52 submarines and 4 submarine tenders of the US Navy Reserve Fleet, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, circa Jan 1946

Caption     52 submarines and 4 submarine tenders of the US Navy Reserve Fleet, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, circa Jan 1946 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Navy via navsource.org
Link to Source    Link
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Piranha   Main article  Photos  
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Guavina   Main article  Photos  
Bashaw   Main article  Photos  
Bluegill   Main article  Photos  
Bream   Main article  Photos  
Gurnard   Main article  Photos  
Mingo   Main article  Photos  
Pargo   Main article  Photos  
Puffer   Main article  Photos  
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Tunny   Main article  Photos  
Tinosa   Main article  Photos  
Lionfish   Main article  Photos  
Moray   Main article  Photos  
Seahorse   Main article  Photos  
Aspro   Main article  Photos  
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Perch (Balao-class)   Main article  Photos  
Barbero   Main article  Photos  
Baya   Main article  Photos  
Guitarro   Main article  Photos  
Hardhead   Main article  Photos  
Hawkbill   Main article  Photos  
Icefish   Main article  Photos  
Jallao   Main article  Photos  
Kraken   Main article  Photos  
Lamprey   Main article  Photos  
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Sand Lance   Main article  Photos  
Pampanito   Main article  Photos  
Pintado   Main article  Photos  
Pipefish   Main article  Photos  
Spadefish   Main article  Photos  
Trepang   Main article  Photos  
Spot   Main article  Photos  
Springer   Main article  Photos  
Devilfish   Main article  Photos  
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Macabi   Main article  Photos  
Mapiro   Main article  Photos  
Menhaden   Main article  Photos  
Dragonet   Main article  Photos  
Manta   Main article  Photos  
Roncador   Main article  Photos  
Mero   Main article  Photos  
Stickleback   Main article  Photos  
Sealion (Balao-class)   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 2,000 x 2,512 pixels
Photos at Same Place Vallejo, California, United States
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Public Domain. Please support the navsource.org project and remember the dedication of its founder Paul Yarnall.

Additionally, according to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

Please contact us regarding any inaccuracies with the above information. Thank you.

Colorized By WW2DB     Colorized with Adobe Photoshop

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
6 Aug 2010 08:23:31 PM

From back to front and left to right, first group of 12 boats:
Sandlance (SS-381)
Tunny (SS-282)
Aspro (SS-309)
Lionfish (SS-298)
Guavina (SS-362)
Sunfish (SS-281)
Macabi (SS-375)
Gurnard (SS-254)
Pampanito (SS-383)
Mingo (SS-261)
Guitarro (SS-363)
Bashaw (SS-241)
From back to front and left to right, second group of 12 boats:
Sealion (SS-315)
Hammerhead (SS-364)
Bream (SS-243)
Seahorse (SS-304)
Tinosa (SS-283)
Pintado (SS-387)
Mapiro (SS-376)
Pipefish (SS-388)
Moray (SS-300)
Batfish (SS-310)
Hackleback (SS-295)
Bluegill (SS-242)
From back to front and left to right, third group of 12 boats:
Hawkbill (SS-366)
Menhaden (SS-377)
Perch (SS-313)
Loggerhead (SS-374)
Barbero (SS-317)
Baya (SS-318)
Hardhead (SS-365)
Spadefish (SS-411)
Springer (SS-414)
Devilfish (SS-292)
Kraken (SS-370)
Dragonet (SS-293)
From back to front and left to right, fourth group of 12 boats:
Lamprey (SS-372)
Piranha (SS-389)
Manta (SS-299)
Pargo (SS-264)
Roncador (SS-301)
Archerfish (SS-311)
Mero (SS-378)
Sawfish (SS-276)
Spot (SS-413)
Lizardfish (SS-373)
Jallao (SS-368)
Icefish (SS-367)
From back to front and left to right, last group of 4 boats:
Steelhead (SS-280)
Puffer (SS-268)
Stickleback (SS-415)
Trepang (SS-412)
From back to front, Submarine Tenders group of 4 ships:
Pelias (AS-14)
Aegir (AS-23)
Euryale (AS-22)
Griffin (AS-13)
2. Anonymous says:
4 Mar 2011 05:57:48 PM

This photo is associated with the Sealion Article. According the the article the Sealion was scuttled in the Cavite Navy yard after its bombardment in October 1941, and it is not listed in the above submarines, though it is of the same type.
3. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
4 Mar 2011 08:33:08 PM

Thanks for pointing that out. We had linked this photo to the wrong Sealion this one is SS-315, not SS-195. This has been corrected!
4. Anonymous says:
8 Jul 2014 12:15:35 PM

I have been looking for this exact picture for weeks now. I want to get a framed copy of this image as a gift for my father. Do you know where I could buy this pint? Thank you for your time!
5. James Hendry says:
20 Apr 2023 05:54:02 PM

I would like a copy of this photo, Can you help?

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Vallejo, California, United States
Lat/Long 38.1159, -122.2797
Famous WW2 Quote
"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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