Normandy Campaign, Phase 1
Contributor: C. Peter Chen
ww2dbaseWith Germans fortified along the entire French coast, Hitler's highly boasted "Fortress Europe" seemed to be difficult to crack. While they fought side-by-side as comrades, the United Kingdom and the United States offered polar opposite views toward plans for Europe. While the British favored jabbing at the far reaches of the Axis Empire such as North Africa and Italy while bombing Germany into submission, the bolder Americans argued for a direct assault on Western Europe. In the earlier stages of the war the Americans settled with the British, landing in North Africa in Nov 1942 and Sicily in Jul 1943. In Nov 1943, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill met at Tehran, Iran; Stalin requested a landing in France to open up a second front against Germany, and Churchill reluctantly agreed.
ww2dbaseSite Selection and Invasion Planning
ww2dbaseThe Allied planners had long been studying the possible landing points on the French coast. By May 1943, four potential landing sites were being considered: Normandy in the Bay of the Seine between Cotentin Peninsula and the estuary of the River Orne, Pas-de-Calais, eastern and western coasts of the Contentin Peninsula, and the northern coast of Brittany. Brittany was ruled out rather quickly despite it possessing several excellent ports due to the distance the transports would have to travel and the potential ease for German forces to seal Allied forces on the Brittany peninsula. Pas-de-Calais was the closest point between the United Kingdom and France, thus it was an obvious choice evident with the strong German defenses in that region; the idea was abandoned as well (though a deceptive campaign continued to force the Germans to maintain a strong presence there). It was decided that Normandy would be the site of the invasion, and the western-most landing force would secure the Cotentin Peninsula. The original plans called for the landing of three divisions onto the beaches on the first wave, then two more divisions in the second wave to drive into the city of Caen; the second wave would be supported by paratroopers and glider troopers dropped in hours before the invasion. Later, the final first wave landing party grew to five divisions, two American, two British, and one Canadian. A carefully coordinated aerial and naval bombardment was also called for, while warships would bombard both known troop concentrations behind the beaches and beach defenses. Other aerial forces would also be employed to disrupt German lines of communications and transportation behind the beaches and to disable German air capabilities.
ww2dbaseWhile preparing the landing, the planners also called for facilities to aid the subsequent logistical operations, code named "Gooseberries" and "Mulberries", which would be critical before a port city, such as Cherbourg, could be secured. Gooseberry was to consist of a line of sunken ships, placed stern to stern, to allow smaller ships to sail within the Gooseberry lines safely. Mulberry was preconstructed harbor modules towed in from Britain to Normandy. The design and deployment of such harbors were absolute engineering marvels.
ww2dbaseWhile the planners were busy in the war rooms, soldiers prepared for the invasion as well. Thousands of American troops were placed into the Assault Training Center at Woolacombe, while American airborne troops trained at Camp Toccoa in Georgia, United States. On the British side, General Percy Hobart's "Funnies" tanks were studied closely to determine what types would be best to support a beach landing party (these tanks would make the British and Canadian landings just a bit easier at Sword, Gold, and Juno beaches). Four major practice landings were conducted by the troops at Slapton Sands on the Devon coast to familiarize the troops with the feel of rushing out of a Higgins landing craft. One of such practice landings would be attacked by lurking German E-boats, which would sink two LSTs and damage a third, resulting in the death of over 700 Americans.
ww2dbaseCommanders and Troops
ww2dbaseAmerican President Roosevelt favored General Dwight Eisenhower as the commander of Operation Overlord, who eventually got the job much to British Field Marshall Alan Brooke's disappointment; American General George Marshall was said to have wanted the position as well, but Marshall and Eisenhower both insisted that Marshall was happy to see Eisenhower's appointment. Many Allied leaders were worried that Eisenhower did not possess as much tactical battlefield experience as other front runners for the job, but his political capabilities made him a far more attractive candidate to lead a force consisted of many Allied nations. With an American in the role of the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, British commanders were chosen to lead the air, sea, and land forces. Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh Mallory was made Allied Expeditionary Air Force Commander, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay was made the Allied naval commander, and General Sir Bernard Montgomery was named the commander of the 21st Army Group consisted of British, Canadian, and American troops.
ww2dbaseWhile the Normandy operation was decidedly Anglo-American, Eisenhower felt gathering French support was important. Roosevelt, however, opposed the notion of giving French General Charles de Gaulle any kind of recognition as a French leader, for that he seized that title for himself without any democratic process among the French people. Nevertheless, Eisenhower approached him. De Gaulle, however, felt ridiculed that he was asked to support a landing operation led by an American. He refused to publicly announce his support for Overlord, and would not comply with any Allied request for his support.
ww2dbaseBesides de Gaulle, another wartime leader gave Eisenhower headaches. Prime Minister Churchill, a veteran of WW1, requested to accompany the landing operations; the request was naturally denied immediately by Eisenhower. Churchill responded with his intent to overrule Eisenhower. "Since this is true it is not part of your responsibility, my dear General, to determine the exact composition of any ship's company in His Majesty's Fleet", he said to Eisenhower, "by shipping myself as a bona fide member of a ship's complement it would be beyond your authority to prevent my going." Eisenhower expressed that this would unnecessarily add to his personal burden, but the Prime Minister refused to budge. When King George VI heard of it, he cleverly noted that if Churchill felt compelled to accompany the landing force, then he, as the King of the United Kingdom, should share equal duty and privilege of leading the British and Commonwealth troops as well. After the King's comments were made known to Churchill, he withdrew his request to personally lead the landing forces.
ww2dbaseWith the exception of the US 1st Division, most American troops involved in the invasion were conscripts with little or no experience, but the lack of experience was to be made up by the high levels of mobility in American infantry doctrine. The British troops had more experience fighting in, for example, North Africa. British command structure was both a blessing and a curse: decisions were often made at the battalion level or below, therefore cooperation between units, even those in the same division, left something to be desired. The independent nature of command, however, gave low level junior officers in the field the ability to call in artillery to aid with taking down German defensive positions without having to wade through the divisional bureaucracy.
ww2dbaseOn the German side, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt was the commander-in-chief of the West. Under him, Field Marshal Hugo Sperrle headed the air forces of Luftflotte 3 (including III Flak Corps and paratroopers) and Admiral Theodor Krancke commanded the Navy Group West, though Allied air superiority made air and naval forces insignificant in terms of defending against the coming invasion. Rundstedt's ground forces were led by local generals or local military governors, and beach defenses were largely built by men of the Organization Todt, which was a para-military group that answered to armament minister Albert Speer. A significant percentage of Rundstedt's troops in the region were either older (average age around mid-30s) or captured Soviet troops (with little loyalty for Germany). Furthermore, some of the troops had to take on construction duties for fortifications as Organization Todt could not handle the workload alone, which deprived valuable training time. In Oct 1943, Rundstedt sent a special report to Adolf Hitler as an attempt to raise alarm, and as a direct result, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was assigned to France on 3 Nov 1943 to lead the Army Group for Special Employment, which later became Army Group B. Instead of placing Rommel's forces under Rundstedt, however, the new army group remained directly under Berlin's control, which resulted in some redundancy of responsibility between Rommel and Rundstedt. In Mar 1944, Rommel requested total command of all German forces in the region under him, but Hitler refused, instead only granting him control of three armored divisions while retaining the control the other three armored division in the area to the German High Command in Berlin.
ww2dbaseThe German ground forces in the Normandy and Cotentin Peninsula region belonged to Colonel General Friedrich Dollman's 7th Army. The Normandy sector, in particular, fell under the control of General (der Artillerie) Erich Marcks. On paper the Germans fielded a large number of divisions in France, but the combination of the lack of mobility and the poor quality of certain units made the actual strength lower than appeared. Paratrooper Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich von der Heydte once commented after an inspection that the
ww2dbaseThe Start of the Invasion
ww2dbaseDue to bad weather, the original invasion date of 5 Jun was passed on by Eisenhower. He worried that if weather did not clear up in the next several days, the invasion would be delayed until 18 June when the right tide condition was to be seen again. However, reports indicated that the weather would be relatively good on Tuesday, 6 Jun 1944. Eisenhower gave the order to launch the operation with a simple "Okay, let's go" after spending 45 minutes to with his senior staff.
ww2dbaseNaturally, the Germans took notice of the weather, too. Seeing the weather turning bad, they thought that even heavy aerial bombardments were unlikely, and a chance of invasion slim to none, thus a significant number of officers were sent to Rennes in Brittany for a map exercise. Rommel, too, was absent from the region; thinking that the Allies would not make any moves during such foul weather, he departed for Germany to see Hitler once more to make another argument for more men and resources; it was also his wife's birthday, and Rommel looked forward to time with her.
ww2dbaseAs the Allied transports sailed from ports across southern England, 822 C-47 transport aircraft carried over 13,000 paratroopers across the English Channel. These spearheads would secure key crossroads behind enemy lines and silence artillery guns. The use of airborne troops was a big unknown to Eisenhower, who feared the projected high casualty rates among the airborne would not be worth the potential successes. He feared that he "would carry to [his] grave the unbearable burden of a conscience justly accusing [him] of the stupid, blind sacrifice of thousands of flower of our youth", he noted in his memoirs. He finally gave the go-ahead for the airborne operation when he realized that without the operations behind enemy lines, the Utah and Omaha beach landings might be jeopardized.
ww2dbaseOperation Neptune
6-30 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseThe naval side of the matter, including both transporting the amphibious forces and warship escorts, fell under the jurisdiction of Ramsay of the British Royal Navy. The Allies assembled a fleet of 1,213 various ships under Ramsay's command, including 4,000 landing craft. The eastern elements of the naval forces were assigned under the command of British Rear Admiral Sir Philip Vian, while the Western Task Force was under the American Rear Admiral Alan Kirk. Before the armada was a fleet of 287 minesweepers, which began clearing paths across the English Channel at 0030 hours on 6 Jun.
ww2dbaseOperation Neptune's contribution after the landing operations was equally as important. In post-war interviews, Rundstedt spoke of the difficulties of moving men and supplies to the front because of the constant danger from naval bombardment. American infantry officer Lieutenant Charles Scheffel who arrived in Normandy three days after the initial landing witnessed some of the bombardment that frustrated Rundstedt.
ww2dbaseAt day break, we looked directly south [from a transport ship] at a coastline that curved around us to the eastern horizon. Ships were everywhere. Through my field glasses I watched a battleship firing toward shore. Its huge guns belched flames and reddish smoke that rushed downwind.
ww2dbaseCloser to us, some destroyers and cruisers poured smaller shells inland. I could see no flashes of explosions on the beaches, but a deep rumbling came from wherever the shells were landing.
ww2dbaseWhen Operation Neptune officially ended by the end of Jun 1944, the ships, mostly British, ferried a massive amount of supplies onto continental Europe: 850,279 men, 148,803 vehicles, and 570,505 tons of various supplies.
ww2dbaseUtah Beach
6 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseThe German defenses in what the Allies designated Utah Beach were placed under Lieutenant General Karl Wilhelm von Schlieben, who held the position of the commander of the 709th Infantry Division since Dec 1943. Immediately to the west on the Cotentin Peninsula, the 243rd Infantry Division under Lieutenant General Heinz Hellmich and the newly arrived 91st Luftlande Division under Lieutenant General Wilhelm Falley were in relative proximity. Two of the three commanding officers, however, were at the war games at Rennes on the day of the Allied invasion, thus creating a vulnerability. Furthermore, German troops in this area were not of the highest caliber; over 2,000 German soldiers in this area were foreign troops (333 Georgian volunteers and 1,784 Soviet prisoners of war), who were expected to be less-than-effective under pressure, while the average age of German troops was 36 (ie., those not deemed fit for service on the demanding Eastern Front). Finally, German heavy equipment such as artillery pieces and anti-tank guns tend to be obsolete models or captured Czech, French, and Russian weapons of varied effectiveness. Despite all the disadvantages listed, however, the Germans had one thing on their side: many of the officers and non-commissioned officers were battle-hardened veterans from the Eastern Front, and their leadership would later prove worthy.
ww2dbaseAt Cherbourg, German Admiral Theodor Krancke had 16 S-boats in two torpedo flotillas, but Allied control of air and rough seas due to the storm made his force rather useless.
