Country | United States |
Manufacturer | Willys-Overland Motors/Ford Motor Company |
Primary Role | Other |
Contributor: David Stubblebine
Additional Contributions By: Alan Chanter
ww2dbase"The Jeep, the Dakota, and the Landing Craft were the three tools that won the war." -- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
ww2dbaseThe nearly identical Willys MB and Ford GPW reconnaissance cars were manufactured from 1941 to 1945. They made up 98% of all models built in WWII and they are the iconic World War II Jeep.
ww2dbaseOn July 11, 1940, with World War II dawning near, the US Army approached 135 U.S. automotive manufacturers to submit designs to replace its existing, aging light motor vehicles; mostly motorcycles, sidecars, and some Ford Model T's. Companies' bids were to be received by just eleven days later, then they had 49 days to submit their first prototype and 75 days for completion of 70 required test vehicles; 130 days in all to design and deliver the vehicles.
ww2dbaseThe Army's specifications were equally demanding: a general purpose personnel or cargo carrier especially adaptable for reconnaissance or command; designated as 1/4-ton four-wheel drive Truck, crew of three, wheelbase of no more than 75 (later 80) inches, tracks no more than 47 inches, fold?down windshield, 660 lb payload, and be powered by an engine capable of 85 ft-lb (115 Nm) of torque. The most daunting demand, however, was that it have an empty weight of no more than 1300 lbs (590 kg).
ww2dbaseOnly three companies entered: American Bantam Car Company, Willys-Overland Motors, and the Ford Motor Company. Though Willys-Overland was the low bidder, Bantam received the bid, being the only company committing to deliver a pilot model in 49 days and production examples in 75 days. Bantam built their first prototype, officially named the "Pilot" but nicknamed the "Blitz Buggy" and later "Old Number One." It was delivered to the Army vehicle test center at Camp Holabird, Maryland on September 23, 1940.
ww2dbaseSince Bantam did not have the production capacity to deliver on the scale needed by the War Department, the two losing bidders, Ford and Willys, were encouraged to complete their own pilot models for testing. As testing of the Bantam prototype took place, Ford and Willys technical representatives were given ample opportunity to study the vehicle's performance. Moreover, the War Department forwarded the Bantam blueprints to Ford and Willys, claiming the government owned the design.
ww2dbaseBy November 1940 Ford and Willys each submitted prototypes to compete with Bantam. The two pilot models, the Willys Quad and the Ford Pygmy, turned out to be very similar to each other and were joined in testing by Bantam's entry, now called the Bantam Reconnaissance Car 60 (BRC 60). US armed forces were already under such pressure that all three cars were declared acceptable and orders for 1500 units per company were given. It was also acknowledged at this time the original weight limit (which Bantam had ignored) was unrealistic, and it was raised to 2160 lbs (980 kg).
ww2dbaseFor these respective initial production runs, each vehicle received revisions and a new name. Bantam's became the BRC 40 (and the company ceased motor vehicle production after the last one was built in December 1941). After losing 240 lbs, Willys' changed the designation to "MA": "Military" model "A". The Fords were designated "GP": "G" for "Government" and "P" was Ford's code for passenger cars with 80-inch wheelbases.
ww2dbaseBy July 1941, the War Department desired to standardize and selected a single manufacturer to supply them with the next order for another 16,000 vehicles. Willys won the contract, mostly due to its more powerful engine and lower cost. Whatever better design features the Bantam and Ford entries had were incorporated into the Willys car at this time, causing the Willys "A" designation to become "B" and thus the vehicles were tagged "MB." One example of this design consolidation was the positioning of the gasoline tank; in placing it directly beneath the driver's seat, combining the two main target areas into one, it would lessen the chance of a single catastrophic hit. [This was seen as a design improvement! This was 1941 and the priority was combat survivability, not highway safety.]
ww2dbaseBy October 1941, it became apparent Willys-Overland could not keep up with the production demand and Ford was contracted to produce them as well; but the Army required both to produce vehicles with interchangeable parts. Not wanting to have Ford parts end up on Willys vehicles without getting the credit, Ford stamped every one of their parts – right down to individual nuts and bolts – with a script 'F'. The Ford car resulting from this union was designated GPW, with the "W" referring to the "Willys" licensed design. During World War II, Willys produced 363,000 Jeeps and Ford some 280,000. Approximately 51,000 were exported to Russia under the Lend-Lease program.
ww2dbaseAnother c.13,000 amphibious jeeps were built by Ford with the designation GPA (GP Amphibious; nicknamed "Seep" for Sea Jeep). Inspired by the larger GMC DUKW, the Seep was produced too quickly and proved to be too heavy, too unwieldy, and with insufficient freeboard. In spite of participating successfully in the September 1943 Sicily landings, most GPA's were routed to Russia under the Lend-Lease program. The Russians were sufficiently pleased with its ability to cross rivers that Russia developed their own version of it after the war, the Gaz 46.
ww2dbaseWhy "Jeep"?
ww2dbaseIt has become part of the Jeep lore to endlessly debate the origins of the name and many versions proclaim themselves to be the "true" story. Most sources agree, however, that "jeep" was a term known in some circles well before the introduction of these vehicles – but with disputed meanings.
ww2dbaseSome authorities point to a cartoon character of the day called Eugene the Jeep. Because Eugene could go anywhere, "jeep" was a natural name for these sturdy scout cars; but this link is uncertain.
ww2dbaseOther accounts assert "jeep" contracted the letters "GP". GP for "General Purpose" was used widely throughout the US military, from tents to bombs, but never with respect to these vehicles. If anything, GP would have come from Ford's designation for their early production vehicles. However, the 4,456 Ford GP's are less than 1% of all WWII Jeeps made, and lend-lease meant most of these went to the far-flung corners of the globe.
ww2dbaseThe most probable account – although controversial – is based on "jeep" as a slang term used by World War I soldiers for new recruits and for new unproven equipment (there are examples of inter-war contraptions entirely dissimilar from these scout cars being called jeeps). A Willys test driver, Red Hausmann, accompanied the car for its testing at Camp Holabird in 1940. He heard soldiers calling it a "jeep" and liked the way it sounded. In early 1941, Willys staged a press event in Washington, D.C. where their Quad prototype showed itself off by driving up the Capitol steps. Hausmann also gave a demonstration ride to a group of dignitaries, including Katherine Hillyer, a reporter from the Washington Daily News. When asked, Hausmann said, "It's a jeep." Hillyer's newspaper article on February 20, 1941 included a photo showing the Quad going up the Capitol steps and a caption calling the new scout cars "jeeps." This is the most likely source of the term being fixed into the public awareness.
ww2dbaseThose who favor Eugene the Jeep or contracting "GP" are required to believe the Jeep was named from the GI's experiences after the vehicles entered service. Having the same name spring up from end-users world wide would not be expected; a variety of regional names is far more likely. Since jeeps were jeeps the day they arrived in-theater, some common starting point for the name has the greatest likelihood (like the well-documented Feb 1941 newspaper photo caption); but the debate will never be settled.
ww2dbaseThe Grille
ww2dbaseWillys made its first 25,000 MB Jeeps with a welded flat iron "slat" radiator grille. It was Ford who first designed and implemented the familiar and distinctive stamped slotted steel grille, which was lighter and better suited to mass production. Ford was the expert in mass production so many of their design features, including the stamped grille, were adopted by Willys and implemented into the standard WWII Jeep by April 1942. The grille became such an iconic symbol for the rugged, reliable, and beloved Jeep that rights to the image are still a coveted corporate asset to this day.
ww2dbaseJeeps, from whatever manufacturer, served with distinction in every combat zone and every "rear area" of the war. Field modifications were endless; from VIP limousines to garbage trucks, from litter carriers to artillery platforms, from the messenger service to heavily armed rapid strike assault vehicles. They drove over good roads, through deep mud, forded streams, sped over sand, and some even went to sea. In Naval service, besides being used around shore bases in the same ways as at any other military base, some were used aboard fleet carriers as aircraft "tugs." In the ETO, many Jeeps were field-modified with a 3-ft vertical steel bar welded to the center of the front bumper to break decapitation wires strung across roads.
ww2dbaseThrough lend-lease, Jeeps of all configurations served prolifically with all Allied powers. Popular among the troops, Enzo Ferrari later described the Jeep as "America's only real sports car." Jeeps became so common in and around the European battle areas that German troops came to believe that each American soldier was issued his own Jeep.
ww2dbaseSo ubiquitous was the Jeep and diverse in its capabilities that Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower listed it among the three primary tools that won the war: the Jeep, the Dakota, and the Landing Craft. Interestingly, none of these were weapons.
Model | Year(s) | Production |
Bantam pilot | 1940 | 1 |
Bantam Mk II / BRC 60 | 1940 | 69 |
Ford Pygmy | 1940 | 1 |
Willys Quad | 1940 | 5 (1 w/ 4W steering) |
Bantam BRC 40 | 1941 | 2,605 |
Ford GP | 1941 | 4,456 |
Willys MA | 1941 | 1,553 |
Willys MB | 1942–1945 | 361,339 (335,531 + 25,808 "slats") |
Ford GPW | 1942–1945 | 277,896 |
Ford GPA 'Seep' | 1942–1943 | 12,778 |
WW II Total | 1940–1945 | 660,703 |
Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII
Universal Jeep History
Colin Stevens' 'My MV'
How Stuff Works; Fourwheeler Magazine, March 1995; Ray Fernandez.
ww2dbaseAdditional Contribution by Alan Chanter
ww2dbaseDesigned to meet a requirement from the US Motor Transport Board for an amphibious vehicle utilising as many mechanical components of the ¼-ton Jeep in a water tight hull, the Ford motor company received a contract for production of the Ford GPA (GP Amphibious; nicknamed "Seep" for Sea Jeep) during 1942. These completed vehicles becoming standardised in February 1943. Inspired by the larger GMC DUKW the Ford GPA was first employed operationally during the Sicily landings in September 1943 and subsequently saw a little employment in the North African and Pacific campaigns. Production was finally halted in March 1943 after only 12,778 vehicles had been delivered due to financial quibbles between Ford and the US government, as well as the bad reception it met in theatre.
ww2dbaseFor movement in water a screw propeller and proper rudder were fitted at the rear of the hull. A folding windscreen and canvas hood were provided, and a spray screen at the front could be folded into place to prevent water entering the engine compartment when afloat. It was provided with a towing attachment for a 1/4-ton trailer that could also float when carrying its rated payload.
ww2dbaseUnfortunately development had been so rushed that it proved to be an unsuccessful design that became unpopular with the troops. It was quickly found to be too heavy and too unwieldy on land, and with insufficient freeboard for useful seagoing work in open water. It also failed to match the payload ability of its larger DUKW counterpart. Nevertheless it would find a better usage when supplied to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease programme, where its suitability to cross the many streams and rivers encountered by the Red Army on its relentless advance were more appreciated. Consequently some 1,900 vehicles were shipped to Russia in 1944 with a further 300 in 1945.
Ian V. Hogg & John Weeks: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles (Hamlyn Publishing, 1980)
David porter: World War II Soviet Weapons (Amber Books, 2018)
Wikipedia: Ford GPA
Last Major Revision: Jun 2009
Jeep Timeline
11 Jul 1940 | US Army approached 135 American automotive manufacturers to submit designs to replace its existing, aging light motor vehicles. They were told that they must submit their first prototypes within 49 days and have 70 test vehicles prepared in 75 days. |
23 Sep 1940 | Bantam delivered a prototype, officially named the "Pilot" but nicknamed the "Blitz Buggy", to the US Army vehicle test center at Camp Holabird, Maryland, United States for a requirement that would result in the Jeep. |
11 Nov 1940 | The US army took delivery of its first Jeep. The origin of the name is still a mystery. Some say it is from the Army designation GP (General Purpose) but others prefer the reference to a character from the Popeye cartoon strip known as Eugene the Jeep. The character could walk through walls, climb trees, fly and go just about anywhere it wanted, and it is thought that soldiers at the time were so impressed with the new vehicle’s versatility that they named it after the Jeep. |
Machinery | 4-cyl. side valves, 134 cu in (2199 cc), 60 hp, 1 throat carburetor, manual choke, 6Volt DC-current generator, Failsafe automatic fuse |
Length | 3.33 m |
Width | 1.58 m |
Height | 1.83 m |
Weight | 1.0 t |
Machinery | Ford 4-cyl 2,199cc petrol engine rated at 54bhp at 4,000rpm |
Crew | 4 |
Length | 4.61 m |
Width | 1.62 m |
Height | 1.72 m |
Weight | 2.0 t |
Speed | 88 km/h |
Range | 400 km |
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Visitor Submitted Comments
21 Oct 2009 06:46:54 PM
Anyone know where I get get a hold of an M-38 jeep? It is for a pet-project I am personally funding to outfit a land based vehicle for long range expeditions.
The following are the specs:
1. Snorkel.
2. Right Hand Driver Seat.
4. Hardtop with 3 doors
5. Engine bonnet mounted spare wheel.
6. Engine emmission must meet EURO 3 standards or better.
Please reply to Jeffrey Peter Tel: 65-81948998
Mailing address: Blk. 617, Hougang Ave 8 #12-352 Singapore 530617
E-mail: jeffrey_peter@yahoo.com

