1 Aug 1934
  • Yoshijiro Umezu was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. ww2dbase [Yoshijiro Umezu | CPC]
  • The Central Aviation Academy began a basic flight training program at Nanchang Airfield, Nanchang Jiangxi Province, China. ww2dbase [Jianqiao Airfield | Hangzhou, Zhejiang | CPC]
  • Hiroshi Nemoto was promoted to the rank of colonel. ww2dbase [Hiroshi Nemoto | CPC]
  • Korechika Anami was made the Commandant of the Tokyo Military Preparatory School in Tokyo, Japan. ww2dbase [Korechika Anami | Tokyo | CPC]
  • General Kenkichi Ueda was named the commanding officer of the Japanese Chosen Army in occupied Korea, relieving Yoshiyuki Kawashima. ww2dbase [Kenkichi Ueda | CPC]
  • Kenkichi Ueda was made the commanding officer of the Japanese Chosen Army in Korea. ww2dbase [Kenkichi Ueda | CPC]
  • ShCh-307 was launched by Baltiyskiy Zavod at Leningrad, Russia. ww2dbase [ShCh-307 | Leningrad | CPC]
  • Viktor Abakumov was assigned to GULAG department of the Soviet NKVD. ww2dbase [Viktor Abakumov | CPC]
  • Hisaichi Terauchi was named the commanding officer of the Taiwan Army. ww2dbase [Hisaichi Terauchi | CPC]

1 Aug 1934 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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