6 Jan 1943
  • Parkash Singh of Indian 14th Division daringly rescued wounded comrades on the Mayu Peninsula in Burma. For his, and similar deeds on 19 Jan 1943, he was to be awarded the Victoria Cross medal. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Doherty was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Doherty | CPC]
  • Brigadier General Alphonse DeCarre assumed command of all US Marines on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands except for Marine aviation units. ww2dbase [Guadalcanal Campaign | CPC]
  • In a conference between Adolf Hitler and Erich Raeder, Hitler continued to express his anger in the German Navy's ineffectiveness. Raeder asked to be relieved of his duty. ww2dbase [Erich Raeder | CPC]
  • The US B-24 bomber piloted by Lieutenant George Rose, tasked with finding shot-down B-17 bomber San Antonio Rose between Rabaul, New Britain and Port Moresby, Australian Papua, was shot down over Wide Bay. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Heinz Assmann was promoted to the rank of captain. ww2dbase [Heinz Assmann | CPC]
Australia Australian New Guinea New Zealand
  • Destroyer USS Shaw Wellington, New Zealand bound for Nouméa, New Caledonia. ww2dbase [Shaw | Wellington | DS]
  • Jews in Opoczno, Poland were told that those with family in Palestine would be deported there. 500 Jews came out from hiding to register and were sent to Treblinka Concentration Camp where they were gassed. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Opoczno | CPC]
  • Captured French submarine Phoque departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
  • Captured French submarine Saphir departed Bizerte, Tunisia with an Italian crew. ww2dbase [Bizerte | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 6 Jan 1943
Concord off Balboa, Panama Canal Zone, 6 Jan 1943

6 Jan 1943 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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