David Stubblebine file photo [28480]

David Stubblebine

ww2dbaseDavid Stubblebine lives in California and is a retired public safety officer (police and fire). Before entering this field, his undergraduate major at the University of California at Santa Cruz meandered from mathematics to religious studies to criminal justice.

ww2dbaseDavid’s interest in World War II began as a study into his father's Navy career as a carrier pilot in the Pacific during 1944 & 1945. Applying his investigative skills and desire to learn just one more detail, he is expanding the study to include the broader context of the Pacific conflict and the Global Conflict.

Latest Contributions

Facility: Mines Field17 Mar 2025 
Ship: Saufley10 Mar 2025 
Weapon: Mark X17 Feb 2025 
Ship: Spearfish12 Feb 2025 
Ship: Saury6 Jan 2025 
Facility: Honouliuli Gulch Internment and Prisoners of War Camp28 Oct 2024 
Book Review: Nimitz at Ease12 Sep 2024 
Book Review: A Shanghai American29 Jul 2024 
Ship: Tilawa3 Jun 2024 
Person: Rodrick Edmonds6 May 2024 
Event: Operation Vengeance22 Apr 2024 
Person: Edwin Layton8 Apr 2024 
Book Review: And I Was There: Pearl Harbor and Midway-Breaking the Secrets25 Mar 2024 
Weapon: Fairchild K-204 Mar 2024 
Weapon: Mark XVIII6 Dec 2023 
Ship: Silversides22 Nov 2023 
Weapon: Disney2 Oct 2023 
Facility: RAF Thurleigh27 Sep 2023 
Person: Walden Ainsworth6 Sep 2023 
Person: Erich Vermehren5 Sep 2023 
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Photographs/Maps Contributions

US Coast Guard cutter John C. Spencer departing on her maiden voyage to US Territory of Alaska from New York Navy Yard, New York, United States, 19 May 1937Ford GPW radio communications Jeep in operations in North Africa, 1942-1943Typical King George VI of the United Kingdom, date unknown
See all 4590 photographs of David Stubblebine


Documentary created by the Japanese Cultural Center of HawaiWalt Disney 1943 film ‘Victory Through Air Power’ in black and white (the original film was in technicolor). This film was said to be the inspiration of the Disney Bomb (starting at 57:34).The Fighting LadyUnited States Army Air Forces film describing the Disney Swish (the Disney Bomb).
See all 13 videos of David Stubblebine

Timeline Contributions

David Stubblebine has also contributed 4,336 entries in the WW2 Timeline. A small sample of his timeline contributions is shown below.

» 24 Jun 1945: Escort carrier USS Bogue arrived at Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone and began unloading airplanes.

» 27 Jun 1970: USS Yorktown (Essex-class) was decommissioned at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States and was put in the Philadelphia Group of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet.

» 3 Sep 1945: Escort carrier USS Bogue arrived at Seattle, Washington.

» 8 Nov 1942: USS Nicholas and USAT Maui arrived at Auckland, New Zealand. Cdr Brown of Nicholas met briefly with the commanding officer of the Naval Operating Base, and Nicholas and Maui put to sea again bound for Nouméa, New Caledonia.

» 21 Aug 1943: USS Bailey departed San Diego bound for San Francisco, California.

» 22 Jul 1944: USS Ticonderoga began her first overhaul at Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, United States. Her flight deck was to be reconfigured to add 11 feet forward and 7 feet aft, and her anti-aircraft directors were to be repositioned.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Zdenek Kocab says:
3 Jul 2010 09:53:04 AM

Hello Mr Stubblebine,

Do you know the EXACT DAY of promotion of George S. Welch to 2nd Lt, 1st Lt, Capt and also Maj?

I am from the Czech republic and very interested in US aces of the second world war. I was not able to find. This info anywhere were not mentioned even in Stars and Bars by Frank Olynyk.

I realised you are probably the only one that might know the answer.

Please help me. Many thanks for the information and for your time.

Regards Zdenek Kocab

2. Anonymous says:
24 Sep 2011 09:45:53 AM

Hello Mr. Stubblebine,

I saw a picture of a Willys Jeep Serial number 20329531. The car is shown while unloaded from a horsa glieder. We own this vehicle and would like to find out more about the history of the vehicle. The car is in an extremely good condition, unrestored, and looks as if it just came from production. Do you know where the picture was taken?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best Regards!

