Spitfire file photo [172]


CountryUnited Kingdom
ManufacturerSupermarine Aviation Works
Primary RoleFighter
Maiden Flight5 March 1936


ww2dbaseDesigned by trophy-winning aircraft designer Reginald J. Mitchell and manufactured by Vickers-Armstrongs' subsidiary Supermarine, Spitfire fighters were made to be fast and maneuverable. The first prototype, K5054, took flight on 5 Mar 1936 at Eastleigh Aerodrome, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom; this first flight did not live up to Mitchell's expectations, but Mitchell knew that he had a good foundation to work with. After much hard work, it was finally accepted by the British Air Ministry; upon that time, director of Vickers-Armstrongs Sir Robert MacLean named it Spitfire, which was his daughter's nickname. The first order was placed on 3 Jun 1936 for 310 units, and it took two years for Supermarine to prepare for full scale production thanks to the complex design. The wings, for example, were thin, covered with stressed metal skin, and of a revolutionary elliptical shape. Notably, it was reported that a German Bf 109 fighter took a third less time to build than a Spitfire aircraft. However, Supermarine was still able to produce them in great numbers. During the design's production life, 20,351 were built, including the Seafire carrier fighter variant, two-seater trainer variant, and many others. The design was produced in greater numbers than any other Allied fighter design, and was the only Allied fighter in production at the outbreak of the European War that was still in production at its end.

ww2dbaseThe first Spitfire aircraft to enter service with the No. 19 Squadron RAF arrived at Duxford, England, Britain on 4 Aug 1938; unfortunately, Mitchell did not live to see this event. Men of the No. 19 Squadron RAF reported that the fighter had leakage and engine starting problems, but overall the performance was outstanding. By Sep 1939, when the European War began, 400 Spitfire aircraft were in service with the RAF, and a further 2,000 were on order. The first Spitfire fighters lost were to a friendly fire incident on 6 Sep over Medway, England. Together with the venerable Hawker Hurricane fighters, these two types of fighters defended Britain from Germany's aerial invasion during the Battle of Britain; while the slower Hurricane fighters often acted as bomber interceptors, the speedy and maneuverable Spitfire fighters targeted their escorting fighters. Their speed was not only an effective offensive weapon in attacking enemy fighters, but the speed was also a reason for many Spitfire pilots' survival as well, particularly when given chase by enemy fighters; author Stephen Bungay noted that "not until the advent of the first swept-wing jets in 1949 was there anything which could catch it".

ww2dbaseMost Spitfire fighters had their fuel tanks lined with Linatex to prevent leakage through bullet holes, which prevented fire during combat. This lining was proven to be very effective, thus it was later applied to fuel tanks for Hurricane fighters as well.

ww2dbaseIn late 1941, with the introduction of the Fw 190 fighters on the German side, Spitfire losses climbed until upgraded versions reached adequate numbers. To counter this disadvantage, some Spitfire Mk XII and Mk XIV were equipped with the new and more powerful Rolls-Royce Griffon engines, making them much more capable in low-level combat situations. The first of the Griffon-powered Spitfire fighters took flight on 27 Nov 1941, and the pilots of these new variants found themselves wielding effective weapons. Pilots such as Flight Officer Ken Collier reported that their Griffon-powered Spitfire fighters were so fast and agile that they were capable of flying in parallel with German V1 rockets and then close in to tip the rockets' wings to cause them to crash. The Griffon-powered Spitfire fighters were so lethal that German Luftwaffe General Adolf Galland noted that "[t]he best thing about the Spitfire Mk XIV was that there were so few of them".

ww2dbaseBeginning in Mar 1942, many of the Spitfire fighters flew off of carrier decks to be transferred to Malta to aid the defense there. In 1943, as Allied bombing missions increased in range, Spitfire fighters with their shorter ranges were limited to bomber escort missions to northwestern France only, while bombing missions into Germany were escorted by American fighters that had longer range. After the Normandy invasion, Spitfire squadrons were moved to France to operate from tactical airfields close to German lines. As the German Luftwaffe weakened toward the end of the war, they began providing tactical ground support for the advancing army units.

