M1 Garand Rifle
Country of Origin | United States |
Type | Rifle |
Caliber | 7.620 mm |
Capacity | 8 rounds |
Length | 1.107 m |
Barrel Length | 610.000 mm |
Weight | 4.400 kg |
Rate of Fire | 16 rounds/min |
Range | 450.000 m |
Muzzle Velocity | 840 m/s |
Contributor: C. Peter Chen
ww2dbaseAfter several years of testing, on 3 Aug 1933, United States Army's Springfield Armory's weapon designer John C. Garand received official designation "M1" for his prototype semi-automatic rifle design T1E2. In May 1934, 75 of them went to field trials; 50 were given to the infantry, and 25 to the cavalry. After initial problems were addressed, the M1 Garand rifles were ordered in large numbers. Initial production difficulties meant the first delivery was not done until Sep 1937, but by the time the European War began in Sep 1939, 100 rifles were made each day. By 10 Jan 1941, 600 rifles were being built per day. By the end of the year, the US Army considered its ranks fully equipped with M1 Garand rifles.The M1 Garand rifles were semi-automatic, meaning that although each trigger pull resulted in a single round being fired just like their bolt-action contemporaries, between each shot there was nothing that needed to be done in order to load the next round. This design allowed the Americans the ability to fire more shots against their German and Japanese counterparts, who continued to use bolt-action rifles as the standard infantry weapon. Another advantage of the design was the rifles' simple construction. In the field, a soldier could disassemble his rifle using only a rifle sound, therefore allowing him to easily clean and maintain his weapon between engagements. General George S. Patton referred to the M1 Garand design as "the greatest implement of battle ever devised."
The M1 Garand rifles were clip-fed. When the last round of a clip was fired, a metallic pinging noise was made as the clip was ejected. The sound would become an unique characteristic of these rifles.
In 1943, the British Army tested M1 Garand rifles as a possible replacement for the Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III rifles, but rejected it after concluding that the design did not meet British demands.
After WW2, M1 Garand rifles continued to serve the US Army in the Korean War. Many M1 Garand rifles, especially after they were phased out in the 1950s, were exported to friendly nations, including post-war Germany, Italy, and Japan. In 1963, a small number of them were still in use during the Vietnam War. The last standard M1 Garand rifle was retired from the US Army in 1965, and the reserve and National Guard units continued to use them into the 1970s.
Source: Wikipedia. ww2dbase
Last Major Revision: Nov 2007
M1 Garand Rifle Interactive Map
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Visitor Submitted Comments

17 Feb 2009 02:06:07 PM
The only semi-auto rifles issued in large numbers in ww2 were to the Americans and the Russian's. The german's issued semi-auto weapons, but later in the war. Large numbers of german soldiers used the K-98

23 Feb 2009 12:41:13 PM
The best infantry weapon of ww2 you have 8 rounds of 30.06 ammo, but the only bad point, when you have fired off the last round, the magazine also flies out, and if it hits hard ground, or rock you hear a ping!! meaning the enemy knows your out of ammo. Some G.I.'s would fire off a few rounds, and drop a empty magazine on the ground when the enemy stuck his head up, you shot him! Data: Caliber 0.3in,Cartridge 0.3-6in,Firing rate 30 rounds per minute,Magazine 8 rounds,Range 656yd. The M-1 Grand was a gas operated, shoulder fired semi-automatic rifle.

20 May 2009 07:21:15 PM
Germany's answer to the American M-1 was the Walther Gewehr 43 It was a gas operated, magazine fed, semi-automatic, shoulder weapon. The weapon was able to take a 10-round or 25-round box magazine, caliber 7.92mm.
An even simpler design known as the Karabiner 43 was issued, both weapons could use the telescopic sight and mount fitted as standard issue. After World War II many countries in Europe used German weapons The Czech Army used the Gewehr 43,for many years.

23 May 2009 05:29:33 PM
The MP 44 Sturmgewehr, or Assault rifle designed by Hugo Schmeisser,used the 7.92mm short cartridge it was gas operated, used a 30 round box magazine. The MP 44 was reliable, easy to field strip.The MP 44 was the first rifle of its kind, and was the predecessor of all assault rifles to follow. A total of 424,000 weapons were produced. After W.W.II the rifle was used by East Germany and the Yugoslav Army, some weapons have surfaced in Africa, Middle East and Asia.

