler, a customs official, and Klara Pölzl, Alois Hitler' distant cousin. The traditional spelling of his family name was Hiedler, as in Johann Georg Hiedler, the stepfather of Alois Hitler. The spelling change was likely a mistake by the staff of the local priest responsible for birth registries. He had rebelled against his father ever since he was about the age of 10, describing him as a strict disciplinarian, even though evidence suggested that he was no stricter than the norm at that time. He had a loving relationship with his mother. Although he had already fostered an interest in art in his early teenage years, his decision to pursue art as a career might had been the result of his many arguments with his father, who had wanted him to follow his footsteps as a civil servant. At the age of 16, Hitler dropped out of school after the death of his father to pursue a career in art. The Academy of the Arts in Vienna, however, did not conclude that Hitler had worthy talent, and rejected his application twice. He continued to paint for merchants and tourists and lived the life of a poor artist. In 1907, his mother passed away from breast cancer. She was treated unsuccessfully by Dr. Edward Bloch, who was Jewish by faith. Although he was grief stricken and blamed the doctor for his failures, there was no signs pointing to any blames he might have placed in the doctor's religion; in fact, when Germany would later annex Austria, Hitler would issue orders to give the Jewish doctor protection. By 1909, he found himself in a homeless shelter and then a house for poor workers. He begged and shoveled snow for a living.

ww2dbaseHitler moved to München (English: Munich) in southern Germany in 1913, which was declared by Austria-Hungary as a draft dodger. After being arrested and returned to Vienna, he was found unfit for military service. At the onset of WW1 in Aug 1914, however, Hitler enlisted in the 16th Bavarian reserve infantry regiment of the German army as a foreigner. He was assigned to the headquarters as a messenger, occasionally seeing the trenches as he delivered orders to front line officers. He received the Iron Cross Second Class in Dec 1915 and First Class in Aug 1918 for bravery in action. As a soldier, "[H]e was aloof from comrades, zealous in his duty, and very lonely." Although born an Austrian, his German ethnicity led to his patriotism for Germany, and he was deeply disturbed at the eventual defeat of Germany in WW1. In his mind, he was convinced that disharmony within Germany caused the disgraceful defeat, but at this stage of his life he had wavering political conviction. Despite what he later claimed after becoming the leader of the Nazi movement, during the post-WW1 era, he was not a zealot of the political right. In fact, it might had been the opposite. As he remained in the military (most likely to maintain steady income since he had no other useful professional skills), several revolutions took place in Bavaria; through those actions, he continued to remain with the ever left-leaning Bavarian government forces and never expressed sympathy for the right. During the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic between 1918 and 1919, he even served as the peer-elected liaison between officers and enlisted men, thus making him the one responsible for disseminating Soviet propaganda to his fellow soldiers; there were no records of him disobeying such orders. Toward the end of the Soviet state, mass desertions from the Bavarian military took place; Hitler, however, did not do so, choosing to remain with the Moscow-aligned state. Later accounts of him being an ardent anti-Communist during this time period was most definitely an attempt to rewrite his personal history in order to make him a more fitting figure to lead Nazi Germany. Hitler did not loathe Jews at this time, either. There were several Jews in the Bavarian government at this time, and this did not drive him to quit the military after the war. There were also many Jews in uniform serving alongside him in his very unit.

ww2dbaseThe fall of the Soviet republic in Bavaria roughly took place when the punitive Treaty of Versailles was signed, and two events might had been the catalyst for Hitler's political radicalization. Remaining in the Bavarian military, his new superiors asked him to inform on his former comrades, and he willingly cooperated despite having been as much a propaganda officer as those he would accuse. While still in uniform, he also sought out to join political groups during his off-duty hours. In the summer of 1919, he joined the newly founded German Workers' Party (German: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), or DAP for short. At the time of his joining, DAP was a small local gathering of right-leaning workers and not a political party in its traditional sense. DAP leader Anton Drexler's philosophy would heavily influence that of Hitler's. After Hitler gained leadership, he would continue to credit Drexler as a visionary, although Hitler would also claim much of the credit for himself. Hitler would even claim to be the DAP's 7th member, even though DAP had roughly between 100 and 200 members by Sep 1919. He quickly gained notoriety as the DAP's rowdy and emotion-stirring propagandist. Abandoning his prior lack of political conviction, he lashed out against Communists and socialists, reserving his most brutal verbal attack against Bavarian separatists. He used his poor and lonely background to gather sympathy and support from those who listened to him, and he discovered that he enjoyed having influence, and gradually, discovered he enjoyed power. In Feb 1920, DAP was renamed National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), or NSDAP or Nazi for short. Hitler disagreed with the inclusion of the word "socialist" in the party name, but he was overruled by the party's executive committee, who had wanted to use the word to attract unionists.

ww2dbaseHitler's early DAP/Nazi days marked the first records of his anti-Semitism, although it was in anti-Communist and anti-Capitalist contexts rather than in a racial context. His philosophy at this time also did not include any prejudice against Slavs. His attitude toward the Slavs would actually make an about face turn later, as in the early 1920s Hitler imagined that the Germans and Slavs (particularly Russians) should form an alliance in order to counter British and American influence from the west.

ww2dbaseOn 31 Mar 1920, Hitler was discharged from the Bavarian Army, and now needed to pay for his own room and board. Unable to find employment, he devoted much of his energy to reading and Nazi Party matters, thus inadvertently becoming the party's first full time politician. Party associates in this period recalled a jolly Hitler, hard working during the day and merry in the evenings. Although he would reject meat and alcohol later in life, this period of his life found him enjoying a meat and potatoes scramble as his favorite meal, accompanied by dark beer.

ww2dbaseIn Jul 1921, Hitler traveled to Augsburg to meet with leaders of other nationalist groups in attempt to unify their efforts. He was actually not selected by Nazi Party executive committee to represent the party at this meeting, thus attended without a formal invitation. During the meeting, he clashed with fellow party members, leading to his quitting of the party. Whether his departure was intentional or not, the result was that the party executive committee realized Hitler had become a vital part of the party, and without him the party would likely fall into obscurity. Drexler negotiated with Hitler for his return, and Hitler was receptive, but made the demand that Hitler was to be made the sole dictatorial leader of the party. Drexler convinced the executive committee to give in, thus on 29 Jul 1921, Hitler returned to the party as its chief at the title of Führer. Several dissenting members of the former executive committee broke off to form their own party of National Socialists, that effort would meet little progress, and those members would return to the Nazi Party within the following year. In 1923, Baron Adolf Victor von Koerber published the Hitler biography Adolf Hitler: His Life and His Speeches; Hitler might had been the real author of this book, published under Koerber's name. Hitler and Koerber had a mutual acquaintance in the famed general Erich Ludendorff, and it was possible that Ludendorff brokered the meeting in the interest of furthering right-wing nationalist causes. In this book, Hitler was portrayed as Germany's savior, without whom the German people would essentially cease to become relevant.

ww2dbaseIn Oct 1923, the Soviet Politburo in Moscow, Russia decided that Germany's political condition was suitable for a Communist uprising, and directed German Communists to do so by early Nov 1923. Several attempts at revolution were made in late Oct 1923, but all of them failed. The Communist attempts at revolution created a sense of urgency for Hitler, who by now began to show signs of megalomania. To preempt a successful Communist revolution, he thought a revolution by those on the right must succeed first. He attached himself with the movement championed by Ludendorff, which by his estimation had the support of not only with those on the political right, but also Bavarian monarchists. Hitler also thought that he could generate national support for Ludendorff's cause. When Ludendorff marched through München with the intention of triggering a nationwide revolution, Hitler marched with him, hoping to be made a low level minister when Ludendorff would succeed. Ludendorff's coup failed to gain popular support, and resulted in many arrests, including that of Hitler's. During the subsequent trials, Ludendorff's lieutenants made Hitler a scapegoat, blaming him for much of the responsibility for the organization of the uprising even though Hitler only played a small role. Inadvertently, it raised Hitler's political profile. Before long, the failed Ludendorffputsch would be known as the Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch, giving Hitler legitimacy. Found guilty, Hitler was imprisoned. In captivity, he dictated the book Mein Kampf to his new acquaintance Rudolf Hess, who acted as his personal secretary and deputy (and would remain in his role for many years to come). The putsch that put him in prison, for example, became Hitler's putsch, almost brushing aside Ludendorff who was the actual champion of that coup attempt. Mein Kampf jumbled truth and fiction, revising his personal history for a narrative suitable for a career politician and expressing a twisted vision for the future of Germany. While his previous writings mainly attacked Jews as a proxy for capitalism and communism, his anti-Semitism by this time took on a racial context. Mein Kampf blamed Jews for all German problems, and stressed a nationalist ideal with ethnic Germans at the top of the racial pyramid. When he was released from prison in 1925, he regained party leadership and spent the coming years establishing support for the Nazi Party. In 1930, an economic depression hit Germany, and Hitler seized the opportunity to sell his party ideals to the public. The German people, unemployed and hungry, placed their trust in the Nazi party to return Germany to the position of a world power again. As a result, the Sep 1930 elections placed 107 Nazi members in the Reichstag. With the Nazi Party suddenly becoming the second most powerful political party in Germany, the dangerous militarization of the German government began. In 1932, the Nazi Party became the ruling party in the Reichstag, paving way for Hitler to become the Chancellor in Jan 1933. In the next months, Hitler engaged in a series of schemes to rid his potential political rivals with the aid of the para-military organizations of SA and the SS, and later the Gestapo as well. On 1 Aug 1934, Hitler declared himself the absolute ruler of the German Third Reich in an act that was completely illegal according to the German constitution, which stated that "if a president should die while in office, his title and powers should pass, not to the chancellor, but to the president of the supreme court" until election could be held. So, under the cover of popularist propaganda and construction projects such as the autobahns, the felony of the German constitution Hitler began the systematic persecution of the German Jews. In 1935, Hitler publicly promoted the Nuremberg Laws, depriving German Jews of their citizenship; by 1938, the Nazi Party openly urged hooligans to destroy Jewish-owned businesses and synagogues.

ww2dbaseAmong one of the first items Hitler engaged upon was Germany's participation in the League of Nations; specifically, his dislike of German participation. Beginning in Mar 1933, the League of Nations took up the question of firebombing, noting that it should be banned because the resulting fires was as uncontrollable as poison gas that the League of Nations had already outlawed. As the new resolution was about to be passed, Hitler announced Germany's exit from the League of Nations, throwing global politics upside down. The topic of firebombing was never passed into law, and even if it was, it would mean nothing without Germany's backing. Hitler walked away with pride that his Germany held so much power, but little did he know, his decision "ensured the death of hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen" as British and American aircraft would, ten years later, firebomb his cities.

ww2dbaseAs absolute ruler, Hitler also began to employ the foreign policy he had in mind to avenge the shame of the Versailles Treaty. He aligned himself with several ambitious rulers such as Benito Mussolini of Italy and Francisco Franco of Spain. His vision was to acquire Lebensraum, living space, for the German people in Eastern Europe. It began with the annexation of Austria then Czechoslovakia. During this time, he displayed utmost mastery in manipulating leaders of the western Allies; "his intuitive grasp of how far he could go with Allied leaders was uncanny", commented William Manchester. It was not until after the invasion of Poland in Sep 1939 that Britain and France finally declared war on Germany.

ww2dbaseWhile Hitler played an active role in international diplomacy and war planning, he exhibited a general lack of interest in German domestic politics. After the death of President Paul von Hindenburg, he rarely held cabinet meetings; in fact, he rarely visited the Chancellory in Berlin. When facing issues he did not care of resolve, he either forced different sides of an issue to resolve the issue before presenting it to him, or simply agreed with whoever presented the issue to rid himself of the work. Intentional or not, the latter created a system of government that could be described as institutional Darwinism. It was so labyrinthine and redundant that Nazi Germany resembled more like a collection of Medieval fiefdoms rather than the highly organized machine that it presented itself as.

ww2dbaseIn 1938, German fighter ace Adolf Galland met Adolf Hitler for the first time. Galland's first impression of Hitler was that Hitler was "short, gray faced and not very strong, a weak handshake, and he spoke with a crisp language. On 8 or 9 May 1940, his bodyguard Rochus Misch met him for the first time; Hitler left this impression on Misch:

I had seen neither a monster nor superman.... The private individual Hitler was a normal, simple man, the simplest man I have ever knew. Only outside did he slip into his Führer role; only then did everything have to go according to protocol.

ww2dbaseAfter WW2 broke out in Europe, Hitler's racial persecutions intensified. Between 1939 and 1945, an estimated minimum of 11 million people were systematically brought to concentration camps, where they languished and, especially at the camps designated as extermination camps, murdered en masse. No one could ever be sure of how many innocent Jews, Slavs, homosexuals, political enemies, and members of various other groups were killed in these concentration camps; some estimates ran as high as 25 million. The Holocaust was a part of the Final Solution carried out by the Nazi Party to establish a racially pure German nation. "[W]e shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jews", as Hitler said casually and heartlessly. To convince his followers, he justified this by claiming he was doing the work of god. "I believe today I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator", he claimed in Mein Kampf, "by warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work." While he openly expressed himself as a leader of a crusade, his actual attitude toward religion was rather unfavorable. Although originally baptized Catholic, he actually did not abide by any doctrines of Christianity. He picked and chose elements of Christianity as he saw fit to aid him in his persecution of Jews and to establish his political position.

