Atomic bomb British soldiers in line for tea at NAAFI Mobile Canteen No. 750 at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945Churchill sitting in a damaged chair taken out from HitlerChurchill
Atomic bomb 'Gadget' exploding during Operation Trinity, 16 Jul 1945British soldiers in line for tea at NAAFI Mobile Canteen No. 750 at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945Churchill sitting in a damaged chair taken out from Hitler's bunker in Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945Churchill's car at Truman's residence at Number 2, Kaiserstrasse, Babelsberg, Germany, 16 Jul 1945
Early stage of the nuclear explosion during Operation Trinity, 16 Jul 1945Early stage of the nuclear explosion during Operation Trinity, 16 Jul 1945, photo 2 of 2General Miles Dempsey and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s 2nd Army headquarters, 16 Jul 1945.Harry Truman saying goodbye to Mary Churchill after meeting at his residence during Potsdam Conference, Germany, 16 Jul 1945; note presence of Winston Churchill, William Leahy, Dwight Eisenhower, and Harry Vaughn
Early stage of the nuclear explosion during Operation Trinity, 16 Jul 1945Early stage of the nuclear explosion during Operation Trinity, 16 Jul 1945, photo 2 of 2General Miles Dempsey and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s 2nd Army headquarters, 16 Jul 1945.Harry Truman saying goodbye to Mary Churchill after meeting at his residence during Potsdam Conference, Germany, 16 Jul 1945; note presence of Winston Churchill, William Leahy, Dwight Eisenhower, and Harry Vaughn
Lieutenant May Felts, chief dietician to the American delegation to the Potsdam Conference, inspecting the food being prepared, Germany, 16 Jul 1945Major John Lennox and Lieutenant May Felts discussing the dayUS Army WAC Captain Elizabeth Hoisington dispatching Private First Class Guadalupe Torres and Private First Class Frances Gribble to their tasks during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 16 Jul 1945US President Harry Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy touring the ruins of Hitler
Lieutenant May Felts, chief dietician to the American delegation to the Potsdam Conference, inspecting the food being prepared, Germany, 16 Jul 1945Major John Lennox and Lieutenant May Felts discussing the day's dining menu for the American delegation, Potsdam, Germany, 16 Jul 1945US Army WAC Captain Elizabeth Hoisington dispatching Private First Class Guadalupe Torres and Private First Class Frances Gribble to their tasks during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 16 Jul 1945US President Harry Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy touring the ruins of Hitler's Chancellery, Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945
US President Harry Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy visiting Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945William Leahy greeting Winston Churchill at Harry TrumanWilliam Leahy, Dwight Eisenhower, and Harold Stark in a car, Antwerp, Belgium, 16 Jul 1945
US President Harry Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy visiting Berlin, Germany, 16 Jul 1945William Leahy greeting Winston Churchill at Harry Truman's residence during Potsdam Conference, Germany, 16 Jul 1945; Harry Vaughan and Mary Churchill in backgroundWilliam Leahy, Dwight Eisenhower, and Harold Stark in a car, Antwerp, Belgium, 16 Jul 1945

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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