5 Dec 2009 09:59:19 PM
The Russians also had a service issued Semi-
Automatic rifle the SVT-38 the SVT stands for
"Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva".
Over 5,700,000 rifels were produced during World War II. The weapon used the 7.62x54mm
cartridge this was about equal to the U.S.
30.06 in the M-1 Garand.
After World War II the rifle was issued to
second-line units, Soviet allies, while others were kept in storage well into the 1990's. Later many Russian Surplus Military Rifles were sold abroad, among them were the
The SVT-38:is a semi-automatic,gas operated,
magazine fed, shoulder weapon that used the full powered 7.62x54mm cartridge.
The rifle could use Mosin-Nagant 5 round box magazines when necessary. The SVT-38 was
designed to use a 10 or 20 round box magazine. During World War II the Russians and Americans, were the only countries to issue semi-automatic rifles in large numbers to its front-line troops.
The German's had semi-auto Walther Gewehr 43
Karabiner, but it was a limited issue weapon and most German troops were using the bolt-
bolt action K-98.
7 Feb 2010 11:40:04 AM
I can guarantee the enemy will NOT know you are out of ammo when the clip is ejected out of the magazine. It's IMPOSSIBLE to hear a ping in the heat of battle.
Keep in mind there are hundreds of rifles being fired, machine gun fire, hand grenades going off, artillery, rockets, and tanks firing their main gun.
Do you really think the enemy is going to hear a ping ????? If you do you have never been in real combat.
22 Feb 2010 08:18:04 PM
superb rifle

24 Apr 2010 01:48:01 PM
auburn 5978 7 Feb. 2010 11:40:04 AM
The M-1 Garand eight round clip ejecting did leave a audible ping on hard ground or rock.
However, for the enemy to hear such a sound
this is only in theory, plausible explanation
a guess or opinion.
I have fired the M-1 and the ejecting of the
clip, after the last round has been fired, does indeed have a very distinctive sound.
Hell you can even throw a rock, and hope the
enemy will fire in that direction.
Conditions for such a ploy:
Locate enemy position
Reconnaissance by fire this is exploratory
survey of enemy territory, or other clever
Flush out a sniper position,yuo just have to
use your experience.
Surprise an enemy into thinking he has for
the second the upper hand.
GI's will always improvise, hell one can even
throw a rock toward a suspected position, or
just use your gut feeling!
If you have never experienced war, or what it
can do to a human being its hard to put into
words. Only thing I know the millions of
men who experienced war, there are millions
of stories, and some sound unbelievable, but
one can not say such things have never happened.
auburn 5978, I spent from 1967 to 1970 in
South Vietnam, and I have seen combat, I've seen things that I never would have believed possible. I have a friend, who is in a VA
Mental Hospital to this day.
I knew a man, who served with the 1st. Inf.
Div. and when he came up to the top of the
hill, who did he meet, it was a face to face
with Charlie both were surprised, and both
kept walking they were soldiers trained to
kill, but they weren't going to kill that day. Damm I met Charlie in a bar they were on
R&R bought them some beer, and went about my

24 Apr 2010 06:18:16 PM
The M-1 was used in large numbers until 1963
and as late as 1966 by the US Army.
Some U.S.Army Reserve,National Guard and U.S.
Navy units used the M-1 into the 1970's.
It fired the .30-06 / 7.62x51mm round, feed
system 8 round clip internal magazine.
The ejection of an empty clip, created a very
distinctive metallic "pinging" sound.
In World War II, reports arose in which both
German and Japanese infantry were making use
of this noise in combat to alert them, that
US Troops were out of ammo, in order to get the drop on them.
This information was taken seriously enough
that the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground
started experiments with clips made of other material like plastic However, no improved clips were ever adopted, as far as I know.
During World War II over 5,000,000 M-1's were produced.
After W.W.II many NATO and other armies used the M-1, the Greek Army used the M-1 into the