ww2dbaseThe first troops to invade Utah Beach actually arrived three days before D-Day. In the early hours of 3 Jun 1944, six mixed British-American teams were sent by the Office of Strategic Services to France. Their tasks were to mark airborne drop zones for the arriving airborne troops of the US 82nd Airborne Division under Major General Matthew Ridgway and the US 101st Airborne Division under Major General Maxwell Taylor, who arrived via 821 C-47 and C-54 transport aircraft in the night of 5 Jun. The pathfinder teams arrived first, with the tasks of dropping the first airborne troops into Normandy, who then would also mark drop zones for the remaining paratrooper transports. Due to unexpected clouds, many of the pathfinders were dropped away from the intended areas. When the main wave arrived, the dropping was further disrupted by heavy anti-aircraft fire; with the transports weaving to avoid being hit, it made a concentrated drop impossible. Many of the paratroopers were scattered, and with the tall hedgerows, some units were not able to gather until the beachhead had already been secured; by estimation, only about 10% of the paratroopers landed in the planned drop zones, and only 25% within a mile of the planned drop zones. Those who were able to gather, however, played their part well. Taking advantage of the surprise, units such as that led by Staff Sergeant Harrison Summers, for example, were able to very quickly kill or capture 150 German troops before the Germans figured out how to react. Ultimately, however, the paratroopers were not able to achieve their main objectives due to the inability to gather a strong force after landing.
ww2dbaseGerman forces, not on high alert due to the bad weather and were without their divisional commanders, were first warned of a potential Allied operation around 2300-2400 hours on 5 Jun when aircraft warning stations at Cherbourg picked up the Allied transports. Paradrops were reported by 1030 hours on 6 Jun, and by 0300 towns such as Ste-Mère-Église were reporting enemy attacks. General Falley, the only divisional commander in the area, attempted to reach his headquarters, but his vehicle ran into paratroopers, and he was killed in the ensuing firefight near Picauville. Now truly without any top level officers, the German troops lost valuable time to react to the Allied attack. Although several counterattacks were made at various locations, the Allied airborne troops were largely able to achieve what they were sent to do.
ww2dbaseFrom the sea, Major General Raymond Barton's US 4th Infantry Division arrived with armored support from the US 70th Tank Battalion, veterans of North Africa and Sicily. The first combat action at the beach began at 0505 hours when German coastal batteries fired on Allied ships as they were sighted on the horizon; most of these batteries remain active until later that afternoon. Allied naval bombardment began at 0550, aided by aerial bombardment by IX Bomber Command. Unlike the aerial bombardment at Omaha Beach, that at Utah Beach was much more effective, hitting costal batteries, bunkers, and other defenses. Actual German casualties inflicted by the naval and aerial bombardments were low, but the defending troops were stunned by the display of firepower. The landing troops quickly made a temporary beachhead, and soon after they were met with 28 (out of 32) duplex-drive tanks, which led them to breach the seawall. The landers actually were delivered to the wrong beach, which was to south of where the planned invasion site was located, but luckily this section of the beach had weaker defenses which made the landing easier. The second wave of 32 LCVP landing craft followed, which contained demolition parties to clear beach obstacles. The third wave that followed 15 minutes after the initial landing arrived with additional M4 Sherman tanks, dozer tanks, and other heavy equipment. The first senior level officer on the beach was General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., son of the former president of the United States and fifth cousin of the current president. He went ashore with the first wave of landing troops, personally overseeing landing operations and contributed to adjusting the invasion plans to suit the new landing site. He later earned a Medal of Honor for his gallantry.
ww2dbaseAmerican troops reached Turqueville, north of the beach, by the evening without meeting serious resistance, while another regiment moved west and eliminated a platoon of German 75-millimeter anti-tank gun troops. A defensive perimeter was formed westward from St-Germain-de-Varreville toward Ste-Mère-Église while troops made contact with the airborne troops, whose rank continued to grow as gliders brought in more men and heavy weapons through out the day; the first glider wave alone consisted of 54 Horsa and 22 CG-4A gliders that delivered 437 men, 64 vehicles, 13 57-millimeter anti-tank guns, and 24 tons of various supplies. By midnight, Utah Beach was considered secure. The US 4th Infantry Division had achieved its primary objectives at a cost of only 197 casualties, which was much lighter when compared to the much higher 2,000 casualties at the neighboring and much more heavily defended Omaha Beach.
ww2dbaseOn 7 Jun, German forces in the immediate Utah Beach area were largely contained in pockets such as the one south of Ste-Mère-Église. Part of the German troops there were the 795th Georgian Battalion, which were easily convinced to surrender. The Germans there, however, put up a stronger defense, holding a ridge that covered the access road to Ste-Mère-Église while two battalions fought their way into the town, supported by StuG III assault guns. The German threat there was not eliminated in the Ste-Mère-Église area until the end of 7 Jun when the Germans withdrawn. Meanwhile, two regiments of the US 4th Infantry Division moved north up the Cotentin Peninsula and met German resistance at coastal gun positions near Azeville and Crisbecq. With naval gunfire support, the troops slowly moved along the coast up the Cotentin Peninsula.
ww2dbaseOmaha Beach
6 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseAt 0100 hours on 6 Jun 1944, German LXXXIV Corps were alerted to the airborne attacks. These paratroopers were not meant to be dropped behind Omaha Beach, the four-mile stretch of sand between Pointe du Hoc and the town of Ste-Honorine-des-Petres; rather, they were dropped there due to the confusion of the night, further disrupted by intense German anti-aircraft fire. At 0300 hours, the Allied Task Force O arrived 25,000 yards off of Omaha Beach. Shortly after that, at about 0310, General Marcks ordered the corps reserve, Kampfgruppe Meyer, to start marching toward Montmartin-Deville to counter the paratropers; in retrospect this was a bad maneuver as later in the day these troops would be much needed in the east, the opposite direction. Some time around 0320 to 0340 hours, several German artillery positions behind the beaches came under attack by American paratroopers. At 0330 hours, Allied invasion troops were readied aboard their ships, and at 0415 they were loaded onto their landing craft. It was not until 0502 that German command received reports of Allied naval activity off Omaha Beach, and by 0520 visual contacts were made by German scouting looking over the horizon. At 0545, the naval bombardment from large warships began, lasting until 0625; some surprised German troops, clueless, reported them as aerial bombardments. Shortly after, the large warships switched their guns to target beach fortifications. At 0610, smaller ships such as LCG(L) craft added their firepower to the bombardment. A few moments before the landing craft dashed for the beaches, nine LCT(R) craft fired 9,000 rockets at German defensive positions, making a wonderful spectacle but ultimately useless as nearly all of them missed their intended targets.
ww2dbaseBy this stage, aside from the waste of 9,000 rockets, things seemed to be going well for the Allies. Part of it was due to luck. Noticing the foul weather, Colonel General Dollman lowered the alert status of the defenses of what Allies would call Omaha Beach, thinking that nothing would happen in the stormy weather. This lucky break allowed the airborne attack to be done in greater surprise, as well as some safe passage as the landing craft approached the beaches. However, the Allies made several great mistakes during the preparations, which would soon haunt them. One of the failures was that the Allied intelligence failed to detect the presence of German 352nd Division, thus grossly underestimating the defensive strength.
ww2dbaseThe first wave of landers consisted of 1,450 men in eight infantry companies. They reached the beach at 0631 hours. As soon as the ramps dropped, the landing craft were under intense machine gun and rifle fire. This gave light to the second mistake the Allies committed for the Omaha Beach operations. American did not think highly of British General Hobart's "funnies", which were modified tanks used for some of the other beaches on this day to provide additional cover, which were now realized as badly needed. The American did deploy tanks, in the form of duplex-drive tanks (DD tanks), but most of them were released too far out to sea that most of them sank in the choppy waters; only 5 out of the 32 DD tanks made it to land. The American soldiers on the beach could only find refuge behind German beach obstructions such as concrete cones and welded steel rails; they were promised craters made by aerial bombs immediately before the landing, but the bomber crews, fearful that they would hit friendly ships, delayed the bomb release by 30 seconds, so their bombs fell far inland (hitting American paratroopers in few instances), leaving the beach crater-less and coverless.
ww2dbaseWhat resulted was a bloody scene central to so many Hollywood movies such as Saving Private Ryan. Troops waded in water while machine guns, rifles, mortars, and artillery shells from further inland cut them down. Several landing craft were unlucky enough to be hit directly by mortar fire, exploding and in some cases killing all men aboard. A few units lost all of their officers and non-commissioned officers, leaving the men confused and scared behind the beach obstructions; the 1/116 Infantry, for example, lost three of its four company commanders and 16 junior officers before most of the men even reached land. As the first wave of landing troops bogged down on the beach, the second landing wave which arrived shortly after 0700 hours found itself stuck in a great traffic jam, vulnerable to enemy fire. By this time, the ocean tide turned, and the rising water drowned many wounded men who were unable to move themselves inland. At one point, General Omar Bradley was so distressed that he considered withdrawing the Omaha landers, and instead moving his forces to Utah Beach. US Navy destroyer McCook's captain Lieutenant Commander Ralph Ramey, seeing the dangerous situation, ordered his ship against battle plans to sail closer to shore and bombard enemy defenses. As other destroyers followed suit, the naval fire was able to alleviate the pressure for landing troops. The destroyers' 5-inch guns destroyed several German gun emplacements and allowed the landing troops to advance.
ww2dbaseAt 0720 hours, the Americans made significant progress as a platoon-sized group of men breached German defenses while a M4A1 Sherman tank of the 741st Tank Battalion knocked out a 88-mm gun casemate that had been so deadly thus far. At about 0745, another M4A1 Sherman tank knocked out another casemate. A few American officers made their courage known during this time, such as Colonel George Taylor, who ran up and down the beach rallying the men, leaving the legacy of quotes such as "[t]wo kinds of people are staying on the beach, the dead and those who are going to die - now let's get the hell out of here!" At 0750, Kampfgruppe Meyer was ordered to reverse their march, but they were already so far west that they would not reach Omaha sector until the afternoon; had they been kept in place, they would have reached Omaha sector as early as 0930 hours. As more Americans landed and more German fortifications destroyed or disabled, the German defensive line was clearly faltering. German positions began falling at a rapid rate starting at 0900, with a great number of positions captured between 0930 and 1000 hours. With imperfect information that German defenses were still holding, plus the situation at Gold Beach was considered more dire, the local officer in command Lieutenant General Dietrich Kraiss of the 352nd Infantry Division decided to move his reserves toward that direction, thus sealing Omaha sector's doom.
ww2dbaseMeanwhile, three companies of the US 2nd Rangers under Lieutenant Colonel James Rudder landed at Pointe-du-Hoc, a rocky promontory, in an area of Omaha Beach that was far from the main combat action. A navigational error caused a 40 minute delay in the landing schedule and exposed the landing craft to unnecessary fire (two landing craft were sunk as they tried to return to the correct path), but shell fire from battleship USS Texas and destroyer Satterlee provided some cover fire for the Rangers. Within 5 minutes of their landing, they began scaling the cliffs with rocket-propelled grappling hooks, reaching the top very quickly. Their mission was to capture the large coastal guns deployed at the promontory, but to their disappointment, when they reached the top and captured the positions, they found either empty casemates or casemates with dummy guns made of timber. They continued to move southward, reaching the highway at about 0800 hours, and stumbled upon some of the guns they were originally sent out to destroy in an apple orchard 600 yards south of Pointe-du-Hoc in Criqueville-en-Bessin. The Rangers destroyed them with thermite grenades, possibly saving many of their comrades' lives on Utah Beach, as the guns were trained in that direction, with ammunition ready near the guns. The Rangers were isolated in the Pointe-du-Hoc area for most of the day, holding back German attempts to drive them back into the sea but at the cost of many casualties.
ww2dbaseBy the afternoon, American troops were reaching the villages behind the beaches. American control of the air played a critical role at this stage, as German reinforcements were harassed constantly. The 12 75-mm Marder III tank destroyers that Kraiss sent forth, for example, were detected from the onset, and the observation aircraft gave their coordinates for the naval guns to rain destruction on the German vehicles, destroying or disabling most of them before they reached American lines. At 2230 that night, more than 30,000 American troops had reached the beach. Omaha Beach was declared secure after the United States lost more than 2,000 men.
