479 items in this album on 24 pages.

Cover page of the program to USS GuamNewspaper clipping announcing the opening of the mutiny court martial for 50 Port Chicago sailors, Oct 1944.Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Airman First Class Frederick McCreary of US Navy, mid to late Oct 1944Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Airman First Class James Langiotti of US Navy, late Oct 1944
Cover page of the program to USS Guam's commissioning ceremony, 17 Sep 1944Newspaper clipping announcing the opening of the mutiny court martial for 50 Port Chicago sailors, Oct 1944.Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Airman First Class Frederick McCreary of US Navy, mid to late Oct 1944Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Airman First Class James Langiotti of US Navy, late Oct 1944
Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Lieutenant Harwood Sharp of US Navy, late Oct 1944Diagram from the United States Navy’s Bureau of Ships illustrating the damage to submarine USS Tang that was sunk 25 Oct 1944 by her own Mark 18 electric torpedo that made a circular run.Drawing of the air defense formation of Group Two of Japanese Navy 3rd Fleet Striking Force during Battle off Cape Engaño, 25 Oct 1944; appendix A of Rear Admiral Chiaki MatsudaUnited States Navy diagram of the damage inflicted upon Fletcher-class destroyer USS Abner Read following a special attack by a Japanese airplane in Leyte Gulf, Philippines on 1 Nov 1944 that sank the ship.
Interrogation transcript of Taihoku Prison captive Lieutenant Harwood Sharp of US Navy, late Oct 1944Diagram from the United States Navy’s Bureau of Ships illustrating the damage to submarine USS Tang that was sunk 25 Oct 1944 by her own Mark 18 electric torpedo that made a circular run.Drawing of the air defense formation of Group Two of Japanese Navy 3rd Fleet Striking Force during Battle off Cape Engaño, 25 Oct 1944; appendix A of Rear Admiral Chiaki Matsuda's interrogationUnited States Navy diagram of the damage inflicted upon Fletcher-class destroyer USS Abner Read following a special attack by a Japanese airplane in Leyte Gulf, Philippines on 1 Nov 1944 that sank the ship.
Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 1 of 3Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 2 of 3Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 3 of 3Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 1 of 2.
Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 1 of 3Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 2 of 3Menu from A. Firpo Ltd. of Calcutta, 9 Nov 1944, page 3 of 3Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 1 of 2.
Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 2 of 2.Signed portrait of Chiang Kaishek as a gift for US War Production Board chairman Donald Nelson, 17 Nov 1944Memorandum of Commendation to “All Hands” of destroyer escort USS Tabberer from her commanding officer, LtCdr Henry Plage, commending them for their performance in the recent typhoon and subsequent rescue work.Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe
Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 2 of 2.Signed portrait of Chiang Kaishek as a gift for US War Production Board chairman Donald Nelson, 17 Nov 1944Memorandum of Commendation to “All Hands” of destroyer escort USS Tabberer from her commanding officer, LtCdr Henry Plage, commending them for their performance in the recent typhoon and subsequent rescue work.Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe's Christmas letter to the US 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne, Belgium in which he recreated the German surrender demand and his response to it
Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 1 of 3Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 2 of 3Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 3 of 3Page from the USS Iowa war diary describing the Christmas Day visit from Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, 1944.
Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 1 of 3Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 2 of 3Christmas holiday greeting card from the officers of USS New Jersey, Dec 1944, page 3 of 3Page from the USS Iowa war diary describing the Christmas Day visit from Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, 1944.

479 items in this album on 24 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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