30 Apr 2010 08:16:22 PM
Continued from #7 auburn 5978 Feb 7, 2010
"Hitler's Buzzsaw"
The MG 42 Maschinengewehr fired 7.92x57mm
mauser round. Rate of fire between 1,200 to 1,500 rpm.
This weapon made a very distinctive sound
over 750,000 were built. It could be used as
a heavy or light machine-gun, it could also double as a light support weapon w/folding bipod be belt fed, or use a detachable drum
Prolonged firing could over-heat the barrel
and crews were trained to replace the barrel within the shortest time in seconds.
The U.S.Army, even made a training film to
teach GI's how to combat the MG42. American
troops would take cover, and assault the
position only during the few seconds it took
the crew to change the barrel, but that's
the theory.
Five Germans armed with two Pistols, four
K-98 rifles, maybe one MP-40 and some stick grenades.
That's about 68 rounds, and hoping the MG42
is not back in battery.
The GI's,ten men armed with eight M-1 Garand and one M-1 Carbine and one BAR,that's about
99 rounds firing towards the German position
who would win? and don't forget the GI's hand-grenades.
Just theory, or a plausible explanation.
To make this story short, the GI's could have called Division Artillery on the German position and hope the rounds, don't fall short.
Have you even seen what 105mm,155mm Howitzer
shells do to people and equipment, I have.
Did events listed above ever happen? maybe,
maybe not, but some GI's did knock out those
German machine-gun positions.
I'm sure they are listed under "Small Unit
Actions" During World War II in the U.S. National Archives. Under History of the U.S.Army in World War II.
After WWII surplus weapons flooded Europe
many countries used both the MG34 and MG42
for years afterward.
One of the last production versions the M-53
was used by Yugoslavia until 1999, and were sold to Iraq in 1980. Some armies still use
versions of the MG42, that were produced in
their own countries today.
22 May 2010 04:34:10 PM
quit living your life through other people, I doubt you were ever a Soldier, and as such, you listen to peoples stories, which are usually embellished. I, and all of my Soldiers that have seen combat, never talk about it, because it is what it is.

23 May 2010 07:20:13 PM
Dear Scott: #12 22 May 2010
Thanks for your view point, but you don't
even know me. So how could you even make such
a statement.
Doubt all you want, you work your side of the
street, and I'll work mine. Damm do I enjoy
this database! In dealing with people such as
youself, "Never Dumb Yourself Down" to what you don't even know.
I can tell you about myself, but would you
even believe that. It would have been more important, for you to ask, I would like to
know more about your experiences.
I've sent many comments to the ww2db,and over
the past 35 years I have collected a library
covering Aviation, Military History, Science
Technology, The Arts and World History, I've been both Student and Mentor, Education is a
never ending process.
I would enjoy hearing from you so contact me
To answer your question:
Yes, I have been a Soldier, Vietnam Service
1967 to 1968 and 1969 to 1970.
Best wishes,

24 May 2010 09:02:36 AM
My comments are part history, and technical
explanation with personal experiences.
However,had I identified myself as a graduate
of one of the U.S. Military Academies,that I'm not, or a retired General officer, that
I'm not, nor Doctor, Lawyer or even Indian
Chief, just maybe...Of course, it would be
But an ex-sergeant! Hell, what does he know.
When Politicians and people wanting to be in
the spot light, or public eye run around
and sometimes claim, saying I'm a Veteran,I did this or I did that and take the American flag, wrapping themselves with it, to suit their own needs.
This is the biggest injustice of all, to the men and women, who have served the nation.
"I have never been a Phoney or a Wannabe".
If your offended by terms such as Superb, Extraordinary,Excellent and State-of-the-Art
you'd better stop reading now..
A lot of these adjectives will follow!, and
I've been at my computer too long, drinking cold coffee and pizza.
Contact me:
I'm still looking forward, to hear from a fellow Vietnam Veteran.
Bill! I haven't seen or heard from him since
Operations in Long An Province or the
Central Highlands.
Best wishes,

25 May 2010 08:11:03 AM
Once again I'm in error, I forgot to include
the U.S.Merchant Marine Academy. My apologies
to all who have served.
Did you know:
Graduates of the Merchant Marine Academy,
hold Commissioned Officers Rank, in the
U.S. Naval Reserve.
Continued from #14

25 May 2010 12:33:42 PM
Contnued from #14
"The trouble with the world is not that
people know too little, but that they know
so many things that ain't so."
-Mark Twain-
I didn't mean "education" in a narrowly defined sense of learning specific skills
or subjects.
A person needs to pursue continued learning,
in order to acquire the knowledge and skills
needed, in mastering any subject.
Best wishes,

