16,305 items in this album on 816 pages.
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Dwight Eisenhower and Lucius Clay at the airfield in Gatow, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945; note Omar Bradley in background | Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, and Harry Truman, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945 | Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, Harry Truman, Henry Stimson, Omar Bradley, and others during the raising of a US flag over Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945 | Harry Vaughan, Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, Harry Truman, Henry Stimson, Omar Bradley, and others, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945 |
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Major General Floyd Parks, John McCloyd, US Secretary of War Henry Stimson, and General George Patton during the review of US 2nd Armored Division, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945 | Major General Frank Parks, General George Patton, Colonel W. H. Kyle, J. J. McCloy, H. H. Bundy, and US Secretary of War Henry Stimson, reviewing US 2nd Armored Division, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945, photo 1 of 4 | Major General Frank Parks, General George Patton, Colonel W. H. Kyle, J. J. McCloy, H. H. Bundy, and US Secretary of War Henry Stimson, reviewing US 2nd Armored Division, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945, photo 2 of 4 | Major General Frank Parks, General George Patton, Colonel W. H. Kyle, J. J. McCloy, H. H. Bundy, and US Secretary of War Henry Stimson, reviewing US 2nd Armored Division, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945, photo 3 of 4 |
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Major General Frank Parks, General George Patton, Colonel W. H. Kyle, J. J. McCloy, H. H. Bundy, and US Secretary of War Henry Stimson, reviewing US 2nd Armored Division, Berlin, Germany, 20 Jul 1945, photo 4 of 4 | Stalin, Truman, and Churchill in conversation, Potsdam, Germany, Jul 1945 | Stern view of USS Mingo departing Mare Island Naval Shipyard, California, United States, 20 Jul 1945 | UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Potsdam Conference, Germany, Jul 1945 |
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Bernard Montgomery, Winston Churchill, Harold Alexander, and Anthony Eden at the Charlottenberger Chausce reviewing stand during the Berlin victory parade, Germany, 21 Jul 1945 | Brigadier General A. J. McFarland, Admiral William Leahy, and Admiral Ernest King at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germay, 21 Jul 1945 | British Prime Minister Winston Churchill visiting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters at Lüneburg Heath, Germany, 21 Jul 1945. | General Henry Arnold, Marshal Charles Portal, Field Marshal Harold Alexander, General George Marshall, and Admiral Ernest King at the British victory parade in Berlin, Germany, 21 Jul 1945 |
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Major General Lauris Norstad, General Henry Arnold, and General George Marshall at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 21 Jul 1945 | Vice Admiral C. M. Cooke, Jr. and General Brehon Somervell at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 21 Jul 1945 | Australian Army Lieutenant MG Searles, 2/25 infantry battalion, inspecting a Japanese Jeep found abandoned on the Milford highway near Popes Track, Balikpapan area, Borneo, 22 Jul 1945 | Captain C. J. Moore, Admiral William Leahy, and Brigadier General Andrew McFarland at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 23 Jul 1945 |
16,305 items in this album on 816 pages.