ww2dbaseAnti-Semitism was not an uncommon thing in Europe at this time, for that the Christian majority had always looked down upon those of Jewish faith. It was especially prevalent in rural Catholic communities. However, the prejudice had never taken on a severe racial context until now. By this time, Hitler and the Nazi Party looked at the Jews, along with Slavs and other European minorities, as sub-human creatures. Hitler felt that for Germany to attain greater powers, Jews must be eliminated from its spheres of influence, as if the Jews were a disease to German society. To achieve this, Hitler obsessed with maintaining pure blood in German people. Like most of Hitler's artwork, this was not an original concept by him; rather, it was plagiarized by earlier writers such as Houston Stewart Chamberlain. He eventually became so obsessive with this concept that he had ordered to set up facilities where the supposedly superior Aryans were sent to mate and reproduce. While he believed that it would maintain the pure blood of a superior race, ironically this practice also treated the blond-haired and blue-eyed Aryans like animals being bred on a farm.

ww2dbaseHitler's complete disregard for humanity made his complete lack of integrity rather expected. The Sep 1939 invasion of Poland was committed while a peace treaty between Germany and Poland was still in place. Then in Jun 1941, Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact that his government had sign with the Soviet Union only a few years before, and launched Operation Barbarossa into the Soviet Union. Throughout his career as the leader of Germany, he again and again turned on those who helped him to the top, purging them out of positions of power to prevent them from challenging his position.

ww2dbaseThere were many rumors about Hitler's person. Some claimed he had a Jewish grandfather. Some also say he was a closeted homosexual during a time when homosexuality was sinful in both Nazi and Christian ideals; early Nazi leader Ernst Röhm was said to be one of his lovers. There was also an accusation of Hitler having a sexual relationship with his niece Geli, and that she was either killed (purposefully or otherwise) by Hitler in the heat of passion, or was sexually abused so harshly that she committed suicide. None of these theories could be substantiated, and had equal chance of being politically-driven attacks by his rivals.

ww2dbaseAn interesting observation of Hitler was his hatred for the city of Berlin. He disliked this German capital the first time he stepped on its grounds. In 1928, he denounced the city as "a melting pot of everything that is evil - prostitutes, drinking houses, cinemas, Marxism, Jews, strippers, dancing, and all the vile offshoots of so-called 'modern-art'." This was not difficult to understand. Where Paris in France used to be known as the sin city, Berlin had now taken over the title. Prostitution was rampant, some even featured young teenage girls; gay bars opened up one after another, visited by financial executives and ordinary citizens alike; with the influx of Hollywood films, gangsters like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano became role models. It was not hard to see why Hitler, who believed in his interpretation of the purity of the German people and culture, hated Berlin. Throughout his entire reign, he never stayed in Berlin longer than what he had to, preferring to remain in his remote headquarters such as Wolfsschanze (the Wolf's Lair) in Rastenburg, Ostpreußen (English: East Prussia) or aboard special armored trains such as Amerika. Berliners had, despite the Nazi regime, a strong liberal mentality that could never be taken away.

ww2dbaseIn 1943, Mussolini's government fell in Italy and he was imprisoned. To save his long time friend and ally, Hitler ordered commandos under Otto Skorzeny to rescue him; largely by luck, the operation was to become a success. During the planning process, Skorzeny attended several meetings with Hitler; Skorzeny observed: "All I heard was the Führer's deep voice as he put his curt questions... What struck me at the time was the unmistakeable soft Austrian accent, even when he was emphatic." In a later meeting, Skorzeny observed how much Hitler valued his friendship with Mussolini. "There was such a warm, human inflection in his voice when he spoke of his loyalty to his Italian friend that I was deeply moved", recalled Skorzeny.

ww2dbaseIn Sep 1944, Skorzeny met with Hitler again at Wolfsschanze, and noted that the war had placed apparent strain on Hitler. Skorzeny wrote:

I was deeply shocked at the appearance of the Supreme Commander, remembering how he looked when I last saw him only the previous autumn. He stooped and seemed years older, and there was a weary tone in his deep base voice. I wondered whether he had been smitten by some insidious disease. His left hand trembled so violently that he had to steady himself with his right when he got up.

ww2dbaseMilitarily, despite having no military leadership training nor experience, Hitler enjoyed micro-managing operations. While this practice frequently disadvantaged the German military, the biggest negative consequence from this lack of delegation came from Hitler's indecisiveness during moments of need. For example, Hitler's delay in responding to the Normandie, France invasion in 1944 gave the Allies the time necessary to secure the weak beachhead. During the Ardennes Offensive (The Battle of the Bulge as it was known to the western Allies), Hitler's insistence that the 6th SS Panzer Army report back to Berlin, instead of reporting to the field generals, caused the group to sit idle for the first crucial days of the offensive. This was at times attributed by German commanders as the foremost reason for the German failure at the Ardennes. A major reason for the micro-managing behavior was Hitler's distrustful nature toward others, especially after the 20 Jul 1944 assassination attempt on his life. German General Heinz Guderian made an observation of the post-20 Jul Hitler:

After the July 20th attempt, Hitler was a sick man. Even before the assassination attempt, he had been very nervous, and not in complete possession of his faculties. His left side trembled. His mind was not clear enough to appreciate the real situation of Germany. He was a man of energy and will; his will outweighed his sense. He hypnotized his entourage. He had a special picture of the world, and every fact had to fit in with that fancied pictured. As he believed, so the world must be. But, in fact, it was a picture of another world.

ww2dbaseAnother trait of Hitler's that made it difficult for military commanders to work with him was his stubbornness. Once an idea got into his head, it was nearly impossible for anyone to change his mind, even if his most trusted advisors recommended against it. "He always had his way," recalled Wilhelm Keitel. Whenever Hitler was at fault, he found a scapegoat so that he remained blameless. First-class officers were often sacrificed with dismissal so that he could remain the perfect leader atop the German military hierarchy.

ww2dbaseThe assassination attempt took place at the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's command quarters in Ostpreußen. While meeting with his commanders, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg placed a bomb under the table which Hitler stood next to, reviewing maps. The sturdy construction of the table and the design of the room saved Hitler from serious injuries. Hitler purged many military leaders and placed Nazi Party members in the positions left vacant by the purge. Many inept leaders, characterized by men like Josef Dietrich, rose to power; it was under Dietrich's command that the 6th SS Panzer Army sat un-utilized during the Battle of the Bulge.

ww2dbaseMany researchers attributed part of Hitler's psychotic behavior to a possible dependency on various substances, including methamphetamine. He was known to have received various shots, some nutritional and some narcotic, on a regular basis. One must take in this fact with a critical eye, however, as some substances we know today as narcotic were not considered so and were widely accepted in upper social circles. Hitler, however, had most likely grown dependent on methamphetamine. During his last days in Berlin he was known to be lifeless and struggled even to stand from a seated position when his personal physician Dr. Theodore Morell did not provide him with his daily regiment of needles. Eventually, Hitler dismissed Morell for fear that the doctor might be convinced by other top Nazi officials to drug him and forcibly transport him away from Berlin as Soviet troops closed in on the city. Aside from the use of drugs, Hitler lived a rather healthy lifestyle, restraining from alcohol and tobacco, though he often indulged himself on desserts and sweets.

ww2dbaseWith the Soviet military overrunning Berlin, Hitler committed suicide alongside of his companion Eva Braun beneath the Berlin Chancellery on 30 Apr 1945. Earlier that morning, Hitler wed Braun in a small ceremony. That afternoon, at about 1530, Hitler pulled the trigger of a pistol against his right temple, while Braun swallowed cyanide. SS Oberscharfuehrer Rochus Misch, who was Hitler's bodyguard, courier, and telephone operator, was in Hitler's bunker during his final days, as he noted during a 2009 interview with BBC journalist Steven Rosenberg. He was working as a telephone and teletype machine operator when others in the bunker realized Hitler had pulled the trigger. He recalled:

Suddenly I heard somebody shouting to Hitler's attendant: 'Linge, Linge, I think it's happened.' They'd heard a gunshot, but I hadn't. At that moment Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, ordered everyone to be silent. Everyone began whispering. I was speaking on the telephone and I made sure I talked louder on purpose because I wanted to hear something. I didn't want it to feel like we were in a death bunker.... Then Bormann ordered Hitler's door to be opened. I saw Hitler slumped with his head on the table. Eva Braun was lying on the sofa, with her head towards him. Her knees were drawn tightly up to her chest. She was wearing a dark blue dress with white frills. I will never forget it.... I watched as they wrapped Hitler up. His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me. Someone shouted to me: 'Hurry upstairs, they're burning the boss!' I decided not to go because I had noticed that Mueller from the Gestapo was there - and he was never usually around. I said to my comrade Hentschel, the mechanic: 'Maybe we will be killed for being the last witnesses.'

ww2dbaseHitler left behind a battered Europe and countless millions of broken families. However, he did contribute to the growth of the future Germany as well. Among his few positive contributions was the beginning of the German superhighways infrastructure.

Walter Görlitz, In the Service of the Reich
Colin Heaton, The German Aces Speak
Keith Lowe, Inferno
William Manchester, The Arms of Krupp
William Manchester, The Last Lion
Rochus Misch, Hitler's Last Witness
Anthony Read and David Fisher, The Fall of Berlin
Otto Skorzeny, Skorzeny's Special Missions
Thomas Weber, Becoming Hitler

Last Major Revision: May 2019

Famous Quote(s)

Adolf Hitler Interactive Map


Yosuke Matsuoka and Adolf Hitler, Berlin, Germany, late Mar 1941; note Joachim von Ribbentrop in backgroundAdolf Hitler at the WolfPortrait of Adolf Hitler, 1914-1918; seen on his weapon carrying permit cardAdolf Hitler (seated, first from right) with other men of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16, 1914-1918
See all 285 photographs of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler Timeline

