16,333 items in this album on 817 pages.
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Japanese-American internees playing Go at the internment camp in Heart Mountain, Wyoming, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American members of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team marching band during the first formal review of the regiment, Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American recruit of US 100th Infantry Battalion, an orderly for a general, preparing an uniform while training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American recruits of US 100th Infantry Battalion at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States, 1943 |
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Japanese-American recruits of US 100th Infantry Battalion repairing engine of a 5x6 Army truck while training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American recruits of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team preparing to cross a stream on a raft swung on cables and pulled by men in the water, Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American Tom Kobayashi at the south fields of Manzanar Relocation Center, California, United States, 1943 | Japanese-American women outside a barber shop in the Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California, United States, 1942-1943 |
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Jeep at a US Army facility, Fiji, 1942-1944 | Jeeps of the Headquarters Company of US Army 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, date unknown | Jeeps of US Army 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, date unknown | Josef Dietrich reading a newspaper, date unknown |
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Katori, seen in US Division of Naval Intelligence booklet A503 FM30-50 for identification of ships, date unknown | Ki-48 aircraft at an airfield, circa 1940s | Ki-54 aircraft at rest, circa 1940s | Ki-54 aircraft at rest, circa 1940s |
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Ki-54 aircraft at the Sendai Army Flight School, Natori, Miyagi, Japan, 1940s | Ki-56 aircraft at rest, circa 1940s | Ki-67 aircraft at rest, circa 1940s | Killed tanker, date and location unknown |
16,333 items in this album on 817 pages.