9 Dec 1942

  • Germany agreed to cede to Italy the French warships captured at Bizerte, Tunisia in the previous month. They included sloop La Batailleuse, sloop Commandant Rivière, torpedo boat Bombarde, torpedo boat La Pomone, torpedo boat L'Iphigénie, submarine Phoque, submarine Saphir, submarine Requin, submarine Espadon, submarine Dauphin, submarine Turquoise, submarine Circé, submarine Calypso, and submarine Nautilus. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
19 Dec 1942

  • Captured French sloop La Batailleuse departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew for La Spezia, Italy. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
  • Captured French sloop Commandant Rivière departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew for La Spezia, Italy. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
22 Dec 1942

  • Captured French torpedo boats Bombarde, La Pomone, and L'Iphigénie departed Bizerte, Tunisia with Italian crews for Palermo, Sicily, Italy. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
6 Jan 1943

  • Captured French submarine Phoque departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
  • Captured French submarine Saphir departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
20 Jan 1943

  • Captured French submarine Requin departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
  • Captured French submarine Espadon departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
7 May 1943

  • Italians scuttled captured French minelayer Castor at Bizerte, Tunisia. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
9 May 1943

28 Oct 1943

  • Italian destroyers FR 23 and FR 31, which were captured French destroyers previously named Tigre and Trombe, were returned to the French Navy at Bizerte, Tunisia. The high tension between Italian and French sailors led to a brawl, which was broken up by American military policemen. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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