ww2dbaseGold Beach
6 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseGold Beach was situated in the center of the Allied attack on Normandy. The UK 50th Division, veteran of Gazala and El Alamein battles in North Africa in 1942, was placed in charge of the assault; the division was commanded by Major General Douglas Graham, a veteran of the Italian campaign in 1943. Defending Gold Beach was part of Major General Wilhelm Richter's German 716th Infantry Division, supported by units made up of Eastern Europeans. Behind Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches was the city of Caen, which was a major objective for all three beaches.
ww2dbaseAt 0535 on 6 Jun, HMS Bulolo with naval operations commanding officer Commodore Douglas-Pennant dropped anchor 7 miles off of the beach, thus marking the start of the operation. Undetected, the Gold beach invasion achieved surprise, and the troops were able to board their landing craft without disruptions. As the sun rose, Allied aircraft and warships bombarded the coastline. Duplex-drive Sherman tanks aboard tank landing craft spearheaded the actual landing, followed by those carrying infantry. At 0730, the landing began as DD Sherman tanks were launched 5,000 yards from the beach. Shortly after, the landing operation became rather disorganized as the landing craft arrived all about the same time instead of being staggered, and they threatened to run in to each other as they maneuvered to avoid German fire and naval mines. Despite the spectacular aerial and naval bombardment, much of the German defenses were still in tact.
ww2dbaseAt the Jig Green sector of the beach, the British 231st Brigade waded ashore into a field of machine gun fire coming from the village of Le Hamel. Lacking armor protection as many of its tanks were slowed or turned back due to rough seas, the brigade became pinned down between the sea and a minefield. The most formidable obstacle in front of them was a concrete fortification housing a number of machine gun and mortar nests and a concrete casement with a 75-millimeter gun, which had already knocked out several tanks and landing craft by this time. Major Warren of the 1st Hampshires concluded that it was impossible to attack the fortification head-on, and he began the lead his men around it in search for a possible attack from the rear. Meanwhile, the Dorsets landed to the left of the 1st Hampshires; the Dorsets bypassed Le Hamel in favor of attacking German positions at Buhot and Puits d'Hérode. At 0815, the 2nd Devons landed under fire similar to those who landed before them; one company of the 2nd Devons joined the 1st Hampshires in attempt to take out the 75-millimeter gun, while the others moved toward the village of Ryes 2 miles inland. The 47 Royal Marine Commando landed next. After landing, the commandos moved toward the harbor of Port-en-Bessin in attempt to link up with the Americans landing at Omaha Beach; taking a wide detour around Le Hamel and running into several German strongpoints, it took them until the evening to reach Port-en-Bessin, losing many men en route.
ww2dbaseAt King Red sector, the UK 69th Brigade landed at 0730 hours, under fire from a concrete casemate-protected 88-millimeter gun. In this sector, the 5th East Yorks faced the toughest defensive fire, pinned down along the seawall for what it seemed to them like eternity until an AVRE vehicle could get close and fire at point blank range into the casemate, destroying the 88-millimeter gun. The 5th East Yorks spent that morning clearing out the town of La Rivière immediately behind the fortification. To the west, the 6th Green Howards had a slightly easier time with their landing, facing heavy machine gun and small arms fire, but spared of shelling. With the aid of AVRE vehicles, the 6th Green Howards directly assaulted the German machine gun positions and the concrete strongpoint beyond. With most of the beach defenses wiped out, the 6th Green Howards were joined by tanks of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards in the assault on a four-gun battery at Mont Fleury. The battery's defenders were already demoralized from the earlier bombardment by Allied aircraft and by the HMS Belfast, the battery had been relatively silent, and was taken by the British troops with relative ease. At 0815, the 7th Green Howards landed, completing the landings of the UK 69th Brigade. The troops of the 7th Green Howards attacked the German gun battery at Ver-sur-Mer first, and found its occupants to be demoralized, surrendering rather quickly.
ww2dbaseBy the end of the morning, the beach area had largely been secured with the exception of the Le Hamel fortification. A new attempt at assaulting this strongpoint began at 1345 hours, where infantrymen spent an hour to move to a rendezvous point south of the German fortification, and at 1500 moved in toward the fortification. As they were about to be halted by intense small arms fire, they found luck on their side as an AVRE vehicle traveled nearby. They persuaded the crew to help them attack the fortification, and the AVRE fired several rounds of petard charges, stopping the machine gun fire long enough for the troops to rush in. Through fierce hand-to-hand fighting, the Germans were slowly pushed out of the fortification and the surrounding village. The 75-millimeter gun was destroyed by a petard charge fired through the rear door of the blockhouse. By 1600, Le Hamel was secured.
ww2dbaseWhile the Le Hamel attack was underway, British troops moved west along the coast and cleared several German strongpoints and captured the German radar station on the cliffs to the east of the Arromanches. On the high ground opposite of the Arromanches, German troops were gathering, and naval gunfire was called in to prevent the Germans from staging a counter attack. Meanwhile, the Dorsets, having just cleared Ryes, moved toward a large gun battery at Longues, whose 152-millimeter coastal defense guns had been firing at Allied warships since the invasion began. Three out of its four guns had already been silenced by naval bombardment, but the fourth gun remained defiant, firing intermittently through the entire day. At 1900 hours, the gun fell silent, and the 184-men garrison surrendered peacefully the next morning to the 2nd Dorsets.
ww2dbaseOverall, German response to the attack on Gold Beach was weak. The few attempts at concentrating troops in preparation for counter attacks were effectively disrupted by Allied naval gunfire and aerial attacks. By mid-day, the Germans knew the beach could not be defended, and tried to fall back to the town of Bayeux, which guarded the road to Caen.
ww2dbaseJuno Beach
6 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseJuno Beach was attacked by 15,000 men of the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division, supported by 9,000 British troops. Canadian commanding officer Major General Rodney Keller took charge of this assault. Defending the 5.5-mile stretch of beach between La Rivière and St Aubin was part of Major General Wilhelm Richter's German 716th Infantry Division, supported by units made up of Eastern Europeans. Most of the German defense in the Juno Beach area was concentrated around the small port of Courseulles on the estuary of the River Seulles, located roughly in the center of Juno Beach. Behind Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches was the city of Caen, which was a major objective for all three beaches.
ww2dbaseDue to the need for higher tide at Juno Beach to clear the offshore reef, the invasion began slightly later than Gold and Sword Beaches that flanked Juno Beach on either side. The first wave of attack landed at 0745 with Brigadier H. W. Foster's Canadian 7th Brigade landing on both sides of River Seulles. Previous aerial and naval bombardments failed to neutralize German coastal positions, thus the Canadians found themselves landing in a killing zone, and the lack of armor at the opening moments of the landing made matters worse. B Company of the Winnipegs, one of the two assault companies, landed at Mike Green sector and was immediately pinned down by heavy machine gun fire from concrete pillboxes and accurate fire from snipers and other infantrymen. The other assault company, D Company, landed on the left, and was forced to fight through a maze of concealed machine gun nests and Tobruk emplacements (underground concrete structures each with a small opening on top that was usually camouflaged). Great casualties were incurred to overtake these defensive structures, and once that was achieved, the Canadians charged inland at a region where the River Seulles curved. Men of the B Company crossed the river on a small bridge and spearheaded this part of the assault, while men of D Company crossed the minefield near La Vallette and advanced toward the village of Graye-sur-Mer. To the west, also at Mike Green sector, C Company of the Canadian Scottish Rifles, attached to the Winnipegs, landed with less opposition; their objective was a concrete casemate housing a 75-millimeter gun, which had already been knocked out by naval gunfire before the landing.
ww2dbaseAt about 0805, reserve companies landed on Juno Beach. They were spared of the worst of the direct-fire from German defensive structures, but they still had to land amidst mortar and artillery fire. With the incoming tide, the beach narrowed, and the small strip of land soon became crowded, particularly with all the combat vehicles arriving later than planned, and none of the beach exits had been cleared. At 0830 hours, the beach was less than 100 yards deep. Specialized Hobart's Funnies tanks, Crab vehicles, were dispatched to clear one of the exits. The first two struck mines and became disabled, but the third Crab vehicle was able to clear a single track 150 yards inland before being bogged down in a flooded area, and the Churchill AVRE that came to the rescue also became stuck, thus the crews had to abandon the vehicles, incurring three deaths and three injuries from small arms fire. Shortly after, a bridge was laid over the flooded area, using the two stuck vehicles as support. This exit was cleared by 0915. The other exit was cleared with less drama, and was open to traffic at about 0930 hours.
ww2dbaseon the other side of the mouth of the River Seulles, the Regina Rifle Regiment landed at Nan Green sector near the town of Courseulles. A Company landed right in front of a German 75-millimeter gun and a 88-millimeter gun, both in concrete casemates, fired on them, supported by machine gun nests and four Tobruk emplacements; B Company landed further to the east; C Company landed right in front of Courseulles. The beached offered little cover, thus all the troops dashed for the base of the German defensive fortifications as soon as they reached land, while a few DD Sherman tanks were on hand to provide some cover fire. The 75-millimeter gun fired about 200 shells before an armor piercing tank shell penetrated the gun shield and killed the crew, and the 88-millimeter gun was likewise disabled by close-range tank gun fire. By the time the Hobart's Funnies vehicles arrived at the Nan Green sector, 40 minutes behind schedule, the Canadian troops had already cleared German defenses in the immediate beach area. The flail tanks, bulldozers, and bridge layers cleared up two lanes inland by 0900 hours. Meanwhile, men of the C Company rushed into the town of Courseulles and performed house-to-house fighting to clear the beach town of German defenders. While the troops cleared each house, sniper fire from neighboring buildings and mortar and machine gun fire from a nearby German strongpoint with height advantage made the task extremely difficult. It took until the early afternoon for Courseulles to become secured, and the strongpoint near the town was taken shortly after.
ww2dbaseTo the west, the 8th Brigade of the Canadian 3rd Division landed between Bernières and St Aubin, supported by Canadian and British duplex-drive Sherman tanks. The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada landed at Nan White sector at 0755 hours and had a tough time establishing their positions for the first 15 minutes of the landing, especially with the tanks arriving later than expected. B Company of Queen's Own Rifles of Canada landed directly in front of a German strongpoint, suffering 65 casualties in the opening few minutes of the landing, but the men slowly worked from pillbox to pillbox to silence the machine guns. To the right, A Company men were able to dash across the beach, but were soon held down by machine gun and mortar fire in the field immediately beyond the beach. The arrival of tanks and shortly after the reserve companies alleviated the situation. Between 0910 and 0930, self-propelled guns of the 14th and 19th Field Regiments of the Royal Canadian Artillery landed onto a narrow, crowded, and chaotic beach. Once the beach defenses were knocked out, the troops gathered to take their first objective, the village of Bény-sur-Mer, but it was not until noon they received the order to advance toward the village, and it would not be taken until mid-afternoon.
ww2dbaseThe Canadian North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment landed at Nan Red sector at 0800 hours, west of St Aubin. The men of A Company faced relatively light opposition, but the B Company men landed right in front of a strongpoint with a 50-millimeter gun, which knocked out the first two duplex-drive Sherman tanks with ease, followed by the first two AVRE vehicles. It would take the B Company men until 1115 hours to silence the strongpoint with two duplex-drive Sherman tank guns, one AVRE gun, and many petard charges launched by another AVRE vehicle. C and D Companies landed a short while after A and B Companies landed; C Company men took the village of Tailleville, two miles away from St Aubin, in the late afternoon.
ww2dbaseIn the Nan Red sector, British marines of the 48 Royal Marine Commando landed after suffering great casualties from destroyed landing craft on the way to the beach and heavy small arms fire after making landfall. They were supposed to capture the strongpoint at Langrune and then link up with marines from the 41 Royal Marine Commando from Sword Beach, but they achieve neither on D-Day as Langrune proved to be much more difficult to conquer than originally thought. Two concrete emplacements, one housing a 75-millimeter gun and the other a 50-millimeter anti-tank gun, held up the British marines' advance; their concrete walls were so well constructed that tanks shells essentially bounced off of them. By the end of the first day of the Normandy invasion, the 48 Royal Marine Commando suffered 50% casualties without taking Langrune.