16 Nov 2009 12:45:52 PM
Automobiles of the Dictators:
Hitler bought his first Mercedes Benz in 1925
he also had a Auto-Union D-Type.
Another Mercedes Benz owned by Hitler was the
1938 770K it was the largest car Mercedes
Benz built up to that time.
The car was powered by a Eight Cylinder 150 hp Engine with a Supercharger boosting its total horsepower to 350, with a top speed of
Many of the cars were open top, so he could
stand, and was accessable to the people.
In 1941 Hitler ordered two Mercedes Benz Model 770K's,they were 20ft.long, with about
2,000lbs of armor plate with bullet-proof
glass. The weight of the car was over 5 tons
Powered by a 230hp Eight Cylinder Engine w/
Supercharger with a top speed over 100mph. The vehicle held 51 gallons of fuel,giving it
about 150 mile range, at 3 miles per gallon!
Hitler owned over 9 Mercedes Benz during his
rise to power.
Another Mercedes was the model 15/70/100
5 passenger car.
Hitler also used the Mercedes Benz 6 wheeled
cross-country model G-4.
In 1973 a 770K, erroneously alleged to have
been Adolf Hitler's sold for $150,000.00
Hitler used many types of aircraft, but he
later used the Junkers Ju-52 Tri-Engine
Another aircraft was a special model of the
Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor the aircraft had
four engines, greater range and faster speed.
Special Trains (Sonderzug) were powered by
two locomotives w/ two armored railway cars.
The train was originally named "Amerika" but
after the entry of the U.S.A. into the war,
the name was changed to "Brandenburg",it was last used on January 15, 1945.
He used the Rolls-Royce, and at one time used
different makes of Rolls-Royce cars.
His favorite was the Tzar's Rolls-Royce the model Silver Ghost.
He used the Rolls-Royce, and had a fondness
for the American built Packard, Lincoln and
His favorite creation, was the ZIS-110 made
by Zavod Imeni Likhacheva.
The ZIS-110 was a Soviet-built, automobile that was reverse engineered from the 8 cyl.
140 hp 1942 Packard Super Eight.
Stalin did not like to fly, he was scared of
air travel.
"IL Duce" What the Mercedes Benz was to Hitler, the Alfa Remo was to the Italian
He used and owned different models of the Alfa Romeo. One of his Alfa Romeo cars, was
a 1937/23MM sold for $1,200,000.00.
Mussolini also had italian aircraft, and special trains.