20 Apr 1889 Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria–Hungary.
3 Jan 1903 Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Hitler, passed away.
21 Dec 1907 Adolf Hitler's mother, Klara Hitler (née Pölzl), passed away from breast cancer in Linz, Austria-Hungary.
18 Jan 1914 Adolf Hitler, who had registered as a stateless person in order to aviod military service in Austria-Hungary, was arrested by a München (Munich) police official and taken to the Austrian Consulate, from where he was deported to Salzburg in Austria to enter the army.
5 Feb 1914 Upon examination in Salzburg, Austria, Adolf Hitler was rejected by the Austro-Hungarian Army; army doctors deemed him unfit for service even for auxiliary units.
2 Sep 1919 Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party (German: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or simply DAP).
24 Feb 1920 Adolf Hitler made the Twenty-Five Theses speech in Munich, Germany.
16 Mar 1920 Adolf Hitler took his first flight traveling from Augsburg for Berlin, Germany. The aircraft ran out of fuel unexpectedly and had to make an emergency landing before reaching Berlin.
18 Mar 1920 Adolf Hitler departed Berlin, Germany after a planned coup failed to start.
31 Mar 1920 Adolf Hitler was demobilized from the Bavarian Army.
10 Jul 1921 Adolf Hitler traveled to Augsburg, Germany to attend a political meeting to which he did not receive an invitation. He would immediately clash with fellow party members.
11 Jul 1921 Adolf Hitler quit the Nazi Party due to disagreements with the party executive committee.
29 Jul 1921 Adolf Hitler was invited back to the Nazi Party by Anton Drexler. As the condition for his return, Hitler demanded, and received, a sole dictatorial leadership position. He also received support from the other party leaders that the party headquarters would remain in München (Munich) for at least six years.
26 Feb 1924 Adolf Hitler was put on trial for treason for the failed Beer Hall Putsch.
1 Apr 1924 Adolf Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison for his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch; he would be released after only 9 months.
26 Feb 1925 Adolf Hitler was released from prison; on the same day, the German government allowed the Nazi Party to publish its newspaper once again.
30 Apr 1925 Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party and Ernst Röhm's SA organization (also known as Frontbann at this time) formally split.
1 May 1925 Adolf Hitler received a letter notifying him that he had failed to file tax in 1924 and in the first quarter of 1925.
18 Jul 1925 Adolf Hitler published Mein Kampf.
14 Feb 1926 In Germany, Hitler summoned the senior Nazi Party leadership to a conference at Bamberg. Speaking for five hours he rejected the alternative party programme devised by Gregor Strasser in 1920, in favour of a more revolutionary struggle for power. Hitler would emerge with greater control over Nazi Party policies.
4 Jul 1926 At the National Socialist first party congress held at Weimar, Germany, Hitler's personal authority over the party was accepted by the majority and his position of party Führer was formally approved.
14 Sep 1930 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party received 6,371,000 votes in a national election, representing about 18% of the total votes, and gained 107 seats in the Reichstag. The party was now the second largest in the country.
10 Oct 1931 German President Paul von Hindenburg received Adolf Hitler for the first time; Hindenburg told his confidants that he was not impressed with Hitler.
7 Jan 1932 German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning met with Adolf Hitler regarding the upcoming re-election and President Paul von Hindenburg's old age. Brüning attempted to convince Hitler that they should convince the Reichstag to cancel the election and keep Hindenburg in power, but Hitler secretly considered to challenge Hindenburg in the election.
10 Jan 1932 German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning met with Adolf Hitler again regarding the upcoming re-election and President Paul von Hindenburg's old age. Brüning continued to argue for keeping Hindenburg in power without an election, and he still failed to recruit Hitler to his cause.
19 Jan 1932 Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler travelled to Munich, Germany together; en route, Goebbels attempted to convince Adolf Hitler to run for the office of the President of Germany.
9 Feb 1932 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany.
22 Feb 1932 Joseph Goebbels announced on Adolf Hitler's behalf that Hitler would run for the office of the President of Germany, challenging incumbent Paul von Hindenburg.
25 Feb 1932 Adolf Hitler was named a liaison to Braunschweig, German's legation to the capital city of Berlin, an appointment by which Hitler also gained citizenship of Braunschweig. As citizens of the city of Braunschweig were considered German citizens, the Austrian-born Hitler was now allowed to run for the office of the President of Germany.
13 Mar 1932 A presidential election took place in Germany; Adolf Hitler received 30.1% of votes while Paul von Hindenburg received 49.6%. Since no one received 50% of votes, a second election would be required.
10 Apr 1932 A second re-election took place in Germany between Paul von Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler as none of them received the required 50% of votes in the previous election; Hindenburg won presidency after receiving 53% of votes in the second election, while Hitler received 36.8%.
8 May 1932 Adolf Hitler departed Berlin, Germany.
30 May 1932 German President Paul von Hindenburg met with Adolf Hitler.
27 Jul 1932 Adolf Hitler spoke to three separate large crowds in the Berlin-Potsdam area in Germany.
4 Aug 1932 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany.
5 Aug 1932 Adolf Hitler spoke with Kurt von Schleicher and demanded German Chancellorship.
13 Aug 1932 Adolf Hitler spoke with German President Paul von Hindenburg and demanded Chancellorship with the power to dissolve the Reichstag as he saw fit. Hindenburg did not accept the demand.
25 Aug 1932 Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels traveled from Berlin to Berchtesgaden in München-Oberbayern, Germany.
19 Nov 1932 German President Paul von Hindenburg met with Adolf Hitler during which Hitler demanded Chancellorship. Hindenburg offered Hitler Chancellorship which had no power to dissolve the Reichstag (thus forcing the Nazi Party to work with rival parties), or the Vice Chancellor position under Franz von Papen.
21 Nov 1932 Adolf Hitler again attempted to argue for his appointment as German Chancellor with the power to dissolve the Reichstag; President Paul von Hindenburg again refused to grant him such powers.
3 Dec 1932 The former German Defence Minister and recently named German Chancellor General Kurt von Schleicher offered Gregor Strasser (the Organization leader of the NSDAP) the post of vice-chancellor in a coalition government. Hitler, sensing it was a move by Schleicher to split the Nazi Party, ordered Strasser to stop any further negotiations with the Government.
5 Dec 1932 Adolf Hitler and Gregor Strasser argued over whether Nazi Party should work with the new German Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher.
7 Dec 1932 Adolf Hitler and Gregor Strasser again argued over whether Nazi Party should work with the new German Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher. Reaching no agreement, Hitler would soon purge Strasser and his supporters from the party to consolidate Hitler's position.
4 Jan 1933 Franz von Papen and Adolf Hitler met at the home of aristocratic banker Kurt von Schröder's home in Cologne, Germany and secretly made plans to together work against Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher.
5 Jan 1933 The secret meeting between Franz von Papen and Adolf Hitler in Cologne, Germany on the previous day was exposed to the public, damaging both men's reputation.
30 Jan 1933 Adolf Hitler was named the Chancellor of Germany; three of the eleven cabinet posts were given to Nazi Party members. President Paul von Hindenburg required Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen to accompany Hitler for all meetings between the President and the Chancellor, thinking that would be sufficient to prevent Hitler from committing any drastic changes. As soon as 1700 hours on the very same day, Hitler made his first bid for greater power by demanding a re-election of the Reichstag, a motion which was defeated at this time.
31 Jan 1933 The newly appointed German Chancellor Adolf Hitler made a half-sincere attempt to negotiate with the Center Party to form a majority in the Reichstag. As intended, the negotiation failed, which gave Hitler the grounds to demand a re-election in the Reichstag. The re-election was approved by Reichstag President and fellow Nazi Party member Hermann Göring, and was scheduled to take place on 5 Mar 1933.
2 Feb 1933 In Berlin, Germany, Adolf Hitler met with top military leaders, ensuring that he would cooperate with the military, easing their fears that the Nazi SA organization would one day overtake the traditional military. On the same day, he attended the premiere of the film "Dawn" which was set in a doomed German submarine and was about sacrifice in war.
23 Feb 1933 Adolf Hitler announced his wish to gain Lebensraum for German people.
7 Apr 1933 The Gau organization, the large permanent offices of the Reich representatives, was established in law to centralize the political structure of Germany. Hitler appointed himself as the Reich representative for Prussia.
25 Apr 1933 Hitler appointed a prominent German Christian, Ludwig Müller (a former Army chaplain and an enthusiastic National Socialist), as his representative in the drawing up of a new constitution for a unified Reich church.
22 Jun 1933 Adolf Hitler issued orders to dissolve the Social Democratic Party.
23 Sep 1933 Adolf Hitler made an announcement in Nürnberg, Germany stressing the importance of separating the functions of the Nazi SA organization and the German Army.
24 Dec 1933 Adolf Hitler granted amnesty to the about 27,000 prisoners currently being held in concentration camps; Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler would both circumvent this order, resulting in far fewer actually being released.
28 Feb 1934 At a conference in the Great Hall of the Army General Staff Building on Bendlerstrasse, Berlin, Germany, Hitler told the assembled senior Army and SA officers in no uncertain terms that the Army would be the sole bearer of arms, although for the time being the SA would continue its frontier protection duties and paramilitary training. In addition Hitler informed the delegates that the Army must be organized to carry out training to be ready for a defensive war in five years and a war of aggression in eight years.
4 Jun 1934 In a four-hour meeting German Chancellor Adolf Hitler instructed SA leader Ernsrt Röhm to send the 4,500,000 men of the SA on leave for the month of Jul 1934 and Röhm himself to take sick leave for a few weeks.
13 Jun 1934 Adolf Hitler and Mussolini met in Venice, Italy; Mussolini later described the German dictator as "a silly little monkey".
21 Jun 1934 German President Paul von Hindenburg, with Minister of War Werner von Blomberg at his side, met with Adolf Hitler. Hindenburg told Hitler to back down politically, or he would declare martial law, which would remove powers from Hitler, giving them to the military instead.
29 Jun 1934 Adolf Hitler visited Nazi Party camps in Westphalia, Germany.
2 Jul 1934 German President Paul von Hindenburg expressed appreciation for Adolf Hitler's decisiveness in executing the measures to put down the putsch by the Nazi Party SA organization before it took shape.
13 Jul 1934 Adolf Hitler claimed to the German Reichstag that the Night of the Long Knives massacres were justified as the Nazi Party SA organization was planning a putsch. Although Hitler presented no concrete evidence, the Reichstag accepted the claim, thus legalizing the murders.
2 Aug 1934 Hitler changed the military oath so that German servicemen now swore allegiance to Hitler rather than the country.
8 Aug 1934 Per orders given by Adolf Hitler six days prior, the German Wehrmacht swore a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler rather than to the country.
15 Aug 1934 Oskar von Hindenburg, son of the recently deceased German President Paul von Hindenburg, falsely proclaimed that it was his father's wish to have Adolf Hiter succeeded him as the President of Germany.
19 Aug 1934 Hitler officially became the Führer und Reichskanzler of Germany.
4 Sep 1934 Adolf Hitler arrived at Nürnberg, Germany for the 4th Nazi Party rally.
9 Sep 1934 Adolf Hitler reviewed a SA formation at the 4th Nazi Party rally in Nürnberg, Germany; in light of the recent purge of the SA, the SS placed a very heavy guard around Hitler's reviewing stand, but the parade would be uneventful.
1 Apr 1935 Hitler formally announced the re-establishment of the German armed forces outside the terms permitted by the Versailles treaty.
3 Mar 1936 Adolf Hitler played host to the former British Liberal Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, at his Berghof residence in München–Oberbayern (Bavaria), Germany.
13 Mar 1936 Adolf Hitler spoke publicly at Karlsruhe, Germany.
16 Jun 1936 Adolf Hitler departed Venice, Italy, returning to Germany.
5 Nov 1936 Adolf Hitler told his top lieutenants that the German aim in the Spanish Civil War was not entirely to aid the Spanish Nationalists, but rather, to prolong the conflict to occupy the attention of the United Kingdom and France, and to continue to widen the chasm between the United Kingdom and Italy.
30 Jan 1937 The Enabling Act of Mar 1933 was renewed by the German Reichstag even though Frick's Interior Ministry had wanted the government to have a larger say, and the Reichstag to give formal assent to new laws. The formal legal principle was retained that laws were, in theory, approved by "the Reich government as a collegium", and not by Hitler alone (this despite the fact that Hitler had long abandoned any pretence what the State was governed by a collective leadership, and instead issued decrees and directives on his own behalf). In a speech to the Reichstag upon the renewal, Hitler formally declared the German withdrawal from the Treaty of Versailles.
29 Apr 1937 In a speech to local party district leaders Adolf Hitler explained that only one political party was needed in a society united with one will.
1 May 1937 Adolf Hitler declared that all German children were to be raised as loyal Nazi Germans.
13 Jun 1937 Chinese Minister of Finance Kong Xiangxi (Wade-Giles: Kung Hsiang-hsi; alternate: H. H. Kung) met with Adolf Hitler at Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany. Kong persuaded Hitler to place more distance between Germany and Japan, while Hitler offered Kong German industrial investment in China and a loan (the latter of which was rejected).
18 Jul 1937 Hitler opened the Exhibition of German Art but was outraged at some of the paintings, submitted for his approval, which he declared to be too modernist for display.
4 Oct 1937 Hitler issued a comprehensive law for "the reconstruction of German cities", with priority being given to the rebuilding of Berlin.
27 Jan 1938 Adolf Hitler directed that a high priority was to be given to the "Z" plan proposal for the reconstruction of the Kriegsmarine.
4 Feb 1938 Adolf Hitler took direct control of the German military.
15 Mar 1938 Adolf Hitler stayed at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna, Austria.
28 May 1938 Adolf Hitler ordered Fritz Todt to build the Westwall on Germany's borders with the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
18 Jul 1938 Adolf Hitler gave the name Organization Todt to the half a million workers under the command of Fritz Todt.
26 Aug 1938 Adolf Hitler toured the Westwall defenses in western Germany.
13 Sep 1938 Adolf Hitler met with Joachim von Ribbentrop at Martin Bormann's home in Munich, Germany.
14 Sep 1938 Adolf Hitler departed Munich, Germany for his home in Obersalzberg in southern Germany.
20 Sep 1938 Adolf Hitler pressed the Hungarians to assert greater demands on Czechoslovakia.
24 Sep 1938 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany.
25 Jan 1939 Adolf Hitler resolved to wipe the entire Polish state off the map should Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop's final approach to persuade the Poles of German territorial proposals become rejected.
27 Jan 1939 Adolf Hitler ordered Plan Z, the expansion of the German Navy.
30 Jan 1939 In a Reichstag speech, Adolf Hitler spoke of German-Polish peace and warned that if the "international Jewish financiers" threatened the world with another war, he would embark on eliminating the Jews to rid the world of this threat.
24 Mar 1939 Adolf Hitler returned from recently annexed Memel to Berlin, Germany.