ww2dbaseSword Beach
6 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseSituated around the estuary of the River Orne, the 21-mile wide area that the Allies designated as Sword and Juno Beaches was defended by the German 716th Infantry Division commanded by artillery officer Major General Wilhelm Richter, an officer since WW1 and a veteran of campaigns in Poland, Belgium, and Russia in the European War. The German 716th Infantry Division was raised in Münster, Germany, and consisted mainly of older men from Rhineland and Westphalia regions; they had been stationed in Normandy, France since Jun 1942 and had been trained specifically for coastal defense and occupation duties. Some of the division's strength was syphoned away as replacements for losses on the Russian front; about 1,000 soldiers from occupied Soviet territories were sent in to replace some of the men transferred away. Several miles inland, about 20 miles southeast of Caen, was the German 21st Panzer Division commanded by Major General Edgar Feuchtinger, who reported to Rommel's Army Group B. Feuchtinger was not a respected commander; though a veteran of many campaigns, he was promoted to a high rank largely because of political connections in the Nazi Party, thus he was not respected by all of his peers. Additionally, some units of the 21st Panzer Division were consisted of men previously rejected by other units; in fact, it was the only panzer division to be rejected for the campaign in Russia in early 1944. Behind the beach's formidable fortifications were artillery pieces not unlike other invasion beaches; heavy guns of 150 to 381-millimeter calibers were deployed as far east as Le Havre, and closer to the beach at Merville, Ouistreham, Riva Bella, and Colleville were smaller guns with calibers of 104 to 150-millimeters.
ww2dbaseThe Allies commander for invading Sword Beach was Major General Tom Rennie of the UK 3rd Division, supported behind enemy lines by Major General Richard Gale's airborne troopers of the UK 6th Airborne Division. Also in assistance of the UK 3rd Division was the 5th Assault Regiment from Major General Percy Hobart's UK 79th Armored Division, which operated specialized tanks, "Hobart's Funnies", to counter beach obstacles. The troops of the 3rd Division were trained since Dec 1943 for the specific purpose of the cross-Channel invasion. Rear Admiral A. G. Talbot of the Royal Navy was placed in charge for the seaborne element of the Sword Beach assault, operating British and Commonwealth ships under his command.
ww2dbaseThe invasion of Sword Beach launched at 2256 hours in the night of 5 Jun 1944 when six Horsa gliders were pulled airborne at Tarrant Rushton airfield in England, United Kingdom. These glider troops of the 6th Airlanding Brigade of the UK 6th Airborne Division landed in landing Zone X close by the bridges at Orne at about 0015 hours on 6 Jun. Within minutes, 90 glider troops gathered within 100 yards of the bridges, which were their primary objectives. Lieutenant Den Brotheridge and his platoon dashed across the first bridge, Pegasus Bridge, killing one sentry (the other had ran away at the first sight of the troops), but not before he sounded the alarm. Brotheridge dashed toward a nearby machine gun pit, throwing a grenade into it as he ran, but unfortunately for him, the grenade did not take out the crew, and he was cut down by the machine gun. Troops following Brotheridge silenced the gun pit. On the other side of the bridge, Lieutenant Wood and his platoon had already taken out several defenses, including a machine gun position and a anti-tunk gun crew. The two platoon quickly took control of the first bridge. The second bridge, several hundred yards to the east, were attacked by two platoons of glider troopers. They captured the bridge with relative ease. The glider troopers now dug in to hold the bridge until the arrival of friendly paratroopers. The pathfinders of the UK 22nd Independent Parachute Company landed minutes after the bridges were secured, but they took a while to rally as they were widely scattered. At 0045, transports began dropping the main body of paratroopers, who were also dispersed. By daybreak, only about 200 men gathered for the defense of the bridges, now under the responsibility of paratrooper Lieutenant Colonel Pine Collins.
ww2dbaseNear Merville, British paratroopers were scattered widely like their pathfinder comrades. Many of the battalions were forced to begin their operations at about 60% strength as many of their men were unable to find their way to the rally points. The UK 9th Parachute Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Terence Otway, was of no exception. The 9th Parachute Battalion was charged with taking the gun battery at Merville, which was regarded a critical operation. They were ordered to take the battery by 0500, or cruiser HMS Arethusa would fire her guns in attempt to do the same, which might risk hitting the paratroopers. Otway was only about to gather 150 out of his total of 750 men before he began his attack, meanwhile the Germans were well fortified with barbed wires, minefields, and steel and earth bunkers. Shortly before he commenced his attack, he met up with Major George Smith and his party, who landed near the battery and had mapped out routes through the minefield without being detected, and Otway's men made use of two of the mapped routes for their attack. Otway timed his attack to coincide with glider landings near the battery so to take advantage of the confusion the attack would cause. Nevertheless, their assault was still detected, and they soon attracted machine gun fire. The gliders were under intense fire but tried to keep on track, but ultimately they were unable to locate the exact location of the battery, and landed too far away to take part in the combat. Without the additional support from glider troops, Otway's men slowly moved forward on their own, receiving fire from all sides. They cleared trenches one by one, some by hand-to-hand combat. Though the fighting was brutal, the German morale was low due to being taken by surprise; additionally, after discovering they were being assaulted by paratroopers, some of the Germans began falling back as they thought they could not defend against hostile elite forces in darkness. With much of the German defenses melting away, Otway's men moved from gun position to gun position, destroying the 75-millimeter guns (they had originally thought 150-millimeter guns were deployed here) one by one, completing the mission before the 0500 deadline. Of the 150 men that launched the attack, 70 were killed or wounded by the time the mission was completed.
ww2dbaseThe mission to destroy the two bridges over the River Dives was given to Lieutenant Colonel George Bradbrooke's men of the Canadian 1st Parachute Battalion. Also dispersed, only a fraction of the strength gathered. They were successful in destroying the bridges. The destruction of the bridge near the village of Troarn was among the most difficult. A small group of paratroopers drove a jeep in high speed through the German-defended town, men hanging on to the railings as the vehicle slid left and right as it sped down the main street to avoid gunfire (one men fell off and became missing), and reached the unguarded road bridge. They were successful in destroying the bridge with demolition charges, escaping by foot afterwards.
ww2dbaseLearning of the attacks, Major General Richter called Major General Feuchtinger, requesting the major general to send in all of his tanks of the 21st Panzer Division in anticipation of a major assault to arrive in the morning. Feuchtinger hesitated, unsure whether the airborne attacks were diversionary or not, and he opted to pass the decision up the chain of command, thus losing valuable time. Meanwhile, some of Feuchtinger's men were already engaged in combat, largely because British and Canadian paratroopers had landed near their positions.
ww2dbaseAt 0300, the Allied air forces bombarded the German beach defenses for the final time before the amphibious invasion. A few hours later, British warships bombarded German gun batteries and other strongpoints along Sword Beach. After daybreak, British destroyers closed in and fired at short range. At 0510 hours, Royal Air Force aircraft laid a smoke screen to shield the invasion force, but the smokescreen was used by boats of the German 5th Torpedo Boat Flotilla to attack, firing 15 torpedoes and scoring one hit, sinking destroyer Svenner with few lives lost. At 0530, soldiers began embarking landing craft. At 0600, LCA landing craft began sailing for Queen Red and Queen White sectors, joined by waves of various landing craft every few minutes. As the landing craft closed, LCT(R) vessels fired a total of 1,064 5-inch rockets, knocking out some beach obstacles and creating a smoke screen. Shortly after, at the range of 7,000 yards, self-propelled guns of the UK 3rd Division began to fire from their vessels to knock out beach obstacles. At the distance of 5,000 yard to the beach, 40 duplex-drive Sherman tanks of the UK 13th/18th Hussars were launched; 31 of them would make it to the beach successfully. By this point, all German guns were firing at the landing craft, and the Allied formation began to break up. At 0725 hours, the infantry arrived on the beach, which quickly attracted fire from machine guns and other small arms. The UK 2nd East Yorks, which landed on Queen Red sector, experienced a tough fight as they attempted to dash across an area bombarded by 88-millimeter and 75-millimeter guns inland, while being raked by machine gun fire. However, the use of specialized tanks such as the Hobart's Funnies provided the Sword Beach landers a slightly easier time than their American counterparts in Omaha and Utah Beaches, as vehicles such as the flail tanks and bridging tanks cleared obstacles and provided bridges to cross anti-tank ditches, all the while provided just a bit more cover for the infantry against small arms fire.
ww2dbaseShortly behind the initial wave were 24 landing craft carrying British Royal Marine commandos. The commandos landed on the extreme western end of Queen White sector and moved toward the German strongpoint at Lion-sur-Mer, which would serve as the link-up between Sword and Juno Beaches. The first target of the commandos was the demolished casino at Riva Bella, which had been turned into a formidable fortress of interlocking bunkers, trenches, wire entanglements, and minefields. Leading the attack on Riva Bella was French Captain Phillippe Kieffer, commanding officer of two groups of French commandos attached to the British Royal Marines, thus making this attack a purely French effort. Kieffer attacked Riva Bella at two locations from the rear with small arms, personal anti-tank weapons, and grenades, but the commandos were soon stalled by two German positions, a bunker and a water tower, both proved to be difficult for Allied weapons to penetrate. The bunker in particular was a difficulty for the French troops, as it housed a 50-millimeter gun that fired through concrete embrasures. Instead of ordering his men to charge, Kieffer alone moved toward the beach, found a duplex-drive Sherman medium tank, and persuaded the tank to assist the assault on Riva Bella. The Sherman tank knocked out both of the water tower and the concrete bunker, allowing the commandos to move in and take over the German strongpoint. To the east, British commandos attacked the German gun battery at the mouth of River Orne from the rear. Machine gun nests, 50-millimeter anti-tank guns, and minefields protected the battery. In the center of the battery was a 56-foot high concrete tower that housed the control and ranging equipment for the costal guns; though not a defensive structure, German troops made effective use of the tower's height to observe British movements to relay down to the defenders on the ground, meanwhile throwing grenades down at close-by British commandos as opportunities presented. To the commandos' disappointment, they found most of the gun positions empty, as they had already been moved further inland. With this new knowledge, the commandos moved out of the battery to regroup. This gun battery, with its concrete tower, would remain in German control for a few more days to come.
ww2dbaseAnother group of commandos, led by Brigadier Lord Lovat, marched inland with bagpiper Bill Millin playing without stoppage. They met up with Colonel Pine Coffin's paratroopers later that day.
ww2dbaseAs the beach front began to be cleared, due to the rising tide, the beach narrowed, and the small strip of land soon became a chaotic scene of troops, supplies, vehicles, and landing craft coming and going. Traffic jams became a serious issue at the exits, and this slowed the Allied momentum especially as tanks waited on the beaches for their opportunities to move inland.
ww2dbaseThe German forces suffered relative light casualties from the pre-invasion aerial and naval bombardment. Though somewhat shell-shocked, they sprang to action quickly, and even the volunteer units from Eastern Europe fought reasonably well. As the result, most of the strongpoints were fiercely defended, forcing the Allies to seize just about every single one by force. As soon as Gerd von Rundstedt realized that the attack was a major Allied invasion attempt, he contacted Adolf Hitler for permission to release all tanks for a counter attack, but permission was slow in the coming as Berlin still considered the possibility that the invasion was merely a diversionary attack. Therefore, the only tanks available were those of Feuchtinger's 21st Panzer Division located south of Caen. By the time those tanks moved, it was already mid-morning, and Allied fighters and fighter-bombers had already established tight patrols in the air, making vehicular movement very difficult for the Germans. Nevertheless, a counter attack by armor materialized under the leadership of young German Colonel Oppeln-Bronikowski, leading a group of Panzer IV tanks. The German tanks were met with anti-tank weapons and Sherman Firefly tanks of the UK Staffordshire Yeomantry, and the counter attack was immediately halted. Oppeln-Bronikowski called off the attack after losing 13 of his tanks. A second prong of the counter attack by infantrymen of the 192nd Panzergrenadiers fared a bit better being able to penetrate Allied lines and making contact with isolated German beach defenders of the 736th Infantry Regiment near Lion-sur-Mer. These infantrymen were later joined by a few tanks. Instead of exploiting further, however, Feuchtinger was forced to recall the 192nd Panzergrenadiers to Caen after observing 250 gliders full of British airborne troops land near St Aubin. The appearance of German armor and the German's ability to reach the sea made the Allied field commanders at Sword Beach a bit weary, thus a decision was made to regroup at the beach, thus delaying the objective to take Caen by the end of 6 Jun. Nevertheless, British troops still moved toward Caen, albeit a very slow pace, so that the city could be taken in the following few days. Along the way, they encountered the unexperienced but fierce troops of the 12th SS-Panzer Division "Hitlerjugent", who held the lines so that, behind them, German tanks could gather in preparation for a counter offensive.
