Krueger file photo [804]

Walter Krueger

Given NameWalter
Born26 Jan 1881
Died20 Aug 1967
CountryUnited States


ww2dbaseWalter Krueger was born in Flatow, West Prussia, but moved to the United States when he was eight years old. He served as a volunteer during the Spanish-American War, and remained in the United States Army after the conflict. He graduated from the Infantry-Cavalry School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in 1906, and then from the General Staff College in 1907. In 1916, he participated in the Mexican Punitive Expedition, and during WW1 he served in France as the Assistant Chief of Staff for each of the 26th Infantry Division, the 84th Infantry Division, and finally the Tank Corps. After a series of command and staff positions during the inter-war years, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in Oct 1936, major general in Feb 1939, and lieutenant general in May 1941. Serving under Douglas MacArthur, he commanded the newly activated Sixth Army in the island hopping campaign from Australia to the Philippines. "History has not given him due credit for his greatness", noted MacArthur in his memoir; "Swift and sure in attack, tenacious and determined in defense, modest and restrained in victory-I do not know what he would have been in defeat, because he was never defeated." In Mar 1945 Krueger was promoted to full general, a rank that he held into retirement (though he reverted to the rank of lieutenant general for a short time). He passed away at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, United States, and rests in peace at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States.

ww2dbaseSources: Reminiscences, Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Aug 2006

Walter Krueger Interactive Map


General Walter Krueger of US 6th Army inspecting US Marines at Mount Martha, Melbourne, Australia, 1943; note General William Rupertus and Colonel Merritt EdsonGenerals Walter Kreuger, William Rupertus, and Douglas MacAthur, circa 1943Krueger, MacArthur, and Marshall in the South Pacific, late 1943MacArthur signing Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4
See all 7 photographs of Walter Krueger

Walter Krueger Timeline

26 Jan 1881 Walter Krueger was born.
28 Nov 1943 Lieutenant General Walter Krueger, commanding officer of US Sixth Army, established on Fergusson Island, Australian Papua the Alamo Scouts, an all volunteer elite unit consisting of small teams which could operate deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence for the Sixth U.S. Army.
20 Aug 1967 Walter Krueger passed away.

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Event(s) Participated:
» New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 3

Walter Krueger Photo Gallery
General Walter Krueger of US 6th Army inspecting US Marines at Mount Martha, Melbourne, Australia, 1943; note General William Rupertus and Colonel Merritt Edson
See all 7 photographs of Walter Krueger

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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