3. James Bechtol says:
8 Dec 2011 07:45:04 PM

I was on the internet looking up information on my step father. I typed in the name of his plane ( B-24 Jerks Natural)& found a photo of it that you submitted. He was a pilot & lost hearing partially in one ear from the engine noise. He kept the photo you submitted on his dresser. He was also on the cover of LIFE with his bomber group.
19 Jan 2012 09:58:45 AM

Just ran across your picture of my father flying the OS2U kingfisher aircraft over the Caribbean. I don't think he ever saw this photo. I know I've never seen it. I helped him write a book about his aviation career.
Anyway, just thought I would say thanks.
Bob Staples

5. Robert Streit says:
27 May 2013 01:06:56 PM

In your photo of senior staff, 7th Marines HQ, Cape Gloucester, Jan. 10, 1944, the Marines are L to R Victor Streit (my father, now living in Jupiter, FL), Chesty Puller, Farrell, Cross, Musselwhite, Aubuchon. Can you verify the date? My father believes the photo could have been taken in March 1944.
6. dick wiersma says:
29 Jun 2014 06:35:33 PM

miss ruth was my dads planr(crew cheif)wilson was picked up by another plane. both my dad and wilson told us that. tks dick
7. Craig Dupler says:
8 Jul 2014 12:09:44 PM

Hello, I saw your photo of a Boeing 307 ex-TWA 'Cherokee', at Vientiene, Laos, 11 Mar 1975. Do you have any more information about that plane? I'm doing research for the Museum of Flight. If possible, we would like to locate and visit the wreck. As I understand it, there was a 1986 report of it in the river someplace, but the report I saw was sufficiently vague that it could have been anyplace along a 300 mile stretch of river. Thanks!
8. Don Larson says:
4 Nov 2014 07:17:23 PM

Hello David,

I am very interested in the source of the photo tagged "TBF at Munda" I am hoping there maybe more photos of Munda Airfield in this series. Can you assist? My uncle Lt William R Larson was stationed there with VC 38 and I am researching any pictures of Munda airfield in Oct to Dec 1943. Thank you
9. Glenn Gava says:
10 Feb 2015 09:22:56 AM

OMG. Thank you for responding to my request. I would be interested in anything that you can find on my father's service in the Navy.( Peter Stanley Gava )There is a picture in a book about the Franklin where they are buring someone at sea that he thinks he is the man at the rear. Again thanks.
10. Peter Campo says:
1 Mar 2015 08:08:44 PM

Is there a picture with names of men standing behind MacArthur on USS Missouri and also signed the *** surrender?
11. Rick.M says:
13 May 2015 01:37:31 PM

The picture of the B-24 over Iwo Jima -- Deadeye II -- was piloted by my dad, Lt. Warren Myllenbeck, USAAF; 392nd BS/ 30th BG/7th AF. I have pictures of the plane, my dad and his crew if you are interested. In all, he flew 52 combat missions in the Central Pacific -- two tours.
12. Alejandro Irausquin says:
4 Jun 2015 09:44:16 AM

David, hello from Venezuela.

We have been researching the crash of a OS2U Kingfisher aircraft in "Cerro Santa Ana" (Santa Ana mountain) in Paraguana, Falcon state, Venezuela, in July 1942 while serving in the Caribbean, at Curacao . A report pointed out the name of your father, James Stubbleine (the misspelling come from the report) & Russel Rupell, as crew of the plane.

Do you have any record of that crash? We have been unable to find more info on it.

There is a somehow nice story on what happened to the plane, that I will also like to share with you.

Thanks in advance

Alejandro Irausquin - LAAHS
Oscar Garcia
Humberto Arias
Fabian Capecchi
13. Peter Campo says:
25 Jun 2015 01:45:39 PM

How come that show more photos of Teddy and Zhuchov that Spaatz and de la Tasseny at The Berlin-Karshorst signing. You hardly ever see of photo of them together. Know if there are pictures of each signing the surrender?
14. Peter Campo says:
29 Jun 2015 12:26:34 PM

Here's a tuffy:
There is (in German) credentials for Jodl to sign the surrender in Rheims. I have a copy. But it is so blurred I can't get it read by anyone. Can you help?
Thanks for all the past help
15. Peter Campo says:
15 Oct 2015 11:37:35 AM

How come there are no photos at the Luneburg-Heath surrender table with Kinzel and Poleck's faces. Especially Col Fritz Poleck, can't find pictures of him.
16. Bobby English says:
5 Apr 2016 08:02:52 AM


Without these books you are ignorant of the criminals who caused both World Wars!