ww2dbaseSword Beach was effectively secured by the Allies at the end of 7 Jun.
ww2dbaseConclusion of D-Day
ww2dbaseBy the night of 6 Jun, Allied powers had taken control of all five beachheads. Although the Allies failed to take Caen and Bayeux, two main objectives for the first day of the invasion, the Allies were nevertheless able to hold beachheads from which they began to solidify their precarious positions. Very soon, the Allies began building the Mulberry ports that would allow vehicles, supplies, and more men to arrive. Without much rest, the troops moved forward again; Allied troops needed to hold territory far enough from the beaches to prevent German artillery attacks on the newly established supply dumps. German General Rundstedt attempted to counterattack on several occasions, but none achieved any significance as Allied superiority generally overwhelmed German tanks.
ww2dbaseThe next stage of the campaign for the Allied forces was amongst the hedgerows: cris-crossing walls averaging five feet in height. The German infantry made great use of the hedgerows, practically turning every hedgerow wall into a fortress wall. Skirmishes at the hedgerows reminded historian Stephen Ambrose of the trench warfare of WW1, while to Bob Bearden, an American paratrooper, hedgerows were simply physical representations of the unknown. "You discover what is beyond each hedgerow as you step through at the end of each one", he recalled, never knowing whether there would be a German machine gun nest on the other side. Because the hedgerows, German prisoners suffered, too. Bearden noted in his memoir that German prisoners were usually gathered in the open field between hedgerows so that they could be guarded against escape, but when the German mortar and artillery shells came down, they became most vulnerable to the flying shrapnel. "It was one hell of a situation for those poor Germans."
ww2dbaseOn 7 and 8 Jun, the German 12th SS Panzer Division, comprised of Hitler Youth personnel, counterattacked between Juno and Sword beaches. Although this attack inflicted heavy losses on the Canadians, stiff Canadian resistance broke the counterattack after losing only short ground.
ww2dbaseAfter the landings, Utah Beach and its Mulberries were a busy seaport. When Captain Richard Winters of the American 101st Paratroopers reached Utah Beach on 10 Jul along with his unit to return to England to rest and train for the next mission, he called "seeing the beach for the first time, with that armada of ships as far as the eye could see in every direction, and seeing the American flag on the beach, left me feeling weak in the knees and for a few moments and brought tears to my eyes".
10-14 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseThe Allied forces fighting northward toward Cotentin Peninsula was headed by Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe of the US 101st Airborne Division, whose first step was to take the port city of Carentan which was at the base of the peninsula. The first engagement for Carentan took place at the town of St-Côme-du-Mont, which was located on the highway to Carentan. The town was defended by Lieutenant Colonel von der Heydte, who was also an airborne officer, commanding the German 6th Parachute Regiment, along with various companies he could gather from the surrounding areas, including two Eastern European battalions of questionable capability or loyalty. Von der Heydt was ordered by Rommel to defend Carentan "to the last man". In the morning of 8 Jun, four American airborne battalions attacked, quickly driving German troops out of the town toward the west into troops of the US 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, and by the end of that day the Americans were beyond of St-Côme-du-Mont. Because the Germans had flooded the marshlands nearby, the Allies were forced to advance via roads.
ww2dbaseWhen troops of the 3rd Battalion, US 502nd Parachute Infantry Division arrived at Bridge No. 2 over the Douve River, they found it blown up by the retreating Germans, and the engineers had a difficult time repairing the bridge under fire by an 88-millimeter gun. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Cole, commander of the assault, sent a patrol across the river in a small boat, which found another bridge blocked by a Belgian gate. The patrol was able to open the gate 18-inches wide to let one man pass at a time. They discovered that the Germans seemed to be concentrated at a well-built farmhouse nearby.
ww2dbaseMeanwhile, the 327th Glider Infantry crossed the Douve River around the same time in the morning of 10 Jun, captured Brévands, and then was joined by men of Company A of the US 401st Glider Infantry Regiment; they seized roads at the base of the peninsula including the bridges spanning the Vire-Taute Canal east of Carentan by the evening.
ww2dbaseShortly after noon of 10 Jun, as the bridge over the Douve River had not been repaired, the men of 3/502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment attacked over an improved bridge. They reached Bridge No. 4 by 1600 hours after suffering heavy casualties, and were halted by the combination sniper fire, artillery fire, and the unlikely (due to Allied air superiority) Ju 87 Stuka aircraft strafing. In the early hours of 11 Jun, an American company quietly sneaked through the Belgian gate previously found for the farmhouse that seemed to house the main German defenses. Discovered, the company was pinned down by unrelenting German fire that would not cease even in the face of American artillery bombardment. Cole ordered a smokescreen to be laid, in which the men would charge out with bayonets. In close hand-to-hand combat, the first wave of 20 men and the second wave of 50 men fought with the German savagely, taking the farmhouse. Casualties were so heavy on both sides that a brief respite was observed by both sides to take care of the wounded. That afternoon was marked by a series of engagements, including German counterattacks that nearly broke through American lines, halted only by a heavy artillery barrage.
ww2dbaseOn 11 Jun, McAuliffe prepared for a main assault at Carentan to take place in the next day or two, while at the same time the Germans, dangerously low on ammunition, quietly fell back during that night, leaving only a small rear guard. Meanwhile, a German air re-supply paradrop operation commenced, delivering ammunition about 11 kilometers to the southwest, but that was too late to make a difference as the German troops were already leaving. Von der Heydt was later criticized for prematurely abandoning Carentan; Lieutenant General Max Pemsel, the chief of staff of the German 7th Army, was among those who thought von der Heydt broke down mentally and physically during the battle for Carentan. To his own defense von der Heydt claimed that his troops were in dire straits, and he had no idea that the German 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division was already en route to reinforce Carentan.
ww2dbaseAt 0200 on 12 Jun, two battalions of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment began to attack a hill designated Hill 30, and took that position by 0500 hours. The Americans were reinforced in the following two hours. At 0600 hours, Carentan was attacked by Americans from the north and south, which wiped out the German rear guard and reached the center of the town by 0730. In the afternoon of 12 Jun, the German 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division planned a counter-attack, but it never took place as their assault guns were held up in the assembly areas due to Allied air attacks.
ww2dbaseAt about 0700 hours on 13 Jun, the German counterattack finally began under the command of SS-Gruppenführer Werner Ostendorf. Two battalions of the German 37th Panzergrenadier Regiment, supported by tanks of the 17th Panzer Battalion and 48 StuG IV assault guns, pushed back the left side of the American front lines immediately as the Americans were surprised to see a concentration of German heavy weapons. Lieutenant Richard Winters' troops of Company E of US 506th Parachute Infantry Battalion held the right side, however. By 0900 hours, the leading assault guns were within 875 yards of the southwestern side of Carentan. The American paratroopers were able to slow the German advance by taking advantage of the hedgerows. By noon, the Germans were only about 500 yards from Carentan, but by that time the German momentum had already began to shake. At about 1400 hours, tanks of the US 2nd Armored Division arrived; they were ordered to the area by General Bradley at 1030 earlier that day, a decision based upon the interception and timely deciphering of German communications. The tanks, supported by self-propelled howitzers of the US 14th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, attacked down the Carentan-Baupte road, threatening to cut off the German spearhead elements. The offensive was called off by von der Heydt after suffering several hundred casualties, seven assault guns lost, and thirteen assault guns damaged. Furious with yet another withdraw ordered by von der Heydt, Ostendorf arrested von der Heydt and sent him to a SS military judge that night, who concluded von der Heydt made the proper decisions at Carentan and released him shortly after. This German failed counterattack were later nicknamed the battle of Bloody Gulch by the Americans.
ww2dbaseTo the east of Carentan, the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment advanced to Mesnil on the afternoon of 12 Jun, then attacked south as far Rouxeville and Montmartin-en-Graignes. The 2nd Battalion rescued a pocket of 29th Division troops that included its deputy division commanding officer, Brigadier General Norman D. Cota. On 13 Jun, the regiment was pulled back to form a defensive line against a possible German counterattack that never took place.
ww2dbaseOn 14 Jun, the 502nd and 506th Parachute Infantry Regiments established a defensive line along the highway from Baupte to Auverville, thus linking up with men of the US 82nd Airborne Division, ending the actions for Carentan.
18-29 Jun 1944
ww2dbaseCherbourg was a major port on the Cotentin Penninsula, with waters deep enough for large Allied transports to dock and transport in large amounts of supplies. By 18 Jun, Major General Collins of the US Army led his VII Corps and took control of all major roads leading into Cherbourg, starting the siege on the German defenders in that port city. Despite the stubborn bravery and the effective use of pillboxes and artillery positions on the part of the Germans, the Americans made slow progress. On 19 Jun, German General Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben pulled back all his forces into the city itself to concentrate his remaining forces. The German forces were well-dug in along a series of hills, field fortifications, bunkers, and former V-1 rocket launching sites. To soften the defenses, the Allies bombarded the area heavily. Starting at 1240 hours 22 Jun, Typhoon and Mustang aircraft of the 2nd Tactical Air Force of the Royal Air Force conducted 25 minutes of intense rocket and strafing attacks, followed by 55 minutes of bombing and strafing by 562 American P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang aircraft, and then 11 groups of B-26 Marauder bombers of the US 9th Air Force bombed the general area at 1400 hours. The ground troops advanced during the air attack, and they reported that the Germans were so well dug in that the aerial bombardment seemed to have done little to loosen the defenses. It took two days of hard fighting for the Americans to breach the outer defenses.
ww2dbaseOn 25 Jun, a German medical officer accompanied by a captured American pilot came out under a white flag to request that the German naval hospital be spared from shelling, and he also asked for a supply of plasma to treat the wounded. The officer was allowed to return with the plasma he requested, and he also brought back into Cherbourg a letter demanding immediate surrender. At this time, although besieged, Schlieben believed that his men could hold up for at least another month or two due to the terrain and fortifications that favored the defenders. However, even as Schlieben was reading the demands, Americans had begun another assault, and the German defenses suddenly crumbled. German officers ordered port facilities burned, and the fires lit up the skies. On 26 Jun, men of the US 9th and 79th Divisions silenced the German artillery positions at Fort de Roule after a tough fight. On the same day, street fighting within Cherbourg began. Adding to the frustration of house-to-house urban fighting was the presence of coastal guns that were still firing on American positions. As the Americans learned from captured German soldiers that Schlieben was commanding the defense from a bunker in St Sauveur, the Americans focused their attacks at that direction. As they reached near the tunnel entrance to the bunker, the Americans sent a German prisoner into the bunker to demand surrender, which was refused. M-10 tank destroyers were brought forward to fire high explosive rounds at the bunker, which finally broke the German spirit. 800 German officers and men surrendered, including Schlieben, Admiral Hennecke, and their staff officers. The remaining German forces around the city gradually gave up as they learned the news of Schlieben's surrender. Cherbourg fell under Allied control on 29 Jun, capturing 10,000 German prisoners in the final days of combat in that city.
ww2dbaseThough the city was targeted for its deep water ports, the capture did not provide immediately benefits due to the extensive damage caused by German sabotage that began during the night of 25-26 Jun. It would take Allied engineers three to four weeks before small ships could make use of the docks, and two months before larger ships could enter. The waters were also ridden ridden with German naval mines, requiring deep-sea divers to clear. "The work of the mine sweepers and the deep-sea divers in Cherbourg Harbor was dramatic and courageous", Eisenhower later said of the operations to restore the usefulness of the harbor for Allied causes.
