Hausser file photo [713]

Paul Hausser

Given NamePaul
Born7 Oct 1880
Died21 Dec 1972


ww2dbaseA veteran of World War I, Hausser became a leader in the Stahlhelm ("Steel Helmet"), a right-wing veterans' organization, in the interwar years. He transferred to the SA, the Nazis' paramilitary organization, after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and soon moved to the SS, the Nazi Party's elite corps. He helped train and expand the armed SS units that became the nucleus of the Waffen SS (SS-controlled field armies) in World War II. After commanding Waffen SS units in France and on the Eastern Front, Hausser was promoted to the SS rank of Oberstgruppenführer (colonel general). In late June 1944 he was given command of the beleaguered 7th Army, which was being worn down resisting the Allied invasion of Normandy. Hausser was seriously wounded in August, during the escape of the 7th Army from Normandy at Falaise, and he was relieved of his posts near the end of the war. In postwar West Germany, Hausser became the leader of an organization of Waffen SS veterans.

Last Major Revision: Jan 2005


Paul Hausser in Russia, winter 1941Paul Hausser at Kharkov, Ukraine, May 1942Heinrich Himmler inspecting Panzer Division 502 of German SS Division

Paul Hausser Timeline

7 Oct 1880 Paul Hausser was born.
21 Dec 1972 Paul Hausser passed away.

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More on Paul Hausser
Event(s) Participated:
» Second Battle of Kharkov
» Battle of Kursk
» Normandy Campaign, Phase 2

Paul Hausser Photo Gallery
Paul Hausser in Russia, winter 1941
See all 3 photographs of Paul Hausser

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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