Japanese troops with a captured German-built Chinese Army Panzer I tank, possibly near Nanjing, China, 9 Dec 1937

Caption     Japanese troops with a captured German-built Chinese Army Panzer I tank, possibly near Nanjing, China, 9 Dec 1937 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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PzKpfw I   Main article  Photos  
Battle of Nanjing and the Rape of Nanjing   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Photo Size 500 x 359 pixels
Photos on Same Day 9 Dec 1937
Photos at Same Place Nanjing, China
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work originating in Japan is in the public domain. According to Article 23 of the 1899 Copyright Act of Japan and Article 2 of Supplemental Provisions of Copyright Act of 1970, a work is in the public domain if it was created or published before 1 Jan 1957.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Clayton says:
20 Jun 2014 11:43:47 AM

The PzKpfw I was a very small and cramped vehicle. It was obsolete at the time of its conception by European standards. However, I'm sure the Chinese were happy to buy whatever they could quickly receive in numbers. I'm sure that they also found it to be much less cramped (ha ha).

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