K5 (E) file photo [5591]

28 cm K5 (E) Railway Gun

Country of OriginGermany
TypeRailway Gun
Caliber283.000 mm
Length3.000 m
Barrel Length2.150 m
Weight218000.000 kg
Ammunition Weight248.00 kg
Range86.500 km
Muzzle Velocity1,130 m/s


ww2dbaseThe K5 (E) railway gun design was developed by the arms manufacturer Krupp. They were mounted on two 12-wheel rail bogies and used the angles of rail tracks to align toward targets. Nicknamed "Anzio Annie" and "Anzio Express" by the Allies ("Leopold" and "Robert" by the Germans, respectively), two of the 30-meter long (32-meter in firing mode) K5 (E) guns shelled the Allied beachhead at Anzio, Italy at the round every three to five minutes. In Jun 1944, both were found in sabotaged condition, and both were brought to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, United States for testing. Salvaging parts from each of the two damaged guns, the US Army constructed one working model, which is now on display at the United States Army Ordnance Museum at the same location.

Source: Wikipedia.


Last Major Revision: Feb 2008


K5 (E) railway gun firing, 1940sK5 (E) railway gun, 1940s

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K5 (E) railway gun firing, 1940s
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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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