18 Nov 2009 07:33:49 PM
In Soviet Russia there were only a few model
cars produced and all were built in factories
belonging to the Soviet State.
The Russians built cars from Western designs
the German Opal Kadett 1936-1940 models,were
called Moskvich 400.
Designs from American Ford trucks were built
by GAZ, models were modified for russian use.
During W.W.II few cars were built most of the
auto industry built trucks and other military
Ford Trucks/GAZ these vehicles were built in the thousands for the army, and not many have
survived since W.W.II. The GAZ 51 was the workhorse built in many variants.
Some of the vehicles produced are listed:
GAZ 12 ZIM passenger cars they came in one
color (black).
GAZ 11 / 73 sedan
GAZ 21 3/axle 6 wheel vehicle.
ZIS 110 sedan and ZIS 110 limousine it looked
like an American Packard.
Did you know: That the Russians had their own
SUV vehicle years before they became popular four-wheel-drive, high profile and had all
the luxury of russian cars of that time,
what ever that was."Keep on Truckin Comrade"

21 Nov 2009 07:20:05 PM
Automobiles of the Dictators:
Italian Dictator Mussolini also owned a 1939
Lancia Astura.
He gave four of the Astura's as gift's to
Hitler's Third Reich.
One of the cars, was used by Magda, wife of
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister

21 Nov 2009 07:29:31 PM
Automobiles of the Dictators:
Another favorite of Mussolini was a 1935
two-seat Pescara spyder, one of only sixty
Archive footage shows the dictator saluting
the crowds as he stands in the passenger

22 Nov 2009 03:08:28 PM
GAZ: (Gorky Avtomobilny Zoavod)
Built Ford trucks and cars under licence.
Over 100,000 Model A Ford cars and Model AA
trucks were produced between 1932 to 1936.
The passenger cars, were called NAZ A. from
Ford Model A Design.
Another design, was a four-wheel drive model called GAZ-61 entered production in 1940.
In 1941 an improved model GAZ-73 was built.
During World War II GAZ produced over 104,200 ZIS-5V's built in 1942 it was a
simplified model over 1,000,000 were built.
The basic chassic was used for many different
duties. The GAZ was the second most used truck in the Red army. However,it was phased out to secondary duties. The U.S.S.R. also
received thousands of lend lease U.S. built G.M.C. 2 1/2 trucks.

24 Nov 2009 03:27:20 PM
German Motorcycles: What did BMW, DWK, NSU
and Zundapp mean?
Bayische Motoren Werke
One of the Wehrmacht's Favorite the R-12 and
R/75 "Kriegselefanten" (War Elephants) w/side
car. Served everywhere the German Army was
sent. Had excellent durability, the BMW was
rugged to do its job.
A Wartime photo showed (7) Fallschirmjagers (Paratroops) w/ equipment on one BMW!
After World War II the Russians faithfully
copied the BMW R/75.
They called their version the K-M72 or the
M-72-K it was used for Liaison,Reconnaissance
was also assigned to other units in the Red

24 Nov 2009 07:05:29 PM
German Motorcycles:
DKW Das Klenie Wunder
Another favorite of the Wehrmacht served on
every front, rugged and dependable. This
design has been the most copied motorcycle
in the world. DWK also produced a four-wheel
drive vehicle.

24 Nov 2009 07:35:28 PM
German Motorcycles:
NSU Neckar und SUlm
First letters in the names of the two rivers
surrouding the plant.
During the 1930's Germany was the largest
producer of motorcycles world-wide.
NSU produced many different designs, like all
german motorcycles it could also be equipped with a side-car.
During World War II NSU built the standard
model 250 ZDB and Kettenkrad Sdkf Z.2 it was a cross between a motorcycle and a tracked
vehicle. NSU also built different vehicles
for the Wehrmacht.
24 Nov 2009 08:34:25 PM
German Motorcycles:
Zundapp Zuendung Ignition Apparat Machine
Was used with the BMW, to establish a
motorcycle corps. It is claimed the heavy
Zundapp's were surperior to the BMW's, but it could be equal it all depends on what bike you liked.
The Wehrmacht used many different motorcycles
that were divided into three different types
light 350cc, medium 50cc and heavy more than
The main suppliers were the BMW, NSU and the
Zundapp followed by DWK. Like all of the motorcycles used by the German army,it could be equipped with a side-car. Zundapp also
built the small wire guided micro tank named
"Goliath" among other weapons.
Zundapp continued production, until bombing raids destroyed the factory in Nurnberg in
Correction my error, German Motorcycles:
should read BMW, DKW not DWK, NSU and Zundapp.