America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and FDR
by Antony C. Sutton

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
by Antony C. Sutton

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
by Antony C. Sutton

National Suicide: Military aid to the Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton

Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930-1945
by Antony C. Sutton

Trilaterals over America
by Antony C. Sutton

How The Order Controls Education
by Antony C. Sutton
really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 9 ratings — 2 editions

Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930
by Antony C. Sutton

Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945 to 1965
by Antony C. Sutton

Trilaterals over Washington
by Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood

An Introduction to the Order
by Antony C. Sutton

Energy: The Created Crisis
by Antony C. Sutton

The War On Gold
by Antony C. Sutton

How the Order Creates War & Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton

Gold For Survival Gold For Survival
by Antony C. Sutton

Technological Treason Technological Treason
by Antony C. Sutton

Trilateral over America Trilateral over America
by Antony C. Sutton

The Secret Cult of the Order The Secret Cult of the Order
by Antony C. Sutton

The Diamond Connection: A M... The Diamond Connection: A Manual For Investors
by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street et l'ascension ... Wall Street et l'ascension de Hitler
by Antony C. Sutton, Jean-François Goulon (Translator)

by Antony C. Sutton

National Security And Trade With The Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton
Cold Fusion: The Secret Energy Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton

WWall Street et la Révolution bolchevique
by Antony C. Sutton, Olivier Goulon (Translator)

Two Faces Of George Bush
by Antony C. Sutton

by Antony C. Sutton, Charles Conway (Introduction)
17. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
5 Apr 2016 04:57:54 PM

Mr. English:

Thank you for your comment and your suggested reading list. I shall take all of it under advisement.

I notice that your reading list has 29 items on it that are all from the same author. I am vaguely familiar with Mr. Sutton and am aware that he was provocative (in the best sense of the word) even in his own time but he was (is) still just one voice. I concede that I may do well to read more of his writings in order to make myself more well-rounded on the subject but I submit that you may wish to read more than just one author for the sake of your own well-roundedness.

I have never shirked away from acknowledging America’s own black eyes in the run up to and throughout World War II. But when the moralities of all the world’s nations from the 1930s & 1940s are balanced against one another, I still believe the United States, the United Kingdom, and Nationalist China rise to the top while Hitler, Tojo, Mussolini, Mao Zedong, and Stalin all sink to the bottom.

Did Roosevelt behave perfectly? No, he didn’t. Did Churchill behave perfectly? Certainly not. Was Wall Street complicit in Hitler’s rise? No doubt. But it is still possible for the United States and Britain to come out of that melee as the good guys – partly because the other guys were SO bad but not just that. I believe the United States emerged from World War II as the best of the bullies on the block and that was the best any nation could have achieved in those days.

To be sure, America was not perfect then and it is not perfect now; but you don’t have to be perfect to be good. Others may assess this altogether differently and they are free to do so; I respect those views too.

Thank you again for your comment.
18. Stafford-Ames Morse says:
7 Dec 2016 01:41:24 PM

Lived at Waialee, Oahu and just north of our home is a hill that the Army had radar station and the operator reported to his officer there that a fleet of planes were sighted. The officer told him yes, they were ours from the mainland...... Have photo of the that hill.

19. Roy A Bowers says:
23 Feb 2017 05:24:23 PM

Thank you for forwarding all the info on my Dad, Roy J Bowers. Please let me know where I can contribute or donate to help with this great work you are involved in.

20. Anonymous says:
20 May 2017 04:30:05 PM

Do you have WWII 1944 Willys MB JEEP TITLE. 3-4 months prior to
D- Day? Also 1944 BANTUM trailer title
21. Ralph Wetterhahn says:
28 Mar 2018 08:26:39 PM

Dear David,
I am an author who is trying to get a book published about the early months of WWII in the Pacific. I would like to use the map you have posted that shows the extent of the Japanese advance. May I have your permission?
22. Mike Fink says:
15 May 2018 05:47:24 PM


I'm curious about metadata/source information concerning some of the pictures you've posted. I'm sure they're in the public domain but I would be interested to see if they came via e.g. NHHC or NARA. In particular I am interested in hearing more about the pictures of USS Intrepid.

