2 Feb 1938

  • Troops of Japanese No. 1 Yokosuka Special Naval Landing Force, 284 men, landed at Yantai, Shandong Province, China, supported by light cruiser Kuma (flagship of the operation). No. 5 Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force and No. 6 Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force would soon arrive to reinforce No. 1 Yokosuka Special Naval Landing Force, which met unexpected resistance. ww2dbase [Kuma | Yantai, Shandong | CPC]
  • Alexander Gelhaar stepped down as the commanding officer of U-1. ww2dbase [U-1 | CPC]
  • In the Soviet Union, the State General Planning Commission (Gosplan) was divided into two sections. The first, of four departments, dealt with major macro-economic variables, investment, finance and regional/sector planning. The second, of twenty departments, was responsible for each major industrial branch, foreign trade, food and communications. Gosplan could now claim to be overseeing the entire state economy with the right to dictate (to regional commissions) production targets and financial budgets. ww2dbase [AC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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