3 Feb 1942

Australian New Guinea
  • Tenryu departed Kavieng, New Ireland and provided support for the landings at nearby Gasmata, New Britain. ww2dbase [Tenryu | Gasmata, New Britain | CPC]
9 Feb 1942

Australian New Guinea
  • Japanese Special Naval Landing Force troops arrived at Gasmata airfield, renamed Surumi airfield by the Japanese, in southern New Britain to expand the existing grass runway built by the RAAF. ww2dbase [Gasmata, New Britain | CPC]
11 Feb 1942

Australian New Guinea
  • Three Australian Hudson bombers attacked Surumi airfield near the village of Gasmata, New Britain; Flight Petty Officer 1st Class Satoshi Yoshino shot down the bombers flown by John Lerew and Graham Gibson. Lerew would parachute to safety and return to New Guinea on 21 Feb 1942. Transports Kinryu Maru and Kizui Maru were damaged by the Hudson bombers, killing several men. ww2dbase [Gasmata, New Britain | CPC]
13 Feb 1942

Australian New Guinea
7 Jan 1943

Australian New Guinea
  • USAAF B-17, B-24, B-25, and A-20 bombers, escorted by USAAF P-38 fighters and RAF Catalina flying boats, attacked a Japanese convoy en route to Lae, New Guinea, sinking transport Nichiryu Maru off Gasmata, New Britain. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | Gasmata, New Britain | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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