9 Jun-9 Jul 1944
ww2dbaseAlthough Caen was a target for 6 June, it was not achieved by the British troops landing on the beaches that day. Since very early on in the campaign, British and German troops held a stalemate at Caen (Montgomery had launched three separate strikes at Caen before 1 July, to no avail). On 9 July, Montgomery ordered a massive air strike against that city with the goal of clearing the city's defenses. 450 aircraft were ordered to drop 2500 tons of bombs on Caen, however the pilots feared friendly fire against troops that held lines very close to the city, and delayed several seconds before releasing the bombs. That resulted in heavy damage on the city without actually weakening the German defenses by much. British troops advanced after the air strike, though suffering heavy casualties (average of 25% casualty rate for infantry battalions). Fierce German defenses, including a major German tank counterattack, stalled advancing British troops once again when the British held about half of the city. British troops held on to Caen, forcing the German 12th SS Panzer Division and Army engineers (acting as infantry) to commit to the Caen area, allowing American VIII Corps to reach Coutances, which in turn allowed General Patton's US Third Army to sweep through northwestern France.
ww2dbaseSt. Lo
15-18 Jul 1944
ww2dbaseBradley's troops marched through the treacherous hedgerows onward to St. Lo, suffering over 5,000 casualties during the advance. However, American tanks and infantry slowly learned how to work with each other to cover each others' weaknesses. An innovative American sergeant named Culin took the steel rails Germans used on the beaches, cut them down to the right size, and welded them in front of tanks. These make-shift heavy bulldozers began to force their way through the hedgerows. This invention allowed US troops to advance several hedgerow walls in a matter of hours, instead of entire days as seen in previous days of hedgerow fighting. This innovation also prevented tanks from exposing their weak underbelly to enemy fire when they climbed the hedgerows.
ww2dbaseSince the early days of the campaign, Allied bombers had already rained devastation upon St. Lo. As a prisoner of war, when Bearden traveled through the town on 10 Jun, he recalled that the town appeared "as if a gargantuan machine had just picked up the city, put it in a bag, shook it real good, and emptied it out onto the ground like a huge pile of rubbish." When the American troops arrived on 15 Jul, they grew tired of the slow advances through the hedgerows, and sought more aggressive results. Instead of conducting house-to-house fighting among the ruins where "dead animals and human body parts lay jumbled", they simply attempted to fight through them. On one occasion, American troops drove a bulldozer into a German-held house, burying the three German soldiers inside. By 18 Jul, the Americans had taken control of the little that was left of the town.
ww2dbaseConclusion of the Campaign
ww2dbaseAllied superiority especially in the first few weeks of the Normandy campaign for a large part secured the Allied foothold in France. The German defenders fought fiercely, but they were limited by limited reinforcements as German trucks were constantly strafed by opposing aircraft. General Fritz Bayerlein of the German 12th SS Panzer Division wrote of the destruction caused by Allied fighter-bombers right at the start of the campaign.
ww2dbaseOn the Allied side, columns of trucks and other vehicles streamed from the beaches to the supply dumps and the front lines with relatively minimal interference from German aircraft, greatly contrasting the German experience. Lieutenant John Eisenhower, newly commissioned son of the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces, commented to his father "[y]ou would never get away with this if you didn't have air supremacy" shortly after the Normandy campaign commenced; General Eisenhower responded: "If I didn't have air supremacy, I wouldn't be here!"
ww2dbaseThe Allied success right from the start of the invasion did not take away hints that the cost of progress thus far had been tremendous, however. In the morning of 28 Jun, when pilots of the US Army Air Force 365th Fighter Group flew their P-47 Thunderbolt fighters over the Normandy beaches, they saw American bodies still drifting in the water. It was a sobering sight for the airmen as they looked look beyond and saw "long lines of German prisoners plodding towards the barbed wire stockades on the beach".
ww2dbaseThough the Normandy Campaign officially ended on 24 Jul 1944 as defined by the US Army Center of Military History, German forces would not be cleared from the Normandy region until 22 Aug at the conclusion of the Falaise pocket operation.
ww2dbaseSources: Band of Brothers, Crack! and Thump, Crusade in Europe, D-Day: 24 Hours that Saved the World, Hell Hawks, Overlord, the Second World War, To D-Day and Back, U.S. Army Center of Military History, Wikipedia.
Last Major Update: May 2010
Normandy Campaign, Phase 1 Interactive Map
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Normandy Campaign, Phase 1 Timeline
6 Mar 1944 | The RAF Bomber Command began a major offensive over France to prepare for the Normandy invasion. |
12 Mar 1944 | All travel between Great Britain and neutral Ireland were banned to prevent details of the invasion of France being leaked to the enemy. |
17 Apr 1944 | British Royal Navy and Royal Air Force Bomber Command commenced minelaying in the approaches of the English Channel in preparation for the forthcoming invasion of Europe. |
2 May 1944 | 54-year-old Leonard Dawe, a teacher, compiled a cross-puzzle which was published in the Daily Telegraph on this date. He was put under MI5 investigation as the crossword puzzle contained the code names of the American landing beaches in Normandy, France. |
8 May 1944 | Eisenhower set the date for the cross-Channel invasion at 5 Jun 1944. |
9 May 1944 | The Allies began an aerial campaign against airfields and rail lines in France in preparation for the cross-Channel invasion. |
20 May 1944 | Eisenhower addressed French Resistance groups via a broadcast in preparation for the planned cross-Channel invasion. On the same day, 5,000 Allied bombers conducted coordinated strikes against many rail targets and 9 airfields in France and Belgium. |
22 May 1944 | In a Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle the word "Omaha" appeared as one of the answers. This caused considerable consternation among Allied invasion planners as "Omaha" was the codename for the French beach due to be assaulted by the US 1st Division on D-Day. |
23 May 1944 | General Hans Cramer, last commander of the German Afrika Korps, was repatriated due to ill health; before he departed Britain, he was shown evidence of the massive Allied build-up, but was misinformed as to the location of these forces; when he was later debriefed in Berlin, Germany, this misinformation helped deceive the Germans as to the actual target of the invasion. On the same day Cramer was repatriated, a single USAAF B-24 bomber ("Lorelei" 41-29300), escorted by eight P-51 fighters, loaded with the new top-secret Azon bombs successfully destroyed four bridges leading into Normandie, France; Lieutenant Colonel F. M. O'Neil (commanding officer of 753rd Squadron) and Captain Fred DeNeffe were the mission pilots; the entire crew was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. |
24 May 1944 | British Prime Minister Winston Churchill formally announced that Spain would not be a target of the forthcoming Allied invasion on continental western Europe. |
27 May 1944 | In a Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle the word "Overlord" appeared as one of the answers. This caused considerable consternation among Allied invasion planners as "Overlord" was the codename for the whole D-Day operation. |
30 May 1944 | In a Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle the word "Mulberry" appeared as one of the answers. This caused considerable consternation among Allied invasion planners as "Mulberry" was the codename for the floating harbours and facilities to be used during the invasion landings in France. |
1 Jun 1944 | In a Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle the solution to 15 Down was "Neptune", the codename for the D-Day naval assault. |
2 Jun 1944 | Two midget submarines (X-20 and X-23) set off from England, United Kingdom to sail submerged across the English Channel to the French Normandy coast where they would position themselves ready to guide the invasion fleet with coloured lights as navigation beacons. |
2 Jun 1944 | Typhoon fighter-bombers of No. 98 and No. 609 Squadrons RAF attacked and destroyed the enemy radar station at Dieppe/Caudecotein France as an important prelude to the Normandy Invasion; this installation would have given the Germans advance warning of the Allied invasion fleet. |
3 Jun 1944 | RAF aircraft conducted raids in the Pas-de-Calais and Cherbourg areas of France. |
4 Jun 1944 | Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, was postponed due to weather. Meanwhile, RAF bombers struck German coastal fortifications along the French coast. |
5 Jun 1944 | Erwin Rommel noted to Gerd von Rundstedt that there was no sign of an Allied invasion on the French coast. |
5 Jun 1944 | USS Ancon departed England, United Kingdom for waters off Baie de la Seine, France. |
6 Jun 1944 | HMS Warspite bombarded on the German Villerville Battery in Normandie, France at the range of 26,000 yards at 0500 hours, northeast of Sword Beach. |
6 Jun 1944 | Norwegian destroyer Stord shelled the town of Ouistreham in Normandy, France prior to the landing of British troops on Sword Beach. |
6 Jun 1944 | The first general officer killed on either side of the battle in Normandie, France was Brigadier General Don F. Pratt, the assistant divisional commander of the US 101st Airborne Division who was crushed to death when the Waco glider in which he was travelling crashed into a hedgerow whilst landing in France. He was also the highest ranking Allied officer to be killed on 6 June 1944. |
6 Jun 1944 | Torpedo boats of the German 5th Flotilla (Jaguar, Falke, Möwe, and T28), attacking Allied shipping off Normandie, France, sank Norwegian destroyer Svenner about 20 kilometers (about 12 miles) west of Le Havre, France. |
6 Jun 1944 | The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh launched a bombing raid against tactical shore targets near the Normandy landing beaches in France. |
6 Jun 1944 | British Company Sergeant-Major Stanley Hollis, using a PIAT launcher, took down several German pillboxes and a field gun during the Normandy invasion in France and was credited for saving the lives of many men. He was awarded the Victoria Cross, the only awarded for actions on the initial day of the invasion. |
6 Jun 1944 | 130,000 to 150,000 Allied troops, roughly half American and half British and Commonwealth, invaded the beaches of Normandy, France; it was the largest amphibious operation. |
7 Jun 1944 | British troops captured Bayeux, France. |
9 Jun 1944 | The Fortitude South cover plan, which used double agents to feed false information to the Germans, was expanded to further convince the Germans that the Western Allies were imminently intending to launch an invasion in the Pas de Calais region of France. |
9 Jun 1944 | US troops captured St. Mére-Eglise, France, cutting major road and rail links to the Cherbourg Peninsula. |
10 Jun 1944 | RAF Lancaster and Halifax bombers attacked four airfields in France. At Leval, where German fighter-bombers were operating in attacks on the invasion beaches, the runway was cratered in several places, interrupting sorties for 48 hours. |
11 Jun 1944 | Richard O'Connor and his British VIII Corps arrived at Normandie, France. |
12 Jun 1944 | General Erich Marcks, commander of the German LXXXIV Korps in Normandie, France, was mortally wounded when the staff car, in which he was travelling to organize a counter-attack to regain Carentan, was attacked by an Allied fighter-bomber. |
12 Jun 1944 | US and British forces linked up near Carentan, France, forming a solid 50-mile battle line, with 326,000 men and 54,000 vehicles on the beachhead. |
13 Jun 1944 | German troops launched a counter attack on Carentan, France. Meanwhile, near Villers-Bocage, Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann's lone Tiger tank destroyed 25 tanks and vehicles of the British 7th Armoured Division. |
14 Jun 1944 | Jaguar and Falke were sunk by British bombers off the French coast. |
14 Jun 1944 | American troops captured Carentan, France. |
15 Jun 1944 | The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh launched a bombing raid on bridges behind German lines at Normandy, France. |
15 Jun 1944 | Before dawn, 325 Lancaster bombers of RAF Bomber Command attacked Le Havre, France sinking the torpedo boats Falke, Jaguar, and Möwe of the German 5th Torpedo Boat Flotilla and 14 other smaller schnellboots of the 5th and 9th Flotillas, plus many auxiliary naval craft and harbour vessels. During the day, US VIII Corps (Major General Troy Middleton) became operational with the 90th Infantry Division and both US Airborne Divisions under its command, and was tasked with protecting the rear of the imminent attack to capture Cherbourg. |
16 Jun 1944 | Before dawn, 300 Lancaster bombers attacked Boulogne, France, sinking the minesweeper tenders Von der Gröben, Brommy, and Von der Lippe. Seven motor minesweepers and two patrol boats were sunk with others badly damaged. Combined with the raid on Le Havre on the previous night, the two raids caused much damage to the harbour facilities including fuel storage and loading equipment. |
16 Jun 1944 | In France, the Mulberry harbour off Omaha beach, completed the night before, received its first tank landing ship (LST). Although there were still doubts that the pontoons would not be able to take the weight of a 38-ton Sherman tank without sinking or collapsing this task would, thankfully, be achieved with just a small margin of safety. |
17 Jun 1944 | Adolf Hitler met with Erwin Rommel and Hans Speidel in France; Hitler agreed to visit the front lines in France, but ultimately this would not take place. |
17 Jun 1944 | Omar Bradley's American troops succeeded in reaching the sea on the western shore of the Cotentin Peninsula at Barneville, slicing the peninsula completely across and cutting off France's major naval base and arsenal at Cherbourg from the German army to the south. |
18 Jun 1944 | US First Army isolated Cherbourg, France. |
19 Jun 1944 | The US Mulberry Harbor at Omaha Beach off Normandy, France was wrecked by a storm. By this date, however, the Allies had 20 divisions ashore in France, while the Germans fielded only 16 in the region. |
