23 Mar 1945
  • As US Third Army made another Rhine River crossing near Worms, Germany, British Second Army and Canadian First Army launched their assaults across the Rhine River north of the Ruhr River. In Berlin, Adolf Hitler wanted to counterattack at the Allied bridgehead at Oppenheim, but he was told that no reserve forces were available to embark on such an operation. ww2dbase [Crossing the Rhine | TH]
  • General de Gaulle granted limited self-government for Indochina, which was to remain a French colony. ww2dbase [Charles de Gaulle | CPC]
  • Dwight Eisenhower wrapped up his short break at Cannes, France and returned to his capacity as the Allied commander. ww2dbase [Dwight Eisenhower | CPC]
  • USS Tunny began performing lifeguard duties off Okinawa, Japan. ww2dbase [Tunny | CPC]
  • Martin Bormann ordered millions of Germans to migrate from western and eastern Germany to the central part of the country; no food and transports were allocated to them, thus such a move would mean certain disaster. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Light carrier Hosho was assigned to the 2nd Fleet. ww2dbase [Hosho | CPC]
Germany Japan Mariana Islands
  • USS Spot arrived at Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Spot | Saipan | CPC]
Pacific Ocean Philippines Russia
  • Allied convoy RA-65 departed the Kola Inlet near Murmansk, Russia. ww2dbase [Arctic Convoys | Murmansk | CPC]
  • US aircraft dropped 145 tons of bombs on Jitsugetsu Power Plant No. 1 and 63 tons of bombs on Jitsugetsu Power Plant No. 2 in Taichu (now Nantou County), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Taichu | CPC]
United States
  • Escort carrier USS Bogue departed Quonset Point bound for Norfolk, Virginia. ww2dbase [Bogue | Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island | DS]
  • After two-and-a-half months in drydock, USS Honolulu was floated out of Drydock #3 at Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia and moored at the repair piers. ww2dbase [Honolulu | Portsmouth, Virginia | DS]
Photo(s) dated 23 Mar 1945
British Diamond T Model 980 tractor towing a trailer loaded with a Churchill tank during preparations for crossing the Rhine River into Germany, 23 Mar 1945US 25th Division squad leader pointing at a suspected Japanese position at the edge of Baleta Pass, near Baguio, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 23 Mar 1945Men of B Company of US 150th Combat Engineer Battalion building the first bridge across the Rhine River, Germany, 23 Mar 1945A truck crossing the Rhine River in Germany, 23 Mar 1945; this was the second bridge built by US 150th Combat Engineer Battalion
See all photos dated 23 Mar 1945

23 Mar 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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