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US 7th Army troops checking a house for snipers, western Germany, 16 Dec 1944Crew of HMS Howe manning the rails, Sydney, Australia, 17 Dec 1944Landscape outside of Myitkyina, Burma, 17 Dec 1944, photo 1 of 2; photo taken by photographer attached to US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional)Landscape outside of Myitkyina, Burma, 17 Dec 1944, photo 2 of 2; photo taken by photographer attached to US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional)
US 7th Army troops checking a house for snipers, western Germany, 16 Dec 1944Crew of HMS Howe manning the rails, Sydney, Australia, 17 Dec 1944Landscape outside of Myitkyina, Burma, 17 Dec 1944, photo 1 of 2; photo taken by photographer attached to US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional)Landscape outside of Myitkyina, Burma, 17 Dec 1944, photo 2 of 2; photo taken by photographer attached to US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional)
TBM Avenger heavily lashed to the deck of escort carrier USS Anzio as the ship rocks with Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 17 Dec 1944.Two US Army African-American soldiers carrying the body of another American soldier near Malmédy, Belgium, circa 17 Dec 1944US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional) pack mules preparing to march out of Camp Landis, Kachin, northern Burma, 17 Dec 1944USS Anzio rolling in heavy seas, Pacific Ocean, 17 Dec 1944; note Avenger aircraft in foreground and Wildcat aircraft in background; seen in Nov 1945 issue of US Navy publication Naval Aviation News
TBM Avenger heavily lashed to the deck of escort carrier USS Anzio as the ship rocks with Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 17 Dec 1944.Two US Army African-American soldiers carrying the body of another American soldier near Malmédy, Belgium, circa 17 Dec 1944US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional) pack mules preparing to march out of Camp Landis, Kachin, northern Burma, 17 Dec 1944USS Anzio rolling in heavy seas, Pacific Ocean, 17 Dec 1944; note Avenger aircraft in foreground and Wildcat aircraft in background; seen in Nov 1945 issue of US Navy publication Naval Aviation News
A British paratrooper with the 5th Scots Parachute Battalion takes cover in Athens, Greece during operations against ELAS (the Greek PeopleCruiser USS Santa Fe rolling heavily during Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 18 Dec 1944. Note the forward turret trained to the side so water over the bow would not enter through the gun ports.Destroyer USS Maddox plowing through heavy seas during Typhoon Cobra, 18 Dec 1944.Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery recording his Christmas message to be broadcast in Britain on Christmas Eve, 18 Dec 1944.
A British paratrooper with the 5th Scots Parachute Battalion takes cover in Athens, Greece during operations against ELAS (the Greek People's Liberation Army), 18 Dec 1944.Cruiser USS Santa Fe rolling heavily during Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 18 Dec 1944. Note the forward turret trained to the side so water over the bow would not enter through the gun ports.Destroyer USS Maddox plowing through heavy seas during Typhoon Cobra, 18 Dec 1944.Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery recording his Christmas message to be broadcast in Britain on Christmas Eve, 18 Dec 1944.
Fletcher-class destroyer USS Dyson taking water over the bow during Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 18 Dec 1944.Pack mules of US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional) preparing to march shortly after daybreak, near Myitkyina, Shan, Burma, 18 Dec 1944Radar image of Typhoon Cobra, captured by radar system of a US Navy ship, 18 Dec 1944USS Cowpens rolling in heavy seas in Typhoon Cobra in the Pacific Ocean, 18 Dec 1944
Fletcher-class destroyer USS Dyson taking water over the bow during Typhoon Cobra in the Philippine Sea, 18 Dec 1944.Pack mules of US 5332nd Brigade (Provisional) preparing to march shortly after daybreak, near Myitkyina, Shan, Burma, 18 Dec 1944Radar image of Typhoon Cobra, captured by radar system of a US Navy ship, 18 Dec 1944USS Cowpens rolling in heavy seas in Typhoon Cobra in the Pacific Ocean, 18 Dec 1944
Churchill AVRE vehicle with fascine, of UK 79th (Experimental) Armored Division Royal Engineers, Italy, 19 Dec 1944Map depicting the German 6th Panzer Army attack during the Ardennes Offensive, 16-19 Dec 1944Map depicting the US 3rd ArmyMap of the Bastogne, Belgium area, 19-23 Dec 1944
Churchill AVRE vehicle with fascine, of UK 79th (Experimental) Armored Division Royal Engineers, Italy, 19 Dec 1944Map depicting the German 6th Panzer Army attack during the Ardennes Offensive, 16-19 Dec 1944Map depicting the US 3rd Army's Lorraine Offensive, 3-19 Dec 1944Map of the Bastogne, Belgium area, 19-23 Dec 1944

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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