13 Jul 1940
- Kanalkampf: German bombers attacked Allied Convoy CS5 near Dover, England; escorting destroyer HMS Vanessa was damaged by near misses and had to be towed to port by destroyer HMS Griffin. Convoy Bread was attacked once again, this time off the Dorset coast; 6 German bombers were shot down while several British fighters were also lost, killing 3 pilots. ww2dbase [Battle of Britain | CPC]
- German raider Atlantis sank British steamer Kemmendine 500 miles southeast of Ceylon; 57 crew and 25 passengers were taken prisoner. ww2dbase [Atlantis | CPC]
- German raider Widder sank British ship King John 200 miles northeast of Antigua; 5 crew and 21 survivors of Panamanian ship Santa Margarita (sank on 2 Jul) were taken prisoner. The total prisoner count aboard Widder was now 100, exceeding her capacity, thus some were put to lifeboats so that they could paddle toward islands in the Carribean Sea on their own. ww2dbase [Widder | CPC]
- USS Wichita and USS Quincy (CA-39) arrived at Santos, Brazil. ww2dbase [Quincy (New Orleans-class) | CPC]
- USS Walke and USS Wainwright departed Pará, Brazil for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ww2dbase [CPC]
- The British Army's new parachute force began training at Ringway Airport, Manchester, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [AC]
- Adolf Hitler met with top German military leaders at Obersalzberg, München-Oberbayern, Germany. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | CPC]
- Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov leaked diplomatic communications between Britain and the Soviet Union, which should had been held confidentially between the two countries per general rules of international diplomacy, to Germany. ww2dbase [Vyacheslav Molotov | CPC]
- While under heavy attack by Axis aircraft, Sea Gladiator aircraft launched from HMS Eagle shot down three Italian bombers in the Mediterranean Sea. ww2dbase [Eagle | CPC]
- Tennis star Jean Borotra was named the head of the Commissariat général de l’éducation générale et aux sports (CGEGS), which was to be officially created in the following month to design sport curriculums for school children in Vichy France. ww2dbase [CPC]
- Leonardo da Vinci set sail from Naples, Italy at 0930 hours for torpedo exercises with torpedo boat Cilo, returning at 1630 hours. ww2dbase [Leonardo da Vinci | Napoli, Campania | CPC]
- Alessandro Malaspina conducted exercises out of La Spezia, Italy between 0745 hours and 1205 hours. ww2dbase [Alessandro Malaspina | La Spezia, Liguria | CPC]
- Kichisaburo Nomura was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure. ww2dbase [Kichisaburo Nomura | CPC]
- Tatsuta Maru arrived at San Francisco, California, United States; among the passengers disembarked were 40 Jewish refugees from Russia, Austria, Germany, Norway, and Britain. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | San Francisco, California | CPC]
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Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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