1 Apr 1939 At the launching ceremony of German battleship Tirpitz, Adolf Hitler gave a fiery speech that was so extreme that it was decided at the last minute that it would not be broadcast to foreign nations in fear of talks of war provocation. The broadcast to the United States was cut off halfway, leading to false rumors that Adolf Hitler was assassinated amidst the speech.
28 Apr 1939 In a two-hour speech to the German Reichstag which was widely broadcast around the world, Adolf Hitler repudiated the Anglo-German Naval Agreement and expressed the wish to annex Danzig. In regards to the recent British-Polish treaty, Hitler claimed that it broke the terms of the 1934 German-Polish non-aggression treaty, thus the 1934 agreement was now void; he was, however, willing to negotiate a new one with Poland. Finally, addressing US President Franklin Roosevelt's letter of 14 Apr 1939, in which Roosevelt requested Germany to guarantee the borders of 31 nations, Hitler noted the result of the subsequent survey that revealed most of the nations (Poland excluded) responded they were not at all threatened by Germany.
3 Sep 1939 Adolf Hitler departed Berlin, Germany for the Eastern Front.
17 Sep 1939 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany.
18 Sep 1939 Adolf Hitler arrived in Danzig; he would remain in the region for the next week, staying at the Casino Hotel in Zoppot.
19 Sep 1939 Adolf Hitler entered Danzig and again proposed a peace with Britain and France, provided Germany was allowed to retain the territory that Germany had already seized. He also referred to "weapons with which we ourselves can not be attacked", which led to speculation that Germany is developing secret weapons.
25 Sep 1939 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany.
5 Oct 1939 Hitler visited Warsaw, Poland and held a victory parade.
6 Oct 1939 In a speech at the Reichstag in Berlin, Germany, Adolf Hitler noted that he did not wish to wage war against France and the United Kingdom, and it would not be worth the blood of British, French, and German soldiers for Poland, since it was created unjustly by the Versailles Treaty. He proposed a multi-power conference to achieve peace.
23 Oct 1939 On being told by Admiral Erich Raeder that he lacked adequate support from both the civil administration and the other two military branches, Adolf Hitler sent a memorandum to the Air Force and Army Commanders-in-Chiefs as well as to the Ministers concerned. The memo made it clear that "All measures for attacking the merchant shipping and economic resources of Great Britain were to be directed through the O.K.W. (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht)." This gave Raeder the chance to press for a relaxation of the restrictions on sinking neutral vessels trading with England. Hitler however remained adamant that any incidents should be forbidden until he was ready to strike on land. He told the admiral that he was worried about the name of the heavy cruiser Deutschland. As soon as she arrived back her name was to be changed to Lützow. "Should she be sunk with her present name it would have serious repercussions back home." Hitler then ordered a meeting of Naval Staff in Berlin, Germany on 1 Nov 1939.
1 Nov 1939 In a meeting with General Wilhelm Keitel and Lieutenant Commander Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer, Adolf Hitler's liaison officer with the Naval War Staff in Berlin, Hitler repeatedly told the officers that the name of the cruiser Deutschland should be changed and the ship was to avoid any action the same orders were to be issued to the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau. Hitler was worried that any action would bring out the British Grand Fleet before air protection was organised. The Graf Spee, on station in the South Atlantic was to be ordered to be ready to sail to the Indian Ocean. Any operations of battleships must be held until Italy entered the war and the British Forces consequently held down. Submarine warfare was to be intensified. Passenger ships could be attacked and neutral ships would be attacked once a state of siege be declared against Britain. Hitler would not give priority to the production of submarines however, as Army equipment and ammunition supplies were of prime importance. Erich Raeder sent a copy to Admiral Karl Dönitz, Commander of the Submarine Arm with a note saying that in order to carry out a large scale submarine war then continuous pressure would be necessary.
8 Nov 1939 An assassination attempt on Hitler by German carpenter Georg Elser failed at the annual commemoration of the Beer Hall Putsch in München, Germany. Ostensibly, Hitler and other top Nazi leaders escaped death because Hitler had ended his speech early and left the building eight minutes before the bomb planted by Elser detonated (which killed 8 and wounded 65). In actuality, however, it had been planned by Hitler to elevate his own standing in Germany and to create a situation where he could blame the western powers for an assassination attempt.
11 Nov 1939 Adolf Hitler attended the funeral of those killed in the staged 8 Nov 1939 assassination attempt in München, Germany.
18 Nov 1939 At Salzburg, Austria, Adolf Hitler told the Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano that Benito Mussolini's invasion of Albania was to blame for the Royal Air Force being allowed to establish bombers in Greece within reach of Germany's main fuel supply, the oil fields of Ploesti, Romania. In reality, Ioannis Metaxas's government refused to allow the British to threaten the Romanian oilfields in order to avoid provoking the Germans.
8 Dec 1939 Admiral Erich Raeder requested a meeting with Adolf Hitler as political and military situations were developing quickly in these early days of the war. Great Britain told Germany that they would confiscate all German exports (until then only imports had been treated as contraband). This was because of Germany's act of laying magnetic mines since 18 Nov 1939. Japan, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden all protested to London about this and Raeder thought it would help him to convince Hitler to sanction his plan for "Siege of England". At the end of the meeting Raeder had got no further with his plans of blockade and realised that the situation would not change until after the invasion of the Low Countries.
12 Dec 1939 Erich Raeder reported to Adolf Hitler after Raeder had met with Norwegian leaders Vidkun Quisling and Albert Viljam Hagelin. Raeder noted of the Norwegian popular hostility toward Germany, Britain's great influence on the Norwegian government through its high court, and the possibility that Britain might soon occupy Norway. Hitler stated that Britain must never be allowed to occupy Norway. Raeder also recommended Hitler to be neutral in the Winter War, although it was advisable to continue supplying fuel for Soviet submarines.
18 Dec 1939 Vidkun Quisling met with Adolf Hitler in Berlin, Germany.
2 Mar 1940 Adolf Hitler met with US Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles in Berlin, Germany.
4 Mar 1940 The Chief Executive Officer of the American firm General Motors James Mooney, holder of the German Grand Cross of the German Eagle medal for his services to Germany, met with Adolf Hitler in an attempt to dissuade Hitler from escalating the war.
12 Mar 1940 Adolf Hitler met with Colin Ross, whom Hitler considered to be his top adviser on the United States. Ross told Hitler that the United States, run by Jews, had imperialist tendencies in terms of foreign policy. Ross also advised Hitler that Franklin Roosevelt, who had come to power around the same time as Hitler, was jealous of Hitler's greater success thus was plotting with the Western Allies to defeat Germany.
9 May 1940 Adolf Hitler issued the order to commence the invasion of France and the Low Countries at dawn on the following day. At noon German meteorologists made a firm forecast of clear skies on the following morning; Adolf Hitler gave the meteorology officer a medal on the spot. In the afternoon, Hitler departed Berlin, Germany for this temporary forward headquarters codenamed Felsennest near Bad Münsereifel in the Rhineland region of Germany to observe the coming invasion.
9 May 1940 Adolf Hitler and his staff arrived at the Felsennest headquarters in the Westwall fortifications on the German-French border.
27 May 1940 In Germany, Adolf Hitler agreed to allow a limited use the tanks within thirteen miles of Dunkerque, France, but remains adamant that Dunkerque was to remain the Luftwaffe's job.
6 Jun 1940 Adolf Hitler arrived at the Wolfsschlucht headquarters at Brûly-de-Pesche, Belgium.
18 Jun 1940 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met in Munich, Germany to discuss the French peace request.
20 Jun 1940 Adolf Hitler, jubilant over the victory in France, summoned his military chiefs to the Wolfsschlucht I headquarters in the village of Brûly-de-Pesche, Belgium to discuss the future regarding Britain and the situation that Germany faced.
25 Jun 1940 After the Germans made the French surrender at Compiègne, France, the site of the German surrender in 1918, Adolf Hitler ordered the site destroyed, including the rail car used for both 1918 and 1940 surrenders. The statue of Marshal Ferdinand Foch was spared.
29 Jun 1940 Adolf Hitler arrived at his headquarters at Tannenberg in southern Germany.
5 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler presented the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross to Generalluftzeumeister Ernst Udet, the Director General of Luftwaffe Equipment.
5 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler departed from his headquarters at Tannenberg in southern Germany, returning to Berlin.
11 Jul 1940 A meeting between Admiral Erich Raeder and Adolf Hitler took place at the Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany where matters of how things were in Norway and Hitler's plans for that area were made clear. How to continue the war against Britain was discussed and again Hitler made it clear of his aims and that no invasion was to take place until all efforts had been made to bring the British government to sue for peace. However, within the next few days Hitler would change his mind.
13 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler met with top German military leaders at Obersalzberg, München-Oberbayern, Germany.
15 Jul 1940 The German Supreme Command informed the Naval Staff that Adolf Hitler required the invasion operation for Britain to be so prepared that it could be launched at any time from 15 Aug 1940.
16 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler issued Führer Directive 16 for the preparation of an invasion plan for southern Britain in mid-Aug.
19 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler spoke to the Reichstag at the Kroll Opera House in Berlin, Germany about Allied warmongering and asked the United Kingdom to listen to reason and avoid war. Within an hour of the conclusion of the speech, the BBC broadcast an unofficial rejection to Hitler's bid for peace.
30 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler arrived at Innsbruck, Austria.
31 Jul 1940 Adolf Hitler announced that he would decide whether the invasion of Britain was to take place in mid-Sep 1940 or May 1941 in a few days; the progress of the Luftwaffe campaign over Britain would be among the key factors in his decision process.
13 Aug 1940 Erich Raeder met with Adolf Hitler and attempted to convince Hitler to reduce the landing front for the planned invasion of Britain as the German Navy had little means to maintain the security of a wide landing area.
26 Aug 1940 Adolf Hitler ordered the transfer of 10 infantry divisions and 2 armored divisions from France to Poland. To avoid Soviet suspicion, he made plans to make this transfer appear as if these fresher troops were coming in to relieve older men who were going to be released back into the work force.
4 Sep 1940 Adolf Hitler addressed a crowd of factory workers, nurses, and relief workers during the Winter Relief Campaign at the Berlin Sportpalast, declaring that Germany would now answer British night raids on German cities with greater ferocity.
10 Sep 1940 Adolf Hitler postponed the decision for launching Operation Sealion to 14 Sep 1940.
14 Sep 1940 Adolf Hitler postponed Operation Sea Lion once again, to 17 Sep 1940. In the evening, the British RAF mounted a major attack on several launching points for the invasion of Britain, destroying several ships.
2 Oct 1940 Adolf Hitler ordered Hans Frank and other Nazi officials in occupied Poland to keep the standard of living low and to deprive the Polish population of education, for that the Polish people were now mere low laborers of Germany. Additionally, he ordered that the Polish gentry to be exterminated.
4 Oct 1940 Adolf Hitler met Benito Mussolini in the Brenner Pass on the Italian-Austrian border. Benito Mussolini was happy to notice that Adolf Hitler seemed to have given up on any talks of invading Britain.
10 Oct 1940 Adolf Hitler initiated the Führer-Sofortprogramm, an emergency program to build shelters for the urban populations of Germany.
15 Oct 1940 Adolf Hitler noted that about half the Czechs in occupied western Czechoslovakia could be assimilated into the German population. The other half, which included the intellectuals, were to be eliminated.
28 Oct 1940 Adolf Hitler traveled to Florence, Italy for a meeting with Benito Mussolini in an attempt to stop the Italians from attacking Greece, but it was too late.
28 Oct 1940 At the Axis leaders' meeting in Florence, Italy, Adolf Hitler told Benito Mussolini that "Germany could make available a division of airborne troops and a division of parachute troops" should he wish to invade Crete, Greece.
4 Nov 1940 Adolf Hitler met with his top military leaders in Berlin, Germany to explore the possibility of attacking Gibraltar, Azores Islands, Madeira, and Portugal as means to block the British Royal Navy from entering the Mediterranean Sea.
12 Nov 1940 Adolf Hitler issued Directive 18 for the capture of Gibraltar, Azores Islands, Madeira, and Portugal.
12 Nov 1940 Having realized that his staff made plans to move visiting Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov to bomb shelters in case Allied bombers attacked Berlin, Adolf Hitler realized that the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, Germany did not have an adequate bunker, and immediate ordered for a plan to be drawn up. Digging would begin in the middle of the Chancellery garden in 1943, but the construction would never be finished.
25 Nov 1940 A Hitler decree (the basic law of social housing construction) gave Robert Ley's German Labour Front the project of building 6 million homesteads, at the rate of 300,000 per year. Priority was given to providing homes for German families with children and Hitler alone kept personal responsibility for deciding how many houses should be built. The decree stated that houses were to have a minimum floor area of 62 square metres, a kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, hallway and balcony. Each home was also to have an air-raid shelter built to resist a direct hit and large enough to house everyone in the family.
1 Jan 1941 In Hitler's New Year's Order of the Day, he promised the Wehrmacht the completion of the "greatest victory in our history" on the Western Front.
8 Jan 1941 Adolf Hitler hosted a two-day military conference at his Berghof residence in southern Germany, where he stated that Germany would continue to support Italian efforts in North Africa despite it being a secondary theater, the Soviet Union must be brought down, southern France might need to be occupied, and, for the first time, told the military leaders to prepare Germany for the possibility of American entry into the war.
9 Jan 1941 Adolf Hitler and his top military leaders completed the two-day conference at Hitler's residence of Berghof in München-Oberbayern, Germany.
18 Feb 1941 Adolf Hitler met with tank generals and tank designers at his residence Berghof in southern Germany. He insisted on using larger (either 50-millimeter or 75-millimeter) high velocity guns for Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks. He also demanded some soldiers to be released from the front to man tank factories.
5 Mar 1941 Adolf Hitler issued the order to the German Foreign Ministry to try to draw Japan into the war by attacking British possessions in Asia, but it was still important to keep the United States out of the war at this point.
16 Mar 1941 Adolf Hitler predicted that the United Kingdom would fall by 1942.
18 Mar 1941 Adolf Hitler met with Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, and Erich Raeder; Raeder urged Hitler to convince Japan to attack Singapore and recommended Hitler to reveal the plans of the Soviet invasion to Japan.
19 Mar 1941 Erwin Rommel met with Adolf Hitler, Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch, and Chief of Staff General Franz Halder. Rommel was told to expect no reinforcements in Libya until May, when the German 15th Panzer Division would be assigned to him.
19 Mar 1941 Adolf Hitler gave Prince Paul of Yugoslavia an ultimatum, asking him to join the Tripartite Pact within five days, or face invasion.