-Mike Fink
23. Anonymous says:
20 Aug 2018 11:28:44 AM

Corpral Raymond L. Peterson gunner on Shootin Star B-24 Liberator. 42-73249. Do you have any info on the wreckage location? Or know how I can find out more about the incident. His last sibling passed away and I am his niece and have been given his personal effects and want to know more. I know it was friendly fire.
24. Anonymous says:
30 Aug 2018 01:33:17 PM

I wanted to know more about the picture of the Dukw landing at Cherbourg. My grandfather was with the 822 Amphibious TC in WW2. I wanted to know if you have any information about this photo and the markings on the side of the picture that was submitted. Also, do you know more about these all African American dukw operators at Cherbourg?
25. Anonymous says:
18 Oct 2018 10:07:05 AM

Hi David. I am searching for my dad’s plane. He was in the 19th bomb group/93rd squadron. Arrived in Guam 1/16/45 & flew in a B29. I found his name on a roster that Darrell Landau had posted, but can’t get any further. He went on to a great career in law enforcement. Was Police Chief in Allentown PA. I did find a B29 City of Allentown but can’t find anymore info. How can I get this info. Would dearly love to pass this on to my family, his name was Gerald Monahan. Thanks for any help. Best Wishes. Kathy Monahan Weiss
26. Anonymous says:
12 Dec 2019 02:29:31 PM

Do you know the call sign of the USS Petrof Bay (CVE-80). My father was killed on the fo'castle in mid 1945. Thanks!
27. Donald H Schuh says:
26 Jan 2020 08:09:40 AM

May I use the map in a book I am writing. Track of carrier task force for pearl harbor attack.
28. Anonymous says:
21 May 2020 04:53:31 PM

Dear David: Just came across your name and pic of LST 68, Oro Bay in 1944. Am tracing all hist of my uncle James I Callaghan, BW2c on 68 from 43-44/45. Found his name on muster rolls and other info. I am 76, USAR service 66-73, 1st Lt, now tracing Uncle J's war exper. Have strange story from cousin in MA I can share, but looking for all history of LST 68. May we communicate via my email. am Univ of TX prof of pol sci but spent many yrs in CJ and intel/nat sec courses. Thanks, jdc
29. Matt Rigney says:
24 Nov 2020 02:47:50 PM

David--I just wanted to share my enormous gratitude, and that of my family, for the work you've done on this site. If it weren't for you, we would never have found the photograph of my grandfather, John Lawler Lavoie, who served as a Lieutenant Junior Grade on the USCG cutter Spencer. He is featured in the photograph showing the Time Magazine correspondent William Walton speaking to members of the Spencer crew after their engagement with the German submarine U-175. My grandfather is second from the left, with dark hair and his hands in his pockets. My grandfather died two-and-a-half years later, in 1945, from Hodgkins disease. He was only 25, and left behind two daughters, the eldest of which was my mother, who was 3 years old. He was a funny, fun-loving young man who had met the love of his life, married her, and served his country, only to die young from illness. It was a tragedy that still reverberates in quiet waves through our family, but to find this photo was absolutely incredible. There he was, young, alive, living his life, before all the rest happened. We can't thank you enough for this gift.
30. Anonymous says:
17 Nov 2021 11:19:16 AM

I am trying to contact David,I have some Naval artifacts that may interest him. he can email me at the above address
31. John Johnson says:
1 Jan 2022 01:54:17 PM

David: Yes, the Mark XIV torpedo scandal. I have info on a much later incident -- one of them nearly got me in 1968. Drop me a line for more info.
32. John Starzyk says:
16 Jul 2022 10:31:45 AM

Hi; do you which army units were stationed at Borinquen field/Aquadilla barracks in 1940? My dad was stationed there as part of teh quarter master corps. thanks.
33. Mike Fellenstein says:
29 May 2023 02:52:48 PM

David Stubblebine,

Thanks for publishing the photo of Z square 26 (TOKYO LOCAL). My uncle, Anthony Musil was a crew member.
34. Anonymous says:
30 May 2023 08:37:00 AM

Thank you David for all your work keeping memories alive.
35. Bob Stagner says:
20 Aug 2024 12:06:22 PM

I think your work on Perl Harbor is great. I too am the son of a War II Vet, but my father was a China sailor and submariner who was a mustang, commissioned in Australia after guarding the western approaches to the Panama Canal on the S-46.
Do you have a blog? I would be interested in following you?
Bob Stagner

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