22 Aug 1940
  • British Swordfish torpedo bombers of 812 Squadron from HMS Peregrine bombed German invasion barges at Daedereide, the Netherlands. One Swordfish aircraft was shot down, with its crew of two taken prisoner. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Three Swordfish torpedo bombers of 824 Squadron of HMS Eagle sank Italian submarine Iride, killing most of the crew of 45, and the depot ship Monte Gargano in the Gulf of Bomba, Libya. Italian torpedo boat Calypso was also damaged. ww2dbase [Eagle | Iride | CPC]
  • James V. Forrestal, former Administrative Assistant to the US President and Wall Street broker, was named the first Undersecretary of the Navy responsible for procurement and materiel in the Navy Department. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Adolf Galland was appointed Geschwaderkommodore JG 26 "Schlageter". ww2dbase [Adolf Galland | AC]
United Kingdom
  • Harrow in northwest London, England, United Kingdom received a German bomb at 0330 hours, the first to fall within the borders of the London Civil Defence Area. After daybreak, bad weather once again prevented large German raids. At 0900 hours, German 38-centimeter guns at Cape Gris Nez, France shelled the convoy "Totem" in the Strait of Dover for 80 minutes, but no ships were hit. At 1300 hours, German Ju 88 bombers, escorted by Bf 109 fighters, attacked the same convoy, but were engaged by Spitfire fighters of No. 54 Squadron and Hurricane fighters of No. 610 Squadron; 1 Ju 88, 1 Spitfire, and 1 Hurricane aircraft were shot down, wit the Hurricane fighter shot down by friendly fire. In the evening, the 38-centimeter gun fired again, this time at the city of Dover; British 14-inch gun "Winnie" returned fire. From 1830 hours through the night, German bombers raided British cities, including Aberdeen, Bristol, and Hull. ww2dbase [Battle of Britain | London, England | CPC]
  • Winston Churchill visited RAF Kenley in southern London, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Winston Churchill | London, England | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 22 Aug 1940
TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of Torpedo Squadron 3 with McClelland Barclay experimental camouflage design number 7, Naval Air Station, North Island, California, United States, 22 Aug 1940, photo 1 of 3TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of Torpedo Squadron 3 with McClelland Barclay experimental camouflage design number 7, Naval Air Station, North Island, California, United States, 22 Aug 1940, photo 2 of 3TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of Torpedo Squadron 3 with McClelland Barclay experimental camouflage design number 7, Naval Air Station, North Island, California, United States, 22 Aug 1940, photo 3 of 3TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of Torpedo Squadron 3 with McClelland Barclay experimental camouflage design number 8, Naval Air Station, North Island, California, United States, 22 Aug 1940, photo 1 of 3
See all photos dated 22 Aug 1940

22 Aug 1940 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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