30 Mar 1941 In a lengthy speech in the Cabinet Room of the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Hitler told his assembled commanders of his intention to "exterminate" communism "for all time".
12 Apr 1941 Adolf Hitler arrived at Mönichkirchen, Germany (occupied Austria) via his personal train Amerika. He would remain in his village to oversee the operations in the Balkan Peninsula.
20 Apr 1941 Adolf Hitler celebrated his birthday at the temporary headquarters Frühlingssturm in eastern Austria.
4 May 1941 In a speech, Adolf Hitler said Winston Churchill was not a capable leader, both on political and military fronts.
5 May 1941 Adolf Hitler visited the German naval yard at Gdynia and inspected battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz.
11 May 1941 Adolf Hitler summoned top Nazi Party officials to discuss how to handle Rudolf Heß's unauthorized flight to the United Kingdom.
6 Jun 1941 Adolf Hitler implemented the Kommissarbefehl, or Commissar Order, which would bring about the summary execution of any captured Soviet political commissars; this order would be ignored by most German Army commanders.
21 Jun 1941 In the afternoon, Adolf Hitler wrote a message to Benito Mussolini, informing him of the upcoming invasion of the Soviet Union. This message would not reach Mussolini until early in the next day, less than an hour before the operation began.
23 Jun 1941 Adolf Hitler arrived for the first time at his new secret Wolfsschanze (English: The Wolf's Lair) headquarters, which had been constructed in the Masurian woods near Rastenburg, Germany (now Ketrzyn, Poland).
24 Jun 1941 Adolf Hitler arrived at the Wolfsschanze headquarters in East Prussia, Germany.
16 Jul 1941 Adolf Hitler instructed that Ukraine and the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia were to be annexed into Greater Germany in the future, while East Karelia in northern Russia was to be given to Finland. In secret, he instructed other German leaders to prepare plans for a possible future annexation of Finland.
19 Jul 1941 Adolf Hitler ordered that American shipping were not to be attacked by German forces in order to keep the United States from fully entering the war.
4 Aug 1941 Adolf Hitler visited Fedor von Bock's Army Group Center headquarters in the Soviet Union. The anti-Nazi officer plotted to arrest Adolf Hitler upon arrival, but failed to do so as he had under-estimated Hitler's personal guards.
21 Aug 1941 Adolf Hitler directed the transfer of units away from the Moscow, Russia area in order to bolster the siege on Leningrad (aiming for the linking up with Finnish forces) and the battles in Ukraine (aiming for the oil fields in the Caucasus region).
26 Aug 1941 Adolf Hilter and Benito Mussolini inspected Axis troops at Uman, Ukraine.
6 Sep 1941 Hitler issued Directive 35 for Operation Typhoon, which he intended should destroy in a swift blow any remaining Soviet resistance.
3 Oct 1941 At the Berliner Sportpalast in the German capital, Adolf Hitler announced during a rally that the Germans had captured 2,500,000 Soviet prisoners of war, destroyed or captured 22,000 guns, destroyed or captured 18,000 tanks, destroyed 14,500 aircraft, and since 1939 had expanded Germany by an area four times as large as Britain. He stressed that the Soviet Union had been broken and would never rise again.
31 Oct 1941 To ease labour shortages, Hitler agreed that Soviet prisoners of war could be used in the Reich, as long as they were isolated from the Home population.
8 Nov 1941 At the annual Beer Hall Putsch speech, Adolf Hitler claimed that the war with Soviet Union was effectively won, citing 3.6 million prisoners taken, and by conjecture the Soviet forces must had suffered eight to ten million casualties thus far. In regards to the United States, Hitler noted that the aggressive US President Franklin Roosevelt had ordered American ships to deliberately attack any German submarines they crossed, while Hitler continued to order restraint for German submarine captains; nevertheless, he noted that the submarines would fight back fiercely should they be fired upon.
13 Nov 1941 Adolf Hitler ordered the German Navy to restraint from attacking American ships, but should German warships be fired upon by the Americans, they were to fire back in defense.
25 Nov 1941 Adolf Hitler met with Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, agreeing on the need for the elimination of the "Jewish element".
8 Dec 1941 Adolf Hitler ordered the German Navy to begin attacking American shipping.
9 Dec 1941 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany at 1100 hours. He decided to declare war on the United States on this date, but decided to withhold the announcement until 11 Dec in order to have enough time to draft his speech.
11 Dec 1941 Adolf Hitler announced that since the start of the war against the Soviet Union, the German forces had captured 3,806,865 Soviet prisoners of war.
18 Dec 1941 Adolf Hitler finally accepted Walther von Brauchitsch's resignation, and took personal command of the Army and all Eastern Front operations. He fired Feldmarschall Fedor von Bock, replacing him with Günther von Kluge.
19 Dec 1941 Adolf Hitler, on his first day as the German Army commander-in-chief, issued was the "no retreat" order, condemning thousands of troops to die in position outside of Moscow, Russia, without the chance to maneuver in defense.
7 Jan 1942 During a meeting with top German leaders, Adolf Hitler noted his belief that the United States' commercial prowess would not be able to overcome the Axis powers.
30 Jan 1942 Adolf Hitler spoke at the Berlin Sports Palace, threatening the Jews of the world with annihilation.
20 Feb 1942 Adolf Hitler ordered that any Russian who refused to work would be punished with death by hanging. Additionally, Russians working in German-occupied lands had no limit to their work days, and their employers were free to issue corporal punishment.
15 Mar 1942 Adolf Hitler predicted a victory over the Soviet Union by the end of the summer of 1942.
14 Apr 1942 Adolf Hitler ordered the German Luftwaffe to recommence air attacks on United Kingdom with an emphasis of bombing cities with no particular industrial value but of great beauty. The British soon called these raids "Baedeker" raids after the famous German 19th-century tourist guide.
26 Apr 1942 A law passed by the German Reichstag granted Hitler the right to change laws by decree without discussion by the Reichstag. The German dictator had now been given complete despotic power and Germany has ceased to be a state whose structure was based on the rule of law.
28 Apr 1942 The German Reichstag passed the legislation marking Adolf Hitler as the "Supreme Judge of the German People," formalizing his status above the law.
30 Apr 1942 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met at Berchtesgaden in southern Germany to discuss Mediterranean strategy; priority was given to capturing the Suez Canal and neutralizing Malta. Italian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano noted that Hitler appeared to be very tired.
4 Jun 1942 Hitler traveled to Finland to meet with Marshal Mannerheim.
21 Jun 1942 Adolf Hitler reluctantly decided to delay his summer offensive due to the heavy Soviet defense of Sevastopol, Russia.
3 Jul 1942 Adolf Hitler arrived at Poltava, Ukraine to meet with Fedor von Bock to discuss the offensive in southern Russia.
16 Jul 1942 Adolf Hitler departed from the Wolfsschanze headquarters near Görlitz, Ostpreußen, Germany.
17 Jul 1942 Adolf Hitler arrived at the Werwolf headquarters in Vinnitsa, Ukraine.
18 Aug 1942 Adolf Hitler issued the Commando Order that all Allied commandos encountered by German forces in Europe and Africa should be killed immediately, even if in uniform or if they attempted to surrender.
18 Oct 1942 Adolf Hitler issued his Kommando Befehl, ordering that any captured Soviet commandos be shot.
7 Nov 1942 Adolf Hitler departed the Wolfsschanze headquarters at Rastenburg, Ostpreußen, Germany (now Ketrzyn, Poland) for München, traveling aboard his private train Amerika.
20 Nov 1942 Adolf Hitler relinquished personal command of Armeegruppe A to General Ewald von Kleist.
25 Nov 1942 Adolf Hitler ordered the seizure of the French fleet at Toulon, France.
22 Dec 1942 Adolf Hitler signed the decree drafted by Albert Speer for the mass production of the A-4 rocket; this decree did not provide any special priority for rocket production.
22 Dec 1942 Adolf Hitler signed the order for the mass production of A4 rockets once the final design would be completed.
1 Jan 1943 Frustrated with the poor performance of the German Navy, Adolf Hitler angrily ordered the decommissioning of the entire German high seas fleet.
21 Jan 1943 Adolf Hitler told Ambassador Hiroshi Oshima that he would welcome Japanese assistance in defeating Russia.
17 Feb 1943 Adolf Hitler arrived at the headquarters of German Army Group South.
19 Feb 1943 Adolf Hitler departed the headquarters of German Army Group South.
3 Mar 1943 Hitler survived an assassination attempt.
13 Mar 1943 A plot to assassinate Hitler during a flight from Smolensk, Russia to Rastenburg, Germany failed.
21 Mar 1943 Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Wilhelm Keitel, Karl Dönitz, Heinrich Himmler, Fedor von Bock, Erhard Milch, and others visited the Zeughaus in Berlin, Germany to inspect an exhibition featuring captured Soviet weapons. It was Hitler's first public event in four months. At the Zeughaus, Colonel Rudolf von Gersdorff wore an overcoat packed with explosives with the intention of killing Hitler, but Hitler's schedule changed unexpectedly, and Hitler's early departure from the exhibition caused the assassination attempt to be called off. After departing from the exhibition, the group of German leaders attended a memorial ceremony for the Heroes' Memorial Day.
29 Apr 1943 Adolf Hitler met with French Prime Minister Pierre Laval and Italian Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Giuseppe Bastianini at Berghof
6 May 1943 Adolf Hitler made an unusual public appearance at Viktor Lutze's funeral.
7 Jul 1943 Walter Dornberger, Werhner von Braun, and Ernst Steinhof met with Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Keitel, and Alfred Jodl at the Wolf's Lair (Wolfsschanze) in Rastenburg, Germany (now Kętrzyn, Poland). Hitler was thoroughly impressed with the progress of rocket research.
13 Jul 1943 Adolf Hitler told Erich von Manstein that the forces to repel the Allied thrust through Italy and the Balkans would have to be found from the Eastern Front.
27 Jul 1943 Adolf Hitler held a conference with Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Erwin Rommel, and Karl Dönitz.
27 Aug 1943 Adolf Hitler met with Erich von Manstein at the Wehrwolf headquarters in Ukraine. This was his final visit to this headquarters site.
16 Sep 1943 Adolf Hitler, Otto Skorzeny, Ambassador Hewel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Hitler's secretaries Fräulein Wolf and Frau Traudl Jung had midnight tea between 0000 and 0100 hours. Hitler said during tea that "Germany must be cleaned up after the war. We will draw our coming men from the fighting soldiers, but traitors must be rooted out now. Don't forget how Clemenceau dealt with the enemy within in 1914. he ruthlessly rounded them up and had them shot, thereby saving France. We must get rid of deserters and mutineers behind the front. Traitors always work on the same lines - to let the enemy in by the back door."
22 Dec 1943 Hitler instituted a National Socialist Leadership Staff at Supreme Headquarters under General Hermann Reinecke with the role of training Political Officers (Commissars) to all major military units.
28 Dec 1943 Adolf Hitler ordered the demolition of the Wehrwolf headquarters north of Vinnytsia, Ukraine. "There must be a special detachment at Vinnitsa to burn the whole headquarters down and blow it up", he ordered. "It is important there should be no furniture left, otherwise the Russians will send it to Moscow and put it on display. Burn the lot."
18 Jan 1944 Karl Dönitz secured Adolf Hitler's approval for building Type XXVIIA midget submarines.
30 Mar 1944 Adolf Hitler fired Paul von Kleist and Erich von Manstein, replacing them with Ferdinand Schörner and Walter Model.
25 Apr 1944 Adolf Hitler made his last major public appearance at Hans-Valentin Hube's funeral in Berlin, Germany.
21 May 1944 Adolf Hitler ordered downed Allied airmen to be shot without trial.
26 May 1944 Adolf Hitler delivered a speech at Der Platterhof hotel in Obersalzberg, Germany, justifying the continuation of the war.
29 Jun 1944 Erwin Rommel and Gerd von Rundstedt met with Adolf Hitler at Hitler's residence in Berchtesgaden, southern Germany. They urged Hitler to pursue peace, but Htiler rejected such a notion, saying that the V weapons would soon turn the tide of war.
7 Jul 1944 Adolf Hitler attended an inspection of newly designed uniforms at Schloss Klessheim at Wals-Siezenheim, Austria.
9 Jul 1944 Adolf Hitler departed the Wolfsschlucht II headquarters in Margival, France for the Wolfsschanze headquarters in East Prussia, Germany.
14 Jul 1944 Hitler departed his Berghof residence Berchtesgaden, Germany, never to return there again.
22 Aug 1944 Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Paris, France on the following day.
19 Oct 1944 Adolf Hitler ordered the complete and total destruction of the city of Warsaw, Poland.
8 Nov 1944 For the first time, Hitler did not appear at the celebration of the Beer Hall Putsch anniversary; instead, he had Himmler read his speech for him.
20 Nov 1944 For the last time, Hitler left the Wolfsschanze Headquarters for Berlin, Germany.
10 Dec 1944 Adolf Hitler arrived at the Adlerhorst headquarters in Wetterau, Germany.
15 Jan 1945 Adolf Hitler departed the Adlerhorst headquarters in Wetterau, Germany, returning to Berlin.
16 Jan 1945 Adolf Hitler arrived in Berlin, Germany, and would remain here until the end of his life.
19 Jan 1945 Adolf Hitler ordered that any attacks or retreats by divisions or larger units must be approved by him beforehand.
13 Feb 1945 Heinz Guderian and Adolf Hitler argued on the Eastern Front situation; Guderian would later make note of Hitler's inability to control his rage.
24 Feb 1945 Adolf Hitler made what was to be his last speech to Reischsleiters and Gauleiters in the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany.
11 Mar 1945 Adolf Hitler made a surprise visit to 9th Army headquarters in Saarow between Frankfurt an der Oder and Berlin in Germany.
10 Apr 1945 Adolf Hitler sent his servants ahead of him to Berchtesgaden, Germany to prepare for his arrival scheduled for 20 Apr 1945.
20 Apr 1945 Soviet artillery began to fall on Berlin, Germany on Adolf Hitler's 56th and last birthday. After a brief birthday celebration, the generals urged Hitler to flee Berlin for southern Germany to continue the fight; Hitler decided not to go, setting up a northern command (under Karl Dönitz) and a southern command (tentatively under Albert Kesselring) instead should Berlin fall.
22 Apr 1945 Adolf Hitler recognized that the war was lost, and released all non-essential personnel from the Führerbunker in Berlin, Germany. He assured those dismissed that "nobody is now duty-bound to anything."
29 Apr 1945 Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun in his bunker in Berlin, Germany, and began dictating his final political testament and will.
30 Apr 1945 The recently married Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide in Berlin, Germany. Their bodies were burned near the Chancellery bunker.
5 May 1945 SMERSH agents attached to Soviet 3rd Shock Army found two burned bodies in a bomb crater near the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany and buried them without much thinking.
6 May 1945 SMERSH agents of Soviet 3rd Shock Army sneaked into a section of Berlin, Germany occupied by a different Soviet unit to secretly retrieve two burned bodies near the Chancellery; they believed that one of them might be that of Adolf Hitler's.
8 May 1945 A special medical commission of Soviet 1st Byelorussian Front headed by Lieutenant Colonel Faust Shkaravsky performed an autopsy on the two bodies retrieved near the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, one of which was suspected to be that of Adolf Hitler's. He noted that a part of the skull on one of the bodies was missing, but the cause of death of that person was more likely cyanide poisoning.
9 May 1945 Soviet SMERSH agents arrested Käthe Heusermann, chief assistant to Adolf Hitler's dentist Dr. Hugo Blaschke, to assist in the identification of the body retrieved in Berlin, Germany which was suspected to be that of Hitler's.
11 May 1945 Military medical doctor Lieutenant Colonel Faust Shkaravsky of Soviet 1st Byelorussian Front concluded that one of the two bodies Soviet SMERSH agents retrieved near the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany was that of Adolf Hitler's.
1 Nov 1945 British Intelligence reported that Adolf Hitler most likely committed suicide on 30 Apr 1945 in Berlin, Germany after marrying Eva Braun.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
23 May 2005 06:26:27 PM

