Interior of the Ross Rifle Factory, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 1904-1905Franklin Roosevelt, the Earl of Athlone, Mckenzie King, and Winston Churchill on the terrace at the Citadelle, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1943Louis Mountbatten, John Dill, Hastings Ismay, Ernest King, Henry Arnold, William Leahy, Kenneth Stuart, Percy Nelles, and George Marshall at Château Frontenac during Quebec Conference, Canada, Aug 1943
Interior of the Ross Rifle Factory, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 1904-1905Franklin Roosevelt, the Earl of Athlone, Mckenzie King, and Winston Churchill on the terrace at the Citadelle, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1943Louis Mountbatten, John Dill, Hastings Ismay, Ernest King, Henry Arnold, William Leahy, Kenneth Stuart, Percy Nelles, and George Marshall at Château Frontenac during Quebec Conference, Canada, Aug 1943

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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