1 Aug 1944
- Joseph Stilwell was promoted to full general; his trusted deputy Frank Merrill pinned the fourth star on his superior's uniform. On the same day, Stilwell met with Louis Mountbatten at Kandy, Ceylon to discuss Stilwell's temporary command over Mountbatten's theater while Mountbatten planned for a trip to Britain. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | Louis Mountbatten | Frank Merrill | Kandy | CPC]
30 Aug 1944
- Joseph Stilwell departed Kandy, Ceylon for Delhi, India to meet with Patrick Hurley. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | Kandy | CPC]
3 May 1945
- Oliver Leese and Louis Mountbatten met at Kandy, Ceylon; Leese recommended William Slim be relieved now that the Burma campaign was effectively completed. ww2dbase [Oliver Leese | Kandy | CPC]
4 Sep 1945
- At Kandy, Ceylon, Thai negotiators rejected Louis Mountbatten's demand for Thailand to sign an interim military agreement. Thailand, as support by the United States, argued that the 21-point military agreement was political in nature. ww2dbase [Kandy | CPC]
6 Sep 1945
- Louis Mountbatten, William Slim, Reginald Dorman-Smith, Aung San, 6 Patriotic Burmese Force officers, and 4 representatives of Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League began their meeting in Kandy, Ceylon regarding the future of Burmese administration. ww2dbase [Louis Mountbatten | Kandy | CPC]
7 Sep 1945
- Louis Mountbatten, William Slim, Reginald Dorman-Smith, Aung San, 6 Patriotic Burmese Force officers, and 4 representatives of Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League reached an agreement in Kandy, Ceylon on the formation of the Burmese Army. Particularly, it was to accept 5,200 men and 200 officers of Aung San's Patriotic Burmese Force. It was to consist of ethnically-separated units; for example, the infantry was to have 3 Burmese battalions, 2 Karen battalions, 2 Kachin battalions, 2 Chin battalions, and 1 mixed battalion. The British government also agreed to share credit of winning the war with the resistance fighters. ww2dbase [Aung San | Kandy | CPC]
8 Sep 1945
- In Kandy, Ceylon, after Louis Mountbatten reduced the proposed British-Thai agreement down to four points, Thai negotiators finally agreed to sign. ww2dbase [Louis Mountbatten | Kandy | CPC]
28 Sep 1945
- In Kandy, Ceylon, Louis Mountbatten ordered British troops en route to Indonesia to be limited to key areas, thus avoiding the Indonesian-Dutch political tensions. ww2dbase [Louis Mountbatten | Kandy | CPC]
30 Sep 1945
- In Kandy, Ceylon, French representative Pierre Clarac demanded Prince Wiwatthanachai of Thailand to transfer the Emerald Buddha to Cambodia. The treasure was catured by Thai troops in 1432 in Angkor Wat during the fall of the Khmer Empire, and Cambodian nationalists had sought for its return. ww2dbase [Kandy | CPC]
9 Oct 1945
- During peace negotiations in Kandy, Ceylon between Thailand and the United Kingdom, British negotiator M. E. Dening demanded that all his proposals to be accepted by Thailand without exceptions. Thai Prime Minister Seni Pramoj opposed such demands. The talks ceased without progressing when Dening was called away to deal with matters in the Dutch East Indies. ww2dbase [Kandy | CPC]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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