B-29 Superfortress bombers dropping bombs on Japan, circa Jul-Aug 1945

Caption     B-29 Superfortress bombers dropping bombs on Japan, circa Jul-Aug 1945 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseWikimedia Commons
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Photo Size 846 x 1,026 pixels
Photos at Same Place Japan
Added By C. Peter Chen
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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
3 May 2009 04:50:13 PM

can u please post some more info i need it for a school project
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
29 Apr 2011 09:19:07 PM


The Boeing B-29 Superfortress brought the air
war to Japan. Raids against targets in the
Empire accounted for 50 times the destruction
that was caused by the dropping of the two
atomic bombs, Japan's entire infrastructure
was in ruins, even the basic necessities were
difficult to obtain.

In less than two years, Boeing, Martin and Bell delivered 3,600 B-29s to the USAAF.
If the United States had invaded Japan in late 1945, its airpower strenght would have
been over 15,000 bombers and fighters with
an added 2,000 B-29s backed up with over 6,000 Navy combat planes and a supply train 10,000 miles long, to bring more aircraft, more troops, more ships and supplies to the Pacific.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
30 Apr 2011 09:02:12 PM


Looks like B-29s are dropping the M-69 type incendiary bombs, and 1000 or 500lb bombs.
The B-29 could carry 1400 of the M-69, and a mix of 1000 and 500lb bombs.


Major Japanese cities and industrial targets were burned during such raids cities such as
Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe were targets for such raids, the USAAF, dropped over 9500 tons of incendiaries alone 7,750,000 were made homeless and 3,500,000 evacuated to other areas.

During night raids P-61 Black Widows gave night protection for the B-29s, during the
day light raids P-51 and P-47s flew cover
Japanese fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft were limited against such raids that were being carried out.

Japanese pilots out of ammunition would make
suicidal ramming attacks against the B-29s
both the Japanese Army and Navy fought at night and day against the bombers.
Every type of single and twin-engine aircraft
were used to combat the raids they were armed with 20mm, 30mm, 37mm and 40mm cannons
heavy caliber machine guns, even twin-engine bombers were modified into heavy fighters.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
3 May 2011 07:00:12 PM

The B-29 was armed with 8x50caliber machine
guns, located in four remote-controlled
turrets plus 2x50caliber machine guns and 1x20mm cannon in the tail.
The turrets were controlled by gunner's from
remote stations located in blisters on top the fuselage and side blister positions.


On board computer took the guess-work out of
point and aim, the computer figured out the range, bullet drop, gunner's deflection,
target deflection and windage.
Targets beyond 600 yards are automatically corrected for lead, it was primitive by today's standards, but it was one of the first airborne systems and it was big
6 feet by 3 feet, by 3 feet and heavy, but
it was an amazing feat for that era.

By the end of WWII 20,700 computers had been
produced. The technology of wartime production produced and advanced weapons development, and created new inventions that had widespread consumer and industrial use in
the post war period.

Did you know:
The Japanese had to make 500 fighter attacks
to bring down one B-29. General Electric was
producing by 1943/44 2400 turrets per-month
for the B-29, at wars end the US Government
cancelled 5,000 B-29s on order each B-29 cost
$639,000 1940s dollars, in todays dollars it
would cost $8,620,000/8.62 million.
5. ethan says:
23 Feb 2012 12:52:58 PM

6. Bill says:
6 Dec 2014 04:33:00 PM


Even after the first Atomic Bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima, the USAAF continued to bomb targets
within the empire. The raids went on, One Hundred and Fifty-One B-29s on a day light raid, attacked targets dropping 124 tons of explosives.
Thirty-Two B-29s dropped 189 tons of mines and other ordnance on other targets.


Another raid had Two hundred and Forty-Five B-29s
dropped incendiary bombs on targets on the island
of Kyushu. With another force of Sixty B-29s that
bombed Tokyo. Targets were being scheduled for more raids.


August 9, 1945 another Atomic Bomb was dropped on
Nagasaki. Did you know even with the atomic bomb raids, other raids were being carried out it was business as usual. After Nagasaki the Japanese
Government had no other way out with its cities
and industries destroyed its population without food, shelter, medical care and the other basic needs to survive surrendered on August 15,1945
World War II was over...

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"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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