ww2dbaseOperations off Norway and in the Mediterranean Sea revealed that the British Royal Navy did not possess carrier fighters that were capable enough to deal with modern fighters. Given that the RAF had already successfully used Spitfire and Hurricane fighters, the Admiralty demanded to test them as carrier fighters. "Sea Hurricane" fighters were modified from Hurricane fighters; they were considered the less favorable of the two. "Sea Spitfire" fighters, on the other hand, seemed to be ideal. The first carrier landing of modified Spitfire fighters for carrier operations was Lieutenant Commander H. P. Bramwell, commanding officer of the Royal Navy Fighter School. In the River Clyde in Scotland, United Kingdom, he successfully landed a modified Spitfire fighter on the carrier HMS Illustrious, which was anchored in the river; this took place on 10 Jan 1942. After further successful landings by Bramwell, 250 Spitfire Mk VB and VC aircraft were slated to be converted for carrier use. These new conversions became the first of Seafire fighters. Seafire IIC variants were the first purpose-built carrier fighters of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. Later in the war, folding wings were introduced. United States Navy pilot Corky Meyer made a positive comment about the Seafire fighter he test flew during the Joint USAAF/US Navy Fighter Conference in Florida, United States in Mar 1943:

ww2dbaseWithout argument, the Spitfire/Seafire configuration was probably the most beautiful fighter ever to emerge from a drawing board. Its elliptical wing and long, slim fuselage were visually most delightful, and its flight characteristics equalled its aerodynamic beauty.

ww2dbaseThe Seafire had such delightful upright flying qualities that knowing it had an inverted fuel and oil system, I decided to try inverted "figure-8s". They were as easy as pie, even when hanging by the complicated, but comfortable, British pilot restraint harness. I was surprised to hear myself laughing as if I were crazy. I have never enjoyed a flight in attitude. It was clear to see how few exhausted, hastily trained, Battle of Britain pilots were able to fight off Hitler's hordes for so long, and so successfully, with it.

ww2dbaseThe Lend-Lease Royal Navy Wildcats, Hellcats and Corsair fighters were only workhorses. The Seafire III was a dashing stallion!

ww2dbaseDuring the Pacific War, Seafire fighters were operated from British carriers and played a vital role in Task Force 57's mission to protect the southern flank during the Okinawa campaign. Their main tasks were typically defensive in nature due to their medium to low altitude performance, making them ideal weapons to guard against the diving kamikaze special attack aircraft that were used by the Japanese by this stage of the war. British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm pilot Lieutenant Commander Mike Crosley of 880 Naval Air Squadron aboard HMS Implacable commented that "we felt that the Seafire, of all aircraft, would be the best possible defence in such circumstances, and we were not too frightened provided we could see the kamikazes coming." Nevertheless, due to the speed that special attack aircraft dove in, even the Seafire fighters could only shoot down some of the many suicide aircraft diving at British carriers. During the Okinawa campaign, British carriers were hit 7 times by special attack aircraft.

ww2dbaseAfter the war, Spitfire aircraft were used in many air forces around the world, including Sweden, Italy, Israel, and many others. Some of them remained in service well into the 1960s. In the post-war age of jet fighters, many pilots remain attached to the Spitfire design. George Unwin, who flew with No. 19 Squadron RAF during the Battle of Britain, recalled:

It was a super aircraft, it was absolutely. It was so sensitive on the controls. There was no heaving, or pulling and pushing and kicking. You just breathed on it and when you wanted, if you wanted to turn, you just moved your hands slowly and she went... She really was the perfect flying machine. I've never flown anything sweeter. I've flown jets right up to the Venom, but nothing, nothing like her. Nothing like a Spitfire.