31 May 2010 05:37:36 PM
Personal Note*
I enlisted in the U.S. Army from Jun.1966 to Apr.1970.
Basic Training Fort Bliss, Texas
AIT Fort Sill, Oklahoma
West Germany, Nov.1966 to Sept.1967
Volunteered for Vietnam:
First Tour
9th Infantry Division Nov.1967 to Sept.1968
Spent time in 249th General Hospital, Japan
and Fort Ord Hospital, California
Report to Fort Lewis, Washington Jan.1969
Volunteered for Vietnam:
Second Tour
I Field Force Vietnam (IFFV)
Jun.1969 to Apr.1970
Seperated from the U.S.Army, Apr.1970 Rank,
Sergeant E-5 Honorable Discharge Jun. 1972
Like any man there, I suffered and endured.
"A man's real possession is his memory.
In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else
is he poor."
I said an elder soldier, not a better one
Did I say better?
-Julius Caesar- Act IV, Sc.III
"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers."
"I have never been a Wannabe." It took me to
many lost years,to get my life back together
Best wishes,

11 Jun 2010 09:32:49 PM
Scott 22 May 2010:
I don't think, that I'll even hear from
As I say to Darlin, one of my Chihuahua's
"You Got The Nerve!"
In my youth, I would have felt insulted, or
went home and put my head in the oven! but
I have my integrity.

12 Jun 2010 07:49:22 PM
For Scott 22 May 2010, # 12
Never Dumb Yourself Down, To What You Don't Even Know.
World War II Veteran Russell Dunham of the
3rd Infantry Division,won the Medal of Honor
after he took out three(3)German machine gun
positions, killed nine(9)Germans, and taking
two(2)POW's in 1945.
How Did He Do It:
Dunham advanced up a snow-covered hill toward
(3)three German machine guns.
He took the First one out, with a hand grenade.
Advancing to the Second position,he was shot
in the back, as he urged the rest of his platoon forward, in great pain, he struggled to his feet when a German grenade landed at
his feet, and he kicked it away.
He crawled to the Second machine gun, and
threw another grenade, into the bunker, in
pain from his wound, he ran about 50 yards
and threw another grenade into the Third
machine gun position.
Russell Dunham, U.S.Army, Medal of Honor

14 Jun 2010 01:10:15 PM
For Scott, May 22, 2101 # 12
Continued from # 19
Tech. Sgt.Russell Dunham's combat action,took
place on Jan.8,1945 on hill 616 near the town
of Kayserberg on the Franco-German border.
Sgt Dunhan used his .30 M-1 Carbine,he fired 175 rounds of ammunition, and used 11 hand grenades, to take out those (3) German
machine gun positions.
After World War II,Sgt.Dunham worked for the
Veterans Administration for 32 years as a
benefits counseler in St Louis, Missouri until he retired in 1975.
Russell Dunham was born in East Carondelet, Illinois on Feb. 20, 1920, He died in 2002
age 89.
Because of Sacrifices made by heroes like
Sgt. Dunham, we live in the Greatest Country
in the World.
23 Jun 2010 07:14:53 PM
you never got back to me. I sent you an e-mail on 15 June.

24 Jun 2010 07:40:19 AM
Dear Scott:
I sent you four (4) e-mails dated the following.
June 16th
June 18th
June 19th
June 22nd
Your e-mail is skandrew8[---] have you
changed e-mail address, let me know I'm going to send again.
Best wishes,

3 Jul 2010 01:38:58 PM
Dear Scott: 23 June 2010, # 21
My four(4)e-mails covered the formation that you requested, and I gave you considerable
personal time answering them. Among the topics, were Integrity.
Integrity: Is what we do, what we say, and
what we say we do.
Remember its far better to be trusted and
respected than it is to be liked.
Best wishes

7 Jul 2010 01:12:44 PM
If you understood my comments, I've listed examples as plausible explanations, a guess, opinion or theory
Could such events have happened, its possible
and they have. You can not say no, simply because you haven't experienced them.
Best wishes