24 Nov 2009 10:58:45 PM
All I can do is record historical fact for
posterity, and those who read about
World War II will make their own judgements.
If an error is made it is done without any
After World War II Germany rebuilt many of its Industries, as far as the New Order would
Did you know that the Russians dismantled
the entire DKW motorcycle factory, that was
the largest in the world, and shipped it to
Russia, the question is was the factory ever
rebuilt, or just left to rust.
The British stole the entire production of DKW RT-125 motorcycle's before the Russians got their. BSA the British motorcycle firm copied the design for their bikes in the 1950's and 1960's.
The Russians copied the BMW R/75 and other
vehicles, and copied everything else.
But the real winners were the Japanese, who in the 1960's also copied the German design
DKW RT-125 for their Yamaha motorcycles.
And copied everything else too!
So what is really new? everyone copies other designs and ideas turns them around as a new
development strange how Front-Wheel Drive was something new in the late 1950s'and 60's
the Germans designed an Automobile with
Front-Wheel Drive early in the 20th Century, same for Fuel Injection, Disk Brakes, Automatic- Transmissions and other Automotive Firsts.
"Economic Politics for the Victors"

28 Nov 2009 02:40:47 PM
During and after World War II the Russians
built copies of U.S. designs one of the
American Ford GPA 1/4 ton Amphibious Vehicle GPA stood for G Government P 80 inch wheel
base A Amphibious. Ford built 12,282 of them
during its production between 1942 to 1943.
The Russian copy was called the GAZ-46 MAV or
MAZ. The vehicle was used by the Red Army for
years after World War II.
ZIL 151 6x6 Truck was a Russian copy of the
U.S. Studebaker, the International 5 ton KR-11 Truck was copied by GAZ.
Also copied U.S. Truck was the Reo, many of
these trucks were used by the Red Army for years after World War II.
29 Nov 2009 06:34:54 AM
When I was stationed at MCLB Barstow they must have had a few thousand classic looking military Jeeps stored at the Nebo Annex. For all I know they are still there in the desert unused - literally in new condition. This is about 1981 or so. What model was the last "classic" Jeep used by the Armed Forces? I'm sure they'd be considered unsafe today, but I'd sure like to have one anyway.

29 Nov 2009 04:01:42 PM
Hello David
The information I have about the "jeep" is:
The World War II era jeep was used by all the
armed forces well into the late 1950's.
Willys produced the model M-38 1950/52
this variant was used by the Marines, Navy
Coast Guard and the Navy.
The Willys M38A-1 was produced from 1952/57
Willys produced the model M606 this variant was produced from 1953-1968 and directed to
overseas allies.
The M606 was used by the South Vietnamese Army.
Willys model M170 produced from 1954-1964
The U.S. Army used the Ford M 151 Mutt, it
looked like a jeep, but deep down it was a
ford and it was a lot of fun to drive! but if you put to much weight the front wheels
they would come off the ground.
For fun a bunch of us would pick up,the M151 and walk it around out of sight, and watch
the driver explain to the CO just where his jeep is.
The M151 was used until the U.S. Armed Forces retired it for the AM General (HMMWV)
or MUMVEE as its called.
Military equipment is captured by every side
during the Georgia/Russia conflict over South Ossetia footage showed Russian troops
towing a U.S.built HMMWV, back to Mother Russia. How much technology can Ivan get out
of that machine.
I guess well be seeing their version called
the Humveesky!.
I remember seeing World War II GMC 21/2 ton
trucks parked in area motorpools in Fort Sill
OK. back in the 1960's
Would like to hear from you contact me:

30 Nov 2009 06:11:03 PM
Can the Russians improve on the HUMMWV give
them time to tear one apart, like the vehicles captured during the Georgia/Russia
Conflict over South Ossetia.
The Russians have their own version of the HUMMWV its called the GAZ-2975 (Tigr) Tiger Army Truck or the(HMV) High Mobility Vehicle
and it will be the mainstay of the Russian Military.
Another Russian vehicle is called the Kombat
looks like a "jeep" SUV. Ivan did it again.
8 Dec 2009 10:55:55 AM
Russian Trucks:
GAZ-A Copy of U.S. Ford truck
GAZ-M 1 Command car based on 1933 ford V8
about 63,000 were built.
A four-wheel drive model was also built called GAZ-61-73 4x4.
GAZ-64 Russian version of the U.S. Jeep this
vehicle was produced from 1943 until the end of the war and over 4,800 were built.
Lesser Known Russian Trucks:
YaG, 5 Ton 4x2 Cargo Truck, was the first domestic built vehicle, built from 1932 to
1942 about 8,000 were built, used by the pre-war Russian Army.
YaG 10, 8 Ton 6x4 Cargo Truck built from 1931
on it was the heavy truck of the Red Army
however the design used much foreign technology, powered by American engines, and copied British suspension system about 300 were built.

9 Dec 2009 04:59:00 PM
The Fast and the Fuhrer:
Hitler at one time owned an interest in the
building of the Auto-Union D Type, this was
a racing automobile. Hitler offered 500,000
Reichmarks to build the car, in 1939. It was powered by a Twin-Supercharger, 3 Liter V-12
Engine that produced 485 hp and a top speed
of 185mph.
During World War II a number of the cars were lost or destroyed. One car was taken
back to Russia, after the war to study its
technology. It was discovered in Ukraine in
the 1980's, it is one of five cars remaining
and could sell at auction for over $12,000,000.
A Russian Billionaire bought the Mercedes-
Benz 770 K ,that Hitler used for $11,000,000!
The car was sold in Austria after the war,
than it went into a Classic Car Museum in
Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
The vehicle's authenticity was proven with original documents and through old photo's
even the vehicle plate number was correct it
read 1A 148461.
The Billionaire's Father also bought the
Mercedes-Benz 540 K used by Joseph Goebbel's
in 1972, after he spotted it rusting in Lavia
Other Cars:
Hermann Goering's sleek Horch 853 Limousine,
and Martin Bormann's Mercedes-Benz 320.
Top trophy,the dark blue Mercedes-Benz 770 K that once belonged to Adolf Hitler.
Did you know: That at one time (88) Eighty Eight Mercedes-Benz and other automobiles
made up the fleet of State owned cars between
1938-1943 other cars were bought as private
At the end of World War II the Russians took
thousands of vehicle's back to Mother Russia
anything that could be studied and built into
Russian designs, others were later side-lined due to lack of spare parts and left to

