27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Destroyed buildings of Lipa City, Luzon, Philippine Islands, after 29 Mar 1945 | Painted bow of the tanker Torrance Hills ready for launch at the Marinship yard, Sausalito, California, United States, 29 Mar 1945. The painting commemorates the third anniversary of Marinship. | Private L. H. Johnson and Sergeant D. R. Fairborn of 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion with a PIAT launcher, Lembeck, Germany, 29 Mar 1945 | Soldiers of 44th Division, US 7th Army fighting in Mannheim, Germany, 29 Mar 1945; note bazooka and M1 Garand rifles |
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Soviet M-17 vehicles in the streets of Danzig, late-Mar 1945 | Two young German soldiers, one injured, the other dead, east of the Rhine River, Germany, late Mar 1945 | DShK M1938 heavy machine being used as a tank-mounted weapon by a Soviet soldier in Danzig, late Mar 1945 | High Commissioner Lord Gort and newspaper publisher Gershon Agron in conversation, 30 Mar 1945 |
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Japanese 120mm gun protuding from a cave opening, Iwo Jima, Japan, circa Mar 1945 | US Army African-American Privates George Cofield and Howard Davis manning an anti-aircraft weapon near a bridge under construction over the Rhine River, 30 Mar 1945 | USS Makin Island at anchor at Kerama Retto, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, 31 Mar 1945 | 3 TBM-1C Avengers and 2 FM-2 Wildcats of Composite Squadron 69 readying for take-off from escort carrier USS Mission Bay on an anti-submarine patrol in the Atlantic, spring 1945. |
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45th Fighter Squadron P-51D Mustangs flying from Iwo Jima flying with a B-29 Superfortress from the 498th Bomb Group, Mar-Apr 1945 | 45th Fighter Squadron P-51D Mustangs flying from Iwo Jima flying with a B-29 Superfortress from the 498th Bomb Group, Mar-Apr 1945 | A French Jew at a subcamp of the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp, Nordhausen, Germany, Apr 1945 | A group of US Navy flight nurses walking away from a Douglas R5D Skymaster aircraft, Guam, Marianas, Apr 1945 |
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A Marine Corps F4U Corsair flying over Marine ground troops during a close air ground support training exercise, 1945. Note M1 Rocket Launcher (or ‘Bazooka’) and M2 Flame Thrower. | A pile of human remains at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, near Weimar, Germany, Apr 1945 | Aachen in ruins, Germany, Apr 1945, photo 1 of 3 | Aachen in ruins, Germany, Apr 1945, photo 2 of 3 |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.