hitler has many current tragedies trough his life
2. Anonymous says:
9 Jul 2005 01:11:15 PM

ok this person below is a ***
hitler is a retard
its a fact
3. Z.F. says:
27 Nov 2005 03:21:32 PM

Some say Hitler was a genius. No doubt about that, but he crossed the line to insanity. He was brilliant, but evil and brilliant should not mix.
4. Niels says:
24 Oct 2006 02:14:47 AM

Wow, this is a cool website, soooo... many informations. ^^ Great work!
5. Rolf says:
24 Oct 2006 02:17:29 AM

Adolph is the greatest mand in the world.
6. snap till says:
21 Apr 2007 06:23:35 AM

live adolf hitler from :D
snap till
7. Anonymous23 says:
29 May 2007 08:26:02 PM

he is the most ***** idiot Ive ever known about.. i hope that he is burning in hell and feels all the pain he caused to people around the world
8. Anonymous23 says:
29 May 2007 08:27:41 PM

ok snaptill and Rolf are ***** retarded how the hell do u like him he ruined peoples lives he killed 6 million jews!! that ugly *** faget..burn in hell
9. Anonymous says:
11 Jul 2007 06:59:57 PM

You idiot! Many people have tragedies in their lives and they dont murder 25 million people because of it! Your Whacked!
10. Mein fuhrer says:
3 Oct 2007 01:24:18 PM

i wish they would have won the war, we wouldnt have this *** that we have today with middle east war.
11. Anonymous says:
3 Oct 2007 06:03:23 PM

Yeah, that's so true, had the Nazis won, we wouldn't have the current conflict in the Middle East. I mean, the Nazis would put all the "sub-humans" in death camps, so there wouldn't be anybody in the Middle East, so no more conflict!

... end sarcasm...
12. Anonymous says:
14 Nov 2007 12:05:49 PM

hitler is a brilliant evil dictator. horrible combination
13. Anonymous says:
14 Nov 2007 12:07:25 PM

my grandmother was killed during holocaust. i hate hitler
14. Anonoymous says:
15 Nov 2007 01:47:30 PM

I wonder how some people can actually think that Hitler did good things in his reign.He is twisted in the mind and evil
15. Anonymous says:
26 Nov 2007 04:15:43 PM

I think that Hitler was a genius, look how he contolled most of Europe and most people did whatever Hitler told them to do. But also at the same time it was horrible about the whole Holocaust and how Hitler organized it.
16. Anonymous says:
2 Apr 2008 02:25:07 PM

Hitler was Evil!!!
17. general stone says:
7 Apr 2008 03:34:22 AM

Hitlers the worst man in history.
18. MR.NAY NAY says:
11 Apr 2008 07:47:12 AM

Hitler was more of a great leader than a bad leader. Read the real facts. Peaple you think he is evil because he kill millions of jews and put jews in consintration camp.he's good not bab.
19. ken/MR.NAY NAY says:
11 Apr 2008 07:49:54 AM

"The devil made hin do it". I like that sentence.
20. MR.NAY NAY says:
11 Apr 2008 07:57:36 AM

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. Alois

. Adolf, a bright and talented student at his village school, felt out of place in the much larger urban secondary school.

Poor school marks prevented him from obtaining the customary graduation certificate. After the death of his father, he left his home in Linz, Upper Austria, in 1907 to seek his fortune in Vienna.
How sad for him....

Sauer, Wolfgang. "Hitler, Adolf." Encyclopedia Americana. 2008. Grolier Online. 3 Apr. 2008 .
21. dinodawg33 says:
1 May 2008 07:15:20 PM

I am proud of my German Heritage, but I have no use for an anti-semetic Austrian
control freak drug addict in my list of heroes. But before you label him the worst, consider Stalin. He is reported to have ordered the death of Jews, gypsies, Christians, political enemies, potential rivals and the like to the amount of over 22 million people in 1933 alone.
22. Nathan says:
11 May 2008 04:26:31 AM

I don't care much about what he'd done.
I just love him.
23. Paul says:
29 Jan 2009 03:09:32 PM

Hes sick and will never be forgotten. Japan used him, they wasnt friends. and finland and italy.. *** knows what there problems where
24. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
17 Feb 2009 09:26:04 AM

What if all the nations in europe had stopped hitler. all france had to do was cross into germany, in the early years, the german army was very small and no match against the armies of france, and the rest of europe. Has the world learned nothing! you can not talk to dictators! all they understand, is power. In the end after millions have died, peace is once again won.
25. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
17 Feb 2009 09:56:19 AM

(National Socialism) is an epidemic in Delusion. How could Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's have come to power in such a highly educated,industrially developed country, and in such a short time? What made the regime so popular? How were the Nazi's able to seize control of the press, the radio, the courts, and the police with so little trouble? How did Hitler's obession with the "Judeo-Bolshevist" conspiracy destroy him and almost take down the civilized world down with him? Could the same thing happen again? I say yes it can, and has happened so many times since the end of world war 11.
26. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
17 Feb 2009 10:00:17 AM

Let one FREEDOM be taken away, and all the other's follow.
27. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Feb 2009 06:34:04 PM

Adolf Hitler: This man,survived four years on the Western Front, as an Infantryman serving as a runner, surviving a gas attack, just luck or destiny! This evil and frustrated man, who almost destroyed the civilized world with him. People still ask how could this happen? World War I ended in 1918, but another war lay in the future. Despite the end of the war, German sentries still guarded a p.o.w. camp for the vast majority of the camp were Russians, and none of the Fatherland's rolling stock had been spared to transport them back to a homeland. Outside the air was cold frost sparking in the moonlight. At midnight the guards changed,the new guard sheltered inside his wooden guard booth had much to think about too much dissatisfaction, corroding disappointments, thwarted longing and potential hatred seething in his soul to give him rest. His eyes darted from side to side, his mind busy forming half-formed, shadowy ambitions, his pallid, nervous face twiching with cold and concentration. Obergefreiter Adolf Hitler was pondering the future.
28. Native grl says:
30 Apr 2009 09:41:30 AM

true the devil did make him do the wrong things that he did, an yet everyone knows that he is burning in hell. plus he does have a funny mustache. he he he he..
29. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
6 May 2009 12:21:46 PM

Hitler underestimated the Industrial Capacities of the Soviet Union and the United States, who were able to field greater numbers of war equipment. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Axis were simultaneously at war with the world's largest Empire (England),the Greatest Industrial and Financial power the United States and the largest army the Soviet Union.
30. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
6 May 2009 06:37:55 PM

Nazi Salute: Despite what you see in the movies, the Regular German Army did not usually use the Nazi Salute. Only after the July 1944 attempt on Hitler's life were they forced to use this type of salute.
31. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
6 May 2009 06:53:08 PM

After the Battle of Kursk in Mid 1943 Germany was no longer able to defeat the Soviet Union. By 1944 with the unstoppable forces of the Western Allies pushing from the West,and the unstoppable Soviet forces from the East with Massive Air Bombardment both Tactical and Strategic an exhausted Luftwaffe could not stop, defeat was a matter of time. When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, and failed to defeat it that could only mean that Germany will be defeated. So when was Hitler's was lost? I would say in December of 1941 at the gates of Moscow the war was lost, but it would take 3 1/2 years of bitter fighting to end it.
32. Anonymous says:
11 May 2009 07:45:12 PM

**** Adolph Hitler. **** him to hell. He is an insult to every single person on the planet. Americans hate him. Russians hate him. British hate him. Japanese hate him. Creationists hate him. Darwinists hate him. Conservatives hate him. Liberals hate him.
Just about everybody hates him. Why?
Because he was a vile, cruel killer that mercilessly ended millions of innocent lives without a thought. Never forget, never forgive, forever remember.
33. Anonymous says:
18 May 2009 01:32:20 PM

not enough info
34. Anonymous says:
22 May 2009 04:25:04 PM

Hitler was the first man that warned the world f the danger of Jews and their. I consider him the gratest man of all times. Germany lost the war because it was not prepared for a prolonged war and because of its limited resources such as oil and metals. I wish Germany ruled the world. They are the gratest nation, the most disciplined and the bravest. Hitler shoudn't have relied on a weak nation such as Italy. The Italians were the most coward, the least trained.
35. Anonymous says:
23 May 2009 04:51:12 PM

Hitler was accused of mass killing of innocent people. Was he the only dictator who committed war crimes against humanity? No . Who could deny the Red army atrocities? The savage oppression of the uprising in Africa by the french occupation, in Algeria million people were killed in one year.Consider the war crimes committed in Iraq and in Vietnam by the US army. Israel is killing the civilians the newly born babies, the aged and the womenand more ...
Hitler is more human than all the leaders of the world. But it is the justice of the victorious.
36. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
23 May 2009 06:24:02 PM

I would really like to read a real intelligent opinion, or comment. This is a data base site, educate yourself.
Anonymous comment dated: May 22, 2009 at 04:24:04 pm said, he wished Germany ruled the World, If that really happened, you would not have been born. Tell me how old are you really? How much have you really read? All I can say, is travel, read and see what is going on.
What would your world look like, If Nazi Germany had won World War II: this is just my opinion. Continued Warfare, continued murder of millions, a new dark age,Civilization as you know it would never come to pass, no future, no hope, no freedon, only fear, life is controlled, but this never happened, because free people fought against evil. Leave bigotry in your quaters, there's no place for it here.
37. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
23 May 2009 07:09:58 PM

Nazi Germany was a Police State I have listed known organizations:
Abwehr, Gestapo, SA, SS,Waffen-SS,Rsha,Orpo, Schutzpolizei,Sipo,Kripo,SD,Hitler-Jugen, OKN,OKH,OKM,OKL,NSDAP. Nazi Party Officials, Minor Nazi Officials, Political Officers and Inspectors,Labor Organizations,Propaganda,Informers,Traitors and Espionage.
38. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
25 May 2009 08:32:09 AM

For anonymous posted May 23, 2009 at 04:51 pm

"We have to put a stop to the idea that it is a part of everybody's civil rights, to say whatever he pleases".

Adolf Hitler
February 22, 1942
39. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
27 May 2009 10:32:57 AM

His inmost being is a cruel chaos of wild unbridled passions an unbounded will to destruction, the most primitive desires, hated the work of others.
He raged against it secretly like a thief, publicly as a slander and murderer. For what he needed was the need for darkness and chaos.
He shunned the light of cultural progress. What he needed for his self-preservation, was the morass, was hell. A more accurate portrait of Adolf Hitler would be hard to find.

