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Generals Matthew Ridgway of the US XVIII Airborne Corps, Miles Dempsey of the 2nd British Army, William Simpson of the US 9th Army, and Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s headquarters, 25 Mar 1945, discussing the recent crossing of the Rhine.George Patton speaking to US 3rd Army engineers, Germany, late Mar 1945Large group of German prisoners of war sitting together in a compound after being captured by the Western Allies, 25 Mar 1945P-51D Mustangs of the 531st Fighter Squadron lined up at South Field, Iwo Jima, Mar 25, 1945
Generals Matthew Ridgway of the US XVIII Airborne Corps, Miles Dempsey of the 2nd British Army, William Simpson of the US 9th Army, and Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s headquarters, 25 Mar 1945, discussing the recent crossing of the Rhine.George Patton speaking to US 3rd Army engineers, Germany, late Mar 1945Large group of German prisoners of war sitting together in a compound after being captured by the Western Allies, 25 Mar 1945P-51D Mustangs of the 531st Fighter Squadron lined up at South Field, Iwo Jima, Mar 25, 1945
Winston Churchill and American generals on a balcony watching Allied vehicles crossing the Rhine River into Germany, 25 Mar 1945Winston Churchill on the east bank of the Rhine River, south of Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 25 Mar 1945British Achilles tank destroyer on the east bank of the Rhine River, 26 Mar 1945; note abandoned gliders in backgroundBritish Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery with the men of 79th Armoured Division, 25 Mar 1945. General Miles Dempsey is at left.
Winston Churchill and American generals on a balcony watching Allied vehicles crossing the Rhine River into Germany, 25 Mar 1945Winston Churchill on the east bank of the Rhine River, south of Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 25 Mar 1945British Achilles tank destroyer on the east bank of the Rhine River, 26 Mar 1945; note abandoned gliders in backgroundBritish Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery with the men of 79th Armoured Division, 25 Mar 1945. General Miles Dempsey is at left.
Crewmen hoisting one of USS MiamiDuring their tour of the assault on the Rhine, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery stopped their Jeeps to allow troops to pass in troop carriers, 26 Mar 1945.Men of the US 77th Division landing from LVTs onto Zanami Island of the Kerama Islands near Okinawa, Japan, 27 Mar 1945Soldiers of the US 7th Army pause at the Siegfried Line on the road to Karlsruhe, Germany, 27 Mar 1945
Crewmen hoisting one of USS Miami's paravanes while in the Pacific Ocean, 26 Mar 1945During their tour of the assault on the Rhine, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery stopped their Jeeps to allow troops to pass in troop carriers, 26 Mar 1945.Men of the US 77th Division landing from LVTs onto Zanami Island of the Kerama Islands near Okinawa, Japan, 27 Mar 1945Soldiers of the US 7th Army pause at the Siegfried Line on the road to Karlsruhe, Germany, 27 Mar 1945
USS Hornet in camouflage Measure 33 Design 3a off Okinawa, Japan, 27 Mar 1945; note various aircraft on the flight deckUSS Langley underway in the Pacific Ocean, 27 Mar 1945A TBM Avenger trailing smoke returning to the carrier USS Essex after being damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire during a strike on Minami Daito Jima in the Okinawa Operation, 28 Mar 1945.Men of the British 5th Dorsetshire Regiment crossing the Rhine River into Germany in a Buffalo tracked landing vehicle, 28 Mar 1945
USS Hornet in camouflage Measure 33 Design 3a off Okinawa, Japan, 27 Mar 1945; note various aircraft on the flight deckUSS Langley underway in the Pacific Ocean, 27 Mar 1945A TBM Avenger trailing smoke returning to the carrier USS Essex after being damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire during a strike on Minami Daito Jima in the Okinawa Operation, 28 Mar 1945.Men of the British 5th Dorsetshire Regiment crossing the Rhine River into Germany in a Buffalo tracked landing vehicle, 28 Mar 1945
Men of the UK 1st Commando Brigade manning two Vickers medium machine guns just east of the Rhine River outside of Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, between 24-31 Mar 1945War Correspondent Ted Stanford of The Pittsburgh Courier interviewing African-American US Army Sergeant Morris O. Harris of the 784th Tank Battalion of the 9th Army, 28 Mar 1945Battleship Colorado bombarding Okinawa, Japan, 29 Mar 1945; cropped photoBritish Sergeant Edward Hill, captured by the Germans at Dunkerque, France in 1940, smiling as he was librated in late Mar 1945
Men of the UK 1st Commando Brigade manning two Vickers medium machine guns just east of the Rhine River outside of Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, between 24-31 Mar 1945War Correspondent Ted Stanford of The Pittsburgh Courier interviewing African-American US Army Sergeant Morris O. Harris of the 784th Tank Battalion of the 9th Army, 28 Mar 1945Battleship Colorado bombarding Okinawa, Japan, 29 Mar 1945; cropped photoBritish Sergeant Edward Hill, captured by the Germans at Dunkerque, France in 1940, smiling as he was librated in late Mar 1945

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