27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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Troops of Finnish IV Corps on parade near the Round Tower, Viipuri, Finland, 31 Aug 1941 | A British Warship inside the Admiralty IX Floating Dry Dock, Singapore, Sep 1941 | A-17A aircraft at rest in San Francisco, California, United States, Sep 1941 | African-American US Army Air Corps cadets reporting to Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., commandant of cadets, Tuskegee Field, Tuskegee, Alabama, United States, Sep 1941 |
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Augusta near Bermuda, Sep 1941 | Battleship Yamato fitting out, Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, Sep 1941; light carrier Hosho at extreme right | Capt Carlton Wright and Knox aboard USS Augusta off Bermuda, Sep 1941 | Chinese troops near Changsha, Hunan Province, China, Sep 1941 |
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Chinese troops near the Tianxing Pavilion in southeastern Changsha, Hunan, China, Sep 1941 | Colonel General Maximilian von Weichs and Lieutenant General Herbert Loch at Chernihiv, Ukraine, Sep 1941 | Crews lined up in front of a squadron of Focke-Wulf 200 Condor bombers, Bordeaux–Mérignac airfield, Bordeaux, France, Sep 1941. | Destroyed Soviet KV-1 tank in Olonets, Russia, Sep 1941 |
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Ferdinand Schörner in far northern Russia during Operation Silver Fox, 1941 | French Circassian Cavalry assembling outside the railway station at Damascus, French Mandate of Syria in preparation of the surrendering ceremony to Axis officials, Sep 1941 | German troops preparing to execute five Soviet guerilla fighters by hanging, near Velizh, Smolensk, Russia, Sep 1941 | German troops resting beside a camouflaged SdKfz. 251/3 halftrack vehicle, Russia, Sep 1941 |
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German vehicle stuck in the mud, Russia, fall 1941 | HMS Edinburgh, HMS Hermione, and HMS Euryalus escorting the Operation Halberd convoy to Malta, Sep 1941 | Lieutenant General Lennart Oesch and his chief of staff Colonel Valo Nihtilä inspecting Viipuri, Finland (now Vyborg, Russia), Aug-Sep 1941 | Prague’s top three Nazis: Horst Böhme, Reinhard Heydrich, and Karl Hermann Frank in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Sep 1941. |
27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.