Stephen Bungay, The Most Dangerous Enemy
Kate Moore, The Battle of Britain
Donald Nijboer, Seafire vs A6M Zero
Andrew Thomas, Griffon Spitfire Aces

ww2dbaseAdditional information provided by Alan Chanter:

  • Designer Reginald Mitchell is reported to have said that Spitfire was a Bloody silly name.
  • It is a Myth that the Spitfire was developed from the Racing seaplanes of the early 1930s. In fact there was not one component of any significance from the racers that was used in the Spitfire fighter.
  • The first Spitfire prototype was written off during a landing on the 4 September 1937. The Pilot Flight Lieutenant Spinner White receiving fatal injuries in the crash.
  • On the 3rd of September 1939 the Royal Air Force had 306 Spitfires, of which 187 were operating in eleven fighter squadrons. The remainder were being held in storage. At the same time the Germans had over 1, 000 single seat fighters operational.
  • The first kill by a Spitfire was on 16th October 1939 when Spitfires from 602 and 603 Squadrons intercepted a force of nine Junkers JU88s of Kampfesschwader 30 attacking shipping in the Firth of Forth. Flight Lieutenant Pat Gifford of 603 Squadron shot down one of the bombers whilst Flight Lieutenants George Pinkerton and Archie McKellar of 602 Squadron shot down another.
  • During the Battle of Britain the nineteen Spitfire squadrons were responsible for shooting down 521 enemy aircraft. An average of 27 per Spitfire.
  • The high altitude interceptor, Spitfire Mk VI was the first Royal Air Force aircraft to be fitted with a pressurised cabin.
  • The biggest user of Spitfires outside of the British empire was the Soviet Union with over 1, 333 machines (mostly Mk IXs) delivered.
  • Lt Colonel Sandy McCorkle, the Commander of the 31st Fighter Group, 12th US Air Force scored five victories over enemy aircraft whilst flying Spitfires in the Italian Campaign.
  • On the 7th January 1949, No 208 Squadron RAF lost four Spitfire FR Mk XVIIIs in a dogfight with Spitfire Mk IXs of No 101 Squadron Israeli Air Force.
  • Spitfire PS853, a PR Mk 19 model, was the last of its breed to see active service with the Royal Air Force. It was finally retired in July 1957.
  • The last combat operations carried out by Spitfires was by the Burmese air force supporting Chinese and Burmese troops in operations against the CIA backed Kuomintang nationalists during 1960/61.

ww2dbaseSources: the complete book of Fighters, Warplanes of the Second World War-Fighters Volume 2, World Aircraft Informarion Files.

Last Major Revision: Jan 2010

Spitfire Timeline

1 Dec 1934 British Air Ministry issued a contract to Supermarine for monoplane fighters powered by the Rolls-Royce PV 12 Merlin engines; they would later be named Spitfire.
5 Mar 1936 Supermarine prototype Type 300 aircraft took flight from Eastleigh airfield in England, United Kingdom; this aircraft would later be named Spitfire.
3 Jun 1936 The British Air Ministry placed an order for 310 Spitfire fighters at £4,500 each.
11 Jun 1937 Spitfire fighter designer Reginald J. Mitchell died of cancer, aged 42.
4 Aug 1938 The first Spitfire fighter deployed into service went to No. 19 Squadron RAF. The squadron reported good performance, but the fighter had leaks and the engine was difficult to start.
10 Jan 1942 Royal Navy Fighter School's commanding officer Lieutenant Commander H. P. Bramwell made the first landing of a modified Spitfire fighter aboard carrier Illustrious in the River Clyde, Scotland, United Kingdom. The success led to the development of the carrier version of the Spitfire design, Seafire.
22 Apr 1942 No. 616 Squadron RAF based in RAF Kings Cliffe in Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom received the first of the high-altitude Spitfire Mk VI aircraft intended to counter high-flying German reconnaissance bombers. They were passed on to meteorological reconnaissance units when replaced by Mk VII variants in 1943.
8 Nov 1942 The first combat victory by the new Seafire naval fighter occurred when a New Zealander, Sub-Lieutenant A. S. Long, shot down a Vichy French Martin 167 bomber over Mers-el-Kébir harbour in French Algeria.
27 Nov 1943 The first British Seafire F III carrier fighters reached the 894 Naval Air Squadron.
1 Apr 1945 British Sub Lieutenant R. H. Reynolds's Seafire carrier fighter shot down two A6M5 Zero fighters; these were the first Seafire fighter victories against Zero fighters.