12 Dec 2010 11:16:17 AM
By the time WWII ended over 4,000,000 M-1 rifles had been produced.
Many were later transferred to Allies and
friendly nations. When the US went to the
aid of South Korea in June 1950, the Army was
short M-1s, Springfield Armory and other
manufacturer's started to produce the weapon
to meet the Army's needs.
The last M-1 rifles were produced by the
Harrington & Richardson Co. in 1956. H&R
contimued to making parts for the M-1 and
later converted 50,000 M-1s to 7.62mm (.308)
for the US Navy.
One World War II poster said it all, with a
GI saying "My M-1 Does my talkin for me".
30 Dec 2010 11:02:46 AM
I proudly own two WWII serial numbered SA M1 Garands, thanks to the CMP. They shoot only as well as I can aim, of course, but they are a joy and always a point of interest by others at the range.
I bought one for my father's retirement as he carried one with the Army back in the early 60's.

17 Jan 2011 08:22:54 AM
The American Garand M-1,Springfield 30.06 or
the M-14 are long range battle rifles, put
scopes on 'em and you have "The King of the Hill".
All those rifles have been used as sniper rifles, even today the M-14 in 7.62mm/308 is still used for all those odd jobs.
Carry all the Assault rifles you want, true they are good weapons, but the rifles listed above, got you out ranged. Put a slug into one guy, and your gonna get the other guy behind him with the same slug.
Another Model was the M-1 Tanker it was a
shorter version of the standard M-1 in 30.06
8 Jan 2014 05:28:15 AM
My grandpa served in WW2 so would this be the rifle he use or would it be a 1903A4 Springfield???the document said he was an rifleman
1 Feb 2015 11:54:10 PM
Both my granddads served in WW2 one was a Military Policeman 3rd Service Command, other was 82nd Airborne 505th P.I.R./ R.C.T. Both loved the M1 Garand and Carbine, told me so. Dad was in Nam 68-69 with the "Big Red One" was a E-6 (staff sergeant) he ran LRRP patrols in the Central High Lands he hated the M-16 ha still does! But loves the M-14, but in Nam carried a M-79 said unlike the jam o matic M-16 the M-14, M-79 NEVER failed. But he said all the guys in his platoon loathed the M-16s and chucked them first chance they got and carried M-14s or even AK47s. Said some nitwit claimed you could carry more m-16 ammo than the M-14 and the guns were lighter, well according to my dad you needed twice the ammo to do what one round of 7.62 would do. And he claims where there is a ton of M-16s in the rice paddies and jungles of Nam becuase troops hated them and chucked them there.
18 Jul 2015 09:40:57 AM
Is there a way to determine where, or if, a Winchester Garand made in July 1944 was used or shipped to. The rifle now has a Springfield Armory barrel stamped January 1950. Did the rifle go to Europe? the Pacific? Korea? Or never left the US?
14 May 2017 07:38:13 AM
I have a M1 Garand with a serial #636. How can I track where it served.
1 May 2018 04:56:11 AM
The Caliber is more accurately written as ".30-06" pronounced "thirty awt six"
8 Jun 2018 10:38:49 PM
Hello my name is allen settles i live in anderson county tn my grandfather was i ww2 his name was sam Presley he lived in Elizabethon tn , i was hopen an pray that you all chould help me try an find his actual rifle that he used in the war he passet away. 1991 an it whould make the family so happy if i chould find the rifle that he used in the war, thank you an have a blessed day.
31 Dec 2018 09:40:57 AM
Hi my grand pa turns 94 in march and i was wondering does any one think its possible to find his M1 that he had when he was in the army. if so where would i start..
1 May 2019 09:19:38 AM
i need a ww2 sniper and amount of comfermed kills
6 Mar 2020 01:06:46 PM
I may know of several M1 rifles for sale
21 Dec 2021 11:48:32 PM
I own a Vintage M1 Garand I was told it was manufactured in 1943 I’m curious if it’s seen battle if so what Theater of War the Atlantic or Pacific
4 Mar 2022 05:31:39 AM
I have a WWII M1 Garand, Springfield Armoury, serial 5975755. How and where can i find any info about this rifle? It is a collector's item, officially rendered unfiring. Includes a full clip and a bayonet. I consider selling it. I would appreciate an email to channel me the right direction.
9 May 2023 06:05:51 PM
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your service in the United States Military. My Uncle and Aunt fought in operation desert storm. They lost many friends.
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