14 Dec 1901

  • Prince Paul of the House of Glücksburg was born in Athens, Greece. ww2dbase [Paul | Athens | CPC]
13 Apr 1936

4 Aug 1936

  • General Ioannis Metaxas, the Greek Royalist Dictator, declared the 4th of August Regime; he took on the title of Arkhigos. With the authority of the recently restored King George II, he issued a decree putting an end to party politics. His rule was enforced by the police and secret police of his loyal supporter, Constantinos Maniadakis, Minister of National Security. ww2dbase [Ioannis Metaxas | Athens | CPC, AC]
27 Dec 1941

  • Hans-Joachim Marseille arrived in Athens, Greece for treatment for malaria, jaundice, amoebic dysentery, and gastroenteritis. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Athens | CPC]
28 Dec 1941

  • While in Athens, Greece, Hans-Joachim Marseille received a short telegram from his mother stating that his sister, Ingeborg, was dead, asking him to return to Berlin, Germany. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Athens | CPC]
27 Jan 1942

2 Dec 1942

4 Jan 1943

7 Apr 1943

26 Apr 1944

15 Sep 1944

Photo(s) dated 15 Sep 1944
Bombing of Kalamaki Airfield, Athens, Greece, seen from the bomb bay of B-17 bomber
13 Oct 1944

  • German forces abandoned Athens, Greece and, on the same date, left Rethymno in Northern Crete, retiring unharrassed to the region around Canea in the north west of the island. ww2dbase [Athens | AC]
1 Dec 1944

  • Georgios Siantos, one of the Greek Communist ELAS leaders, began moving Andarte divisions towards Athens, Greece. Other communist leaders, having at first agreed to the offensive, then began to have second thoughts. Their indecisiveness allowing General Ronald Scobie, the Commander of British Frces in Greece, a chance to recover and, with the deployment of the British 4th Division, brought in by air, drive the communists out of Athens and ultimately to sue for peace. ww2dbase [Athens | AC]
18 Dec 1944

Photo(s) dated 18 Dec 1944
A British paratrooper with the 5th Scots Parachute Battalion takes cover in Athens, Greece during operations against ELAS (the Greek People
3 Jan 1945

11 Jan 1945

  • General Ronald Scobie signed a truce between the land forces of Greece and the Central Committee of the E.L.A.S. in Athens, Greece. The truce specified a cessation of hostilities from 14 Jan 1945. ww2dbase [Athens | AC]
9 Dec 1946

20 May 1947

22 May 1948

  • Georgios Tsolakoglou passed away from leukemia while in captivity in Athens, Greece. ww2dbase [Georgios Tsolakoglou | Athens | CPC]
31 May 1957

  • Greek legislator Stefanos Sarafis was killed in Athens, Greece when, as a pedestrian, he was struck by an automobile driven by George Allen, a member of the US Air Force. Allen would later admit to being under the influence of alcohol and to driving too fast. ww2dbase [Stefanos Sarafis | Athens | CPC]
6 Jul 1961

8 Nov 1963

30 Dec 1963

19 Feb 1964

6 Mar 1964

  • King Paul of the Hellenes passed away in Athens, Greece. ww2dbase [Paul | Athens | CPC]
15 Jul 1965

  • Georgios Papandreou was removed by King Konstantinos II as the Prime Minister of Greece. ww2dbase [Georgios Papandreou | Athens | CPC]
1 Nov 1968

7 Jul 1982


Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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