Mk Ia
MachineryRolls-Royce Merlin III rated at 1,030hp
Armament8x7.7mm Browning machine guns
Span11.23 m
Length9.12 m
Height3.02 m
Wing Area22.50 m²
Weight, Empty2,257 kg
Weight, Loaded2,806 kg
Speed, Maximum582 km/h
Service Ceiling9,750 m

Mk Vb
MachineryRolls-Royce Merlin 45 rated at 1,470hp
Armament2x20mm Hispano HS 404 cannons, 4x7.7mm Browning machine guns, 2x113kg or 1x230kg bombs
Span11.23 m
Length9.12 m
Height3.48 m
Wing Area22.50 m²
Weight, Empty2,309 kg
Weight, Loaded3,071 kg
Speed, Maximum605 km/h
Service Ceiling11,300 m
Range, Normal1,835 km

MachineryRolls-Royce Merlin 66 rated at 1,575hp
Armament2x20mm Hispano HS 404 cannons, 2x0.50cal Browning M2 machine guns, 4x113kg or 2x230kg bombs
Span11.23 m
Length9.47 m
Height3.86 m
Wing Area22.50 m²
Weight, Empty2,251 kg
Weight, Loaded3,343 kg
Speed, Maximum642 km/h
Service Ceiling12,650 m

MachineryRolls-Royce Griffon 65 rated at 2,050hp
Armament2x20mm Hispano HS 404 cannons, 2x0.50cal Browning M2 machine guns
Span11.23 m
Length9.96 m
Height3.89 m
Wing Area22.50 m²
Weight, Empty3,034 kg
Weight, Loaded4,653 kg
Speed, Maximum721 km/h
Service Ceiling13,560 m
Range, Normal1,375 km

Seafire L III
MachineryOne Merlin 55M engine rated at 1,585hp
Armament2x20mm Hispano cannon, 4x7.7mm Browning machine guns
Span11.23 m
Length9.21 m
Height3.86 m
Wing Area22.50 m²
Weight, Empty2,814 kg
Weight, Loaded3,222 kg
Weight, Maximum3,565 kg
Speed, Maximum578 km/h
Speed, Cruising350 km/h
Service Ceiling9,753 m
Range, Normal825 km


Six Spitfire Mark I’s of No. 19 Squadron, Royal Air Force, based at Duxford, Cambridgeshire, England flying in starboard echelon formation led by the Commanding Officer, Squadron Leader H.I. Cozens, 1938.Spitfire fighter banking in the clouds, date unknownBritish Spitfire Mk I fighter of No. 19 Squadron RAF, 1940Spitfire Mk IA fighter in flight, circa 1940s
See all 71 photographs of Spitfire Fighter


Knights of the Air - The RAF

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anatoly says:
20 Dec 2006 05:36:25 PM

As in many other places, you confuse kmh and mh. It is 378 mh, not a kmh maximal speed for Spitfire MK Vb.
2. Adam V. says:
20 Apr 2007 01:27:29 PM

These turned the tide at the Battle of Britain, them and their pilots.
3. Anonymous says:
15 Nov 2007 01:09:39 AM

I want to know, this Spitfire USA is after Pearl Harbor or before?
4. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
2 Feb 2010 02:18:51 AM

I have uncovered a little more information regarding the loss of four RAF Spitfires to Israeli Spitfires in January 1949.

The RAF Spitfires were on an unarmed tactical reconnaissance mission along the ill defined Israeli border when they were attacked by Israeli Spitfires and ground fire. On the next day a Tempest fighter on a search and rescue mission was also shot down in the same region. Thankfully only one pilot was killed, otherwise the consequences might have been much more serious.

Clearly this was no accident, but a clear attempt by the Israelis to force a conflict with Great Britain.

5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
8 Jun 2010 03:09:55 PM

Did you know...