9 Dec 2009 06:22:52 PM
Harley-Davidson delivered thousands of the
750cc models w/ sidecar. It could also carry
a degtyarev 7.62mm machine gun,and could be
setup to carry an 82mm mortar, ammo and crew. However the 750cc model wasn't up to the task carring the extra weight.
It was also used with reconnaissance units, military police and for messenger service.
Many served the Russian Army for years after
World War II.
Even before the war, the Russian Army needed
a motorcycle they imported BMW motorcycles
from Germany and copied them.
Today you can buy your own Ural Motorcycle
w/ sidecar, the design goes back to the
German BMW R-71 the ural was designed for
Russian off the road use, have a Red October
Limited Edition painted in Red of course!
The Russians copied the Harley-Davidson and
the German BMW, Harley-Davidson copied BMW, and the Japanese copied the Harley-Davidson V-Twins, and everybody else. "So whats new
under the Sun".

20 Dec 2009 03:53:08 PM
About those Russian cars:
After World War II production of the ZIS/ZIL
was resumed in 1946. The vehicle went through
improvements and design changes.
The GAZ sedan was still used by low-level
party fuctionaries who lacked the status of a ZIS/ZIL limo.
After Stalin's death ZIS was changed to ZIL ZIL meaning (Zavod Imeni Lihachev Lihacheva)the last ZIL was built in 1958 and the
production line closed down.
The ZIL is still the Official State Car, and
many are still in use for Government fuctions, today the Russian Government uses
Mercedes-Benz and BMW Automobiles However,
a new more modern design from ZIL will be
produced. Powered by a 7700cc/400hp engine
with all the new advances in automotive
technology,it will be armored and weight in
at over 5 tons, ZIL will built between 8 to 10 cars a year, and the price will be around
$300,000 dollars.
The ZIS/ZIL is a symbol of a fallen empire,
but whatever you call it ZIS or ZIL it will always have a certin auster and mysterious
charm...to it I guess its because, its a Russian car.

20 Dec 2009 06:20:14 PM
Let's start all over again: Its a "Z" what?
ZIS: Zavod Imeni Stalina was named after Stalin when he was alive. Look at it this way nobody said no!, to Joe.
ZIS was changed after Stalin's death, to ZIL After he died everybody said yes, change the
The company built trucks, heavy equipment,
buses, tanks and armored cars, besides state automobiles.
The ZIS/ZIL Limousines were hand-built and
the number of luxury-sedan production was very low with all cars going to the Soviet
The first Soviet Luxury-cars were built in
Leningrad in 1933, they were big, boxy seven
-seat cars and the design was based on the American, General Motors Model 1931 Buick 90 powered by a straight-eight cylinder engine.
An improved model ZIS-101 was built in 1936
powered by a V-8 engine w/dual-carburetor,
improved gearbox, heater, radio and even factory air-conditioning.
The ZIS used high-octane fuel, that was not
usually available in the USSR until the
1950's. The ZIS was painted in black, gray,
biege and blue. What no red! total production
of all ZIS/ZIL cars, were never released by
the USSR.
A 1946 ZIS used by Joseph Stalin, was bought
by a Japanese Businessman in the 1990's for
about 1.3 Million Dollars.

30 Dec 2009 06:33:12 PM
Correction on information about the M-38
Jeep Dated Nov. 29, 2009 04:01:42 PM
The U.S. Army used the M-38 Jeep it was
replaced by the Ford M-151 1/4 ton.
Most of those M-38's were used by the
U.S. Navy, U.S.Coast Guard, U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Marines.

30 Dec 2009 07:42:30 PM
Now About Those East German Cars...
Built by Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau
The Trabant meaning (Fellow Traveller) was East Germany's answer to West Germany's VW.
First built in 1957 it was a pollution producing vehicle, powered by a two-stroke, 50hp engine that went from 0-60 in about 21
Built for 30 years with little improvements
about 3,096,099 cars were made. Buyers waited
up to 15 years for one, used cars sold at a high price. Some owners became skillful in
keeping their cars running.
The Trabant's engine was derived from a pre-
war DKW design.
One owner said the car was a pig to drive it
took him a week to get used to the gears.
The vehicle was built as two-door sedan,
Two-door station wagon, even a limousine was
built. The East German Army also used the
Go West Trabant, Go West!
After the fall of East Germany thousands of
East Germans drove their little trabant's
west the car lived up to its name, of fellow traveller. However most of the cars were
sold or left on the side of the road. In the
early 1990's you could buy one for a few
marks,it was looked upon as a collector car.
Trabant will make a come back, it has become
the little car, that can! by 2011 it will be
built by IndiKar a German-based car parts
manufacture. It will compete with the Mini and the VW Beetle new Design and Technology will be up-dated, and will sell for about
15,000 Euros.
That Other East German Car...Called a...
Wartburg 353 this vehicle was also powered
by a two-stroke 993 cc, 50 hp. 3 cylinder engine. Some cars were even exported outside the Soviet bloc to the U.K., South Africa
and other countries.
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall,the little
Wartburg faded from the streets.
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau (IFA) meaning:
(Industrial Association for Vehicle Construction). Built Bicycles, Motorcycles,
Light and Heavy Trucks, Cars, Vans and other
Industrial Equipment.
Trabant, Wartburg, Barkas, Robur, Multicar, Simson or MZ were part of IFA.

31 Dec 2009 03:23:15 PM
More About Those East German Manufactures,I
Thought You Would Like To Know More.
I've listed Trabant and Wartburg, a few more to go.
Barkas: This company produced delivery vans,
minibuses,small pickup trucks, fire service
vehicles and (3(cylinder,(2)stroke-engines.
Multicar: Founded in 1920 built agricultural
machinery,vehicle trailers,(4)wheel-drive
vehicles and other light machinery.
During W.W.II Produced weapons and other military equipment.
MZ-und-Simson: Produced motorcycles w/ side- cars, mopeds and other machinery.
Taken over by the Nazis in 1936 because the owners were jewish.
Re-named Berlin Suhler-und Fahrzeugwerke or
During W.W.II produced weapons and other
military equipment.
After W.W.II it started building motorcycles mopeds and scooters.
Robur: Built (3) ton trucks for both civil
and military use. During W.W.II the company built military vehicles for the German army.
Other Defunct Motor Vehicle Manufactures in
2 Jun 2010 04:16:34 PM
I am the proud owner of a 1940 GMT 3/4 ton long bed military version pickup. It has original engine and transmission and runs great. It is in restored condition, but is painted non-military. Please help me to find more information about my truck. The military id tags are still in glove box.