20 Jun 1944 | The Americans launched their first attack on Cherbourg, France. |
22 Jun 1944 | The Americans launched a major attack on Cherbourg, France. Allied aircraft dropped over 1,000 tons of bombs on the city during the attack. |
25 Jun 1944 | Operation Epsom began with British Second Army's offensive near Caen, France. To the west, with naval gunfire support, American ground forces engaged in street fighting in Cherbourg. |
26 Jun 1944 | General von Schlieben, commander of the German garrison in Cherbourg, France, was captured by US troops. |
27 Jun 1944 | USS Ancon departed French waters. |
27 Jun 1944 | In France, US troops captured Cherbourg while British forces took Hill 112 near Caen. Elsewhere in France, the British 3rd Infantry Division and tanks launched Operation Mitten to seize two German occupied chateaus, la Londe and la Landel; the evening assault was repulsed. |
28 Jun 1944 | In the morning, British 3rd Infantry Division and tanks captured two German occupied chateaus, la Londe and la Landel, in France during Operation Mitten; the operation cost at least three British tanks and 268 men; historian Terry Copp had described the fighting for these chateaus as the "bloodiest square mile in Normandy". On the same day, German defenses halted Operation Epsom near Caen, France. |
29 Jun 1944 | The last harbor fort at Cherbourg, France was captured by US troops. Meanwhile, a planned German offensive by the 2nd and 9th Panzer Divisions at Villers-Bocage, west of Caen, was abandoned when their armored columns were blasted by 260 RAF heavy bombers. |
30 Jun 1944 | The final 6,000 German troops in Cherbourg, France surrendered. At Caen, German troops recaptured Hill 112. |
3 Jul 1944 | US VIII Corps advanced toward Coutances, France. |
6 Jul 1944 | Baron Hiroshi Oshima, the Japanese ambassador to Berlin, unaware that his reports were being read by the cryptanalysts in Bletchley Park in Britain, told Tokyo that the German high command was still awaiting for George Patton's army group to land in the Pas de Calais, France. A month after D-Day the "Fortitude" deception plan was still misleading the German generals. |
7 Jul 1944 | American attacks near Carentan, France were held off by German counterattacks. In support of ground troops and to prepare for a new offensive to be launched on the next day, RAF bombers dropped 2,300 tons of explosives on the Germans in and around Caen, France. |
8 Jul 1944 | British Second Army launched Operation Charnwood against Caen, France. |
9 Jul 1944 | British and Canadian forces entered the rubble that was Caen, France. Meanwhile, US XIX Corps began advancing toward Saint-Lô, France. |
11 Jul 1944 | US VII Corps met resistance attacking toward Saint-Lô, France. |
12 Jul 1944 | US VII Corps made limited progress toward Saint-Lô, France. |
14 Jul 1944 | The US Eighth Air Force based in Britain flew several missions over France, with 319 B-17 bombers dropping 3,700 containers to supply Allied forces fighting in southern France, 131 B-24 bombers attacking Montdidier and Peronne airfields, and 94 P-38 fighter-bombers attacking targets near Paris (1 P-38 aircraft lost). Meanwhile, other Allied aircraft attacked targets in the French railway system in or near Bourth, Merey, Periers, Chateaudun, and other locations; some of these attacks were conducted using Oboe, a British aerial blind bombing targeting technology. |
15 Jul 1944 | The US Eighth Air Force based in Britain launched two missions over France, with 169 P-38 Lightning and P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bombers attacking German transportation southeast of Paris (3 aircraft lost) and 6 B-17 Flying Fortress bombers dropping propaganda leaflets over French cities after sundown. Four B-26 Marauder bombers of the US Ninth Air Force hit the L'Aigle rail bridge in the afternoon, while fighters also of the Ninth Air Force attacked various targets at Saint-Lô, Argentan, and Falaise. |
16 Jul 1944 | During the day, about 375 USAAF Ninth Air Force aircraft attacked German positions in the Saint-Lô and Rennes areas in France throughout the day. After dark, 5 B-17 bombers were launched to drop propaganda leaflets over France and another group of 24 B-17 bombers flew in support of French resistance groups. |
17 Jul 1944 | In the morning, 670 B-17 and B-24 bombers of the US Eighth Air Force, escorted by 433 fighters, attacked targets in France (1 B-17 bomber and 1 P-47 fighter were lost); in diversion, B-26B bombers of the US VIII Air Support Command attacked Cayeux, France to draw away German fighters. At Coutances, napalm was used for the first time. On the ground, American troops entered Saint-Lô. In the evening, 34 B-17 and 106 B-24 bombers, escorted by 209 P-51 fighters, attacked 12 German V-weapon launching sites in the Pas de Calais, France area. After sundown, 5 B-17 bombers dropped propagadan leaflets in France and the Netherlands while 16 B-24 bombers flew in support of French resistance activities. |
18 Jul 1944 | US XIX Corps troops entered Saint-Lô, France. British troops launched Operation Goodwood against Caen with Allied 2,200 aircraft supporting the ground assault, but stubborn German defense cost the British VIII Corps 200 tanks and 1,500 men, while just over 100 Panzers were destroyed. After sundown, 25 American B-24 bombers flew in support of resistance activities. |
19 Jul 1944 | In France, Canadian troops cleared Caen's southern suburbs, capturing Vaucelles, Louvigny, and Flery-sur-Orne, while British 11th Armoured Division captured Bras and Hubert-Follie. In the afternoon, 262 US 9th Air Force B-26 Marauder and A-20 Havoc aircraft attacked bridges on the Loire River and Seine River and a fuel dump at Bruz, France. |
20 Jul 1944 | The British Operation Goodwood in France was stalled by heavy weather; thus far, over 400 tanks were lost. |
25 Jul 1944 | General Leslie J. McNair, Commander of Army Ground Forces while on an inspection tour near Saint-Lô in Normandie, France, was killed when US B-26 bombers drop their bombs short of the intended target. He was the most senior US general to be killed in the war to date. |
28 Jul 1944 | Obersturmbannf?hrer Christian Tychsen, commander of German 2 SS Panzer Division "Das Reich", was killed in a firefight with American troops. |
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Visitor Submitted Comments
5 Jul 2005 02:59:55 PM
Am looking for information on the LST knicknamed Royal Flush Served in the Pacific in WW2.
14 Mar 2006 12:39:49 PM
Caen was a major Canadian objective - NOT British.
30 Mar 2006 01:24:25 PM
The last bit of information sounds real enough but if those troops were part of Pattons Third they were moving way to fast for the supply lines to keep up and were the soldiers who were buried American or German????
8 Jun 2006 06:26:04 PM
How many times were German armies ever caught in a large encirclement? The Germans, when they were on the offensive, repeatedly caught their enemies in encirclement manoeuvres, partidularly in the Russian campaign, when they rounded up Soviet armies again and again, but they also caught the western allies in this way in the early stages of the war. Yet in the last years of the war, when the Germans were forced on to the defensive on every front, they hardly ever suffered any large encirclement by the Allies. One exception to this was the battle of Normandy. Normandy was the only battle where the western Allies succeeded in catching the Germans in a large encirclement. The key reason for this was Montgomerys strategy of drawing the great bulk of the German armoured divisions into the Caen sector, where they confronted the British and Canadian forces, leaving the remaining sectors light in armour opposite the Americans. This created the conditions which enabled the Americans to break out into open country against relatively lighter opposition, and conduct a great sweep round to the river Seine, while the Canadians British and Americans also closed a smaller ring round Falaise. This was in effect a double envelopment, and a disaster for the Germans, liberating all of France in one battle. This victory was achieved under Montgomerys leadership, since he was the ground commander for the post-D Day operations. Once the battle of Normandy was won, Eisenhower took over the ground command. After this, the Allies progressed along a wide front, but there were no more grand encirclement victories. Not only was Montgomery in the words of von Mellenthin, The only commander on either side who never lost a battle, but he was also the only commander of the western allies who caught the Germans in an encirclement battle.
5 Sep 2006 04:57:02 AM
Usual American propaganda
16 Sep 2006 02:05:59 AM
Re the comments: Nothing wrong with finding yourself a hero -- and Montgomery has his upside and deserves considerable respect, but -- there were a lot of buts. Why is this necessary. The successful generals -- and Montgomery was one -- won a great war and all contributed and all had defects. How many times were the Germans caught in a large encirclement? More times than Montgomery could count. He never accomplished one within the meaning of large encirclement and that includes British authors such as Max Hastings. Encirclement was a factor on the Eastern Front, again and again. Those battles on the Eastern Front produced massively larger losses to the Germans and damage to their situation in the war. We in the west always seem to conveniently forget that the late, unlamented Soviet Union destroyed Paulus 6th Amy at Stalingrad, having turned a German offensive into a Soviet siege that tightened until the German Army within was destroyed. The battle as a whole is generally considered the bloodiest documented in history with appalling losses of life on both sides -- each suffering roughly 750,000 killed and wounded with the Soviets capturing the final 110,000. Apart from the Feldherren, the Soviets captured 22 German generals. Nor was it the first (or last) time Georgy Zhukov had encircled and destroyed an enemy (in the sense that any commander does anything). He had destroyed the Japanese 6th Army at the battle of Khalkhin Gol in the undeclared border war of 1939, accomplishing a surprisingly deft maneuver for a general considered brilliant strategically and more than willing to wield a blunt instrument. Khalkhin Gol was a classic of annihilation with Japanese losses on a scale with major WWI battles. Zhukov and von Manstein went at each other a number of times and (personal faults aside) both were consistently good to brilliant with what they had to work with, e.g. Mansteins orders not to retreat however wise it might be. As for other encirclements, battles in the Soviet Union were on such a scale that an encirclement larger than the captures from the Falaise Pocket could occur within the context of the larger battle. Operation Bagration (in Belorus) conducted at the same time as the Battle of Normandy cost the Germans 260,000 dead, another 250,000 wounded and 116,000 POWs. (The Soviets claimed totals of well over 1.1 million German losses. Among those losses were 50,000 German troops encircled in Minsk. Operation Bagration is considered by some to be Hitlers worst defeat. But the list of battles in which the Germans lost 500,000 troops seems to go on and on - one the Eastern Front. Montgomery was brilliant tactically and his role in the Allied victory is not to be diminished. But it doesnt help to be inaccurate. He was usually a pain in the *** slow, methodical, not very good at strategy. His strategical limitations and lack of political skills were obvious in his post-war failures. He stupidly, blindly and repeatedly antagonized the Americans who went from 2 of 55 divisions on D-Day to 72 of 85 in 1945, which served neither his country or the Allied fight. What saved him from the public humiliation was Eisenhowers careful assessment of the effect it would have on the war effort. Sometimes the best general is the one who fights well in a losing campaign -- as opposed to the general who wins through vast superiority of numbers and material. By any account, Market Garden was a disaster and a defeat with the unnecessary loss of an elite British division. More importantly, while Montgomery had made a wise decision in bypassing the plan to capture Breton ports, his lack of attention to Antwerp or another major channel port contributed to a supply bottleneck. Montgomery was notably weak in taking advantage of encirclements which in fact were accomplished by allied generals on a grander scale than that of the Battle of Normandy where the result was about 100,000 seasoned German troops escaping the Falaise Pocket. . While they lost equipment, their escape helped prolong the war. Far more troops escaped than were captured or killed within the pocket. Similarly, in the Batttle of the Bulge Montgomery justifiably is praised for bringing order and coherence to a difficult situation, but declined to make an attack in time to accomplish an encirclement of the attacking German units and once again the men escaped with the loss of their heavy equipment. It doesnt help to focus on relatively obscure comments of von Mellethin, a not bad but also not particularly important German general who scored in the post-war battle of memoirs. He served as staff to a number of generals, including Hasso von Monteuffel at the bulge. Monteuffel considered Montgomerys command during the Bulge praiseworthy but he was also one of those who said more quietly that had the Allies moved faster on January 1, the Gemans would have been crushed. As to winning France with a single battle at Normandy, it isnt the case. The Normandy campaign was vital to the Western Allies and it was decisive in sealing Germanys fate. But the campaign for France continued for some months afterward -- and the last German troops were not expelled until he end of the war, e.g. Lorient. Overcaution costs lives as surely as recklessness does. But we should all be grateful that our leaders and generals were not fighting to simply smash the enemy at any cost, but with some regard for the value of those who served. We should all consider less cheerleading for war and hope that we do not see 50-60 million lives wipe out for nothing but sheer nuttiness. That the battle of Normandy was necessary is evidence of just how crazy this all was. As a sidenote, a frequently overlooked part of the Battle of Normandy was (for once) an effective bombing campaign that destroyed key Seine bridges that slowed and sometimes prevented German reinforcements. they made it impossible to escape with heavy equipment. And while Normandy attracted troops from the Soviet Union, had it not been for earlier battles the German armor could have been used properly in counterstroke. As it was, much of the time it was wasted.