There were more Hurricane Squadrons, than
Spitfire's, but its a myth that the Battle of Britain was won by the spit.
The Hurricanes fought both German fighters
and bombers However, both aircraft turned
the battle, they were the "Few"
6. john says:
16 Jul 2010 06:38:00 AM

can anyone give me any info re sponsored spitfires in ww2 or were to find this info as i am looking to find the one for stourbridge west mids
7. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
5 Sep 2010 10:07:44 AM

With eight .303 caliber machine guns the
spitfire pilot had about 20 seconds firing time, thats about 300 rounds per gun.

During the Battle of Britain the Spitfire Mk
IIB took part and was armed with a mix of
.303 machine guns and two 20mm cannons the
cannon's were more lethal against the bombers
the problem with mixed armament was the
.303 machine guns and 20mm cannon's had much
different muzzle velocities, and the guns
had to be harmonized for a specific range
In air combat, the closer you get to an
enemy aircraft, your gonna shoot it down.
8. Anonymous says:
13 Jan 2011 12:13:53 AM

Hi. I have 4 x griffon mk 57a50 engines I would like to sell I am from south africa can you please advise me who will be interested to purchase them
Thank you
9. Luc says:
26 Jul 2011 07:05:56 AM

the first spitfire lost in combat was shot down by an Heinkel He-111 gunner in April 1940.
I read the story on a blog, I don't know it if is allowed to post links of other website. anyway the blog is called ww2eagles, look for it on the.
10. Anonymous says:
26 Jul 2011 07:07:02 AM

The Spitfire MkI/II is the most beautiful version.
the MK V with the Vokes sand filter is the ugliest.
11. Anonymous says:
11 Jun 2012 03:24:01 AM

pls note the max speed for the LF IX is 407mph in 1943,in 1944 max speed incresed with +25psi boost, also the MK F21 could acheive more than 460mph @ 26,000ft in 1945, not mentioned.
12. Anonymous says:
14 Jul 2012 12:40:42 PM

the spitfire was undoubtedly the best plane in ww2, the germans would have been better off to copy their designs instead of contradicting them
13. Anonymous says:
8 Aug 2012 01:58:38 PM

Can anyone provide the details about the spitfire story where cameras fitted under the seats were used to photograph much of Gernany, I assume this being per-war but during a visit to Berlin the German Colonel Goring was very impressed with the fighter & was conned by the pilot stating he wshed to photograph his Aunts house but it was in a restricted area and could he use his influence to help? Gosling actually flew the fighter over directly over the restricted area so that the pilot could take photo's - thanks
14. kyle says:
14 Mar 2013 10:57:56 AM

I like ww2 as a topic.
15. Anonymous says:
22 Jul 2013 02:20:11 AM

would it be possible to supply email adress of person on comment no8on the spitfire page as i would like to get in contact with him.
Thank you
16. Kimchi says:
5 Nov 2013 04:09:46 PM

Anyways, however much you want to argue about facts and statistics and such things, two things are for sure. The Spitfire did have a large impact on the tides of WW2 and the innovation of planes, and all of the pilots in WW2 in the Western Theater did a very good job in wiping out the Luftwaffe.
God bless those brave pilots.
17. Anonymous says:
4 Jan 2015 11:51:20 PM

Hello can anyone tell me just how many enemy the Spitfire shot down and destroyed on the Ground in WW2 Thanks
18. tony jones says:
16 Feb 2015 10:08:32 AM

I have a signed print of a spitfire personally signed by George Pinkerton and was curious of its value if anyone has any clue please email me , thanks
19. eon says:
11 Nov 2015 08:26:03 PM

One minor correction; one element of the Spitfire did in fact come from Supermarine's racing floatplanes, that being the Griffon engine series that superseded the Merlins.

According to Geoffrey Quill in his book "Spitifire", there was a bit of resistance to the Griffon as it was intitially considred to be less rugged and reliable than the Merlin preciselybecause of its "ancestry". It soon proved itself in combat.


