27,656 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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German tanker performing maintenance on a Tiger I heavy tank, near Kursk, Russia, summer 1943, photo 1 of 2 | German tanker performing maintenance on a Tiger I heavy tank, near Kursk, Russia, summer 1943, photo 2 of 2 | German tankers replacing a damaged track on a Panzer VI Tiger I heavy tank, Kursk, Russia, Jun-Jul 1943 | German Tiger I heavy tanks in combat, south of Oryol, Russia, Jul 1943 |
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German troops and Tiger I heavy tank of the German 2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich' on the move near Kursk, Russia, Jun-Jul 1943 | German troops at Kursk, Russia, summer 1943; note Tiger I heavy tank and StuG III gun | German troops digging in the field, near Kursk, Russia, summer 1943; note camouflaged Tiger I heavy tank in background | German Waffen-SS Tiger I heavy tank in action near Kursk, Russia, Jun-Jul 1943 |
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German Waffen-SS troops and a Tiger I heavy tank, Kursk, Russia, Jun-Jul 1943 | German Waffen-SS troops operating a Grille self-propelled gun in Russia, Jul 1943, photo 1 of 2 | German Waffen-SS troops operating a Grille self-propelled gun in Russia, Jul 1943, photo 2 of 2 | Graduating WAVES yeomen, Naval Training Center (Hunter College), Women's Reserve, the Bronx, New York City, United States, summer 1943 |
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Ground crew starting 357th Fighter Group commander Col. Edward S. Chickering's P-39Q the hard way - with the hand crank to get the inertia starter going. Hamilton Field, California, United States, July 1943 | Higgins 78-foot torpedo boats of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 13 (MTBRon 13) moored in Attu, Alaska, Jul 943. Note PT-75 and PT-78 nested outboard of their squadron-mate and PBY Catalina patrol plane taking off. | Hitler Youth members being decorated for bravery while manning anti-aircraft guns, Hamburg, Germany, July 1943 | HMS Delhi in the Mediterranean Sea, Jul 1943 |
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HMS Rodney at Valetta, Malta, Jul 1943 | HMS Victorious at anchor in the Solomons, Jul 1943. This was during the period Victorious was on loan to the US Fleet. Note US F4F Wildcats and TBM Avengers on the flight deck. | James Doolittle awarding the Purple Heart to the crew of B-17E Flying Fortress bomber 'Sweet Chariot', Chateau-dun-du-Rhumel Airfield, Algeria, Jul 1943 | Japanese midget submarine Ha-19, captured in Hawaii following the 7 Dec 1941 Pearl Harbor attack, toured the United States as part of a War Bond drive. It is seen here in front of the US Capitol, Washington DC, mid-1943 |
27,656 items in this album on 1,383 pages.