3 Jun 2010 04:16:36 PM
Try Internet Archive they may have the
information. For Anonymous Dated 2 Jun 2010
Type as:
Internet Archive 1940 GMC 3/4 Truck.
Also you you could try the National Archives,
Washington D.C. Production records, for your
vehicle. Provide serial number, but this is
my guess.
Best wishes,

1 Sep 2010 10:03:45 AM
"The Chinese Connecton"
The Chinese Jiefang CA-30 was a copy of the
Russian ZIL-157 6x6 Cargo Truck.
In the 1950's the USSR assisted China with
building its heavy industries, and China
established the First Automobile Works (FAW)
The CA-30 like the ZIL-157 had cross-country
capabilities, and was built in many different
The truck was the mainstay of the Chinese
People's Liberation Army for years, up until it was phased out of service starting in the 1990's for improved models.
Surplus Jiefang CA-30's found their way into
the civilian market, and are still seen on
Chinese roads. Some militery forces of other
countries, still use the Jiefang CA-30.

3 Sep 2010 01:00:28 PM
The Jiefang CA 30 is a copy of the Russian
ZIL 157 6X6 Cargo Truck.
After World War II the ZIL 157, became the standard 2 1/2 ton general purpose truck of the Soviet armed forces.
The Soviets were impressed with the WWII
lend-lease GMC, International, Reo and
Studebaker trucks, and built the ZIL 157 from
1948 to 1957, until it was replaced by the
Ural-375D in 1979.
Like the ZIL 157 the Ural-375D, was built in many different variants and shipped to Soviet client states, or built locally, like the Chinese built Jiefang CA30/ZIL 157.
Today both vehicles are seen working the
roads all over the world in military and
civilian duties.
Many of these vehicles have found their way
into military vehicle collections or private owners.

2 Oct 2010 03:52:41 PM
Tatra T-111 1942 TO 1962 Legendary for its
reliability and off the road capabilities
has erned iconic status in harsh conditions
like Siberia.
Designed and built in Czechoslovakia for the Wehrmacht, many were captured and used by the
Red Army during WWII.
After the war,the vehicle played an important
role in the rebuilding of Eastern Europe and
the Soviet Union.
The vehicle continued to be built until 1962
being replaced by the Tatra T-138.
A total of 33,000 Tatra T-111's were built
the truck could carry a maximum 10 tons of cargo, and tow a trailer up to 22 tons! it
was a workhorse.

17 Nov 2010 12:39:23 PM
The Russians built the GAZ-A Staff Car that
was a development of the 1927 Ford Model A
about 42,000 were built between 1932 to 1936
The vehicle was simple in design and able to
withstand the harsh winter weather that
Mother Russia is known for.
The GAZ-A served throughout WWII it was
powered by a GAZ 4 cylinder gas engine of 42hp.
Another GAZ product, the GAZ M-1 Command Car
this vehicle was based on the 1933 US Ford
V-8 and 63,000 were built, between 1936 to 1941.
The car was used by Red Army commanders its
one drawback, it was not a 4x4 vehicle it was
a 4x2 so its off road service was limited.
The GAZ M-1 was powered by a 4-cylinder gas
engine of 50hp.

17 Nov 2010 01:00:47 PM
GAZ-AA 4X2 1 1/2-ton truck was a licence-
built copy of the Ford Model 1929.
Over 150,000 vehicles were built, it was a
workhorse of the Red Army. The truck was
powered by a 4-cylinder gas engine of 40hp.
GAZ-AAA This truck was built between 1933 to
1942. The last production version had no
bumpers and one headlight had simple body-
work, but it was rugged and dependable, it
was a 6x4 able to carry 5500lb of cargo and
had a top speed of 40mph.
It was powered by a 4-cylinder gas engine of
ZIS-5 was produced from 1931 to 1958 and it
was another Red Army workhorse. To cut down
on steel the ZIS-5 used wooden doors and
seats, that must have been a hard ride! no
bumpers and one headlight, like the GAZ-AA
it was also rugged and dependable.
It was powered by a 6-cylinder gas engine of

9 Dec 2010 11:00:35 AM
A collection of hisrorical records from the prison that held Adolf Hitler in 1924, sold for $33,400 dollars.
One was a letter from Hitler asking a Mercedes-Benz dealer for a car loan! like everyone else, who saw his dream car, his was a Gray Mercedes Model 11/40 that cost 18,000 Reichmarks, and at that time, he didn't have the money.
Its unclear if the dealer sold him the car when he was released from prison.
In the end as he rose to power over the next decade Hitler got about everything he wanted
even a fleet of Mercedes-Benz Automobiles.
The 1923 Mercedes Model 11/40 was a 4-door sedan, 6-cylinder engine w/ 4-speed manual transmission, top speed 80-120km/h or 50-70 mph, gray in color. Out the door for 18,000 Reichmarks
2 Aug 2011 03:00:19 PM
Did Chrysler Corp. ever make Jeeps for the military like Ford and Willys? If so what years?