Winston Churchill once said " If Hitler invaded hell, I would make a favorable remark for the devil"....
40. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
27 May 2009 02:37:18 PM

The Fuhrer wanted to control the world, but he couldn't control his Flatulence! He also had poor table manners, was a vegetarian with a flatulence problem, just think if he ate meat!!...
On top of this Dr. Morell pumped him with 28 different types of drugs and Hitler also suffered from Parkinson's Disease.
41. my reply to Bill says:
28 May 2009 04:53:12 PM

Thanh you for your valuable remarks, you are well-educated. I love Germany and Hitler because he could stop the two colonizing super powers, UK and France who committed crimes mores savagely than Hitler did. After ww2 ended, most occupied nations achieved their independence, in Africa and Asia. You can't deny that the free world you are talking about did not commit war crimes against the nations that they occupied and exploited.
42. Anonymous says:
28 May 2009 05:52:39 PM

To "my reply to Bill" -- I don't think UK and France killed 11 million people in their colonies.
43. From Stephen to Bill says:
29 May 2009 05:30:57 PM

Hi Bill. I am interested in reading your comments. Can I know where are you from??
44. Anonymous says:
31 May 2009 02:13:23 PM

Um, please refrain from insulting Hitler with offensive words, such as retard and f**got. I know that Hitler was an evil bastard and is rotting in hell, but using offensive insults is stooping to the level of the Nazis or pseudonazis. My cousin is mentally retarded, and my uncle is *** . I find those insults very, VERY offensive. You can call Hitler other things, but retard and f*g are not among them.
45. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
10 Jun 2009 10:12:04 AM

My reply to Anonymous #42 dated 28 May 2009 05:52 pm.

Thank you for you comment I enjoy reading any answer that's posted on the data base.I will try to give you an overview of both the British and French Empires.

"The most intriguing point for the Historian is that where history and legend meet"

Do you remember hearing the term the "The Sun never sets on the British Empire".
Every Empire that ever existed became so because of its Ruthless, Brutality, and Taking the resources of other Nations for its own use, and giving little or nothing back and subjugating races.
Many Civilizations have been at one time, or another victor or vanquished. Did you know that at one time, the British Empire covered 25% of the globe. In the 19th and 20th Centuries alone, over 425,000,000 people died under British rule.
Its not my intention,to become political but to educated and present the fact, no matter how they may seam, for good or ill. Did you know that 200,000 indigenous people of Tasmania were literally wiped out by the British. Did you know: One of the earlist racist laws dated 1367 prohibited intermarriage between British and Irish under penalty of death, and both were white!
To the British the Irish were called (subhuman) sound familiar haven't we heard this term before, it was used by the Nazi's.
The French Empire covered much of Asia and Africa, and like the British oppressed and brutalised the people living there. Resources and wealth of the countries taken away and little or nothing given back in return. Estimates of deaths are in the millions.
The Hmong who lived in what is now Laos were oppressed and killed by the French. At one time, about 10% of the population died, this is equivalent to the deaths of 17,500,000 million Americans. The list goes on and on. Today the pain continues
many people suffer at the hands of Governments foreign or their own. Remember what happened in Rwanda in the 1990's over 1,000,000 people were killed. Where was the United Nations to stop it! Nations cover up their own histories use doublespeak the question is: Who is the good, who is the bad? I have always known, that Governments live by lies, and bamboozling abstractions.
46. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
10 Jun 2009 11:07:40 AM

To #43 Stephen 29 May 2009 5:30 pm

Thank you for your interest my comments, are listed under People, Events, Equipment and
Countries. If you have any questions post them under "Other", and I should be able to find you. The comments under Adolf Hitler are
up to number 50. I live in the State of Nevada.
47. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
10 Jun 2009 12:09:21 PM

Reply to #41 Dated 28 May 2009 4:53pm

Thank you for your comment I do not deny that any Empire that ever ruled occupied and exploited other people, did so with a soft hand, to build an Empire you need force, oppression, and other forms of brutality to subjugate. The wealth of a nation is taken away, and little or nothing is given back.
I've been to Germany and found it to be a beautiful country, but Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's used the German people to do its bidding of conquest, and found out when it was to late all their rights were taken away, and Germany became a Police State, that was controlled by a few, over the many. After World War II some nations did gain independence, but only after much fighting and they were able to throw the British, French, Dutch and other Countries in Europe out.
However the Countries of Eastern Europe were controlled for years under the Soviet System that held Europe and the world in a Cold War for over 50 years. The Capitalist, Western Nations on the other hand, bought political support from other Nations many Countries would tilt both East and West everybody used everyone else. Nations still control its own people used them as scapegoats for their own failures. Did you know that during the Vietnam War the United States paid the cost of other countries to keep it's soldiers in Vietnam. The U.S. buys it's friends. Even during the first Gulf War the U.S. supplied the French with fuel and weapons, just to get them there. Other Empires work in a different way, use other countries to fight and provide them with the weapons to defend themselves and all the time saying it's for freedom! freedom for who? and the most evil of all making millions and billions off the labor of others. Do you believe what you see what you hear or even read. The answer comes from within, a people can be exploited and lied to in other ways.
48. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
11 Jun 2009 08:17:05 PM

My reply to Anonymous #42 May 29, 2009 5:52 pm. French Colonial Empire:
From the 1600's-1960's was second only to the British Empire, and controlled 8.6% of the Earth's total land area. Controlled French Indochina, and threats to other Nations in Asia, controlled islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans. The French were in Africa enforced decades of repression, Millions were forced into labor, prison, and to live in poverty.
Besides the French and British other Countries in Europe invaded and controlled areas of Africa and Asia they were the Dutch, Spanish ,Portuguese, Germans and Italians.
Belgium for example: The Congo was given to King Leooold II in 1885, after the Conference of Berlin. The King made the Congo his own private property. The population was brutalised, all its resources taken estimates of deaths under the cruelties of King Leopold II were 3-22 million /8-10 million being the most cited. Congo won its independence from Belgium in 1960, after much fighting, and civil war. Countries suffer much the same, as they did to others remember Belgium had its own neutrality violated in 1914 and in 1940 by Germany during that time, Belgium was occupied and exploited, the people suffered many hardships under the Germans during both World War I and World War II.
49. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
11 Jun 2009 08:37:46 PM

How Governments lie, exploit and use their own people:

The Communists exeucted, slaughtered, starved, beat and tortured to death a total of 39,000,000 million of its own people. The Communists took the wealth of Russia for their own gain from 1917 until the fall of Communism in 1991.

The Chinese Communists also took the lives of over 45,000,000 million of its own people as well.
50. Stephen to Bill # 47 , 48, 49 says:
13 Jun 2009 06:49:11 PM

Thank you for this information. I am happy to have a friend from the USA. I guess you studied history. my email is hasany@live.ca . I am not from Canada nor live there. Please email me.
51. 刘子超 says:
15 Jul 2009 12:46:37 AM

52. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
18 Jul 2009 03:18:03 PM

To 15 Jul 2009 12:46:37AM

English please! so I can read your comments and view, and answer them. This way your remark, is a loss to the WW2db....
53. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
23 Jan 2010 04:37:13 PM

Hitler's reward:

"Satan said the gates of hell have opened for you. Death, Destruction, Sufferings,
Crush the Weak, Such as the world has not seen before. You have done well..continue
to serve me".

This is my opinion alone...

"To our destruction, if there be in Hell
Fear to be worse destroyed! What can be
worse than to dwell here."

-Milton, Paradise Lost-

"The Hell within him"
-Milton, Paradise Lost-
54. Anonymous says:
18 Mar 2010 04:02:31 PM

hitler is the most evil man in history. he caused so much pain to the world and he took the lives of so many people. BRILLIANT?!?!?! what in the hell is wrong with the one person who said that? i dont think he was one bit brilliant. he'll see how it feels one day. hes gonna burn in hell if he aint doing it already.
55. Anonymous says:
14 Apr 2010 09:06:38 AM

look at what he did i cant believe a man can do so much evil
56. johnerotten says:
20 Apr 2010 05:31:27 PM

hitler was'nt brilliant,nor was he a genius.
he was able to read people well,well enough to get them to trust him and whatever he said.
he's a lot like charles manson,but 10 times crazier that charlie is!he just manipulated people to do what he wanted!
57. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
23 Apr 2010 07:01:21 PM

The Secret of Politics: Make a good treaty with Russia.

-Otto von Bismark-

Hitler,should have been a student of History
58. Anonymous says:
4 May 2010 06:42:28 AM

hitler had syphilis and invented meth and speed he was horrible
59. Anonymous says:
25 May 2010 10:03:15 AM

I believe that Hitler was a great man. He knew the nature of Jews that is conspiracy.If today world is suffering it is because of jews. May God protect this world from jews evil plans. This world needs another hitler to fix things up.

Hail Hitler
60. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
8 Jun 2010 03:34:35 PM

Some of these comments are:

Unbelievable, Absolutely, Unbelievable!!..

"The trouble with the world is not that
people know too little,but that they know
so many things that ain't so".

-Mark Twain-
61. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
24 Jun 2010 09:10:10 PM

"The Gates of Hell are open Day and Night.
A Guilty Conscience is the Hell of a living
Abandon all Hope, You who Enter here."

-Dante's Inferno-
62. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
26 Jul 2010 12:51:55 PM

Cold another man such as Adolf Hitler come
upon the world again?
Could another man, with that much power and
will over others happen again?

Sure we have seen the the Dictators come and
go, but the one to watch out for, the one who should never ever happen upon the world
again, that is the one all free people should
be on guard for.

For a world to falter, loose sight of evil,
be taken in by the great giver of false hope
let freedom be taken away and become a slave
to the state,no hope for a future or for ones

Darkness should never ever happen again, for
if this does, it will surely be the end of all mankind, to destroy a world, to rid it
of one madman.

"Those who cannot remember the past, are
condemned to repeat it."

-George Santayana-
63. qwerty says:
14 Nov 2010 01:41:46 AM

I think Hitler was just a part of our hstory, what life could be is unknown, but where we are living today is more important, we have to accept the fact that people are always at Wor, this is our nature and it didnt matter to what religion we belong or to what race or origion, every period of time has its own wor, this is reality. To me if there is no wor 2 we would not reach this quality of life we are living in .......-)
64. HumanNature says:
20 Nov 2010 11:13:34 PM

Hitler was a monster in a century of monsters.
His genocide was one of absolute evil, but it was no different than anything which occurred throughout the soviet union (see the Holodomor) and elsewhere in that period. I've never read in any school text books about the genocide of the Volga Germans or the extermination of the Caucus Muslim population under Stalin.
War and genocide are unfortunate and horrifying facts of human nature which we will never escape, we can only postpone them.
65. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
21 Jan 2011 12:50:44 PM


Was the Fuhrer a vegetarian its the real hypocrisy of a superman.
History would like us to think so, this was a lot of propaganda, like he had no mistress but Germany. He stayed away from alchol, smoking and womanizing in public, so it would seem.
Hitler wanted a meat free Germany telling of the virtues of being a vegetarian.

Did You Know...
People who openly talked about vegetarianism risked being sent to prison or worse, but Adolf Hitler wasn't one of them.
The Gestapo must have been busy tracking down the enemies of the Fatherland.
One dish, I'm gonna try was a favorite of his
liver dumplings!...

Hitler liked sausages, ham and some say caviar. When he started to suffer from digestive problems his doctors who were really quacks themselves pumped him with an assortment of vitamins and fasting periods.
This might have the reason, been for his every once in awhile vegetarian eating.

I condemn the philosophies and ideals of Nazism...
66. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Feb 2011 01:33:36 PM


This brave man, was an opponent of Hitler
he is best remembered for his failed attempt
to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1939.

April 9, 1945 he was murdered by the Gestapo
In 2003, a postage stamp was issued in his honor in Germany. In Munich there is a town square and a concert hall named after him.

How many Johann Georg Elser's were their
throughout Germany trying to stop a madman.

Did you know...
Over thirty attempts were made to kill Adolf Hitler.
67. Anonymous says:
17 Mar 2011 08:49:11 AM

hello, this site annoys me because the comments take up all the spaces and it doesnt find the world war II and it doesnt say anything about world war II ON A WORLD WAR II DATABASE i sense something wrong with that please fix thanks. but not really
68. Jim Hardley JR. says:
21 Apr 2011 06:40:59 PM

It does not matter whether you publish it or not.I would also like to say that i am sick and tired of hearing of the holocaust.this country is doomed for certain because we back the most murderous people in the history of man kind the so called jews.There is never any mention of the atrocities perpetrated against the native americans and we never speak of the worst example of curelity done to any people slavery.I am one man that cannot be fooled you see i know across the board colectively the ones you call african american which there is no such thing because no one ever told the truth as to where our ancestry came from because your forefathers did'nt want mind to know so all remembrance of their former lives would be wiped out creating a lost and confused people to help in the controling of these people in order to recieve labor for life without any compensation.The plan was to keep these people in bondage for ever and treat them as animals that we see to this very day.We are no more than savage animals to this society,but you are forever talking about this holocaust.There is no form of cruelity that will ever equal to slavery.You surely be hoping and praying for no retrbution,because i believe in what goes around also comes back.Take the side of the jews it does not matter this country was doomed from the very start.So keep your holocaust to yourselves their are some of us who realize that not one is more percious than the other.The fooling of the people was done by this government and all you so called private citizens sat by and said or did nothing thinking that would free you what fools don't you know that the child has always paid for the sins of the father.Some things never change.Your so-called good days are over accept what is coming to you and the world there will be no excape. Thank you
69. Hellbourne says:
25 Apr 2011 03:02:00 AM

I agree, those enslaving colonizers are worst than Hitler and their atrocity have more lasting effects.
70. Haskins says:
6 Jun 2011 09:00:05 PM

Evil as Hitler certainly was, he cannot take all the blame for the Holocaust. The following people share his guilt for all time: Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Hans Frank, Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer, and Joachim von Ribbentrop. The Holocaust can easily go down in Human History as certainly the most evil and corrupt event of all time, easily eclipsing the events of September 11, 2001.
71. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
7 Jun 2011 04:20:01 PM


It was a struggle over land, resources and political and military power.This pitted the British Empire that controlled 25% of the earth.
French, Dutch and Belgian Empires and later
US Pacific possessions, the Philippines, as
well as its interests in Central and South America. Fighting against the Germans, Japanese and Italians.
The USSR was an Empire unto itself, China was weak with no real Central Goverment, the Nationalist were fighting a war between the WarLords, Communist and the Japanese.

