15 cm K (E) file photo [8464]

15 cm Kanone in Eisenbahnlafette Railway Gun

Country of OriginGermany
TypeRailway Gun
Caliber149.300 mm
Length2.000 m
Weight74000.000 kg
Ammunition Weight43.00 kg
Range22.500 km
Muzzle Velocity805 m/s


ww2dbaseThe four 15 cm Kanone in Eisenbahnlafette ("gun on railroad mounting"), or 15 cm K (E) for short, railway guns were built in 1937 by Krupp by mating the older but widely-available 15 cm Schnelladekanone L/40 guns with flatcars. All four guns participated in the invasion of Belgium in 1940; two of them were damaged by premature detonations on 20 May 1940 while bombarding Liège. For the remainder of the European War, they were assigned to Artillery Battery 655 (E) in Belgium on coast-defense duties.

Source: Wikipedia. ww2dbase

Last Major Revision: Aug 2009


15 cm K (E) railway gun and its crew, circa 1940s, photo 1 of 215 cm K (E) railway gun and its crew, circa 1940s, photo 2 of 215 cm K (E) railway gun in position, date unknown15 cm K (E) railway guns deployed as coastal guns, circa 1940s, photo 1 of 2
See all 6 photographs of 15 cm Kanone in Eisenbahnlafette Railway Gun

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15 cm Kanone in Eisenbahnlafette Railway Gun Photo Gallery
15 cm K (E) railway gun and its crew, circa 1940s, photo 1 of 2
See all 6 photographs of 15 cm Kanone in Eisenbahnlafette Railway Gun

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