28 Nov 2011 08:06:54 PM
GAZ M-20 "Pobeda" which means 'Victory' this
automobile was built by GAZ Gorky Avto Zavod
(Gorky Car Plant).
First designed in 1943 work continued even when the plant was bombed, by November 1944 the first prototype was ready, the vehicle was rear-wheel drive, 4-cylinder gas engine
with 3-speed transmission with a top speed
of 105km/65mph. It was one of the first cars
in the USSR equipped with turn singals, two
electric windshield wipers, electric heater
and even a AM-radio.
Production continued in Poland from 1951 to 1973! talk about sticking with an idea by this time, the GAZ M-20 was in need of a facelift.
The vehicle received sheet metal changes, and a 6-cylinder gas engine, but was later replaced by the GAZ M-21 Volga.
During its production life, the GAZ M-20 was
built as a Sedan, Cabriolet but had low sales
Pickup, Station wagon, Military and State Cars, even a Four-door Convertible for those May Day Military Parades, the vehicle was also used as a Taxi Cab and Police Car.
Today the GAZ M-20 is still working the streets in Mother Russia owners of these cars
take care and maintain them, but they have
also become a collector car.
Like I've said before, I guess its because, its a Russian car! A few GAZ M-20s are regestered in the United States, sure would like to see one.
Say Jim: Comment 2 Aug 2011
I'm no expert, but this is what I know:
During WWII Ford and Willys-Overland built
640,000 jeeps that's about 18% of all the
wheeled-vehicles built during WWII.
Chrysler had contracts to build Tanks, Trucks
Engines, Spare-parts, Bearings, Parts for
Aircraft and Assorted Military Equipment.
Today Chrysler builds Jeeps for the Civilian market and Military vehicles. Ford built the
M151 used before and during the Vietnam era. It looked like a jeep, but deep down it was a Ford.
AM General has ties with Jeep and builds the Hummer for the civilian market, as well as the Humvee that replaced the Jeep in Military service.
22 Mar 2012 06:37:31 PM
can someone give me info on the 3 axle 6 wheeled jeep in the movie the thomas crown affare. are they built buy a conversion kit?
or buy a coustom shop? and where can i find the info and pictures of one.
8 Oct 2012 10:43:55 AM
I am working on a project about the Jeep and need some help. are the following statements true:
1. 11 different types of body tub were used during the war
2. That rapidly perfected design not only drove well, it was also quickly honed into a master piece of production line efficiency. The key component was that one piece body tub. Once that was lowered onto a rolling chassis the process was so efficent that over 600 Jeeps rolled out of the Ford and Willys factories every day for 3 years
3. Its torquey 2.2 litre Go Devil engine could power either just the rear or all 4 wheels. It is as happy on the rough surface as the smooth
4. the engine was a 3 litre 4 cylinder unit
29 May 2013 09:09:10 PM
I have a ww2 Gpw 1944 army jeep .The i.d. number on the frame and glove compartment i.d. tag is GPW82253 .How can fine out when it was delivered.
thanks MG
19 Apr 2014 03:06:14 PM
About 25 years ago I lived on a horse farms that had the remnants of a WW2 vintage jeep which the data plate indicated was build by case. (The heavy equipment manufacturer.). It was painted orange. I went back a year ago and the jeep was gone. The new owner of the property said that it had probably been excavated away when the farm was landscaped. I truly believe that my memory serves me correctly on this. I've always loved the early jeeps since my uncle has an early gpw with the ford script on the tailgate that he claims was one of the first ever built. Very low serial number. That's all I've got to say. Anybody got anything to say about my case sighting?
20 Dec 2014 05:05:11 PM
15 Years ago there was a lady living near Lake Travis (Austin, Tx) who put a "jeep" her husband had(deceased) up for sale. He was a GM exec and the jeep was a small 2 man, Indian motorcycle engine powered, 4 wheel jeep developed for the Marines (airdrop). It was never put into production. The body was made up of plywood bolted to metal framework ....really light.
Anyone know anything about it ? Wish I had taken pictures. I told the military motorcycle collector in Washington state about it. I think he bought it.
4 May 2015 08:19:21 AM
I like the website but it needs to tell more about every kind of jeep and what was more about how it ran too.
11 May 2015 07:27:22 AM
how do u shift it from under i got it stuck in 4wd
email at cody.nitardy@yahoo.com thanks
10 Jun 2016 01:43:41 PM
this web good for WW2 info
14 Jun 2016 10:10:58 AM
still awesome
14 Jun 2016 10:15:01 AM
ww2 rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
30 Jun 2016 03:58:17 PM
super cool
1 Jul 2016 05:27:02 PM
WW2 is cool
29 Jan 2017 06:22:18 PM
I have a jeep chassis # GPW 217293 Engine # 473283 Can anyone give me any information on when this was made please
31 Jan 2017 06:43:32 PM
Hi Rob,
From my GPW studies and databases, Your GPW 217293 should have been assembled in mid August, '44.
GPW Whisperer
7 Feb 2017 06:11:03 PM
Hi I have a1943 GPW Jeep
From the previous owner, it is believed that it was used by the Military Police in Brisbane Australia, it has hood numbers 23090738
and matching engine and chassis numbers and has been fully restored, it has a red lens light on r/side fender and a delco remy siren on the l/h side fender
hope that you can shine any light on the history of my Jeep regards Bill Hadden
10 Feb 2017 09:48:02 AM
Hi. I have a 1943 GPW jeep with chassis number 159 959.
The registration number would be near 20 423 519. Is it possible to find the history of my car ?
Best regards from France
22 Feb 2017 01:34:28 PM
A US army aerodrome was built by you in the vicinity of Dolembreux. During the war in 1944.
I am a Belgian citizen, resident in Belgium and the owner of a Willys MB Jeep from 1942/43.
On the engine hood USA, the registry number found is 362734.
On the box 501 PIR.
Can you give me information about its history: weapon company, course in Belgium.
Your site is very pleasant.
A big thank-you.
Maurice of Archambeau
B4030 Liège Av Albert I, n ° 88
3 Mar 2017 11:38:47 PM
I have a 1944 GPW in final days of restoration in Queensland Australia
about to complete and attach numbers etc but need the hood numbers. plus any other info I can get. history of service if any or how it got to Aus
Build May 1944
frame no 199474 / Body 5058
many thanks would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer
14 Mar 2017 10:49:31 PM
I have a gpw 1944 ch no192942 reg no1559983 will this help
15 Mar 2017 01:14:03 AM
I have just purchased a Ford GPW chassis 200395. I know its 1944 production vehicle. Do you know if Ford production records are still available to find out what month in 1944 the vehicle was actually made? i have been searching historic records on the web but could not find any detailed information.
19 Mar 2017 03:21:16 PM
Would like to know what location my 42 GPW, serial #8147 was made?
And would you know if this jeep was used state side or somewhere overseas?
30 Mar 2017 12:32:25 PM
Do World War 11 military jeeps have titles?
19 Jun 2017 04:55:44 AM
Sorry for my English
I have a Jeep willys of 18-03/1942
Number 128779
Can we find something in UK fro this Jeep
Best regards
7 Aug 2017 05:31:31 AM
How can I find out the war history on where my jeep was based on serial number?
13 Sep 2017 07:40:08 AM
Looking to rent ww2 jeep. I live in the D.C. Area. Can you help?7mx
10 Oct 2017 06:25:55 PM
Looking for info on a 1943 Jeep MB, eng. # 638632 W4A N1 CR N2
12 Feb 2018 08:32:04 PM
Have friend, either retired Col or Lt.Col. who has 1943 F Jeep, no tail gait, for reference, and wants to know the jeeps assignments in Europe mainly. But if possible history of its assignments until it came into his hands or exited the Army.
Thanks for your help. If other source/s can assist in this please advise. I will be obtaining VIN# soon.
Thanks, Roxie Beyl, Louisiana
13 Feb 2018 07:54:28 AM
Is it true that it can be repaired with one single tool?
Thanks from Rotterdam
21 Aug 2018 09:57:39 AM
How do I follow my 42 MB. from where and when it was built? to where it served?
21 Oct 2018 12:48:18 PM
I have a 1941 (12/09/41) it has a serial number 103071. Can this help me find where it was assigned? Thank you in advance foe any help you might be able furnish me with.
12 Nov 2018 09:46:33 PM
How can I get info on where my 1943 Ford GPW serial #91920 was built and served. Data plate shows 01-08-43.
18 Dec 2018 02:33:02 PM
I have 1941 mermite carrier, complete with pans. It has SV-135 stenciled on the outside of it. Can you tell me what this refers to? Can't find it anywhere. Thanks so much.
20 Jan 2019 06:44:53 PM
I have a 42 GPW. The side of the block says Gpw 8015. Can I find what unit or units it was assigned to?
6 Mar 2019 12:37:10 PM
how can I find out where my jeep was delivered to gpw 260356 delivery date 19/04/45 thanks
22 May 2019 01:52:37 PM
Hi I Have a 1943? matching vin. # on block and frame GPW 84946 How can I find what unit or units it was assigned to, thank you
14 Jul 2019 09:06:37 AM
I just bought a 43 GPW I have the serial on left side of frame. I am about to verify the motor. How can I gather information on everything that was stamped on the data plate mine is MIA unfortunately
21 Jul 2019 10:26:37 PM
Dear all,
Just Made a barn find in France , Willys MB 1944 frame number : MB 320554
Can anyone tell me if there are records of war historical information and/or in which companie this car served are available ?
24 Jul 2019 10:03:32 PM
I have recently bought a 1944 willys jeep
Chassis number MB336370
Engine number MB 638632
I would appreciate any information on this vehicles history or where i can find it
26 Aug 2019 03:34:08 AM
Just Made a barn find in France , Willys MB 1942 frame number : MB 262837 engine MB 5653
Can anyone tell me if there are records of war historical information and/or in which companie this car served are available ?
12 Nov 2019 02:20:20 AM
Just to inform:
I have a Willys MB174813.
I am Mechanical Engineer and live in Brasil.
21 Jan 2020 08:30:32 AM
I have a ford jeep chassis no.135671. Can you help me with details of its history, service etc.?
5 Feb 2020 10:44:46 AM
Data di produzione Willys MB
Telaio n.344852
6 Mar 2020 04:07:10 AM
could you help me,i have a Jeep Willys MB serial number 314260 registation 20460553 Dod 16/03/1944.I would like to know a little of its history,because i am trying to legalize it in Portugal...sorry for my english
Dario Pereira
14 Mar 2020 01:29:47 PM
I have a Willy’s 1942 m b ser#195531 delivery date 12-14-1942 can u give more information on it like where did it sever overseas and the dates thank u chip
22 Mar 2020 05:23:46 AM
I have a Ford GPW 1943 ser 111308 can youu give more information on it like where did it sever overseas and the dates thank you
25 Apr 2020 04:52:39 PM
I have a 1943 gpw 125971 estimated hood number 20389529. Can you give me any information about this Jeep please. Thanks! Larry
11 May 2020 03:40:02 PM
I am restoring a 1943 GPW hood #20201730 S serial # 93450 delivered to army 1-18-43. Where can I find history of this jeep front bumper is gone and can't make out the rear bumpers info.
26 May 2020 01:33:08 AM
My ford gpw serial is gpw 115271 .I want to make number of hood
10 Jun 2020 10:25:27 AM
I have a 1945 Willys - Overland Motors.
Serial: 431972
Deliver Date: 4-3-45
Looking for any information on it.
13 Jun 2020 12:01:17 PM
I would like to know the DOD number of my jeep gpw, the only thing I have is the serial number that is in the chassis, I will appreciate any help you can give me.
16 Jun 2020 10:40:54 AM
Have chasis number gpw 54094 ⭐️ Where can I find more info about history?
24 Jul 2020 12:19:34 PM
Looking for original pics of decontaminator on a British willys mb / Ford gpw
2 Aug 2020 04:06:45 PM
I have GPA Engine #8924, casted Dec. 1, 1943.
2 Jan 2021 06:51:56 PM
I like to know the History in the army or war of my 1942 ID# GPW 13925. Can any body help me.
10 May 2021 07:11:37 AM
Can anyone tell me what the BRT model is? We have a Willy MB Jeep from 1942 with BRT stamped on the dashboard plate.