18 Sep 2006 02:08:58 AM
That should have read 2 of 5 division on D-Day.
19 Oct 2006 12:53:49 PM
my dad landed at sword beach,how can i find out which regiment he was in and when he landed,his name was george henry new.
14 May 2007 10:26:12 PM
to the first anonymous - ur right, it was canadian, but british helped. but that wasnt your point, it was a canadian objective.
28 Aug 2007 09:37:27 AM
My father, Walter J Radzewicz was in artillery in Battle of the Bulge, remembers when US troops entered Bastogne and recalls how the German counterattack was fierce. German offensive was so concentrated on the east, that they did not watch what was coming from the West, Russian troops started to take Berlin.
6 Jan 2008 09:15:32 AM
Wow...you guys are so smart...
20 Jan 2008 01:01:24 PM
Thanks for the great source for History Fair
22 Jan 2011 07:45:46 AM
"9 Jun 1944 US troops captured St. Mére-Eglise, France, cutting major road and rail links to the Cherbourg Peninsula."
This is just plain WRONG. St.Mére-Eglise was captured on June 6th by elements of the 82nd Airborne division. The Cherbourg peninsula was not cut until June 18th, when units from both the US 9th and 82nd divisions cut roads at Barneville-sur-mer and Portbail.
17 Mar 2011 08:50:14 AM
this was such an amazing site i got so much information for my project i just thank you for all your input:)
8 May 2011 05:35:21 PM
i finished my project thanks to this site
5 Jun 2013 06:32:38 PM
Here I sit on June 5, 2013 @ 8:00PM (EST - USA). I said it on this website on the anniversary of the invasion of Iwo Jima. At the actual time of the invasion...I am amazed and in awe of the selfless dedication and sacrifice of ALL who served. Knowing that 69 years ago at this very moment men with their whole life ahead of them were fighting for something greater than themselves. Placing themselves in harms way for a greater cause...freedom for all! God bless all..."some gave all, all gave some!" Let us who benfit from their sacrifice never forget those who lie silent ans still on foreign shores. Thank you for your sacrifice!
16 Jul 2013 07:32:16 PM
Instow, North Devon 1943 was home to about 2000 of them for a little over a year, and suddenly one morning they were all gone. It wasn't long before we knew where to. God bless them all - it seems like yesterday. I am searching for Deck Records to help find one navyman Neil Mackay based in Instow 1943-44.
13 Jan 2014 07:21:01 AM
Sorry , Hello, I'm French, I parrainne the grave of an American soldier in Tulsa Oklahoma in the cemetery of Colleville sur mer Normandy France with an association (FLOWERS OF MEMORY) to bloom grave Billie Jo Montgomery number killed in 1944 06952852 and I'd like to get in touch with the family to share the document or photos.Ainsi soldier Con L Kroleski NEW YORK, SUFFOLK COUNTY NUMBER 32531850,Thank you to answer me

16 Dec 2014 07:35:36 PM
Photograph was taken 6/6/44 US troops come ashore near Vierville sur Mar.
24 Dec 2014 09:51:42 AM
27th /28th Le Landel/La Londe battle: Operation Mitten
Some mistakes here
1. The S Lancs Battalion (D company) had entered Le Londel on 10th June and patrolled around Le Landel subsequently .They were relieved on the 15th by 2nd East Yorks Regiment .On 21s June Lancs back at Le Landel.
2. Incorrect to say that both Chateaus were taken on the 27/28th - only La Londe was taken on the 28th since operation Mitten started at Le Landel where the S Lancs were based.,With the vital input of the 2nd E Yorks, the 1st Suffolks and the Staffordshire Yeomanry with their Crocodile tankS,. La Londe Chateauu was taken by the Suffolks at 17.00 hrs on the 28th.
Please rectify detail to say that both chateaus were not taken at the same time - Le Landel had been the base for allied attacks way before 28th June.
All the best
3 Jan 2015 11:44:19 AM
I found the information my Dad (Herbert Wooten) was looking for at: http://www.longshoresoldiers.com/2011/01/black-soldiers-in-wwii-us-army.html and letter below (http://www.ospreypublishing.com/blog/longshore_soldiers_commanders_report):
5 September 1944
SUBJECT: Unit History.
To: Commanding Officer, 5th Engineer Special Brigade, Communication Zone, ETC, APO 562, U. S. Army. (Attn: Brigade Historian) In accordance with letter, Hqrs., 5th Engineer Special Brigade, dated 1 September 1944, Subject: Unit History, the following is submitted for the 502nd Port Battalion.
1. CASUALTIES AND CHANGE IN COMMAND: As one of the few regularly constituted SOS [Service of Supply] units selected to accompany the Combat Engineer Battalions in the establishment or the Beach Head, tUW 502nd Port Battalion suffered some casualties. These included Lt. Colonel JAMES T. PIERCE of Erie, Pa., the Battalion Commander who had activated and trained the organization. On D plus 3 and only two weeks before he would have celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of his original Army induction Colonel PIERCE lost his leg in the explosion of a German anti-personnel mine. The same explosion wounded 1st Lt. KENNIE E. HATFIELD, the Bn. Adjutant who was evacuated and later returned to duty, and Tech. Sgt. Elbert D. Blocker of Corona, New York, the Battalion Sergeant Major. Major MARTIN S. HAYDEN of Grosse Pointe, Michigan assumed command.
Three of the five 502nd men who lost their lives on the Normandy Beach were drowned as they were being landed on the afternoon of D plus 1. These men, members of the 270th Port Company, lost their lives when a landing line stretched ashore from a grounded LST gave way as they worked their way ashore. But for the heroism of an officer and four EM of the Battalion, the casualty list would have been higher. 1st Lt. WILLIAM B. MORRIS of Wilmington, N.C.; S/Sgt. Herbert R. Brooks of Bronx, New York; Cpl. Robert D. Bond of West Somerville, Mass.; Sgt Scott Clay of Brooklyn, New York; and Pvt. William H. Beach, Jr. of Warick, New York repeatedly risked their lives by going out into the channel water after men who were unable to get ashore alone. In all they brought ashore 16 men including the three upon whom their efforts at artificial respiration were unsuccessful. The officer and the five EM have all been recommended for the Soldiers Medal.
2. BATTALION BAND: The 502nd Port Battalion has good grounds for the belief that their organization was the first to furnish organized entertainment to American troops in Normandy. The story goes back to the United Kingdom and the determination of Col. PIERCE that his Battalion would have a band. Instruments were procured and a band formed at Camp Crookston in Scotland. The instruments were brought along when the Battalion sailed for France. On approximately D plus 12 the first concert was given. It was an unplanned and informal affair which partially disrupted Beach operations as soldiers gathered from the fox holes or adjacent fields and trucks pulled up on the road to listen to a little jive. On orders of the Brigade Commander the band was removed from other duties and put "on the road" as the first organized show in Normandy. Nightly they performed under the direction of Cpl. Eugene D. Cosby of Alquippa, Pa., the band leader. Band officer is 1st Lt. FREDERICK A. STONE of South Sudbury, Mass. who started his formalized musical career with Barnum and Bailey's Circus Band and continued it as the trainer of many a Massachusetts National Guard and American Legion Band. Master or Ceremonies for the road show was Chaplain EDWARD G. CARROLL of Washington, D. C.
3. OPERATIONS: In the workings or the Plan Neptune, the 502nd, like other Beach Head Port Battalions, encountered unanticipated obstacles and devised solutions which at times violated and in other instances added new chapters to the book on stevedoring rules. Initially the operation was according to plan; all ships began to arrive from the States which not only had no gear for their discharge but which in some cases had been loaded with the assurance that they would be discharged at fixed installations and with the heavy equipment of such fixed docks. Port Battalion officers who had been taught that booms must never be over-loaded discovered that the writer or that rule had not considered the question of "calculated risk" as it may be necessitated on a Beach operation. Section leaders discovered that the books carried no description of the proper gear for some of their peculiar lifts into landing craft. They fought a battle of telephone poles during a period when that unappreciated commodity arrived in a succession of ships. They devised their own sling for handling bundles of pierced steel planking which proved to be one or the primary bugaboes or a ship-Dukw operation. They encountered and conquered the problem of sorting in the holds all cargo regardless of how badly it had been mixed in loading.
Significant dates in the history of this Battalion are
as follows:
Activated, Camp Myles Standish, Mass.------------25 March 1943.
Sailed for ETO from Port of New York-------------13 October 1943.
Arrived, Camp Crookston, Glasgow, Scotland-------19 October 1943.
Arrived at marshalling area, Llanover, Wales-----15 May 1944.
Sailed for France.....----------------------------2 June 1944.
Arrived of French coast--------------------------7 June 1944.
From the Commanding Officer:
Kennie E. Hatfield
1st Lt., TC, Adjutant
16 Apr 2015 04:02:26 PM
hello, I'm from londe and if you have photographs or informations.merci
13 Aug 2015 11:21:30 AM
I was wondering if Mr. Chen could write a bit a bit about Sainte Mere-Eglise.
29 Nov 2015 05:54:16 AM
How did the Normandy Invasion affect the rest of the war.
4 Dec 2015 08:40:55 PM
Looking for any information on Company C 601 Infantry Reg 9th Division US Army.
Cannot find any mention of them.
My dad never spoke about the war. I'd really like to know. Thanks!
9 Dec 2015 02:53:19 PM
Why did WWII even start.
14 Feb 2016 10:24:49 AM
Sorry , Hello, I'm French, I parrainne the grave of an American soldier in Tulsa Oklahoma in the cemetery of Colleville sur mer Normandy France with an association (FLOWERS OF MEMORY) to bloom grave Billie Jo Montgomery number killed in 1944 06952852 and I'd like to get in touch with the family to share the document or photos.,Thank you to answer me
15 Mar 2016 09:42:25 AM
My dad was in the Cameronians and landed in Normandy sometime during the d day operations. He has said very little about it and now at 90 his memories are vague. He says he travelled to France on a Canadian ship and landed in one of the landing craft. He went on to march through France, he went inside Belsen at the start of its liberation and he went to the Potsdam peace signing. Does anyone have any information that may relate to his battalion?
28 Apr 2016 04:04:52 PM
It helped a lot and I thought it was pretty cool.
6 Jun 2016 06:17:35 PM
72 years later...lest we forget their sacrifice or that of anyone who goes in harms way in defense of their country.
29 Jan 2017 06:36:52 PM
Thank you, I printed your Normandy Campaign history. I'm leaving for Marseille, Barcelona, Normandy, St Petersburg & who knows where else the day after tomorrow.
My Dad was the leader of the R M McLeod, Allen & Berkencamp Flying Class of 40-A (23Mar40) 'Armada' 6Jun44 of 54 B-26 Marauders of the 397th Bomb Group who unloaded on Utah Beach at 6:25am.
Was it Marauders who inflicted friendly fire in Cobra?
10 Jun 2017 05:40:39 AM
a damm good read but where was the free french army on d-day less than thousand soldiers took part left to de gaulle they would,nt be their
8 Dec 2017 12:50:46 PM
This was very helpful, I think my Uncle Mike died on the fight toward St. Lo, 7/9/44
1 May 2018 06:33:48 AM
thank you for all this info. My father's american cousin John was part of the Normandy Campaign and he visited us in Holland at 1945, after having been all the way trough a devastated Belgium and Germany. He took my first picture as a baby in June 1945, born at 30th of June 1944. A brother of my father called his dog Johnny after this famous cousin. He died of old age in the 1990's.
6 Mar 2020 02:20:55 PM
6 Mar 2021 05:11:25 PM
"On 19 Jul, German General Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben pulled back all his forces into" under Cherbourg should read 19 Jun,

8 Mar 2021 05:47:33 AM
To anonymous of 6 Mar 2021, thank you, the date has been corrected.
27 Mar 2021 01:01:16 PM
10 Jun 2022 07:40:48 AM
This is really well written i have a book called D-Day by Stephen Ambrose its real good but like 500 pages long
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26 May 2005 05:00:19 PM
Where czn I find ino about the units that unloaded supplies and equipment, especially the unit that dug foxholes on the beach just below the current cemetary