20. Peter A. Lewis-Watts says:
20 Jun 2017 05:58:28 PM

Hi: My dad, Aubrey Lewis-Watts flew a Spit. A few years ago, I attempted to go to see the last flying Spit in Canada (then flown and stored by Jerry Billing in S. Woodslee, Ontario). Jerry has since passed away, and the Spit was, I believe, sent back closer to its owner, Actor Cliff Robertson, in the US. I would still like to see that Spit ... anyone know its whereabouts?
21. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
20 Jun 2017 08:59:17 PM

Mr. Lewis-Watts (above):
Cliff Robertson’s Spitfire MK923 / 5J-Z appears to be on display in an airworthy condition at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington. Their website lists it as on loan from the Apex Foundation (now the Gupta Family Foundation). See: http://www.museumofflight.org/aircraft/supermarine-spitfire-mkix
22. Peter Lewis-Watts says:
22 Jun 2017 11:43:58 AM

To: David Stubblebine (20 June reply to my post of 20 June). Thank you so much, David! I really appreciate your reply/assistance. A great excuse for a trip "West to Washington"! Cheers!
23. allwin says:
4 Oct 2017 10:26:31 AM

I swear the spitfire couldn't negative g due to their carboraters compared to fuel injected 109
24. Enrique Preciado F says:
4 May 2018 03:39:20 PM

In circa March 1942, the residents of Panama contributed toward the purchase of a Spitfire. News where received here by Hugh Craggs, Chairman of the Spit fire Comitee from the Ministry of Aircraft Production. On its side her name "Cristobal Colón" was painted in honor of the Community where most of the founds were raised.
Is there a way to know what happened to the plane?
Thank you very much.
Enrique Preciado F
25. Anonymous says:
8 Jul 2019 10:12:16 AM

Max speed for the LF IX is far to low in Oct 44 the Rae tested the LF IX & found 418.5mph @ 22,000ft with 422mph @ 14,000ft using 150octane fuel
26. Duce says:
2 Feb 2020 01:11:33 PM

One of the lessons learned from the S6 racing aircraft was the thin wing, otherwise Supermarine would have made the same mistake as Hawker by using a thicker wing as was wrongly recommended by the wind tunnel weenies.
27. Anonymous says:
13 May 2020 12:25:38 PM

The spitfire purchased by the residents of panima from what i've read, caught fire during a flight over the ocean near its main base. The pilot is said to have never bailed out. It was never discovered why the aircraft crashed. Though some belive it was shot down by another aircraft, of unknown origen.
28. Enrique Preciado F says:
7 Jul 2020 07:52:32 AM

I want to thanks very much to the person who gave some information regarding the "The Cristobal Colon" a spitfire purchased by the residents of Panama. Its just a matter of history. As it can be seen in a not to clear newspaper photo I have the number of the plane that can be noticed painted inside the white line in the rear of the plane seems to be "AB2". I will appreciate to know if there is a way I can send the fotos to you, as I am very interested about the fate of the plane and its pilot. Thanks again for your very kind information.
With all regards
Enrique Preciado F

29. Stainless Steve says:
16 Nov 2020 08:37:29 AM

Any information re my father John Frederick Simmons welcomed. He worked at Linatex and was involved in the application of Linatex material to fuel tanks. I question the statement that tanks were "lined", as I would guess covering the exterior would be effective, whereas lining in permanent contact with fuel would cause swelling internally.
30. Stefan says:
6 Mar 2023 03:53:37 PM

Does anyone know the loss to kill ratio of the spitfire throughout WW2?
I know the spitfire had a total of 5988 kills but I can't find out how many were lost.
Just wondered how it compared with the tempest 8:1 or the F4U Corsair 11:1
If anyone has similar information on the P51 Mustang it would be appreciated too

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More on Spitfire
Notable Event:
» Battle of Britain

Related Books:
» Griffon Spitfire Aces
» Seafire vs. A6M Zero: Pacific Theater

Related Documents:
» British Weekly Fighter Aircraft Production, Apr-Oct 1940
» Carrier Aircraft Specifications

Affiliated Link:
» Griffon Spitfire Aces

Spitfire Fighter Photo Gallery
Six Spitfire Mark I’s of No. 19 Squadron, Royal Air Force, based at Duxford, Cambridgeshire, England flying in starboard echelon formation led by the Commanding Officer, Squadron Leader H.I. Cozens, 1938.
See all 71 photographs of Spitfire Fighter

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