10 May 2021 01:48:25 PM
Zoe (above):
I had not heard of the BRT before but found some things on the internet. Apparently, BRT stands for Britain and these were Willys Jeeps contracted for export to Britain, which in those days included exports to Canada. They were also apparently pre-war Jeeps and are supposedly pretty rare today. All I know about this I read here (so I hope he is right): http://www.ewillys.com/2015/01/22/1942-brt-mb-slat-grille-boise-id-ebay/
6 Jun 2021 04:55:06 PM
My Uncle served in WW2 in Europe and Africa. I have a pic of him standing in front of a Jeep with a number starting with 20214415...cant tell if there are more numbers? on the Right Side Quarter Panel/ Hood. Back of pic says "England 1944". Does anyone know how they numbered the jeeps or where it might have been assigned. I think the "20" represents "Command"? Any help would be appreciated.
17 Jul 2021 08:04:32 AM
I was taken aback when David Stubbledine replied to Zoe about "pre-war" Jeeps. Then I remembered, the USA had not declared war on all the Axis powers until December 11th. The UK had at that time been at war with the Germany and Italy since the 3rd September 1939. Pre-war Jeeps are a US but not British thing I guess :)
18 Sep 2022 06:08:52 AM
Would like to view data that shows dates willys made a jeep in 44 & 45
7 Apr 2023 12:10:14 PM
My Father-in-law was a Commucation Sargent who strung Cables in the 3rd Army and he Had A Driver and a Gunner i.e a .50 cal. onboard His Jeep.
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15 Jun 2009 10:02:12 AM
War production from GI socks to jeeps:
649,000 Jeeps were produced in World War II
The word jeep comes from the code letters GP
the G meaning Government, and the code letter
P meaning the vehicle had a wheelbase of 80 inches.
Peak production at the Willys-Overland plant
in Toledo, Ohio was (1) one jeep built every
80 seconds!
In 1990 two jeeps were found in a warehouse
in New Jersey, still in shipping crates, but
that's not all the World War II equipment that was found, also parts for 2 1/2 trucks and turrets for Navy TBF Avenger Torpedo
Bombers, and a treasure trove of other parts