In 1939 the only countries without colonies were Germany and China. At the end of WWII
the British, French, Dutch and Belgians tried to reclaim their former areas of influence. The end of WWII, ended with the
collapes of overseas colonies, and independence for emerging nations
So was WWII crusade against evil for freedom true the liberation of Europe and an end to the slaughter of millions with the total defeat of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy
72. Anonymous says:
27 Jun 2011 11:49:24 AM

Amazing! Some, if not many of the comments attached to this article are quite disturbing. Anyway, Hitler was not ingenius. He was very confused to believe Germany could win a war against the combined force of Britain, the USSR and USA. His fatal mistake was his incessant belief that Britain would "come to terms" during the Battle Britain and eventually sue for peace with him. Britain had always been a chief rival in any battle for control of the European continent. If Hitler would have kept his agreement with Stalin and focused totally on Britain while NOT declaring war on the USA, Nazi Germany would have gained at least a short-term victory in the war. Likewise, had Naxi Germany been able to knock Britain out of the war before Pearl Harbor, Hitler would have taken Europe out of the American perspective. Hitler should let Japan stew in its own juices in a war with the USA, while concentrating on a war with Stalin if need be. The USA would have defeated Japan even earlier without a war with Germany, so the world might have ended up being divided between the USA and Germany.Of course, this arrangement might have been temporary depending on the development of the Bomb.
73. Anonymous says:
22 Sep 2011 05:05:36 PM

In regards to the first paragraph. Adolf Hitler wasnt the cause of the break out of WWII. There is no question that if WWI hadn't happened, neither would have the second world war.
74. sarfraz says:
18 Jan 2012 12:39:29 AM

holocaust is a great lie.
75. Anonymous says:
14 Apr 2012 10:46:15 PM

Nazi partners kill on camps 10 to 25 M persons
Stalin , Lenin, Lavrenti Beria kill 60 M persons
76. Anonymous says:
22 Apr 2012 04:08:47 PM

this too much but i get it
77. chepo609 says:
30 Apr 2012 06:28:25 PM

he was a man that should have died in an abortion.
78. Anonymous says:
6 Sep 2012 09:34:38 PM

i dont under stand what u guy r writting about him died he killed him self now get over, get a life
79. Anonymous says:
12 Sep 2012 05:35:09 AM

hitler was not the aggressor, poland was murdering german citizens (58000 men women and children in cold blood) he went to their aid. britain and france told him if he went against poland it was war. tell me, if you were in his position what would you have done?

true, hitler said that he hated the jews (mein kampf) but he never intended to destroy them. if he intended to kill all the jews why was he allowing them to leave germany with all their assets/money before the war started? the war stopped that. hitler was a christian, believed in God and believed he was doing Jesus work in throwing the money lenders out of the temple (germany).

listen to hitlers speech 19th July 1940. he didn't want the war, as it delayed the work he was doing in building a better germany. he knew the cost in the lives (on both sides) of young men, and mothers who would loose their sons. he knew that the "money lenders" were going to get rich from the war, this is why he despised the jews. he says all this in his speech.
do youself a favour and listen to it, then dig deeper into the rabbit hole. lookup revisionist historians to get their perspective.
80. Mein Kompf says:
1 Feb 2013 10:38:54 AM

Hello, Adolf is a great man. This is not sarcasm even tho he did many bad things he also did many good things,
81. Anonymous says:
26 Mar 2013 07:12:03 AM

82. Anonymous says:
16 Apr 2013 03:39:01 PM

Hitler had no redeeming qualities. Period. I am certain that the German people could've figured out ow to build the VW or the Autobahns without him. 6,000,000 + dead? That was criminal. War criminal. Pain and suffering he caused Europeans had no redeeming qualities. I have also seen some other places on this web site that seem to show tolerance for the evil perpetrated by Germany, Italy and Japan, and their collaborators.
83. joe says:
24 Sep 2013 09:31:05 PM

Hitler started the first anti-smoking laws in the world. Recognizing the dangers of smoking he passed a law so anyone under 18 couldn't buy them.
84. Anonymous says:
24 Apr 2014 08:59:17 AM

I kind of like the guy. I mean yeah he did the wrong thing by killing all of the Jews but other then that the things he said weren't all that bad. If his mother's doctor would of taken better care of her he wouldn't of killed all those Jews and life in Germany would of been so much better
85. Anonymous says:
2 Oct 2014 07:26:07 PM

It is easy to foresee the fall of the USA's constitution over time, by reading the increasingly socialist attitudes coming to the forefront over the years. The greatest generation sacrificed much for us. Show some respect.
86. Anonymous says:
9 Oct 2014 07:59:16 AM

Under what circumstances would it be a good idea to have anonymous comments open on this article? FFS
87. Truth says:
9 Jan 2015 02:42:21 PM

For real history on Adolf Hitler: The real man ;see HITLERS WAR :What Historians Neglect To Mention: You Tube. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD:You Tube. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO : You Tube. GORING'S LAST MESSAGE TO CHURCHILL : You Tube. BLACK NAZIS : You Tube. THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS,Leon Degrelle : You tube. HITLERS WAR : David Irving . THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY : Brovids. You Tube. THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA : Brovids - YT. HITLERS LAST TESTAMENT : You TUBE. Open you minds.
88. Your mom says:
4 Feb 2015 08:08:16 AM

This is soooooo fake just kidding needed something for my 6th grade project did all the work i need
89. Anonymous says:
23 Apr 2015 06:24:32 AM

Why do you think Hitler committed the acts he was accused of doing?
90. Bob says:
28 Apr 2015 01:47:17 PM

So many nazi lovers and holocaust deniers posting here. So sad that your Nazi leaders and 1000 year Reich were completely destroyed but billions of the rest of us are quite happy with the outcome.
91. Cody says:
30 Jul 2015 01:54:34 PM

"Hitler had no redeeming qualities. Period."

He might have been a very bad person, but he did have good points (all bad comes with good), It's just that most ignore it because they can only see black and white, with no grey. This very statement has the same fate as that so I won't bother elaborating (on his - as you put it - redeeming qualities). In addition, he went from next to nothing to near global domination. That is impressive regardless of what he did. And don't forget that Stalin was worse (and the two were brutal; see the Battle of Stalingrad). To make fun of the Americanisation 'period' (that you used), many people have a period over this subject. See also Reductio ad Hitlerum and Godwin's law.

"I am certain that the German people could've figured out ow to build the VW or the Autobahns without him."

He envisioned it; it wouldn't exist without his envision. oddly enough. He envisioned other things too.

"6,000,000 + dead? That was criminal. War criminal."

As the last remaining guard of his (that is dead of some years now) said, there isn't any war where there is no war crime. That's just how it is. Too many ignore this though, because of the above fallacies and blindness. For your information, other so-called non-offenders have also committed horrible things during wartime. That includes America. (and post-war: look up Operation Paperclip and MKUltra; I dare you to [both courtesy of the US], as well as the additional CIA experiments, among others). Then you can't forget horrible things the US did to Japanese Americans during the war (see also the experiment on Cat Island, involving dogs and Japanese).

"Pain and suffering he caused Europeans had no redeeming qualities."

But only Europeans, right? I mean you don't care about the others he hurt? Or you're just unaware of them? Anyway, yes he does have 'redeeming qualities' but too many ignore them because they only see what they want to see, and refuse to believe bad comes with good (but it does).

"I have also seen some other places on this web site that seem to show tolerance for the evil perpetrated by Germany, Italy and Japan, and their collaborators."

Well it may have escaped your notice, but the Treaty of Versailles is a large part of his ability to gain power. There are many other variables of what shaped him, and what gave him power, but the treaty is one of those variables. And Japan was ignored then, too, despite what side they were on. It isn't surprising, any of it, that the war happened. It is only surprising to those who don't understand human nature and history.
92. Anonymous says:
2 Jan 2016 06:51:19 PM

The jewish elite funded all sides in the ww1, then in ww2 the same Jewish elite funded all side but this time Hitler knew as the Americans were brought into the war because the British promised to sign the Balford Agrement giving Paeslitine to the Jews...The Jewish elite even funded Oliver Cromwell and William of Orange wars againt the poor Irish..Now they own America and start wars in the Middle East and then they cry and blame us for been Hoalcust Deniers...Poor people Banksters and Liars own 95% of media including documentries..they are now preparing WW3 next they blame the Muslims..Cheaters of the world, Satanic evil people go cry to mommy when the people of America kick you out..and when the people reach Isreal maybe they kick you in the sea forverer then we have Peace forever..
93. Anonymous says:
21 Feb 2016 12:35:13 AM

Hitler was so evil that there were 150,000 Jews in the German army! 20 of them got the iron cross while 15 of them were Generals! He hated Slavic people so much that possibly 1 miliion Russians joined the Germans! He was so occult like that the he was accepted by the Roman catholics and the Russian orthodoxs! The Waffen SS was so racist that out of its 39 divisions, 19 of them were foreign! Hitler was so anti semetic that there were Iraqis, Libyans, Palestinians, Iranians and Syrians were in the Wehrmacht/SS. He wanted to exterminate the colored race and that is why there were Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Indian, Mongolian, African, Arab and Persians in the Wehrmacht/SS He was so evil that JFK said "Hitler will rise from the hatred that surrounds him to become one of the greatest figures to have ever lived" Man, Hitler is so evil.
94. Anonymous says:
17 Apr 2017 07:37:31 AM

Hitler wasn't the only bad leader. Stalin was pretty bad too, and I'm not saying that I like Winston Churchill or FDR.
95. Anonymous says:
18 Apr 2017 08:12:03 AM

Anyway, it is not about the leaders, but the people.
96. Geinocide says:
18 Feb 2018 01:48:17 PM

Pour Anonyme, message 93 et autres. Et Cody 91.
Messieurs please ! Je ne doute pas que vous en connaissiez un bout sur le sujet mais quand même, il ne faut pas exagérer !

Anonyme (79,93... !) La majorité de ce que tu écris n'a aucun sens, est à côté de la plaque, totalement infondé... . Un message tu dis qu'Hitler est un grand homme etc... et dans d'autres que c'est le mal (34-54-59 par ex.) ! il faut savoir !

Et Cody... Ton message no 91, est long, c'est bien ! Seulement je n'y ai rien, mais absolument RIEN compris ! Pas une phrase n'a de sens avec les précédentes et suivantes. Rien n'a de sens d'ailleurs. Certaines ne veulent rien dire et ne signifient rien non plus. Tu sautes du coq à l'âne, pays, époques, sujet qui n'ont rien à voir, Russie, USA, Japon... CIA (qui n'existait pas pendant la guerre, mais OSS), oups pardon tu le savais forcément. Je défie qui que se soit de comprendre le sens de plus de 3 phrases de ce texte ? T'avais pris quoi mon gars ?
97. Anonymous says:
20 Apr 2023 04:07:44 PM

thank you for the info!

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More on Adolf Hitler
Event(s) Participated:
» Hossbach Conference
» Annexation of Austria
» Meeting at Brenner Pass
» Munich Conference and the Annexation of Sudetenland
» Dismemberment of Czechoslovakia
» Annexation of Klaipeda
» The Tripartite Pact
» Meeting at Hendaye
» Lidice Massacre
» July Plot
» Battle of Berlin

» Führer Directives and Führer Orders
» Hossbach Memorandum
» Message from Adolf Hitler to Erich Raeder
» Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler and Erich Raeder
» Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder, and Wilhelm Keitel
» Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder, and Wilhelm Keitel
» No. 106: Speech by Herr Hitler to the Reichstag
» No. 107: Herr Hitler's Proclamation to the German Army
» No. 108-2: Messages between Forster and Hitler on Danzig
» No. 121: Herr Hitler's Proclamation to the German People and the German Army
» No. 13: Extract from Herr Hitler's speech to the Reichstag
» No. 2-8: Exerpts of Hitler's Speeches on German-Polish Peace, 1935-1939
» No. 20: Speech by Herr Hitler at Wilhelmshaven
» No. 21: Extract from Speech by Herr Hitler to the Reichstag
» No. 56, 60, 68, 74, 78, & 89: Messages Between Chamberlain/UK Government and Hitler
» The Munich Pact

Related Books:
» Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi
» The Hitler Book
» The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Affiliated Link:
» The Hitler Book

Adolf Hitler Photo Gallery
Yosuke Matsuoka and Adolf Hitler, Berlin, Germany, late Mar 1941; note Joachim von Ribbentrop in background
See all 285 photographs of Adolf Hitler

Famous WW2 Quote
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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